First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Rosemaryjane that is ms I believe! That queasy feeling is what I have right now, no idea where it arrived from tonight...mine seems to have no set pattern. Just turns up whenever...

Chinese gender predictor also has me down for a girl, haven't done ring test yet though. Oh would prefer a girl, and I would prefer a boy, but then again but I'm not that fussed anymore!
My first appointment is today at 6 PM. I can't believe the day is finally here. Now I'm pretty sure this day is going to last forever since I'm so excited. I'll be sure to let y'all know how it goes tomorrow since I'm sure when I get back home I'll be ready for bed.
How'd the appointment go brittany? Can't wait to hear!

I just got my scan date for next Wednesday, I'm so excited! It seems like a lifetime away though!!!

Also, as we will be chatting a lot over the next few months, you ladies can call me Sarah!
Hey ladies, my appointment went really well. It was long but good. Baby is measuring 7 weeks 6 days so 8 weeks today. We were also able to see the heart beat on the screen and hear it (174 bpm). Seeing the little baby and hearing the heart beat was one of the most amazing things ever. I didn't realize it until the doctor started the transvaginal ultrasound but I was really expecting there to be nothing there so seeing a baby there was such a relief. And hearing the heart beat, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I actually teared up a bit hearing it. I attatched a picture of my scan. I couldn't figure out how to work my scanner so I had to take a picture of it with my phone.

Sarah, only a week to go until your scan. Believe me the wait will be so worth it. :)

On another note, have you ladies decided whether or not you will be doing genetic testing. I kind of went into it thinking I wasn't going to do it because it wasn't going to change anything. Then OH made the point that even though it's not going to change anything, if there is something wrong we can at least be prepared for it rather then it coming as a shock. So we have we'll be getting another U/S at our next appointment Sept 11.

We also got our gender scan appointment set up as well. We'll be finding that out Nov 13th. Will y'all be finding out the gender or staying team yellow?


  • 7 w 6 d scan.jpg
    7 w 6 d scan.jpg
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Amanda, I thought having to wait until 8 weeks pg was torture, I couldn't imagine having to wait until 12 weeks for the first appointment. But I've read that's pretty normal for you guys to have later appointments?

I just kept telling myself that I'm not having bad cramping and I'm not having any spotting or bleeding so I have no reason to believe anything is wrong with the baby. Maybe telling yourself the same will help you get through the wait?

As for the gender scan, mine is ocurring at 20 weeks but another lady on here just had her gender scan and she is 24 weeks. Hopefully when that time comes both of our babies cooperate. One of my friends was never 100% sure what she was having because every scan she had the babies legs were crossed so they weren't sure.

I'm also really leaning towards wanting a girl and OH is leaning towards wanting a boy. Of course, we're going to be thrilled regardless.
Hi All!

Is it ok for me to join in this chat?

I'm expecting my first on April 3rd :) I'm 8 weeks exactly.

I have been reading through your posts and its so nice to hear people discussing things that I have been going through and driving myself crazy over!

My name is Hayley, I'm 30 and my s/o is 39 so we probably seem like oaps but we don't feel it hehe!

I've been having AWFUL ms - it occurs mostly in the evening and it seems to get worse when I'm hungry - it sucks coz I feel constantly queasy and that feeling only seems to go away when my stomach is empty, but then as soon as my tummy is empty I start to throw up :( I can't win!

I'm off all food - I don't ever feel like eating, and I usually LOVE to eat!

I was having very bad cramps and some spotting but luckily that has all eased off in the last two weeks - I did go for an early scan at 7 weeks just to check though and everything was fine *phew!*

I'm still waiting for my first midwife appointment - my Dr is rubbish and I already found out that they "forgot" to forward my details to the midwife once so I'm wondering if I've been forgotten about again as they told me they were sending me for an urgent appointment as I have a pre-existing thyroid condition - surely I should have heard about my appointment by now if its supposed to be urgent?!

I have also been having the pregnancy panic that I can't do the whole pregnancy thing - with how horrible the MS has been, I've been feeling that there's no way I can get through another month of it - and then goodness knows what delightful things await us in the second trimester! :/

I'm releived to see i'm not the only one feeling that way though :)

Brittany your scan pic looks great, and so wonderful that you heard a hb! I'm sure it has put your mind at ease!

In terms of testing, I agree with your oh. It won't matter to me if baby does have a genetic problem, but I would rather know so I can be prepared and have joined some support groups, and generally be ready to deal with any special care my lo needs. I'm not sure when that testing will be, and I need to discuss it with oh, but my gut feeling is to find out.

On the other hand...not finding out gender. We had talked about it before and I had said to oh yes, as he really wants to. But at the minute I'm for not finding out, keeping a little surprise for the end. If we did find out I wouldn't want any other people to know, and I'd find it too hard to keep it quiet!

Amanda, waiting sucks. Can't believe your scan isn't until 14th, that seems like forever away. Would you consider going for a private scan?

Welcome Hayley! Congrats on your pregnancy! Sorry you are feeling rough, hopefully it will pass soon...for all of us! I'm so glad that you have been panicking a little as well, makes me feel so much more normal!!

Telling my family tonight! It'll be very welcome news as there has been a bit of tension about my nephew and my SIL this week, so will help to smooth out any tension at dinner!
Hi Hayley, welcome! Looks like we are the same length along. I was 8 weeks yesterday too based on what the baby measured at my scan. My doctor left my due date at March 29th for the time being though.

You sound exactly like me with the MS. I'm at the point where I feel like I'm just forcing myself to eat rather then actually wanting to eat/enjoying food like I used to. Mine also seems to be worse in the evenings, at least I've only thrown up in the evenings but first thing in the morning can be pretty bad too. I would just like to fast forward through first trimester so I can be done with the MS so I can feel human again.

Sorry about the stuff with your doctor. Could you possibly switch to someone else?

Sarah, when my ob/gyn was going over the genetic testing stuff she said there is one that can be done in first tri between 11 and 13 weeks and one that can be done in second tri. However, I guess the first tri one is around 99% accurate so if everything is fine with that test then they don't do the second tri test. Our next appointment (Sept 11) we will be doing the testing.

I hope everything went well when you told your family! Since our scan OH and I have decided to tell the future aunts and uncles and a few other close relatives and friends. I can't wait until the 12 week mark though which is when we have decided to tell everyone else. It'll be nice to have it out in the open.
Telling my family went great :) My mum, SIL and sister all cried, and my sister is not best known for her emotional outbursts :haha: they are so excited of course, which has made me excited, and I just hope to heavens that next week the scan is good news! It makes it seem so much more real when you tell people doesn't it? I can't wait to tell my friends and some other relatives now!

I haven't felt sick today, which worries me. BUt then again, i have been snacking all day, and I've been busy all day, which really makes me feel better. Just hoping I get an awful dose of ms tomorrow so I know it's still there. Probably regret that as soon as it starts...but :shrug:

Thanks for the genetics info Brittany, I will definitely have to talk that over with my oh soon then.

So my scan next week I will be 8 weeks, they usually give the scans at 11/12 you think I'll get another one around then? I hope so!

Any cravings from you lot yet? I haven't had any...any I do have are just my normal greedy self :haha:
I'm glad telling your family went so well. I now very much so regret telling anyone about my pregnancy. Everyone is so excited that they can't seem to keep quiet about it and now I'm stressed about people that should hear the news from OH or I are going to be finding out on FB instead. I'm just so frustrated with it all that this has just reconfirmed that I would much rather no one know until I'm ready for everyone to know. Never again will I tell people early, never again.

Anyways, Sarah I got a scan at my 8 week appointment and then I will be getting a scan at 12 week appointment but that's only because I'm having the genetic screending done. I think if I opted not to do the genetic screening I wouldn't get an ultrasound at all. After that scan I don't get another one until the gender scan at 20 weeks and I believe that is the last one. That might give you some idea of what to expect but it could be totally different too.

As for cravings, I've had several. Grilled cheese sandwiches, Cheeze It's, and bacon to name a few. They don't stick around for long though before I stop craving it. Lately I haven't been craving anything really. I dislike eating food in general now thanks to the nausea.
Thanks for the welcomes girls :)

Oh that's fun that we're the same way through Brittany, will be interesting to see how we both compare at different stages with symptoms etc!

I'm glad telling your family went well Sarah! It is so nice to see how happy it makes people around us, isn't it?! Its so easy to forget what huge news it is for other people too!

I had planned on waiting until the 12 week mark to announce but I just couldn't keep it in anymore and ended up announcing it yesterday! oops :wacko:

As for cravings - I've had a few - things like chips smothered in vinegar, ready salted crisps, and the weirdest one was chocolate rice krispie squares dunked in Vimto! (I dont even like Vimto!)

has anybody else found themselves going right off things they usually love too? I usually love pizza and fast food but now I can't even see an ad for Dominos or Mcdonalds without gagging!

I ended up in the hospital last night with a mysterious spreading itchy rash all over me - I'm not sure if its pregnancy related or not, but it definately sucks!
Hayley, I used to love tomatoes and now anything tomato related grosses me out. I think this is partially because I had a tomato go rotten over the night and now whenever I think of tomatoes I think how awful that rotten one smelled.

I'm sorry about the rash. Hopefully it's not anything too serious. Let us know what the doctors say about it.
Omg Hayley that sounds awful! Hoping you are ok now and the rash is gone? Maybe something to do with the rice krispie squares and Vimto combo?!!!

I feel good today, not sick at all just super tired. (tmi) I also feel like my intestines are just too full. Everything I eat is going in, but nothing is coming out :haha: I'm so uncomfortable.

Brittany, I know I will have a scan for gender (if wanted) at 20 weeks as well, and I think that's my last one too, so imagine the system here is pretty much the same as with you guys. Will just be so good to get in there next week and find out what's going on! That's awful about your family telling people, which is making you feel bad at what should be the happiest time of your life. I'm shocked that they would do that and latently not respect your wishes. :hugs:
Sarah, it might be a good idea to get some stool softeners if you're not able to have a BM everyday. I read about someone in first tri that left that problem untreated and ended up in the hospital because it got so bad.

Also, my mom telling people is partially my fault. I had told her if everything was fine with the scan then she could tell my grandma and aunts. I didn't specify that those were the only people she could tell so she thought I meant that she could tell whoever. She felt bad when I told her that is not what I meant and apologized.

Now MIL, told one person without even being told she could tell anyone because "she blabbed about SIL's pg's so she figured it was only fair she blabbed about mine". Seriously, that was her reasoning. She did apologize and told OH that she felt so bad about doing it that she couldn't sleep well for a few nights. I've forgiven her but that one was much harder to forgive.

I guess I find that with as awful as I feel with all day MS that I am just simply too irritable to deal with people right now. Next time around, no one will know until 12 weeks just so I don't have to deal with any of this stuff when I'm feeling lousy.
As if your MIL said that! That's insanity! But at least she felt bad afterwards. We specified last night to both families it's only parents and siblings (and their oh) to know until we say otherwise.

That story about ending up in hospital doesn't sound good :S I'm currently drinking lots of oj and eating prunes to try and get things moving, if that doesn't work I'll speak to my bro (Dr) about what I can take.

Pregnancy...turns us into messes! I know what you mean about feeling irritable. I was so annoyed I had to feed our dogs tonight, even though oh does it all the time, and he's exhausted after a full week of work! But he knows what he signed up for haha!
I realize this might be different in your country but the stool softeners that are considered safe and are on my list of stuff I can take are Citrucel Dialose, Colace, Metamucil, and Surfak.

Since I have been drinking OJ though I've been able to have a BM every day so hopefully that helps you too and you won't even have to worry about getting any stool softeners.
I think I would only get two scans if I didn't choose to do the genetic testing. That seems to be the only reason I'm getting a scan at my next appointment around 12 weeks.

I'm sorry you threw up. So far I've only thrown up twice. The second time was because I ate in the car. Apparently for me food and traveling do not go together.
Omg Amanda, I also just had a mini heart attack as I read that as ectopic :hugs: I hope that this isn't too serious, and your scan goes well, and you feel better soon. My dr thought I had cervical erosion a few years ago from the pill, and she wasn't too bothered. Obviously much different in pregnancy, but hopefully they can do something for you.

Oh lord I feel awful today :( was actually sick for the first time today. Made even more horrific by the fact that all I had eaten was a red apple, and when the skin reappeared I of course assumed I had some internal bleeding :blush: took a a second or two to figure that one out... But anyway, have felt awful all day, and exhausted too.

Babies...who'd have em?!
Amanda, I freaked out a bit when I first read your post and saw the word ectopic so I can only imagine how freaked out you are! Only one more day until your scan though. I hope you and your baby are okay. Will the doctor's be able to do anything for the cervical erosion? I've never heard of that before so I'll admit, I'm rather clueless.

Hayley, the first time I had thrown up I had ate pizza (yea that burned really bad coming back up) but the little bits of red from the tomato sauce in there had me thinking of blood too. Hopefully it eases up though and you don't continue throwing up.
Amanda - I also read that as ectopic, oh my goodness! :hugs: That must have been terrifying for you!
I hope the early scan goes well. I think I already mentioned it but I had an early scan too as I was having constant spotting and heavy cramping for the first few weeks - they did the internal scan first at 6 weeks but they couldn't see anything so I went back again at 7 weeks and they gave me a normal ultrasound scan and they said everything was fine. So fingers crossed for you as spotting and cramping can be perfectly normal.

I'm so jealous that you guys have all only thrown up a couple of times each :wacko: I am throwing up EVERY day, usually twice a day. Its just horrible :(
It doesn't seem to matter what I eat or when I eat it. This morning all I had was a slice of toast, and I threw up for five minutes after!

I've had a terrible weekend - I ended back in hospital yesterday. I was taken in by ambulance! I had been to work and been fine, and when I got home I felt suddenly unwell - I threw up, then got really feverish and starting shaking REALLY hard and couldn't stop, it was almost like I was having a convulsion!

They took me to the emergency room, and kept me in all night to observe me - I had to have an IV drip, I was hooked up to a heart monitor all night, had blood tests and urine tests etc - they think I have some kind of gastric infection and said it was my extremely high temperature making me shake so much :/ It doesn't explain the rash though - its still there and they just don't know what it is. It keeps going down and then coming back up again.

I'm worried about what me being so unwell is doing to the baby, the extremely high temperature I had can't have been good for it :cry:

In good news though, I FINALLY got my first midwife appointment - its on Wednesday, so I can tell them my concerns then I guess!

I hope everybody is well!

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