First fertility appointment!!

hi nlk

You are very lucky to get Clomid at first app. I had my 1st app in Dec2011 and 4mths later im still waiting to start the Clomid :( xx

Good Luck
hi nlk

You are very lucky to get Clomid at first app. I had my 1st app in Dec2011 and 4mths later im still waiting to start the Clomid :( xx

Good Luck

im sorry to hear sucks :nope:

do you know why they have taken so long in getting you started on it? are they running other tests first? i think they normally want to understand why you are not ovulating before they will do anything about it..and i was diagnosed with pcos about 8 months no need to do anymore tests.

i hope you get to start it soon! x
That stinks!!! I guess it's all up to the discretion of the doctor? I received mine on my first appt but it was in my file that we had been trying. Good luck with getting it this month!!!
Day 1 of Provera for me today. So far no side effects :) Got my AMH test results today - apparently I have a really high egg count number - anyone else had this too? Apparently it's fairly common for PCOSers.

NLK how is the clomid going?
Well i am back from my first fs appointment - was real.y happy with the doctor I got. Have been put on metformin and am doing a tracking cycle to see if am ovulating if not I will be given clomid to get things going.

She said everything is looking really good and my gp was wrong to tell me I have pcos as I quite clearly don't have it. So I guess time will tell.
matilda - glad you dont have any side effects...i always seemed to feel awful on flashes, felt sick...everything! hope it stays that way for you!! im not too sure on the egg count...but thats a good thing i assume? ive never had mine checked, so will assume all is ok until otherwise :) my clomid is going ok, have finished the course but had NO side effects at all, so not really holding out much hope that its worked...i know that not everyone gets side effects, but still. i have my scan in the morning to see whether it has done anything though, so will update you on that tomorrow!

twinklebub - im so glad your appointment went well. good luck with the metformin! sucks about being told so many different things though...out of interest, why did your gp decide that you did have pcos, and how has she said you dont? very strange. surely its going to be obvious whether or not you do, because of the tests...i assume that they did tests?? bizarre! happy youre getting sorted, though!
just to let you all know, clomid worked, and i actually o'ed! time to get busy!
Oh I am so excited for you that you ovulated :D FXed you get the egg !
twinklebub - im so glad your appointment went well. good luck with the metformin! sucks about being told so many different things though...out of interest, why did your gp decide that you did have pcos, and how has she said you dont? very strange. surely its going to be obvious whether or not you do, because of the tests...i assume that they did tests?? bizarre! happy youre getting sorted, though![/QUOTE]

My gp said that my testosterone was high but the ultra sound showd no evidence of it so it had to be pcos, when the fs said I don't I questioned it and she said there's nothing on my overiers and that the testerone level is normal but my free testosterone one level is ment to be high was low and the other was the opposite and apparently it's cause I need to loose some weight not because of pcos. Have just started our for cycle of TIC so very exciting :flower:
ahhhh good luck! have you had any testing done yet, or have you just been referred? tell us a bit more! and make sure you keep us updated on how it goes! x
I have done nothing. I don't even know what to expect.
im sure it will go fine! they will probably run some tests, scans, take some blood etc..i imagine thats all they will do at first, and then you will get called back in to talk about the results.

have you been referred because you have been ttc for a year now, then? x
Hi everyone, I was going through some threads and thought it would be nice to join this one (hope its ok). After not getting AF for 3 months they put me on Provera 10 mg for 10 days. I took my last pill Saturday night and now Im waiting for it to start. Are any of you guys familiar with this drug?? Im nervous and hope it starts soon :)
of course thats fine! welcome!

ive taken provera a few times now...but i have only ever taken it for 5 days at a time. its okay, i find that i get a lot more cramping and generally feel a bit ill on it, but i dont know whether thats just me. everyone experiences it differently! hope it all goes okay for you!

have you got anything else lined up for after youve finished the provera?
I have regular periods every 26 days.. So I'm not sure I would need it. My friend Ivy took it, and clomid. Got pregnant that cycle.
Hi everyone,

Don't want to intrude but your stories are really helpful as I've got a follow up appointment with a FS on 2 weeks and have been told I could have PCOS.

I've had bloods and have super irregular periods (every number under the sun) and am rarely ovulating.

They're going to do an US and talk us through our options so I'm exactly half and half excited and terrified! Did anyone have certain symptoms other than not conceiving straight away only everything I Google (I know I shouldn't) seems relevant! :dohh:

And thank for you letting me hop onto this thread! x
i have pcos, and i suspected it for a long time before actually getting diagnosed.

the main symptoms that i had were completely absent cycles...i hadnt bled since coming off the bcp...and its been so much longer since i had a natural cycle. other symptoms can include struggling to lose weight, excess hair, trouble with acne....i have a bit of trouble with acne, but thats about it. and of course it can vary from person to person quite a lot.

hope your appointment goes well - if they say that you do have pcos, theres loads of support on here...i made a group for pcos'ers, which is really nice. its good to have people who understand how it feels, and the different ways they are dealing with it. its called young pcos'ers..but you can join regardless of your age really!

good luck with everything xx
Hi nlk - thanks for that, it makes me feel better that there are people to offload to! Even if I'm not sure what's wrong yet :$

I found the questions strange to begin with and since coming of BCP I have noticed my skin has gone back to how it was at about 13 and because I'm mixed race (white asian) the body hair question is difficult because typically I think I have more than some people anyway!

It's interesting you say about not bleeding after BCP because my cycle didn't come back for about 3 months then when it did it just bounced long and short (28 then 69, 30 then 70) so I understand that could be a sign too.

I've had really awful post coital bleeding which is what prompted their referral so quickly I think as it isn't helping me that we can't even DO the deed let alone do it RIGHT!

Thanks for all your info, it's really helpful and i'll look for the group (I think I've seen it already!) x

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