I'm not going to test today I think af came 2 weeks early I haven't bled much overnight but it is dark red and not pink like ob is supposed to be. Plus I have af cramps and body aches so I think I'm out before I have even ovulated this cycle!
No I started testing as soon as af finished on cd6 and my temps haven't risen. So I'm writing this cycle off and classing the light bleeding as cd1. I don't know if there's enough to class it as af but it's dark red like af blood and I did a opk and there wasn't much of a test line it was probably the lightest line I've had
I know I've just checked cp and it's still high soft and open but normally when I get af it's low and hard. The bleeding not heavy at all its not even getting on the pad so I've changed it back to spotting on ff so I'm back on cd22 unless it gets heavier then it's start of af. I'll do another opk tonight and see what happens
I doubt it, not with temping I don't think I would of missed it. I'm hoping it's ovulation spotting I've been reading up on it and my opks were getting really dark it would just be strange to suddenly start my period now wouldn't it? And 2 weeks early as well? Don't make sense. I wish I knew what was going on with my body it's like it's trying to punish me lol
It's funny how one day you can have a near positive opk and expect to ovulate soon to the next day having a very faint opk and starting af! I'm classing today as cd1 now because the bleedings a little bit heavier, bright red and has bits of dark tissue/clots in it (sorry tmi) ifs defo more like period blood than just spotting. Gutted!! This was the last thing I expected to happen today
Not sure if I've started a new cycle or not. I've been reading up on breakthrough bleeding and think it may be that? I'm going to do one opk a day until they run out just to see what's happening with my body! Here is today's, it's slightly darker than yesterday's could I be gearing up to try and o again?
I'm still bleeding, it's like a light period. I don't know what's going on, I think I had a chemical last cycle, I had very faint bfps for a few days then they disappeared and I had a very heavy af. Could that affect things this cycle?
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