First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I Love Lucy

DS and DD
Jun 28, 2011
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Congratulations New Mommy's!!
Nicola (nuttynicnak) - Charlotte Isabella born March 15, 2013 at 18.37 PM. 6lb, 4ozs :pink:
Lindsey (linzylou) - Sarah Lynn born March 17, 2013 at 7:46 PM. 7 lbs, 9 oz :pink:
Hayley (LiverpoolLass) - Tyne William Henry born March 26, 2013 at 11:54 AM. 6 lbs, 14 oz :blue:
Laura (Laura91) - Eva Nicole born March 27, 2013 at 6:54 AM. 7 lbs, 15 oz :pink:
Brooke (BStar) - Isabelle Ellen born March 29, 2013 at 11:55 PM. 7 lbs, 4 oz :pink:
Lisa (magic93) - Quinsy Lorenzo Bobb born March 30, 2013 at 3:47 PM. 7lb, 6oz :blue:
Lauren (MrsHippo) - Beau Harper born March 31, 2013 shortly after midnight. 8 lbs, 2 oz :pink:
Alex (baby_nurse) - Joshua Matthew born April 4, 2013 at 11:45. 8 lbs, 4 oz :blue:
Brittany (I Love Lucy) - Aiden Michael born April 5, 2013 at 12:17 AM. 6 lbs, 8 oz :blue:
Sarah (doggylover) - Isabelle Katie born April 10, 2013 at 5:54 PM. 7 lbs, 10 oz :pink:
Jenny (JennyNBaby) - Baby Girl born April 14, 2013. 7lbs, 14 oz :pink:

Awaiting Our LO's Arrivals
Amanda (rosemaryjayne) Due March 27th, 2013 :blue:
(Victoriasbump) Due March 28th, 2013
(noreencasey) Due April 1st, 2013
(Dixie83185) Due April 4th, 2013
Teresa (wannabwatkins) Due April 4th, 2013 :blue:
(JerseyBean) Due April 5th, 2013 :yellow:
(Cherrybump) Due April 7th, 2013 :pink:
(Clarkeyness) Due April 27th, 2013 :blue:
Emma (scotskid) Due Unknown

I'm looking for some buddies that are going through their pregnancy journey's for the first time and will be due around the same time I am.

Some info about me, I'm 22 and OH is 25. EDD is March 29, 2013. So far my main pg symptoms are MS, mild AF like cramps, mild lower back pain, and sore breasts/nipples.

What are you guys feeling?
Hi I love Lucy :flower:

I've seen you on the first tri boards, but nice to see you here too! I'm due April 9th (according to ov date). I'm 26 and dh is 25. Had one previous mc in January, so this is second pregnancy but first lo (hopefully!)

So far I've had some hip pain but nothing else!

Glad to be able to join you for the journey.
Welcome doggylover, I'm glad to see you here. Have you got your first appointment set up? I'm impatiently waiting for mine which is August 21st at 6 PM. My ob/gyn wouldn't see me until I'm at least 8 weeks pg.

I'm sorry about the hip pain you're experiencing. At least you've been able to avoid MS so far. I was actually wanting to have MS because I thought more pg symptoms would make the baby seem more real. That sure was a silly thing to wish. I'm now stuck with nausea all day and feel pretty miserable because of it.
Aww sorry you're feeling bad! Although I am in that wishing for ms stage! I'll obviously be sorry when it arrives!

I have a gp appointment on Friday to get the ball rolling, and will hopefully get an early scan - if we go by my lmp I'll be 12 weeks at start of September, but knowing when I ov means I know I'll only be 8 weeks. Will keep that under wraps though to try to get to see baby early! Will you get a scan at your first appointment?
I thought I was crazy when I was wishing for MS but from browsing around the first tri forum it seems a lot of ladies do. Now I'll be thankful when MS is gone now that I have it.

I don't know when I ov'ed so I'm not sure how far along I actually am. I did track CM but didn't do any OPK's or temp so my guess is around the 10-12 of July but how accurate that is I'm not sure.

Hopefully I'll get a scan at my first appointment but I'm not really sure what they'll do. I had to switch to a new ob/gyn so I've never even been to this office before to know how they do things. I'm just hoping it's not terrible. It always makes me nervous going to a new ob/gyn.
Luckily for me things work diff entry over here - we don't have to go to a specific ob/gyn, we just go and see our regular dr and then most care is from hospital. It seems a lot more complicated in the states though, having to choose obgyn and birthing centres and things. I don't know how I'd cope with that at the minute!

I'm sure you're new dr will be fine, and if not would you be able to change again?

Ugh I have been gagging so much today, any little thing can set me off, like tossing out the left over salad. I've been starving these last few days as well. Can't wait to get home from my holiday (later today) and eat eat eat! The friend who I am on holiday with is a tiny tiny human who barely eats at all. Feel like such a fatso in comparison this week!
We don't have to go to specific ob/gyn but we have to pay attention to what hospital the ob/gyn works out of. My old ob/gyn works out of a hospital that is about an hour away from where I live now. Driving that far in labor makes me nervous (especially if I go into labor during rush hour when that trip could be much longer).

Then OH and I were driving around our new place and there is a hospital literally right down the road so I changed to an ob/gyn that works out of that hospital. It makes me feel comfortable knowing the hospital is so close should anything happen or when I go into labor.

As for the new doctor, the office has 6 ob/gyn's and they actually suggest you make an appointment with all the doctors since any one of them could be delivering your baby since it happens to be whatever doctor is on call that day. So I'm trying to go that route and should I dislike the first doctor I'll just avoid making appointments with her and make appointments with the others. I'm trying to think positive though, I don't have any reason to think the doctor will be bad.

Will you be giving birth at a hospital or will you be doing a home birth or something? I read a lot of about people doing water births and home births and that is almost unheard of around here.

Sorry about you doing all the gagging. When I hit 6 weeks, I started to get nauseated and the only thing that ever made it feel better was eating. Then anytime I went too long without a snack I'd get nauseated again and start gagging. Are you nauseated too? If so, I'd say you're starting to get MS.
I have felt a little nauseous if I get hungry as well, but nothing major at all. Once I eat I definitely feel better, maybe this is all my ms will ever amount to?!

That's interesting about how your system works, it makes a lot of sense to work with the drs at your chosen hospital. I believe we literally don't meet the dr who will be in charge of our labour until we are mid push :haha:

Yeah a lot of people see, to do water births. we have a show here called one born every minute, following peoples labour, and a lot seem to be going down the water route. Not for me I think - the thought of giving birth in a pool, with all the...bits floating around you? Yuk! I don't know of anyone who has ever had a home birth, but I know it's an option, I think really that would only be for second baby or more.

That's lucky that your hospital will be so close. We live in the I middle of nowhere, so it'll be at least 25 mins to our hospital, depending on traffic. I'm sure it will seem like the longest journey ever!
That's how my MS started out. Then it progressed to gagging and eating food not getting rid of it. Ginger ale has become my new best friend. I haven't actually thrown up yet though so that's good but I'm sure it'll be coming.

Tomorrow I hit the 8 week mark. I look forward to Friday's since I know I get a new fruit then. It's cool getting to see how the baby is developing. Then I'll probably get to the doctor and they'll tell me I'm not that far along. That seems to be the trend I see happen in first tri.

I hope your doctor makes a good impression when you get to meet him. I have a friend in a different state who had a doctor come in, in a Hawaiian shirt so he didn't look like a doctor at all. Of course, in the middle of labor I don't think you'll care too much. :haha:

25 minutes isn't too bad. That was about the distance the hospital that my old ob/gyn worked out of was. Then we moved and that time doubled to 40-50 minutes. I couldn't imagine driving that far in labor.
Welcome rosemaryjayne! Have you had your first scan yet? What kind of symptoms are you having?
Hi rosemaryjane! Congrats on your BFP!

You seem to feel similar to me- queasy if hungry.

Yesterday and this morning I felt very sick, and this morning I was wrenching into the sink again lol. Just had some ginger and lemon tea and toast to try to settle my stomach, I'm thinking if this continues that'll be my staple diet over the next few weeks!!

I love Lucy, I think if my dr turned up in a hawaiian shirt I would just laugh!! It would certainly lighten the mood during labour!!

Have my first dr appointment this morning, and can't wait to get the ball rolling! Hopefully get my booking in appt in the next week or two, followed by my scan. They were very quick at sending out info the last time about dates so I should know today when my booking in appt is and early next week about my scan :)

Have you ladies bought anything yet for future lo?
I'm another one.
I'm 22 & the OH is 23, will be 24 when baby's here. We don't have a date yet. We have our first appointment in 10 days though. I'm worried though about whether or not I'll get a scan, as I'll be 12 weeks by then but it didn't say on the letter I got from the hosptial.
Baby we think is due mid to late March.
I've not really had many symptoms though. Been sick twice & have had regular twinges & cramps. Completely despite feeling sick pretty much all the time. OH is convinced there's a bump already, but this usually comes about when I've eaten.
Hi ladies (welcome scotskid), sorry for my lack of posting. MS got pretty extreme yesterday. I was nauseated all day and actually started throwing up in the evening, then the nausea continued through the night and actually woke me up just about every hour because it was so bad, and it's still making me miserable today. :(

So I'm sick and exhausted today. Since I'm having so much trouble eating food now (ginger ale and crackers had been helping with the nausea) I've sent OH to get me sea bands. Hopefully that will give me some relief because this really sucks. I can't believe a couple of weeks ago I was actually wishing for MS. I would give anything to go back to those symptomless days now. :haha:

doggylover how did your first appointment go?

I have my first appointment this Tuesday at 6 PM. I'm thinking I'll get a scan then but I'm not really sure. I hope so because I've been looking forward to seeing the baby.

As for buying things, I haven't yet. OH has already been listing stuff he wants to get though. I'm thinking once we get through first tri we might start picking up little things.
Welcome scotskid and congrats on your BFP!

First appointment went well. Had a lovely dr, who was very reassuring about this pregnancy going well after my mc, and she is getting me booked in for my first scan in the next 2-3 weeks. Because my cycles are so long she took from lmp, which means I will be 11 weeks medically for the scan, but prob only 8 weeks truly. I'm pleased though as its the early scan I wanted!!

So my ms has arrived! Not feeling too bad today but Thursday, Friday and sat it wasn't pleasant. Haven't actually been sick, but just felt so awful. It lasted most of yesterday which was awful. In good news, my boobs have grown which I am very excited about!! I love Lucy sorry you are feeling so awful as well. I'm the same though - I was wishing for it to start and it's only been three days and I can't wait for it to leave!!!

yesterday and today I have started to panic that I can't do this- the pregnant bit. I am happy enough with the baby bit when lo arrives, but I am just having a real panic that I won't be able to cope with being pregnant. I don't know where it's come from, but I'm freaking out....
Just wait until you start puking doggylover. I didn't start that until Friday, before it was only just nausea and in the beginning it went away pretty easily whenever I ate. Yesterday it got worse again, I was basically hugging the toilet for a good hour last night. :(

But I'm doing better job of eating very small snacks every hour or hour and half so my stomach is never empty as an empty stomach makes the nausea a thousand times worse for me.

Sea bands have also been help a lot as long as I keep up with the snacking. I'd definitely consider gettingn some for yourself doggylover.

Also, your panic sounds a lot like me right now. I was telling OH last night that I don't know how I can cope with this MS for another month. I don't even feel like a normal human anymore because my daily activities have been effected so much. I barely get out of bed. So I would say your feelings are pretty normal. I think once we get out of first tri the panic we feel will ease up.
I think that's exactly it, yesterday I just felt so awful, and I was saying to dh "I can't feel like this for another 6-8 weeks...I just can't! I CAN'T DO THIS!" but then today I feel mainly fine. I think we concentrated to much on getting pregnant and having a baby, I kind of forgot I actually would BE pregnant and kind of assumed all these horrible pregnancy things would miss me, or that it would be like you are sick once in the morning and feel fine all day. How naive!!

ILL, sorry you've been toilet hugging, even the thought of that makes me want to wretch! I'll definitely give the sea bands a go if I continue to feel awful. I used them a lot when I was younger as I get really travel sick, which is exactly what I feel like at the minute.

Scotskid, I know what you mean about having to wait for the scan. It seems so unfair that North American ladies seem to get their scans a lot earlier than us!
I think when we're TTC we spend far too much time just thinking about feeling the kicks for the first time, hearing the heartbeat, etc. I don't think any of us actually think about how badly MS can be or how tiring pregnancy really is. I thought I was ready for all that stuff but now that I'm dealing with it I realize I definitely wasn't. I just keep telling myself it won't last forever and having the baby at the end will make all of it worth it so just hang in there! :hugs:

I get my first appointment tomorrow evening. I'm thinking I'll get my first scan then as well but I'm not sure. I'm so excited either way.
Oh let us know how your appointment went! Hoping you got a scan, that would be great!!! Good luck!

Today I was very close to throwing up, but I have to say afterwards I felt so much better and felt fine for the rest of the day. I wouldn't mind that continuing - feel sick, maybe throw up once or twice, done for the day!

I think ms is one of those things you do not understand until you are living it. I never thought it could feel this awful!!!
I hope your MS continues that way doggylover. Having the all day MS is torture.

rosemaryjayne, what you're describing sounds like MS. Mine started out the way you described it and then I started throwing up when I hit 8 weeks. But thankfully that's only happened twice so it could be worse.

I have read that bad MS can be an indicator of a girl. I also did the ring test and the chinese gender calculator and both predicted a girl as well. It will be exciting to find out if any of that stuff is accurate.

Anyone else try any gender prediction stuff?
When I was reading that several people were saying it wasn't true for them as they had bad MS and had a boy or didn't have any MS and had a girl. I guess that's just one of those old wives tales.

OH is wanting a boy but I've been leaning towards a girl. I feel like it's a girl. But I think that might be because of the gender predicition stuff telling me it's a girl. :haha:

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