I Love Lucy
DS and DD
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So sorry for the lack of posts in here. I haven't been spending too much time online lately.
Lindsey - Does Sarah pinch you at all when she's nursing? That seems to be Aiden's new thing to do while he's nursing since he seems to think he needs to have his hands on my boobs too. I don't even want to think about how he'll be when he has teeth. But since I realized that I don't necessarily have to wean Aiden to TTC I'm thinking I'll try to make it closer to the year mark before weaning like you mentioned.
Aiden's routine is still weird. Anytime I think we have something predictable going something happens and it changes. The past few days he's been waking up between 8:30 and 9. I nurse him and then we go downstairs and he plays on his activity mat or watches baby tv in his bouncer while I do some housework and talk to him. About 2 hours after he gets up he's ready for a nap and this seems to be his longest one now where he'll sleep from 10:30 or 11 to about 1. Then from that point on it's little cat naps when he nurses around 3-4 and 5-6. I start trying to put him to sleep around 7 or 8 (He used to be asleep for the night around 8:30) but lately I can't get him to fall asleep for the night until 10 or 11. Then I'm usually putting a boob in his mouth ever 3 hours. My guess is things are so rough with him because of teething. He's been showing signs of it for a few weeks now.
Hope you and Seth are able to come to an agreement on how much time is acceptable time to be out.
Also happy 4 month birthday to Sarah!!
Lauren I'm sorry you cut Beau's finger. I tried cutting Aiden's nails one time while he was sleeping and as soon as I got the clipper positioned he started screaming. I felt so bad thinking I had hurt him. Now I only cut his nails while he's nursing. He's too distracted with that to care about what I'm doing with his nails.
I'm also still working on trying to get giggles out of Aiden. I got a few laughs out of him one morning when I was kissing his face but I haven't been able to get anymore since then. He seems to prefer to scream now over making any other sounds.
Excellent news about someone wanting to rent your apartment too.
Sarah How is Izzy doing with the bottle now?
As for DTD, like Lauren mentioned DH and I have tried using sex toys to help with foreplay but if DH tries to put one in it hurts way too much. Right now sex seems to only work and feel somewhat good if I'm on top. Prior to that we were just trying the missionary position and it just hurt too much in that position. So maybe next time you decide to attempt it try a different position and see if you get better results. I know how you feel though as we're still struggling with it over here.
Cathleen I still have problems getting diapers to fit Aiden right since like Lily he's so thin at the waist. He's still able to wear his newborn diapers almost as tightly as they were when we first put him in them. I do think Rumparooz are my favorite pocket diaper followed by the Bumgenius 4.0 diapers as far as the fit goes.
As for the poop have you looked into disposable liners? I used these while Aiden was pooping like 4 or 5 times a day. You just place them inside your diaper so that they'll catch the poop and then you flush them down the toilet (they're biodegradable). Now since Aiden poops maybe once or twice every other day or so I just use my diaper sprayer (I have the Bumgenius one) and just spray the poop off into the toilet. I think some stains are bound to happen though regardless of whether or not you do these things. I know some of Aiden's diapers have stains but they don't smell and I know they're clean so it doesn't bother me but I know a lot of people mention hanging stained diapers in the sun.
AFM Like others have mentioned I'm pretty sure Aiden is starting to teeth. He chews his fists all day and whenever I put a bib or burp cloth near him to wipe up slobber he tries to chew that too. His new favorite thing to do seems to be blowing spit bubbles so he's just a mess with the drooling and then him wanting to blow the spit bubbles.
He's still trying to figure out rolling over. He can get on his side but can't seem to get the rest of the way over yet.
Also decided to buy one of those teething necklaces for Aiden since Green Baby Bargains (not sure if they ship outside the US) has them for 50% off right now.
Lindsey - Does Sarah pinch you at all when she's nursing? That seems to be Aiden's new thing to do while he's nursing since he seems to think he needs to have his hands on my boobs too. I don't even want to think about how he'll be when he has teeth. But since I realized that I don't necessarily have to wean Aiden to TTC I'm thinking I'll try to make it closer to the year mark before weaning like you mentioned.
Aiden's routine is still weird. Anytime I think we have something predictable going something happens and it changes. The past few days he's been waking up between 8:30 and 9. I nurse him and then we go downstairs and he plays on his activity mat or watches baby tv in his bouncer while I do some housework and talk to him. About 2 hours after he gets up he's ready for a nap and this seems to be his longest one now where he'll sleep from 10:30 or 11 to about 1. Then from that point on it's little cat naps when he nurses around 3-4 and 5-6. I start trying to put him to sleep around 7 or 8 (He used to be asleep for the night around 8:30) but lately I can't get him to fall asleep for the night until 10 or 11. Then I'm usually putting a boob in his mouth ever 3 hours. My guess is things are so rough with him because of teething. He's been showing signs of it for a few weeks now.
Hope you and Seth are able to come to an agreement on how much time is acceptable time to be out.
Also happy 4 month birthday to Sarah!!
Lauren I'm sorry you cut Beau's finger. I tried cutting Aiden's nails one time while he was sleeping and as soon as I got the clipper positioned he started screaming. I felt so bad thinking I had hurt him. Now I only cut his nails while he's nursing. He's too distracted with that to care about what I'm doing with his nails.
I'm also still working on trying to get giggles out of Aiden. I got a few laughs out of him one morning when I was kissing his face but I haven't been able to get anymore since then. He seems to prefer to scream now over making any other sounds.
Excellent news about someone wanting to rent your apartment too.
Sarah How is Izzy doing with the bottle now?
As for DTD, like Lauren mentioned DH and I have tried using sex toys to help with foreplay but if DH tries to put one in it hurts way too much. Right now sex seems to only work and feel somewhat good if I'm on top. Prior to that we were just trying the missionary position and it just hurt too much in that position. So maybe next time you decide to attempt it try a different position and see if you get better results. I know how you feel though as we're still struggling with it over here.

Cathleen I still have problems getting diapers to fit Aiden right since like Lily he's so thin at the waist. He's still able to wear his newborn diapers almost as tightly as they were when we first put him in them. I do think Rumparooz are my favorite pocket diaper followed by the Bumgenius 4.0 diapers as far as the fit goes.
As for the poop have you looked into disposable liners? I used these while Aiden was pooping like 4 or 5 times a day. You just place them inside your diaper so that they'll catch the poop and then you flush them down the toilet (they're biodegradable). Now since Aiden poops maybe once or twice every other day or so I just use my diaper sprayer (I have the Bumgenius one) and just spray the poop off into the toilet. I think some stains are bound to happen though regardless of whether or not you do these things. I know some of Aiden's diapers have stains but they don't smell and I know they're clean so it doesn't bother me but I know a lot of people mention hanging stained diapers in the sun.
AFM Like others have mentioned I'm pretty sure Aiden is starting to teeth. He chews his fists all day and whenever I put a bib or burp cloth near him to wipe up slobber he tries to chew that too. His new favorite thing to do seems to be blowing spit bubbles so he's just a mess with the drooling and then him wanting to blow the spit bubbles.
He's still trying to figure out rolling over. He can get on his side but can't seem to get the rest of the way over yet.
Also decided to buy one of those teething necklaces for Aiden since Green Baby Bargains (not sure if they ship outside the US) has them for 50% off right now.