First pregnancy with IC ~ Charlotte Mae 2/16/2011 ~ Lawyer update pg 7

You were treated shockingly, and the Dr at your appointment this week sounds like she as stalling and making excuses. I hope you get some answers lovely.
Sending you both big hugs xx
Thank you ladies for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers! I am so glad I have somewhere to go that is so supportive and to have women who understand what I am going through.
Also I'd like to say how sorry I am that any of us have had to go through this. Sometimes I feel like God ripped my heart out and stomped all over it but I understand that there is a greater reason than I will never understand on why he picked our little angels.

Here is how my appointment today went (it's a little long):

the autopsy came back already and it showed the reason I went into labor was because I had an infection. Charlotte developed an infection in her lungs from the infected amnio fluid, the actual cause of death for her was pneumonia. Poor baby girl. Everything about her was perfect from her inner organs to her tiny fingers and toes. I asked the doctor why I was not given something to prevent an infection when they knew my sac was exposed. The doctor replied saying there isn’t much information on giving a preventative antibiotic that early.

I then asked her why I wasn’t offered the 17P injections (progesterone shots) and she replied saying that I was not a candidate at that time. Then she went on to explain how difficult it is to get insurance companies to cover it. Well I just happen to do some research and blue cross blue shield supposedly reimburses for the shots (of course I’d have to call BCBS to make sure that’s accurate) but even if they didn’t my daughter is worth the cost of the shots.

I asked her why I wasn’t checked again before 17 weeks when they knew at 10 weeks that my cervix was short and that it might be a problem. She explained that she was just following what the ultrasound lady (who is also an OB) said to do. She was like I’d have to look at the ultrasound report again but I’m pretty sure it said check again at 16/17 weeks. I then asked why they would wait that long if it was getting to the point where it was too late. The literature I have been reading on the cerclage is that it is best to have it done at 12-15 weeks. I also read that it usually becomes a problem (like dilating) at around 17 weeks and up. She just kind of repeated about her following her instructions and then went on about it they popped the sac then I wouldn’t have a chance to making it to a viable date. I understand that and I understood that when we were talking about it being an option at the Grand Rapids Hospital and guess what I agreed to it because I was told that I would lose the baby if I didn’t get it done and guess what I did. Plus my point was that there was a point where they could have found it and given me the cerclage before I was dilated 2cm.

I went on to ask her about the prostaglandins in semen that can cause the cervix to thin and dilate. She said that it was not a problem and wouldn’t have caused this. So I told her how that my sister thought that might be why she had one of her babies early and she is certain that is why she went into labor with the other 3 and the doctor was like well it has happened but it is very unlikely and there is usually an underlining problem that the prostaglandins or sex just pushed over the edge. So…if I already had a soft, weakened, incompetent cervix wouldn’t that be an underlining issue? I think so. I didn’t say that part to her although in hind sight I should have. I definitely think we should have been told to abstain for that particular activity until further notice.

I didn’t ask why the douch bag of a doctor had to dig my placenta out because she made a comment in the beginning about how she hadn’t read the file from that day (which mom thinks is a stall tactic). At my next appointment I’m going to ask her because I am pretty sure it was on its way out naturally. I have read about forcing the placenta out and it can cause hemorrhaging and other problem especially it a piece gets left behind.

I am irritated that we didn’t get a few moments together as a family without being asked 20 questions, poked several times trying to get the IV in, or having my placenta dug out. I feel robbed on many levels. I didn’t get to have a normal, full pregnancy and I never will have a normal pregnancy. I didn’t get to have the excited announcement “It’s a girl” and I planned on buying a cute daddy’s girl outfit for David after we were told for sure. Which by the way we were told for sure in the autopsy, I was worried since they had trouble being able to tell. I thought the doctor was just saying it was girl because we told him that’s what we were told. I really didn’t want to give her a girl name and have it be a boy.

I can’t help wondering if those morons had given me preventative antibiotics that I might have made it to at least 24 weeks. It so weird to me because I feel like everything is laid out just so for a reason. Like my crazy cycles, my early ultrasound, etc but yet I wonder why God laid those out just to put me on a path with doctors who would fail to do anything. I have learned a lot but it hurts when I know what it cost me to learn these lessons. I will never have the same trust of a doctor and will probably have detailed consultations with any doctor I go to in the future.

The doctor was like well this usually isn’t caught this early. I know that and honestly it wasn't “caught” just observed. She didn’t say this in these words but she might as well and this is the general idea of what she said: that they wouldn’t do anything because they don’t want to classify it as incompetent cervix until I lose the baby. Again not her exact words but that’s basically her defense.

Hello Semanthia,

First let me say that I am so very sorry for your loss. I have been following your story and I have to tell you that the treatment you recieved from the doctors/hospital makes me very angry.I too have IC and it was discovered in my first pregnancy at 20 weeks. My cervix had completely effaced and I was dilated to 1cm. The sac was bulging etc. My doctor to perform an emergency cerclage and I knew there was a risk of him popping the sac. Luckily he didn't and I carried my son for another 10 weeks on strict bed rest. I am so grateful to my doctor for having the guts to perform a risky surgery and I am horrified that your doctor didn't. I am pregnant with my second and just had a stitch put in at 15 weeks. I wish you the best of luck for future pregnancies. If you happen to come across another doctor who doesn't take your situation seriously and wants to wait and see how things go....RUN AWAY and find another doctor who has the courage to give you the care you deserve. god bless
This had me almost in tears. I am so sorry for your loss and i am praying for strength and comfort for you and your family.
lots of love and hugs you are one VERY strong woman and i too am shocked at the way the hospital treated you i am so sorry. Stay strong she was very beautiful xxxx
Thank you for all your kind words.
I have contacted a lawyer and I'm making sure I haven't forgotten anything before I send her my full summary of what happened. I don't know if I have a case but if I do it is not about money. If me pursuing legal recourse helps someone else out in the future than that is good enough for me. I want the doctors to be accountable for their actions (or lack of). Also just simply knowing that I have a case (if I do) against them will give me a little peace. I know that sounds weird that being told I was wronged would make me feel better but it would.
:hugs: I am so sorry
You are doing the right thing with trying to get a case. I hope and pray you do. Those doctors need to know that they can not just follow a guideline or words of another dr. It upsets me when drs just do that and I have had my fair share of malpractice drs. Now it shows with your case and possibly others that drs do as taught, not by experience. Its quite funny because we raise our babies out of experience not out of a book, but drs do things out of a book.
I cant get over the way you were treated its just so awful.:hugs:
I agree, you are absolutely doing the right thing by receiving legal consult. You are going to prevent this from happening to someone else.

Good luck, and lots of prayers for you and your family ...
I so sorry for your loss. I pray that you have peace in the coming days. I hope that the doctors are held accountable for their actions.
I am very sorry for your loss.

I would love to hear what a lawyer has to say as I went through my own traumatic issues this past August, and lost my daughter Devon at 23 weeks 1, or 2, days (depends on which Dr you talk to).

I don't want to steal your thread and get into my own thing here, but I have often wondered if I should have sought/still seek, a lawsuit. I rethink my decision not to everytime I see the look of horror on another Drs face when I tell them what happened to me.

To put it succinctly, I felt I contracted an infection at the site of my McDonald cerclage at 21+4, after an internal scan and digital exam by my OB. She then went on vacation. Over the August long weekend I frequented a couple of ERs seeking antibiotics, but wasn't given any. Saw my GP on the Tuesday, by which time the discharge was worse and I was in sever pain. He denied I had an infection or that I was contracting, but he didn't even touch me while making this diagnosis. He arranged an ultrasound for the next day and he thought I might have a UTI as she was squeezing my ureter. He gave me antibiotics for that but not for the vaginal infection I knew I had. I continued contracting all night and at 5:30AM Thursday, I was in the ER bleeding, and with grey discharge dripping out of me. He finally admitted I had an infection, and gave me oral antibiotics and sent me home despite the frequent contractions. I begged him to call my OBs clinic as there were other OBs there, and he refused because 'he didn't deal with them.' I went back at 1:30PM, and a nurse finally felt my abdomen and said I was contracting. He still sent me home and told me to take Tylenol 3s and sleeping pills, and that he wouldn't help me anymore as I was still a week and a bit away from viability.

I went back at 9PMish, saw a different Dr, his cousin, and she also said no to helping me, and no to calling my OBs office. By this time I was dilated to 1cm, where I had previously had a 3cm long cervix 8 hours earlier... She finally did call the ambulance to transport me and by the time I got to my OBs hospital, the OB on call said I was in rough shape and he didn't know why I'd been left for so long...

Long story short, he tried to stop my contractions, and it worked for a bit, but I continued to dilate without contractions. Was flown to Vancouver, where she was born on August 7 and died 40 minutes after birth.

I am now back in my OBs hospital on bedrest, and recently, that OB who saw me in August has confided that I was one of the worst cases he'd seen.

The nurse who was on last night remembered me from that night. I don't remember her... She said she was traumatized by the shape I was in, screaming in constant pain and with grey stuff and blood pouring out of me. She said she's never been able to get it out of her head.

So I guess I was pretty bad.

I wonder sometimes if I should have gotten a lawsuit for that, but I was unsure of what a lawyer would say. Then I got pregnant and I couldn't handle the stress of a lawsuit even if I did have a case. Thankfully I have like 2 years to file, so there is some time. I'm just curious if lawyer's handle issues like these...

Please update when you can...
I am very sorry for your loss.

I would love to hear what a lawyer has to say as I went through my own traumatic issues this past August, and lost my daughter Devon at 23 weeks 1, or 2, days (depends on which Dr you talk to).

I don't want to steal your thread and get into my own thing here, but I have often wondered if I should have sought/still seek, a lawsuit. I rethink my decision not to everytime I see the look of horror on another Drs face when I tell them what happened to me.

To put it succinctly, I felt I contracted an infection at the site of my McDonald cerclage at 21+4, after an internal scan and digital exam by my OB. She then went on vacation. Over the August long weekend I frequented a couple of ERs seeking antibiotics, but wasn't given any. Saw my GP on the Tuesday, by which time the discharge was worse and I was in sever pain. He denied I had an infection or that I was contracting, but he didn't even touch me while making this diagnosis. He arranged an ultrasound for the next day and he thought I might have a UTI as she was squeezing my ureter. He gave me antibiotics for that but not for the vaginal infection I knew I had. I continued contracting all night and at 5:30AM Thursday, I was in the ER bleeding, and with grey discharge dripping out of me. He finally admitted I had an infection, and gave me oral antibiotics and sent me home despite the frequent contractions. I begged him to call my OBs clinic as there were other OBs there, and he refused because 'he didn't deal with them.' I went back at 1:30PM, and a nurse finally felt my abdomen and said I was contracting. He still sent me home and told me to take Tylenol 3s and sleeping pills, and that he wouldn't help me anymore as I was still a week and a bit away from viability.

I went back at 9PMish, saw a different Dr, his cousin, and she also said no to helping me, and no to calling my OBs office. By this time I was dilated to 1cm, where I had previously had a 3cm long cervix 8 hours earlier... She finally did call the ambulance to transport me and by the time I got to my OBs hospital, the OB on call said I was in rough shape and he didn't know why I'd been left for so long...

Long story short, he tried to stop my contractions, and it worked for a bit, but I continued to dilate without contractions. Was flown to Vancouver, where she was born on August 7 and died 40 minutes after birth.

I am now back in my OBs hospital on bedrest, and recently, that OB who saw me in August has confided that I was one of the worst cases he'd seen.

The nurse who was on last night remembered me from that night. I don't remember her... She said she was traumatized by the shape I was in, screaming in constant pain and with grey stuff and blood pouring out of me. She said she's never been able to get it out of her head.

So I guess I was pretty bad.

I wonder sometimes if I should have gotten a lawsuit for that, but I was unsure of what a lawyer would say. Then I got pregnant and I couldn't handle the stress of a lawsuit even if I did have a case. Thankfully I have like 2 years to file, so there is some time. I'm just curious if lawyer's handle issues like these...

Please update when you can...

I am so sorry for you loss and your horrible experience. :hugs: I think you should go speak with a lawyer.
I talked to my parents before I made the decision to talk with a lawyer and their advice was:
A good lawyer will do a free consultation and may not charge anything until you win (if they feel you have a case).
I happen to find a lawyer who has been in medical malpractice law for 25 years and has won some very big cases. He is named one of the top medical malpractice lawyers in my state. They provide a free case evaluation and no fee unless you win. So do your research on good lawyers near you, mine covers a lot of areas not just surrounding areas. You will never know unless you ask and the worse they can say is that they don't have enough supportive evidence to go further with your case. I do have to send them my prenatal medical records, so if you decide to pursue this you might want to get a copy of your medical records.

I wasn't sure I wanted to do this. The thought had popped in my head a few times after the initial shock of things wore off. I then had a few friends who were angry about my over all treatment ask if I plan to seek legal recourse. I said probably not. I kind of brushed it off and went about my life. I keep having this nagging feeling about it and if there is one thing I learned from my experience it is follow your gut. It's God's way of telling you something, don't ignore it. I keep thinking what if part of my baby girls purpose was to bring light to this issue or what if they hospital/doctor are ignoring (i feel like that is basically what they did) other issues. I need to help make her purpose meaningful, if I don't at least find out if we have a case or not, I will never know and will feel like I've let her down.

I think I might start a blog about my experience and my future pregnancies for women who are also experiencing the same thing, especially if we go to court over this.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Your daughter is beautiful!!
The treatment from the hospital, doctors and sonographers is nothing short of disgusting! They failed you, your husband and baby Charlotte.
Your all in my thoughts xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss and for how you have been treated

x x x
Sorry for your loss and the treatment you received :hugs:

Your little girl is beautiful x
Charlotte is absolutely beautiful... Reminds me of my Emma..

It's been 6 days and counting since she was taken from me........

I can not believe the treatment you recieved, completely disgusts me.. (( Big Hug!! ))
so sorry for what you had to go through and how badly you were dealt with :cry:
Just wanted to say that I am so sorry for your loss and the treatment that you received, absolutely horrific. If you do go ahead with your case, then from what I've read, you sound like a very strong woman and I hope you get the result you are after and prevent this happening to another woman. My thoughts are with you and your family xxx
I am SO sorry for what you have been through it is disgusting :cry: I want to say thank you for sharing our info, it my help so many others.
xoxoxoxo :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
justice must be done! this is shoking! your poor loves, shes gorgeous and im sure she is getting well looked after by the angles x bless your hearts, sending you hugs x

i hope they pathetic people that were supposed to look after you get done for this, although i no it wont bring your hunny back, justice will be done xxxx

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