First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

You guys talking about buying homes I have some envy...basically because you seem to have no fears! I would like a different home but I can't think of 2 mortgages especially with me being a SAHM my ultimate goal. I love my house...we just need to get on the upgrades. Sadly we have too many unfinished projects. My husband is off this week & was supposed to finish a couple small things & one semi big thing. But we have been lazy. Also my mom stored some stuff here & has finally gotten a house & ready to move it. So I have my garage back! We got a truck today & packed up her stuff. But tomorrow is a bust because we are driving it to her old town (2 hrs away) & packing up her storage units then heading to her new place. About an hour drive but then unload & another 2 hours back home. But totally worth it to get her crap out. I would really love to help her clear out some stuff but she is such a hoarder. She had a 3 bedroom house that was PACKED. And it is just her but she is moving it all over & not even going through anything. She keeps so much crap. She had stuff of my's not sentimental it's just junk. I have several things of hers so I understand wanting to keep things...but keep things that actually matter...not just random stuff she had.

Oh also another thing we have "wasted" our time on is watching the Netflix docu series Making a Murderer. It is pretty crazy. A guy goes to jail for an attack & attempted rape. He is released 18 years later...cleared by DNA...only to then be arrested for murder within a couple of years. I recommend it if you like crime stuff. It was 10 episodes.

I feel like his vacation was a waste...but we have the weekend & he got the extra time with Derek. Sometimes I get frustrated with my husband though because he seems to try to do things his way with Derek. Doesn't have to be my way but it does need to be Derek's way. Like he will hold him how he wants to & Derek is so uncomfortable. I try to let him figure it all out & it is so hard. Also my husband isn't this type, but I do feel alone a lot. Like at night I wake up every single time because I feed him. He does 1 diaper change. I usually can get through the night on one change. But the other day somehow it came up & he was like I wake up with you. I said how many times to you get up...once...MAYBE twice. I get up maybe 4 just depends. But he sleeps hard. And he offers to help a lot so I try to be happy with that & not nag. When he is in daycare my husband will take him on his days he will start to figure his groove then.

Sars - I did not have the S1 upgrade option. Wish I had because I almost didn't get the 2 because no battery. After using it & reading online I do think I need the bigger nipple flanges. But not sure what size. They also sell accessories on ebay at decent prices but they are mostly from hong kong. I also read you can use your HSA to buy I will do that. I am thinking I just need the next size up.

The breastfeeding transition is going well. I actually feel like my supply is going up. But I am not as diligent as I should be. I want to pump while I nurse & pump/nurse religiously every 2 hours minus nights. But with my husband home it seems we are never home. So maybe next week I can work on it. Derek is fine either way. Doesn't care where the food comes from :) I am also using the fenugreek.

Erin just let us know if we move & I will follow. No issues here.
Beagle: I actually reached out to Spectra and they let me send in my insurance pump, pay them and get the new one. It was really hard to find out that I could do it. I reached out to customer service and one person said I couldn't while another said I could. I needed smaller flanges and I got them from MayMom on Amazon. They actually have a nipple measurement tool you can print out on their website LOL. It was awkward but helped. They are compatible with the Spectra's closed system. There's a little attachment that comes with them. Let me know if you have any questions about them.
Oh and Erin, I'd be fine going wherever. I do want to stay in touch with everyone as well!
Hi ladies!!

Long time, no check-in. Sorry!!

I'll try to do a proper check-in later this evening or tomorrow. I just wanted to pop on to say congrats to Amy!!! I was so relieved to see your second beta was just as it should be. Can't wait to hear how your first scan goes.

Erin - So good to hear from you!! I'm glad Owen is easing into daycare nicely and sleeping so well for you. That's awesome. I am okay moving to another place (as long as Terri comes with us, of course). Seems appropriate at this time. But I'm okay staying here if that's what happens too.

I had a little bout with some serious anxiety in the days after my Mom left. Just a some moments there where I was sure I wasn't going to be able to handle being alone and I was sure we had made this huge mistake. The worst part was how horribly guilty I felt for even thinking that as Piper is just a true joy and I love her beyond words (not to mention all the work that went into having her). I'm feeling better now. I had my 6-week follow-up with my doctor this week and he spent quite a bit of time listening to me and reassuring me that what I was experiencing was quite common. Anyway, I will write more later - baby calls!!!

Miss you guys and can't wait to catch up properly.
Hi ladies!

I think I have a little more time to respond to everyone properly. There's lots going on around here and it's exciting to see where everyone is at in their lives.

Sars - good to hear from you. I'm glad you are getting to take a little more time off from work. It's crazy how quickly the time off seems to go. Question? I see you are still exclusively breastfeeding - does Brian take a bottle?? We can't get Piper to take a bottle (more on that later!) so I'm curious as to how you introduced one and what kind you use.

Beagle - THat's great that you are switching back to exclusively breastfeeding if you can do it. Although I have moments where I wish I had done formula for Piper simply because it makes life a little easier as to who can feed her and the ability to get out of the house. I might have to look into the Spectra pump. I got the Ameda Purely Yours through my insurance but it's not the best and I like the idea of a quieter pump (especially when I go back to work and will be pumping there). I haven't been pumping much, honestly, as Piper won't take a bottle yet so I don't see the point just yet. I have still have some time before she starts going to daycare so I might start trying to build up the supply in February or so.

Terri - Hello!! Is fantasy football still going??? If so, how are you doing? And if not, how did you end up? I'm clueless about any shoes other than running shoes. :haha: But getting a new pair of those always makes me happy.

Erin - Again, so good to hear from you. Sounds like things are going well. I can't wait to start taking trips with Piper, too. Obviously, DH and I will be waiting a little while yet but it is fun to think about.

Amy - Congrats, again!! I bet you and DH are so happy. So, when is your due date?? July or August? Sorry, I can't get my brain to do the math on that.

babywhisperer - Awwww, Emma is such a little cutie. Glad you guys survived the holiday season. I can't believe how big both of your kids are. By the way, your ticker says your pregnant - is that true???

kfs - Sorry about the stress at work. Boo. Like anyone wants to worry about that ever, let alone at the beginning of the year. Sorry Adeline has had a cold. I bet it's hard to see the little one feeling a bit down. Hopefully, she is over it soon!

Krissy - I'm glad that your doctor's appointment went so well. I bet that was a huge relief. :thumbup: I can't believe you're past the halfway point. Good luck on selling/buying a house. I love looking at houses. So much fun. Hope you can sell and move quickly before second little on is here.

Lady - Hooray on your 20-week ultrasound. I loved that one too. Well, I never had another one after that but it was so cool to see everything. And it's always a relief when everything checks out well. Your nursery sounds great. It's so much fun to get started on and watch it all come together. Enjoy!!

brighteyez - Hope all is well with you and three little ones in there.

JCM - Thanks so much for the words of confidence about being home alone. I'm feeling better about it now! I think you're awesome especially since you had to deal with Charli's dilation and all. By the way, are you done with that or is it almost done?? I hope you're done with it and that is all in the past.

I hope that's everyone!! If not, sorry! I'm typing furiously trying to get this done before my little snicklefritz wakes up......

So, as I mentioned yesterday, I had a little bout with some anxiety after my mom left. She left and then the next day Piper was super cranky all day and it just made me feel like I wasn't cut out to be a mom!! Then my mind started to race and think, well, crap, what if I'm not cut out to be a Mom and now I have this huge responsibility to take care of Piper. Anyway, I'll just say it's crazy where your mind can take you if you let it. I'm feeling much, much better now. I had a nice talk with a few friends who let me know that how I was feeling was common and then after talking to my doctor, it just calmed my nerves. And every day, Piper and I figure each other out more. So, DH goes back to work Monday and I'm feeling prepared.

It didn't help that I had pretty much been cooped in the house since she was born - other than going to a couple of her doctor's appointments and the store a few times. My doctor was like "you need to get out of the house!" So, I've been bundling her up and going for walks (which is good for her, the dog and me). And I plan on going to story time at the library this week and doing lunch with some friends. The social and mental aspect of all this is very important too - gotta maintain some sanity with adult conversation.

Also, my doctor was like "You need to get creative about meeting some other new moms to commiserate with" I have no friends with babies right now - all my friends kids are a bit older. I have some friends who are pregnant but it will be spring/summer before their babies are born. He said it's important to be able to talk to others who are going through the same stuff as you.

Blah, blah, blah......on to Piper. She is wonderful!!! She is smiling and cooing all the time. I love it - she always wakes up in a good mood and her little grin just melts my heart. She sleeps pretty well - although she is definitely napping less during the day. That's okay - she is pulling longer sleeps at night. She usually goes down around 7-8pm and sleeps until 1 or 2 in the morning. Then she's up about every two hours or so. But I feel like I've hit sleeping jackpot gold with that schedule. At least I can usually get at least one uninterrupted 4-hour stretch in there.

Our big issue right now (and part of what fed into the anxiety) is that she refuses to take a bottle. We have been trying (although not that diligently) to give her one since she turned 3 weeks old and she is not having it! I think we have tried 4 different bottles at this point. There is one that she doesn't completely hate and freak out about when you put it in her mouth, but it's like she can't figure out she's supposed to suck on it.....she doesn't take a pacifier either. If there anyone left still reading this, any tips on how to get her interested in a bottle??? It would allow me a little more freedom and get her ready for daycare when that day comes in a few more months.

Sorry this turned into a novel - I guess it's a way for me to capture what's going on with life at the moment as I'm sure I'll forget soon enough.
Booger I had no issues with the bottle. Derek just loves food. But he does have times when breastfeeding makes him relax more. But he did fine on formula and breastfeeding half and half. We use Dr brown, Tommie tippie, and avent natural. We have completely ruled out tippie. We hate them derek is ok with them. So avent is supposed to be close to breast. Also don't rule out the cheapies. But I know it can be expensive trying other bottles. I also have a ton of breastflow bottles. We didn't liked them as much but they are supposed to similate breastfeeding. If you want I can send you one to try out. I think I heard breast shields work too. I am still not exclusive and honestly may never be again. It is exhausting. So he still gets formula especially when we prepare bottles for outings.

Your feelings are normal. I didn't feel this overwhelming love for derek at the hospital and I was like did all the treatments create a false build up? Did I just like the idea of a baby. But we have learned (husband felt the same) that our love grows each day especially as his personality develops. Also some babies are in a routine and you feel safe and together but then wham they change up on you. For a while I couldn't go or alone. But I started to realize he just gets hungry fast so I need plenty of bottles. I also pack bottled water and a small bag of formula in case I run out of bottles. I am not much for breastfeeding in public.

Like you said the 2 of you are just figuring each other out. Some days it doesn't feel like it but she is this whole other person. You just need to sync up and you will. And the hormones are still out of whack for you. I still have rough days.

You'll be okay :)

Oh I heard babies won't feed from the bottle if they can smell mom. Maybe leave the room completely. And have some milk on the nipple. Maybe have husband let baby stuck on his finger so she associates him. These are just thoughts. Not sure the would work.
Booger - granted I only breastfed for like a week but we switched to Avent Natural bottles with no issues.
Just checking in!!! I have been popping in sporadically and so HAPPY to read so many positive things going on! I

am so happy for you Amy, lady, and krissy! A clean bill of health is such a blessing, especially after the journey of infertility. Amy, I am so thrilled about your beta, and I hope everything continues smoothly for you. Lady, we really started "planning" around 20 weeks too - it was nice to have the confirmation of the sex before you got too invested haha. Krissy - yay on the echo being perfect! My husband and I thought the same thing at the echo, the doctors kept saying we were "textbook perfect" which I never thought I would here after IVF!

Beagle, I love reading about your transition with Derek and life as a new mom!

Booger, you too with sweet little Piper! I have been thinking how I will find creative ways to meet new moms too --- I want our social circle to expand some and it can be hard finding friends outside of work (esp if you work a lot). One of my coworkers, who I like a lot, is having her baby within ~4 weeks of we are hoping to go on walks together and things like that. I agree with your is important to go through motherhood and newborn life with someone....but how do you find them!

We are 33 weeks now - and she is a baby girl!
No name yet...we have a list of potentials, but waiting until we see her to pick it. Who knows, it may not even be on our list!

The nursery is getting close - waiting on our chair to be ready, need to hang some art, and then wash all of our clothes.

Last week, my work group had a shower for me and two other coworkers who are pregnant - we are all within 12 weeks......we got diapers and bath supplies (I had none of either) - so that makes me feel much more "prepared" haha. At least I have diapers and wipes waiting if anything happens sooner!!! I am in total nesting mode but our big family/friend shower is in two weeks (when I will be 35 weeks) I have been trying to hold off buying things as much as possible. I have a running list of small items I don't think people will get us (like pumping supplies, of course if breastfeeding and pumping goes well....or diaper creams....or breast pads), so I can just pick them up after the shower. We have amazon prime, so I keep telling my nesting brain that most things can be delivered in two days! Sometimes I just laugh at myself with the preparing for baby/nesting.....I feel like I need everything beforehand, but it isn't like the store is THAT far, and I have my mom in town, and I have amazon prime! I'd much rather buy it when I need it, rather than guessing things I need and then have to return them! Returning things to the store is the worst.

Our pregnancy has gone so smoothly and we just feel so blessed. After IVF you just hope your body is ready to be pregnant....and when everything goes so smooth, you are just amazed. My only real "symptoms" were fatigue in the beginning (I didn't complain on taking extra naps) and some mild back pain the past two weeks (I have also had a bad back after a high school injury...). Staying active and walking more helps my back a lot....honestly it is the most sore after sitting at work! All in all, I feel like those are minor compared to the morning sickness/vomiting/etc that many people have. I won't go so far to say I am one of those people who wants to be pregnant all the time....because I certainly miss my wine and margaritas and wearing my nice clothes.....but I could do this a few more times and be happy!

Anyways, just wanted to pop in and let y'all know I still keep up with reading!
Sars - Congrats on the new home!! Sounds like a great place with lots of room to grow into!

Erin - I'm fine moving wherever!

Amy - two more days until your ultrasound!! FXed for you! How have you been feeling?

Well, we managed to get our house on the market... had a dizzying 11 showings in less than a week... and are expecting at least one (if not two or more) offers in the next few days. And we might have found our home over the weekend as well. We're going back tonight to have a second look. :wacko: Everything is just moving so fast, but this is the way DH and I tend to roll lol.
In baby land, our lucky star sure is a bouncy thing, I feel her all day long, and always SO LOW. I don't remember feeling so ... disconcerted by movements with our first pregnancy. But these are so low I almost feel like she's either going to push her way out or make me pee lol. And DH can feel them regularly now as well.
Hi MrsL, congrats on the girl! I will add a pink stork to your name on the front page. :) I'm so glad to hear your pregnancy has been going so smooth and that you're enjoying it!

booger, I'm really glad your doc was able to ease your mind on your feelings. I agree that its all totally normal, and I bet most women go through similar but don't really talk about it. Way earlier on, Owen went through a phase for about 10 days where he was super fussy every single evening from 6-9. He wasn't crying a ton, just fussy, squirming, and discontented. There was nothing that could be done to soothe him, and there was no obvious reason why he was doing it. This was after I had resolved his gas issues. After a couple nights of this, I started thinking, "What kind of mom can't soothe her own baby??" And I started feeling like maybe I had missed the boat on baby bonding somehow. :( Which wasn't true, of course. I read about it, and they call it "The Witching Hour", when some babies fuss for no apparent reason every evening like clockwork with no way to be soothed. And then it ended just as quickly as it started, and everything was back to normal. Honestly, I feel like sleep deprivation contributes to these crazy thoughts that run through our heads sometimes. At least in my case, I know it was. Sleep deprivation can take a major toll on the mind. Not sure if that's affecting you or not since you said you're getting longer stretches of sleep at the beginning of the night.

beagle, it can get lonely sometimes being the one who gets up with the baby all the time... When I was on leave, I was originally doing ALL night feedings since DH was working. For the first 4-5 weeks or so, I was in total baby BLISS, and I did the nights without any issues at all. But finally, the lack of sleep for so long started taking a toll, so I told DH I needed him to start taking a night on the wkds. He had been offering his help anyway, so he was happy to let me get some rest. He started doing Fri nights, and it was glorious. Just one night a week made all the difference in the world for me, and I couldn't believe how refreshed I felt. Of course, you'd have to pump enough for him to do that, or let him give formula on those nights. Once I went back to work, the plan was for DH and I to start alternating nights, but luckily Owen was sleeping through the night by that time.

Amy, I'm looking so forward to your scan in two more days. :thumbup:
Oops, Krissy, I must've been typing while you were posting!

Congrats on finding a house! I hope you love it just as much when you go back the second time. That's so exciting! And how awesome that you had so many showings in such a short period, that's great... I hope we'll have that kind of luck once we put our house on the market. Keep us posted!

Glad you're feeling the bouncy bean so much! That was one of the only things I liked about being pregnant, was how I got to feel him move all day long. Although I guess feeling like she's gonna push her way out would be disconcerting, huh?!
Hi ladies!

Erin - Yes, Piper has the witching hour too. Or as we call it, she goes into Maniac Mode. But now that I know what it is and that's it is coming, it's much easier to handle. And I also agree that the sleep thing has a lot do with the anxiety. I know for sure that the worst times followed nights and days when I got very little sleep. I know everyone says "sleep when the baby sleeps" but that's almost impossible during the day - at least for me anyhow.

Krissy - Congrats on the house moving so quickly - that's awesome. And really I would think better for you guys since maybe you could get settle in your new place before new baby is here.

Kfs - We have tried the Avent bottles but didn't have the smaller nipple. I got some of those so I think we just need to try again. Thanks!

Beagle - I do it all with Piper too - especially since I'm the only one who can feed her right now. DH will take her and change her and soothe her, etc. during the day but the night time is all mine. It does annoy me but there's not much we can do about it right now. I figure having at least one of us in the house that's well rested is good. DH has been doing all the cooking too - which is huge. So I'm hesitant to complain too much about shouldering the night duty, even though he has no idea how exhausting it can be. He was acting slightly annoyed when I'm ready for bed at 8:30 pm and I said "well, you can start getting up with me and being awake when I am to get a taste of what's going on, if you'd like" As I mentioned, he is back to work today and he starts work at 7:00am which requires him to get up a little after 5:00am so now he is ready for bed at 9:00pm. Ha.

I hope everyone else is doing well!!!

So, I figure now that DH is back a work, I'm going to work on a trying to get a rough schedule going with Piper. At least with napping during the day. She is really consistent right now with going down for bed around 7:00 or 8:00 pm. Maybe if she naps a little more consistent during the day, I can push that a little later so that I don't have to go to bed quite so early (or feel sleep deprived if I don't go down shortly after her). I know she is bit young still to expect much but I figure it can't hurt to try!

Oh, and another lady who had a baby right around the time I had Piper got in touch with me yesterday. She literally lives around the corner - we are going to try to go for a walk together this afternoon. She also is going to use the same babysitter so I really hope we get along! I got out yesterday afternoon for a nice walk with some friends and it's amazing how much that helps the mood, even on the days when I'm pretty tired. I'm normally don't mind winter but I am ready for it to be a bit warmer.
So I know that I don't want to go back to work & would rather be home. But some days I think maybe I would be happy at work & Derek in daycare...maybe it would be good for us. But then today...he had been crying & I was trying to get something finished I grabbed him & started to nurse him. He fell asleep. I looked at him & just started to cry. I have 2 weeks left. I thought I would be fine at work but I think as it gets closer I feel worse. Yesterday I was telling my husband my fears on working. My main fear is no time with Derek. I don't worry about daycare. Tons of kids do daycare & are fine. But for me I would get home roughly around 6. He should be in bed by 7 or 8. So I just see that hour as feeding, bathing, & getting ready for bed. No real relaxing time or just being together. So my husband suggested part time work which would be okay. But I started to get the feeling he doesn't want me to stay home. I don't know. I think he is worried about that money. So I keep googling ways to make money at home...but I just don't know any of it would work for me. I may just keep an eye out for part time positions at work & just see if anything comes up.

Booger - I found something similar to mommy & me classes. But he can't start until 4 months. I figure that would be a good way to meet people. And I also would want to be very active with library activities when he gets older...if I could be home during the week.

I loved feeling Derek move's weird now he is out. It's hard to remember what being pregnant was like. But I actually enjoyed having an excuse to wear comfortable clothes & the EATING! :)
booger, that darn witching hour is super common, and I feel very fortunate that it was so brief in our house. And I agree about the "sleep when baby sleeps" thing. It wasn't even remotely like that. There were too many other things to get done. And even if I fell asleep, that would be the time he'd only nap for 20 min. And I completely underestimated the sleep deprivation thing. I used that term so casually prior to having a baby, haha. Not even close to TRUE sleep deprivation. Owen was a slow eater back then (on breast or bottle, it didn't matter). During his first month, he'd take 45 min to eat. And if he didn't fall asleep immediately after, I could spend another 30 min soothing him back to sleep. And then say 15 min for me to get back into a deep sleep. And then an hour later, he'd wake up to do that all over again. It was truly the most exhausting thing I've ever done in my life. Like I said, I was on such a baby high at first, that nothing was getting me down... but after a few weeks, even the happiest of brains is going to start fritzing out. I would even think I heard a baby crying sometimes, when he was perfectly content. That was happening a lot to me during that time!
beagle, I'm so sorry... :( I know those emotions all too well. In the last couple weeks of my maternity leave, I was actually starting to get a little antsy (but I also had 16 weeks off). But I recall prior to that, I'd get an anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach when thinking about leaving him. Maybe you'll find the perfect part-time job or work-from-home job! I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Oh we walked through Lowes yesterday. We are supposed to make a list of what we want to do to the house. We have been watching too much HGTV. My list says redo kitchen redo bathrooms. So basically a total gut which is crazy.

Oh booger I also found a walking club for moms. But it is too cold for me. It's amazing what you find when you just start googling.
Hey ladies, no I am not pregnant. I guess I should change my ticker. I think I have made peace with staying at 2...Jack is a handful with so much energy and really needing a lot of attention. If I had a 3rd I don't think we could devote as much attention to the kids as they need and deserve as we are 2 working parents. I really don't know how our nanny does it. She has the patience of a saint. She was feeding Emma and Jack got around the couch and put his hands into a glue trap we use for cave crickets and he put his hands in his hair!! What a nightmare. I will miss being pregnant and miss the excitement of a new life but we are so blessed and I want to make sure they get as much of me as they can. I miss them terribly on Mondays after a nice weekend together. Jack will bump into something ever so lightly and say "boo-boo" and then wants mama to kiss it. I wish I could always be there, but hopefully the sacrifice now will afford me more flexibility when they enter school. All of my friends say that is when they really need someone at home.

If we ever can do a meet up in person with everyone wouldn't that be awesome! Pick a place that could be half way for most, or a place most would want/can go to? Just an idea.
Hey ladies!

So much to catch up on...

First, I don't think I posted on this yet but AMY I am SO happy that your second beta was SO fab! I wonder if you have twins in there??! Can't wait to hear how the ultrasound goes!

Sars- Wow! I can't believe you guys bought a new house! How exciting!! I can't imagine thinking you didn't get the house then getting that call the next day. Can't wait to hear how the renovations go. Did you say you are doing them yourselves?? The real estate market here in Seattle is so competitive that for a good house, they always have multiple offers (usually same day or next day after going on the market), and they end up going for way above asking. So I think we'll stay put in our house for at least a few more years - it just terrifies me to think about jumping back into the market. Even 4 years ago when we were looking, we put offers in on probably 5 homes that we didn't get because the offers just went out of our price range. And besides we have a great house that we can grow into, the only thing I'm not crazy about is the location - our neighborhood is not very walkable. Its a tiny cul-de-sac that opens onto a busy road with no sidewalk. I'd love to live in a quiet neighborhood with lots sidewalks/places to walk.

Krissy - congrats to you too on finding a new house! That is always exciting! I'm feeling my baby girl kicking too. This morning she was going crazy and I could feel her on the outside even. THAT part just started - feeling her on the outside of my tummy. And still I try to have DH put his hand on my tummy and when he does she stops kicking. It really is so cool to feel though.

Booger - sorry about the anxiety. Those feelings sound very normal. I hear you - lack of sleep really kicks up anxiety - I've noticed that myself.

Beagle- I hear you about the home projects. It can get overwhelming to think about all the projects (in my house at least), and HGTV never helps! When I watch it a lot I get a TON of ideas haha.

Erin - I don't care where you move us, just let me know. :) Owen is just such a cutie! I can't get over how adorable he is on your profile pic.

Today I am 22 weeks and starting to feel bigger! I had my follow up appointment from last week's ultrasound today. My doc said she would suggest I have a C-section because of my past abdominal surgeries. Apparently the pushing during a vaginal delivery causes a lot of rectal trauma, and it could cause damage to my intestines/rectum. I'm going to schedule an appointment with the colorectal surgeon I've seen previously to see what she thinks. I'm ok with a c-section though. I almost would rather plan for that than to risk all the progress I've made over the years to get back to normal without a colon. We'll see. I'm just getting excited to bring my girl into this world!!
Lady - c section is not so bad. Derek always stopped kicking when my husband tried to feel too. But eventually he kicked so much he was able to get a few feels in. Derek always started moving more at 4 am when I would wake up. I kind of felt that was a good quiet time for us. I would just lay awake in bed & feel him. I still get to have those moments now but they are way different. :)
Hello ladies,

I just wanted to pop in and say Hello :hi:! This pregnancy which is a blessing has had me down and sick with hyperemeisis. I am currently trying different medication to help with the nausea and vomitting that doctor have recommended, nothing works so far or it works but makes me drowsy which makes it hard to work. I miss you ladies and am always thinking of you all. I will check in again once I start to feel a lot better. :hugs:

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