Hey Razcox/Flake-y/everyone else!
Raz - Thanks for the list of symptoms - sounds like you have everything!!
I am now officially 1 week late. I took your advice Jo and did a cheapie hpt on Sunday lunch time - came back neg. I have bought a clearblue digi which I am going to do tomorrow or thurs - give things a chance to build up if I am pg.
I still have achey boobs, queasyness and a dull ache in my lower back and stomach. Sometimes though it feels like me period is starting and I rush to the loo, only to find lots of clear CM. (TMI?!)
I went to the docs yesterday and he told me to take a test as it might me that I am not preg but actually not ovulating which is why I have had no period yet. If this was the case, would I be feeling so hormonal and sore everywhere? If you are not ovulating, do you still get all the hormones and monthly mood/body changes?
My doc is not very helpful, he is a quick in and out kinda guy. He does not understand all these hormonal things in women!!!
Help Please!!
Raz, glad to see everything is still going okay, I have everything crossed for you up to 12weeks! xxxx
