First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi moni, welcome back, we've missed you! Hope you had a great time! And wow, your IVF is moving right along too! Seems like time has flown by, I'm sooo excited for you and Terri both!! Can't believe it's already almost here! Keep us posted as you can.

Terri, I'm pretty excited that your follies have grown so well. Yay! And although it's inconvenient for you, I'm glad they're giving you an extra day. They'll get even bigger, and the smaller ones could very easily catch up, and they could get eggs outta those too. So while I know it's a pain in the ass on the meds and scheduling, etc, I think in the end it's a good thing! I'm SO excited for you! I'll be thinking of you all week, so keep updating. :)

Beagle, I'm so glad you feel better with DH after you unloaded. Its important that you feel good and relaxed right now. :) Let's see, are you about 5-6 dpo now?

Hi Kelly, Jen, and booger!! How are things with you ladies??

AFM ladies.... I'm so happy.... I got another LH surge, wuhu! It's SO late in my cycle, and I was really starting to stress about how much the IVF might've screwed me up, but most of all, when I was in limbo like that and had no idea when/if I'd O, which in turn meant wondering how far I'd be pushing my FET out too (because I can't start the Lupron until after I O), it was causing me to get a bit depressed. So this surge is a huge relief! I'm sure I'll O this time. And my timeline will probably be pushed out some, but not enough to continue my emotional downward spiral. Ha! Plus, DH and I will continue BDing for good measure, just in case.
The nurse called me and said that I should refill ALL my medicine. SERIOUSLY?? My follies are only growing at 1mm/day, and they want to see at least 3> 18mm, and a few at 20mm. She told me that as of yesterday I had 16, 15, 14, 12, 12, 11. So I still have some baking to do, and probably won't even trigger until at LEAST the weekend. I just wish I had more info so I would have known to get more medicine initially. A five vial supply is only a day and a half. On Sunday, I would have liked to know that I needed more than 1.5 days, and they knew that. Moni and I may be bump buddies the way this is going! hee hee. Yay!

ERose-Yes! On the LH surge. Finally. I think I'm just as happy as you are to see a jump. Phew! Just when you started to give up, things turned around. Turn that spiral upside down. :haha:
Good morning ladies...I am having a bit of an upset stomach this am...hoping it goes away soon.

On another note...besides that...I had a zen kind of moment this morning. I got up a little earlier, so I wasn't so rushed. I took my time with my hair & actually put on makeup...a rare occassion for me, I am a mascara & quick sweep of powder person if since I was up early, I decided to wear some jewelry. Well I am wearing a dress with a high not much space for a necklace & I hate fighting with my necklace when it keeps going under my dress/shirt. So anyways I remembered a long necklace I is just a chain with a very cheap ring on it my grandmother gave me. I put that on & a ring my mom gave me. Something I have not worn in a really long time. As I put it on, a calm just came over me & I almost cried. My grandmother died over 15 years ago. She was a person I wish I had been able to know better. So anyways...wearing it today...hoping it brings good vibes my way.
beaglemom-Aww..such a nice morning for you. Grandmothers are the best. I have some of my grandmother's jewelry, but I don't wear it either. I've just started wearing bracelets and I really like them. I guess you get to a certain age and want to do new things. hee hee. I am usually a same pair of earrings, right hand ring, and wedding/engagement ring girl and that's it. Now I'm exploring other things. It's fun. I have even been changing out my earrings about once or twice a month. hee hee.
beaglemom-Aww..such a nice morning for you. Grandmothers are the best. I have some of my grandmother's jewelry, but I don't wear it either. I've just started wearing bracelets and I really like them. I guess you get to a certain age and want to do new things. hee hee. I am usually a same pair of earrings, right hand ring, and wedding/engagement ring girl and that's it. Now I'm exploring other things. It's fun. I have even been changing out my earrings about once or twice a month. hee hee.

I am the same...not flashey at all with jewelry. Even the stuff I wear is small. Mostly necklaces with cute charms. I have 2 holes in my ears. I was wearing earrings all the time, but stopped. I keep the same pair of small cz in the second hole & was switching out the there is nothing in the first. So might look weird to folks, but oh well.
Good morning ladies!

Moni - Thanks for the hello! I have read the entire thread so I kind of know your story here. How exciting to be starting your IVF cycle. Although I'm sure it's a bit nerve-wracking too. Good luck! I am afraid that the exercise restrictions might be one of the hardest things about IVF. That is my stress reliever and I can't imagine how cranky I might become between hormones and no running. I guess it's only for 2 weeks and in the end, it will hopefully be so totally worth it.

ERose - I'm so glad that your finally got your LH surge! It's always nerve-wracking when our bodies start doing wacky things. So now that it's late, will that improve your BD timing with the DH? Even though I know you guys are taking a relaxed approach this cycle.....

Terri - I know it must be disappointing to have to wait a bit longer but I guess it's all in the name of big follies! The medication thing would be super annoying though - especially if they should have just told you to order more earlier and it would have saved you some money. :grr: You are getting so close!!!!

Beagle - Sorry you having a crappy week. :nope: It sounds like at least this morning is going a little better. I loved your story about the jewelry. That's sweet. I was getting ready to say that at least the weekend is almost here and then I realized it was only Wednesday - I was thinking it was Thursday. I hate it when that happens. Well, hopefully your week will improve after this morning and you'll have more good days than bad this week. :flower:

Well, I'm sitting at 7DPO with nothing going on. I'm finding that with this cycle, I'm not really caring about the TWW. I guess that's the positive of having a pseudo-plan in place. Back in the office today after spending the last two days out in the woods for work - it's amazing how much better my attitude is when I get to go work outside.
The nurse called me and said that I should refill ALL my medicine. SERIOUSLY?? My follies are only growing at 1mm/day, and they want to see at least 3> 18mm, and a few at 20mm. She told me that as of yesterday I had 16, 15, 14, 12, 12, 11. So I still have some baking to do, and probably won't even trigger until at LEAST the weekend. I just wish I had more info so I would have known to get more medicine initially. A five vial supply is only a day and a half. On Sunday, I would have liked to know that I needed more than 1.5 days, and they knew that. Moni and I may be bump buddies the way this is going! hee hee. Yay!

ERose-Yes! On the LH surge. Finally. I think I'm just as happy as you are to see a jump. Phew! Just when you started to give up, things turned around. Turn that spiral upside down. :haha:

Well technically, the post-O jump hasn't happened yet. Just got the pos OPK last night and still pos this morning, so probably Oing today or tonight, and hoping to see the jump tomorrow, or if I don't O until tomorrow, then the jump should happen on Fri. I'm not sure if they'll make me wait a week to start the Lupron or not... not real sure how that works. But I'm fine with that. One week off schedule won't kill me. It just feels good to know my body is doing what it's supposed to be doing!

That does sound like a lot of Menopur... I only did 1 vial a day of the menopur..?? And then the Gonal-F pen each night. Well, geez, I sure am sorry you're having this frustration with ordering more meds and not being told a little more in advance. My nurse ordered all my meds, and she overdid it with everything (I still have meds left over just sitting in the box). At first I was annoyed, because although my insurance pays for it, that just gets me closer and closer to the maximum they pay for fertility. But maybe she did that in case I had needed to do them longer. I guess they really don't know how you're going to respond to the meds until you start injecting away! Anyway, sorry you're dealing with that. This is an emotional roller coaster in every way.
beagle, so glad you had such a sweet, sentimental moment this morning. Those moments are really lovely and rare. Glad you're feeling lots better. :)

booger, so 7dpo, huh? Do you know how long you'll hold out testing? As far as mine and DH's timing for BDing, we would've been good if I'd O'd after the first surge. We had some good momentum going. But we're fine for this surge too. I just got the pos OPK last night, so we made sure to BD then, and we'll BD today and tomorrow for good measure.
Erin, maybe the late O means a better egg for you this month...I know you were typically Oing early before the meds. Good luck this cycle...even though you are not putting much thought in to it...I hope you are surprised.

I am having a much better day. The ladies on the other side of the branch are doing an appreciation lunch & I am invited...I forgot my lucnh, so awesome timing. I had a freak out moment with my banker...but it was more on the lines of letting off steam & he knew that's what I was doing. I basically said it seems like for 2 weeks emails keep coming blaming me for doing something wrong even though no one told me it was wrong. I said I have no problem being wrong...once you tell me I will no longer be wrong. No one enjoys doing things the wrong way. I said I don't know about most women, but I am not damn can tell me if I need correcting. I want to do my job right.
Glad you are having a better day, Beagle! I agree - I would rather be told I'm doing something wrong right away rather than to have it come later. How can you correct the wrong behavior when you don't even know. My boss handles me with kid gloves and it drives me batty. But I think he knows I've been super annoyed with him lately and maybe that's why. I could really use a change of jobs but it's so hard to think about when I have such a good one already. Hooray for the lunch invite - especially when you didn't have one. Speaking of lunch, I'm already hungry and it's only 10:00 here........

I won't test early. I made that mistake my first two cycles and quickly stopped. I just wait for AF. My luteal phase is usually only 11 days so it's not that bad. If she doesn't show on time, then I will know something's up. She has never been tardy so I'm expecting her visit early next week!
Hey guys! Took me forever to catch up! So much happening! I was super cranky the last couple of days so I've been hibernating. Kind of forgot what this birth control does to me. 10 days down. Ugh, so many more to go. I actually remember feeling better emotionally on the injections than I do with this stupid little pill. My tummy looks flat again but my hormones are insane. If I'm not mad, I'm crying. Over anything really. I'm having a really tough time staying positive. My boobs are killing me though. Just like when I was taking progesterone last month. Yuck!

Terri, this is EXACTLY what happened to me last cycle (iui). I felt like I'd go in and they would increase my meds to get my follicles to grow more. At one point I was doing 3 powders a night! Plus antagon to hold off on actual ovulation. What a mess. Hopefully you and Moni get to be on the same schedule! Coming up soon!

Hi Moni!

Beagle, I feel like you and I run into each other everywhere...haha hoping you don't have to even discuss an ivf schedule after one more week!
Booger, you're going directly to ivf this next cycle? Remind me, did you do iui already?

Hey Erin! Happy late birthday! I can totally relate with the MIL situation. I really dislike mine. She still maintains a relationship with my husbands ex wife! Just randomly one day she decided this and dropped us! So, needless to say I don't get birthday wishes either! Lol but so rude how she really hyped up your DHs birthday just to ignore you. Unbelievable. You're right about most people not knowing what to say but this is the future grandmother. Come on!!! So you basically have to wait for a fire sure O and then you can start your meds for transfer? I really wish my insurance would cover some of this stuff. I use freedom fertility and it's so expensive! Although my progesterone I get from a pharmacy here and it's free now since I've met my medication (non fertility) deductible. As well as it should be because that stuff is a nightmare! Almost as annoying as my birth control right now. Come onnnnn August 25th!
Hi Jen, good to see ya! I was wondering where you'd been hiding out, but I totally understand the hibernating every now and then. Sometimes I have to take breaks as well. Sorry the BCP is making you feel so crappy! :( Yep, I have to wait until after O before I start Lupron. The official cycle for my FET won't be until after AF comes, because they want a full cycle behind me before I do it. But since I'm doing the Lupron protocol (the Lupron down-regulates me like the BCP is doing for you), they start the Lupron after having a day21 P test during the cycle before a transfer. Tomorrow is day21, so when I go in for my P test, they'll see that I did not O on time (I'm probably O'ing today or tonight), but I'm not sure if that means they'll have me wait a week to start the Lupron, or if they'll have me go ahead and start it. I dont think the amount of days necessarily matters. They just need the P to be high enough to confirm O, and I highly doubt my P will have gone up very much by tomorrow, ha! So we'll see what they say. And supposedly, I don't have to abstain from BDing even though I'll be starting Lupron. My RE said they've had patients get PG many times when they were on Lupron about to start IVF or FET. And she said it doesn't do any harm since you're not on it for very long by the time you find out you're PG. But I feel weird about it, so I will test early just in case by some crazy miracle we did get PG during this natural cycle.

I know I am either O'ing today, or I will be very, very soon. I'm having those all too familiar ovulation cramps and aches in my lower abdomen. I didn't expect that since I normally only FEEL ovulation during a medicated cycle. Since I didn't take anything this cycle, I didn't think I'd feel it at all. But definitely feeling it.
Erin, maybe the late O means a better egg for you this month...I know you were typically Oing early before the meds. Good luck this cycle...even though you are not putting much thought in to it...I hope you are surprised.

I thought of that too, haha! So funny you mentioned it. I said to DH last night, maybe I have a nice plump mature egg about to release since its had so long to mature this time! But no, we aren't putting too much thought into it besides the occasional joking. We're BDing, and we're timing it right, just because I'd hate to not at least TRY, ya know? But we're not thinking too much into it, and not stressing at all. The only reason I was truly stressed before was because I had this fear that I wouldn't O at all and my body would just be thrown off and I didn't know what that would mean for our FET. So, did you enjoy your nice lunch today?
Yes...I ate it again this afternoon. I skipped my lunch hour because I wasn't hungry because I had eatten already. So by the time I remembered, it was I will just leave early one day.
So I brought up postponing ivf to my husband. He understands my reasons but I don't think he really likes the idea of waiting so long. So we didn't get too involved in it. He basically just said the conversation was pointless because I am going to be pregnant this month.

I am feeling these weird things. Like a low dull feeling almost like very mild af cramps. Also a constant bloating full feeling. I didn't like being on my stomach last night which is how I always sleep. I have also been waking up early morning having to pee so bad it feels like I had been holding it for hours. And breast sensitive.

One long week to go before testing.
Hey guys! Took me forever to catch up! So much happening! I was super cranky the last couple of days so I've been hibernating. Kind of forgot what this birth control does to me. 10 days down. Ugh, so many more to go. I actually remember feeling better emotionally on the injections than I do with this stupid little pill. My tummy looks flat again but my hormones are insane. If I'm not mad, I'm crying. Over anything really. I'm having a really tough time staying positive. My boobs are killing me though. Just like when I was taking progesterone last month. Yuck!

Terri, this is EXACTLY what happened to me last cycle (iui). I felt like I'd go in and they would increase my meds to get my follicles to grow more. At one point I was doing 3 powders a night! Plus antagon to hold off on actual ovulation. What a mess. Hopefully you and Moni get to be on the same schedule! Coming up soon!

Hi Moni!

Beagle, I feel like you and I run into each other everywhere...haha hoping you don't have to even discuss an ivf schedule after one more week!
Booger, you're going directly to ivf this next cycle? Remind me, did you do iui already?

Hey Erin! Happy late birthday! I can totally relate with the MIL situation. I really dislike mine. She still maintains a relationship with my husbands ex wife! Just randomly one day she decided this and dropped us! So, needless to say I don't get birthday wishes either! Lol but so rude how she really hyped up your DHs birthday just to ignore you. Unbelievable. You're right about most people not knowing what to say but this is the future grandmother. Come on!!! So you basically have to wait for a fire sure O and then you can start your meds for transfer? I really wish my insurance would cover some of this stuff. I use freedom fertility and it's so expensive! Although my progesterone I get from a pharmacy here and it's free now since I've met my medication (non fertility) deductible. As well as it should be because that stuff is a nightmare! Almost as annoying as my birth control right now. Come onnnnn August 25th!

Jen, I think we are both on the only 3 threads I look at right now. I think we both also just copy &'s kind of funny. So we each get to read each other's update 3! :D
Thats how Moni and I are. We're on three threads together (although I've been bad about keeping up on the other two), so we sometimes read each other's posts over and over. Although I haven't been as good about updating on the other two.

Hope everyone is well. FF gave me dotted CHs for three days ago, LOL. I know that was a good temp jump, but 97.9 is still a typical pre-O temp for me. My temps did go unusually low this cycle though, so I'm sure FF just saw that as a big enough jump. I have a feeling though, that it will move my CHs in a couple days when I've entered a couple more temps. It doesn't even make sense that it would think I O'd the day before my pos OPK! HA! So I'm sure it will move that date. Either way, I'm pretty sure I O'd last night. I had TONS of O symptoms throughout the day yesterday, and today my temp is where my post-O temps normally start out. I may have even O'd in the middle of the night, because I still had a sorta crampy feeling on the left side when I went to bed last night.
Ok ladies, I'm sorry but I have to do a little ranting, pity-party for a minute if that's okay.......skip this post if you aren't in the mood.

Ugh. I am almost certain that AF is just around the corner. I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up later this afternoon or tomorrow based on how I am feeling. I have a lot of the same symptoms Beagle described - crampy, bloated, along with tender, swollen breasts. I'm also ragey (watch out poor co-workers) which is my surefire symptom that AF is imminent. If she shows tomorrow, that gives me an 8-day luteal phase this cycle. That would be my shortest yet! :nope: Just another sign that my ovaries are shriveling up and dying. Sigh. I am going at lunch to get a big, fat cookie - I don't care. I have been craving one for days and it's time!

Rant over. Sorry! :blush:

Beagle - Hopefully, you won't have to have that conversation in detail with your husband. :winkwink: Sorry for the next week of waiting. It surely is no fun. Anything you can do to keep your mind distracted? Any fun weekend plans?

ERose - I would reckon your crosshairs are likely to move too as your temp took a nice jump today. Wonder how your blood test for P will turn out today?

Terri - I saw on another thread that you are going to trigger tonight!! How exciting. You are so close. I'm on pins and needles for you so I can't even imagine how you are feeling.

JCM - I am not sure if I'm going to straight to IVF but that is the most likely scenario. My first RE appointment is tomorrow. I've already done a few tests with my OB/GYN - CD3 blood testing, AFC, an ultrasound, and a HSG. Based on what she saw from those tests, she recommended I go straight to IVF. My right tube is blocked and my AFC and bloodwork weren't the greatest and she threw around the "diminished ovarian reserve" term. She didn't think messing around with IUIs would do a lot for me based on those factors. So, I guess I'll find out tomorrow what the RE says.

We head out this evening for the RE appointment. It's not until tomorrow morning but seeing as it's 4 hour drive over there we have to make it an overnighter. That's okay - maybe we can find a nice place to have dinner. We'll come back tomorrow.

Can I ask you guys a question? Are any of you keeping this private? If you are, how are you doing so? We want to keep all of this as secret as possible. I haven't told anyone other than my sister. I really don't want to tell anyone at work if I don't have to. The thought of telling my boss horrifies me. I don't want anyone being judgey or feeling sorry for us. Luckily, my work schedule is very flexible but I would think if we do end up going IVF, people are going to notice I'm gone a couple days at a time. Just need help coming up with excuses for why I might be gone......luckily, if we do end up at IVF, I can do almost all of my monitoring (bloodwork and ultrasounds) locally so we would only be traveling for egg retrieval and transfer.

Anyway - sorry the long post. Just don't really have anyone else to vent to at this point.
Sorry your RE is so far away...but good that you can do most things locally. One of my friends knows, my banker who used to be my manager because I was taking so much time off. My RE is an hour & a half away. Then I got a new manager so I told her. Other than that, top secret on our end. I don't want people expecting news all the time...or asking for updates. Which reminds me...

My manager was here...she is a woman...She complemented my dress & I told her I had gained weight so I had to wear dresses & skirts. Then she asked if there was a good reason for the weight gain (implying pregnancy). I said no just gaining weight. In my head I was like you knew a couple of weeks ago I had to do another quickly do you think I would get pregnant & start gaining weight! Those are the types of reasons I don't want people knowing. Every time she talks to me she asks how I am feeling...& I don't think it is a typical how are ya question. I just want to be like approve my time off & other than that, say nothing about it!

I am a pretty private person other than on the threads.
Hey girls! I had to start work at 4:30am so I didn't get a chance to make my morning rounds. Thanks for spying on me, booger. hee hee. I am on several threads, but I change my responses a little depending on my audience. And sometimes I just write it over and over because I have the time.

So I'm triggering tonight. FINALLY. Yesterday my insurance was giving me a headache, and thankfully they didn't ship my additional meds yesterday otherwise I would've been spending about 135 bucks for meds that I don't need. So, their mistake is my benefit because my follies are growing like gangbusters on my right side. The ones on the left are a little slower, but maybe they will catch up once I trigger. Who knows, but 5 or 6 good sized follies makes me feel great. the nurse put a huge circle on my butt for hubs to give me the trigger shot tonight (hcg). But then I realized he's going to the football game, so I will a) Have to stay awake until the exact moment to trigger and then b) do it myself. I'll be ok, I figure, but it'll be scary. The nurse was like 'jam the needle in. not too hard, but definitely do it with force.' Ugh! I'm really just happy that I'm finished with all the other shots. My stomach has taken a small beating.

Retrieval will be Saturday exactly 36 hours after trigger, and THEN transfer is either Tuesday (8/12) or Thursday/Friday (8/14-15). The nurse said that younger girls get bloated because they have more eggs, and once each egg is removed, a little fluid drips out. Older women don't have as much fluid because they have few eggs. I said 'Yay for being old, for once.' She laughed and said that she'll only let me say that because she's older than I am. Now when they tell me I have 20 eggs, I'll freak out. Of course, I would freak out either way. I'm still hoping for 8-10.

booger-If you're going to be out, I would tell your boss, unless you have sick/vacation days that you want to use. My boss doesn't come in until around noon, and I start normally at 7a, and my appointments are all at 7a, so when I show up at 7:30, he's none the wiser. I have worked a few weekends so I have comp time to use, AND I am rarely sick, so I'm using sick/comp/work from home time for next week. I told my OTHER boss that I have a minor procedure next week, so I'll use two sick days, and then maybe a work from home day. I initially told her that it would be this week, but I lied and said 'the doc. had an emergency, and my procedure will be next week.' Half lie, half truth.

As far as who knows, my two besties, my sisters (but they don't care enough to ask questions about it. They will just know when I'm prego), my coworker who is also an "advanced age" mom, and that's it. I'm not a big sharer of life events at work either, so it's not bad sharing with a few. Of course, when I had a cold sore, I was telling everyone not to look at my herpes, and everyone was getting really embarrassed. I had to teach them some biology/science that week, but they said that I should stop saying that. I had to tell though because I had a HUGE bump on my lip. It was the size of a small child. hee hee.

Ok..I'm chatty cathy today. Any other questions, just ask. I'm super excited for Saturday though. Finally, finally!! :wohoo:

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