I was like that to begin with, but then after awhile it becomes a bit surreal and matter of fact.
We are thinking that going through ivf will give us a better chance than what we are doing ourselves!
But at it age you have fantastic odds of it working must be nearly 50%!!!
The shock Does wear off. I'm just trying to remain as stress free as poss,but hard when moving house next weekend - but glad I'm not starting the meds until after the move so can get it over with. But I've been lucky that I've had that to think about, as I think it'd be a lot different if I was just thinking of the ivf!!!
No I've not taken the meds. One CD1 you call them up, as you need to go in and be shown how to inject, then on day 18-21 they shut you down. Then after 2_3 weeks they start stimulating you. They scan you every other day to make sure that the meds are working and not over stimulating you.
Then towards the end they give you another drug to mature the eggs.
They then retrieve them. You know there and then how many they retrieved. Hubby does his sample. They will then decide whether it'll be icsi or ivf.
They they let them grow as much to a blastocyst stage, and postpone back in.
My work colleague said they call you every day to let you know how the eggs are doing, how they are growing, if any didn't make it.which she said is the hardest, it's almost like you have a dog in the vet and update you like . It ate, wagging it's tail etc.
Then once the egg is in you put a pessary inside you for the next ttw to keep the lining ok. Then if you get pregnant you continue taking it for the next 9 weeks!!!
So I feel like we are in the best hands of the experts. There is nothing more we can do apart from being stress free! (Not sure how you can achieve that)
But tell people - you'll be surprised who else has gone through it, in fact it appears to me to be quite common. They can be a really good support, as your friends can sympathise with you but still no one really knows how you feel unless they have gone through it!!!
I don't think even partners know how we feel at times. Think my hubby was shocked when I had the meltdown the other night. But now I'm ok, just think I needed to have a release -
I'm planning after implantation I'm off sick for two weeks at work. I'm doing nothing except laying on sofa with feet up to make sure that little egg sticks!!!
Least we'll be going through it together at the same time so we can support each other. Have you had it internal scan yet? How many follicles have you got?