Amanda - I also read that as ectopic, oh my goodness!

That must have been terrifying for you!
I hope the early scan goes well. I think I already mentioned it but I had an early scan too as I was having constant spotting and heavy cramping for the first few weeks - they did the internal scan first at 6 weeks but they couldn't see anything so I went back again at 7 weeks and they gave me a normal ultrasound scan and they said everything was fine. So fingers crossed for you as spotting and cramping can be perfectly normal.
I'm so jealous that you guys have all only thrown up a couple of times each

I am throwing up EVERY day, usually twice a day. Its just horrible

It doesn't seem to matter what I eat or when I eat it. This morning all I had was a slice of toast, and I threw up for five minutes after!
I've had a terrible weekend - I ended back in hospital yesterday. I was taken in by ambulance! I had been to work and been fine, and when I got home I felt suddenly unwell - I threw up, then got really feverish and starting shaking REALLY hard and couldn't stop, it was almost like I was having a convulsion!
They took me to the emergency room, and kept me in all night to observe me - I had to have an IV drip, I was hooked up to a heart monitor all night, had blood tests and urine tests etc - they think I have some kind of gastric infection and said it was my extremely high temperature making me shake so much :/ It doesn't explain the rash though - its still there and they just don't know what it is. It keeps going down and then coming back up again.
I'm worried about what me being so unwell is doing to the baby, the extremely high temperature I had can't have been good for it
In good news though, I FINALLY got my first midwife appointment - its on Wednesday, so I can tell them my concerns then I guess!
I hope everybody is well!