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Flake-Y: Thanks, am trying the Sperm Meets Egg plan this cycle along with OPK's.

Heres hoping.

When does your IVF start?
Well we're waiting for DH's urology appt, then we're back to the FS in June & they said they'd refer us to the IVF clinic then; so it could be as soon as the summer! I'm looking forward to it; I know that sounds a bit mad but it'll be the closest I've ever been so far to getting pg!!!

What's the saliva ovulation predictor kit? I see u are using it.
Good luck

Haven't tried the saliva ovulation test yet have ordered one and it is on it's way.

The idea is to allow a sample of saliva to dry on a slide then examine it under the microscope, when you are near ovulation crystals are formed when your saliva dries like fern leaves.

Some people don't have any luck with it, but I thought I would give it a try. Will let you know how it goes.

Take care x
Good luck

Haven't tried the saliva ovulation test yet have ordered one and it is on it's way.

The idea is to allow a sample of saliva to dry on a slide then examine it under the microscope, when you are near ovulation crystals are formed when your saliva dries like fern leaves.

Some people don't have any luck with it, but I thought I would give it a try. Will let you know how it goes.

Take care x

Interesting! Haven't heard of that one but sounds like it'd be worth a try.
Hey Girls,

Sorry I have been away for a while!

Just want to ask you what symptoms you had before you tested to our two lovely mummy's to be?

It has been 34 days since my last period. I usually get my period between day 28-32) I am super spotty, really angry moody, tired after about 12noon, have achy boobs (just underneath and near my armpits) and I have a sort of dull ache in my lower back. Does this sound good?!

I don't want to test in case it is negative!!

What do you think?

Do you know when you ov'd?
Symptoms are pretty hard to go by; pg symptoms are so similar to af symptoms!!!

If in doubt, poas!!!
Morning all! How is everyone doing?

bisuitnodles - Before my :bfp: i had achy heavy boobs, more CM then before AF comes, thirsty and tired. Since then i have had gas, HB, sickness, back ache (though due to a bad back this happens most days, i only really noticed it had gotten a bit worse recently), i will get teary for very little reason, my boobs are huge veiny and now have spots around the nipple as well as the nipple area being darker. My sense of smell is very keen and certain smells can turn my tummy really badly, oh and i also have the runs on a daily basis (sorry if TMI)!!!

Ejajy - Not tried that method of OPK sounds interested so keep us updated of how you get one x

Flake-y - I will be keeping everything crossed for you in the summer, a spring 2011 baby would be lovely for you xxx :hug:

AFM - Well plodding along in 1st tri no one seems to want anything to do with me until i hit the 12 week mark so its just a waiting game now. Only its a 4 week wait not a 2 week wait!! Got the MW booking in on 24th April and then the 1st scan on 30th April, told work and made it all offical as well so anytime off due to illness wont effect my attendence.

Only a 4 day week this week so i will have 3 days to rest rather then 2 :happydance:. Anyone got any plans for the easter weekend?
Hi Razcoz sounds like you are having a run of every pregnancy symptom possible, I hope you get over the sicky feeling and the runs soon x

Biscuitnoodles - definitely sounds like you ought to do a test, fingers crossed for you.

I have been using the saliva ovulation kit for a couple of days and so far it is showing what it is supposed to, hopefully it will pick up when I am due to ovulate. Feel a bit awkward about the pee on a stick ones so thought I would give this a try.

Will keep you all updated

catch up with you all later x
Hey Razcox/Flake-y/everyone else!

Raz - Thanks for the list of symptoms - sounds like you have everything!!

I am now officially 1 week late. I took your advice Jo and did a cheapie hpt on Sunday lunch time - came back neg. I have bought a clearblue digi which I am going to do tomorrow or thurs - give things a chance to build up if I am pg.

I still have achey boobs, queasyness and a dull ache in my lower back and stomach. Sometimes though it feels like me period is starting and I rush to the loo, only to find lots of clear CM. (TMI?!)

I went to the docs yesterday and he told me to take a test as it might me that I am not preg but actually not ovulating which is why I have had no period yet. If this was the case, would I be feeling so hormonal and sore everywhere? If you are not ovulating, do you still get all the hormones and monthly mood/body changes?

My doc is not very helpful, he is a quick in and out kinda guy. He does not understand all these hormonal things in women!!!

Help Please!!

Raz, glad to see everything is still going okay, I have everything crossed for you up to 12weeks! xxxx

Hey Razcox/Flake-y/everyone else!

Raz - Thanks for the list of symptoms - sounds like you have everything!!

I am now officially 1 week late. I took your advice Jo and did a cheapie hpt on Sunday lunch time - came back neg. I have bought a clearblue digi which I am going to do tomorrow or thurs - give things a chance to build up if I am pg.

I still have achey boobs, queasyness and a dull ache in my lower back and stomach. Sometimes though it feels like me period is starting and I rush to the loo, only to find lots of clear CM. (TMI?!)

I went to the docs yesterday and he told me to take a test as it might me that I am not preg but actually not ovulating which is why I have had no period yet. If this was the case, would I be feeling so hormonal and sore everywhere? If you are not ovulating, do you still get all the hormones and monthly mood/body changes?

My doc is not very helpful, he is a quick in and out kinda guy. He does not understand all these hormonal things in women!!!

Help Please!!

Raz, glad to see everything is still going okay, I have everything crossed for you up to 12weeks! xxxx


Hey Amanda; wish I could give you better advice, but I really don't have a scooby!!!
I would say you prob wouldn't have any of the hormonal symptoms if you weren't oving, but I'm not sure. Could you have misjudged your ov day? Cause if you were pregnant & past your af due date, then if there is enough hormone to stop your period then there should be enough to show up positive on a pregnancy test.

I'd prob just do a frer; the suspense is awful!!!
tested again this morning on clear blue digi using fmu. BFN! what is going on?!
Aww i'm sorry hun! I would still try a frer as the digis are not that sensertive. Keeping fingers crossed for you xx

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