CONGRATS!! how long since your last shot?
Off depo 8months last month was my1st time ttc but dont think my bean sticked so now just wantin 4Af so we can try 4a new years bfp
Yea been off since Feb, for 5 months it was not normal bleed for about 3days instead of 6 then in August I bleed for 29days then it got normal for me in Sept and I start ovulating again sorry if (tmi)
Hi, I'm new & ttc no3!
I have a son who is 6 & a daughter 4, I have been on the depo ever since I had my daughter and I had my last injection in Dec 11. I didn't have any af while on depo & they only came back in August.
I am currently on cd18, and due af 27th dec, I'm not holding out much hope for a bfp this month but fingers crossed!
It is so tempting to test early, I just want to know now!
My husband works offshore so he is usually away when I ovulate but he came home early for christmas this month so we had some extra bd
I might test Xmas day but I'm not due on till 27th.
I don't do any tests, but according to my calendar I ovulated around Monday/tuesday we done the deed Sunday, Monday & Tuesday
I had a lot of cm on Monday & I had really bad pain Thursday night, bad enough to wake me up at 4am lower back & cramps so don't know wether I ovulated late meaning I've probably missed it or what xxx
Just had my first cycle since coming off Depo...any ladies want to share their experience and keep each other company?
Hi girls,
I'm in, coming off depo is hard work.
My cycles are still all over the place and are anywhere between 14 days and 40 days. Got got opks and bbt for the new year.
Hi LillyTame,
It sure was a long time, but I wasn't planning on wanting a family
The lifestyle depo gives you is great, well it was for me..... no periods, no pms etc.
I'm 38 and keep having little panics, thinking I've left it too late. Which isn't helping with the side effects of coming off depo.
Are any of you girls struggling with the depression, tantrums, crying, weight gain etc?
It is so tempting to test early, I just want to know now!
My husband works offshore so he is usually away when I ovulate but he came home early for christmas this month so we had some extra bd
I might test Xmas day but I'm not due on till 27th.
I don't do any tests, but according to my calendar I ovulated around Monday/tuesday we done the deed Sunday, Monday & Tuesday
I had a lot of cm on Monday & I had really bad pain Thursday night, bad enough to wake me up at 4am lower back & cramps so don't know wether I ovulated late meaning I've probably missed it or what xxx