First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

So sorry for the lack of posts in here. I haven't been spending too much time online lately.

Lindsey - Does Sarah pinch you at all when she's nursing? That seems to be Aiden's new thing to do while he's nursing since he seems to think he needs to have his hands on my boobs too. I don't even want to think about how he'll be when he has teeth. But since I realized that I don't necessarily have to wean Aiden to TTC I'm thinking I'll try to make it closer to the year mark before weaning like you mentioned.

Aiden's routine is still weird. Anytime I think we have something predictable going something happens and it changes. The past few days he's been waking up between 8:30 and 9. I nurse him and then we go downstairs and he plays on his activity mat or watches baby tv in his bouncer while I do some housework and talk to him. About 2 hours after he gets up he's ready for a nap and this seems to be his longest one now where he'll sleep from 10:30 or 11 to about 1. Then from that point on it's little cat naps when he nurses around 3-4 and 5-6. I start trying to put him to sleep around 7 or 8 (He used to be asleep for the night around 8:30) but lately I can't get him to fall asleep for the night until 10 or 11. Then I'm usually putting a boob in his mouth ever 3 hours. My guess is things are so rough with him because of teething. He's been showing signs of it for a few weeks now.

Hope you and Seth are able to come to an agreement on how much time is acceptable time to be out.

Also happy 4 month birthday to Sarah!!

Lauren I'm sorry you cut Beau's finger. I tried cutting Aiden's nails one time while he was sleeping and as soon as I got the clipper positioned he started screaming. I felt so bad thinking I had hurt him. Now I only cut his nails while he's nursing. He's too distracted with that to care about what I'm doing with his nails.

I'm also still working on trying to get giggles out of Aiden. I got a few laughs out of him one morning when I was kissing his face but I haven't been able to get anymore since then. He seems to prefer to scream now over making any other sounds.

Excellent news about someone wanting to rent your apartment too.

Sarah How is Izzy doing with the bottle now?

As for DTD, like Lauren mentioned DH and I have tried using sex toys to help with foreplay but if DH tries to put one in it hurts way too much. Right now sex seems to only work and feel somewhat good if I'm on top. Prior to that we were just trying the missionary position and it just hurt too much in that position. So maybe next time you decide to attempt it try a different position and see if you get better results. I know how you feel though as we're still struggling with it over here. :hugs:

Cathleen I still have problems getting diapers to fit Aiden right since like Lily he's so thin at the waist. He's still able to wear his newborn diapers almost as tightly as they were when we first put him in them. I do think Rumparooz are my favorite pocket diaper followed by the Bumgenius 4.0 diapers as far as the fit goes.

As for the poop have you looked into disposable liners? I used these while Aiden was pooping like 4 or 5 times a day. You just place them inside your diaper so that they'll catch the poop and then you flush them down the toilet (they're biodegradable). Now since Aiden poops maybe once or twice every other day or so I just use my diaper sprayer (I have the Bumgenius one) and just spray the poop off into the toilet. I think some stains are bound to happen though regardless of whether or not you do these things. I know some of Aiden's diapers have stains but they don't smell and I know they're clean so it doesn't bother me but I know a lot of people mention hanging stained diapers in the sun.

AFM Like others have mentioned I'm pretty sure Aiden is starting to teeth. He chews his fists all day and whenever I put a bib or burp cloth near him to wipe up slobber he tries to chew that too. His new favorite thing to do seems to be blowing spit bubbles so he's just a mess with the drooling and then him wanting to blow the spit bubbles.

He's still trying to figure out rolling over. He can get on his side but can't seem to get the rest of the way over yet.

Also decided to buy one of those teething necklaces for Aiden since Green Baby Bargains (not sure if they ship outside the US) has them for 50% off right now.
Brittany thanks for the support about dtd. While I hat e thinking of someone else in a similar situation, I'm glad I'm not alone!!
Sorry to hear that Aiden is unpredictable at the minute. I think it's the same with us too - once you think you have something going changes. Like Isabelle used to play for almost 2 hours in the morning, but recently it's been less than one. I get used to that,meow we're back up to an hour and a half! That's a great nap Aiden gets in the morning though! I would kill for Izzy to nap like that!!
The bottle thing still is working out. She drank an ounce the other day from one, and that's all. It doesn't help that I pump some and say to Simon he needs to make time to give it to her, and he doesn't get round to it. She flat out refuses for me, so I don't bother trying. We're planning on going out next weekend for dinner for our wedding anniversary, but I still don't think she'll be taking it properly by the.

Lauren, sounds like Beau will have no trouble moving to her cot then, she'll be we'll used to sleeping like that. Scary about her rolling in the hammock though, no wonder you want her close to you!
How are you both getting on in the heat? We are dying lol, Isabelle is so grumpy and I am just a sweaty mess :haha:
Brittany, Beau is always sucking her hand and OMG the dribble. She is mostly nude when we are at home because its so warm here at the moment, she looks as though she has just come out the bath sometimes. If I put a bib on her, thats wet through after an hour. If she isn't dribbling on it, she's sucking it!! I know babies go through that phase - called ''finding their tongue/mouth'' or something like that.

Sarah, as much as I love sunshine and hot weather, its a pain in the backside when trying to do housework!! It gets so hot. I was still feeling kind of rubbish this morning so I have spent all day indoors and ....doing nothing. I feel better this evening for it. I have felt super tired too, I thought it might be due to the heat but I actually think its due to my hayfever tablets :/ the ones I need to take are the 4-8 hour ones, rather than the one-a-day. They don't last all day for me!! But the ones you take reguarly I can't seem to find non-drousy ones. Oh well. Tired or itchy as hell - I think I'll choose tired. As for Beau, she has been waking up between 3 and 5 every morning for milk. I think she is waking up thirsty? She hardly ever woke up before this weather.

Well I am feeling annoyed. The person who put in an offer on the apartment has only gone and withdrawn it!! We feel as though we have this huge weight on our shoulders and we really can't afford to pay the mortgage and rent on this place. I just really hope someone else is interested :( I'm going to reduce the price some more now in hope for more interest.

I don't dare spend any money, we have a wedding to go to next weekend and I wanted to buy myself and Beau a new dress for it. Then wanted to buy Adam a nice shirt. Oh and a gift for them!! Adam is really against me using my credit card, even though I have never put myself in to loads of debt and I'm not silly with it. But looks like I won't be buying anything :(
Oh Lauren that's crap news :( do you get to find out why they retracted their offer?

Weddings are so flipping expensive aren't they? We have one in two weeks in England, luckily we're combining it with a trip to Simons parents so that makes it seem ok to spend so much on flights etc. and I don't need a new outfit as I'm borrowing the new dress my sister got last month!!

Beau might be waking up thirsty, I know Isabelle wakes up more if our room is really hot (1,3,5 and 6am last night :shock:) and I am so thirsty when I wake to feed her.

Nothing new with me at all!
That's what I thought. Last night she didn't wake up... It didn't feel AS warm as previous nights though.

And no we don't know. It's an online agent that viewing was booked through.... So no, nothing. Was rather annoyed :/ have reduced the price and we have one viewing next week, just hope no one else wastes our time. I tell you what, that apartment has caused us nothing but grief!!

I have nothing new to report on either really.... Planning on re-starting the blog soon.

Oh and I'll be starting my Xmas shopping too lol. I've seem some really nice things and this way it will spread the cost. I am terrible and always leave it until end of November/December to do my shopping and every year I say 'I'll start earlier' but never do. This year I HAVE to do it because I don't think I'll be able to afford to do it all in one go as by December I will have (I think) no money coming in. So it will just be Adam's wages.

I also want to buy an Omlet Eglu for when we get ducks (if you Google it you will see what I'm talking about :)) but they're around 300/400 pounds.... I'm hoping to sell some bits and maybe get some competitions won so I can buy one. Even second hand they are around 200.

I went in to NEXT yesterday and guess what! They have their autumn range out!!!! Jumpers and boots and stuff!! All browns and creams. Autumn is my favourite season but I don't like how quick everything is going. All I think about is going back to work :(
There is me going 'nothing new here' yet somehow, I still manage to type an essay :haha:
Oh autumn is my favourite season too!! Isabelle has some lovely little coats that people bought so I hope we get some good wear out of those in autumn. I need to get her a whole winter wardrobe though, as she has nothing other than summery stuff. Might go and look online now...

The omlet looks so cool! i love it! That is bloody expensive though. Where are you going to get the ducks from? On another housey note, I saw some of the bedroom ideas for Beau you pinned, they are so lovely! I can't wait to see her bedroom when you're done.

I hate Christmas shopping. We do it mostly online, and the last two years with my brother and sister (and in laws) we haven't bought any presents, so that cuts out four people which makes it so much easier! And we decided last year just to get my parents a voucher for dinner so it was all very easy! Hopefully do something similar this year. Simon and his family are a PAIN. In my family, we just say "get me this for Christmas" or we ask someone what they want or need. Simon refuses to ask his family and they don't give any ideas, so it's a nightmare!
I like certain little bits from the nursery idea pins. I love the green colour on one of them and I love a wall mural on another. I was thinking about whether to go for a theme or not, I LOVE Betrix Potter so I was thinking about using a lot of that but also mix it in with a chic cottage type theme. I really like old fashioned toys too.....its hard to get the image I have in my head on paper or put in to words. I hope to use that website a lot more. The only thing I don't really like about it is that you don't have a clue where the original photograph came from. If I posted a load up, how would people know they're mine unless I watermarked them?

The ducks I'd just buy from someone who breeds poultry. I found a guy who owns a farm, he will sell the occasional ducks/chickens/geese ect and at the moment he has some ducklings for sale at only 4/5 pounds. They tend to be quite cheap as most people buy them for their meat. I did want a goose or two (instead of ducks) but they are around 50 per bird!!

Beau has a few warmer clothes. I saw some lovely coats in Zara in the January sales and we ummed and arrrmed about buying one for this coming winter but we didn't. I kind of wish we did now. Can't wait until she is walking and we can dress her in welly boots or some cute ugg boots :)
I can't wait for Welles! They will look so cute in them!

Geese are evil, I am terrified of them! And swans. All mean! In fact, ducks are the only type of bird I don't hate!

So, I used to have a baby who slept really well - 5,6,7 hours every night. Now, I'm lucky to get two out of her, and three is a miracle :( two nights ago we had the worst night we've ever had, and most other nights I am up every two hours. This morning she woke at 5.30 after just being up and fed an hour before so I knew she wasn't hungry, so I left her in her crib. She talked away then fell asleep...but kept waking herself up again until she started crying.

I'm pretty sure this is all my fault as she's been feeding to sleep for a while now in the evenings, so I understand her not being able to get back to sleep without it. And I assume that's why she's started waking more, she gets unsettled and wakes and needs it to go back to sleep. I just dunno what to do, I'm at my wits end. It's been like this for a month, worse than when she was a newborn, and I am so frustrated :(
Oh no. Sorry to hear about the bad nights :( it's hard when they are like that and nothing you do helps!!

Beau hasn't been sleeping too bad but getting her to sleep is a nightmare at the moment. She just won't settle.... Take me ages to actually settle her. Up down, up down, up down, putting her dummy in and rocking her back to sleep. God knows what I'm going to do when she is in a cot that I cannot rock!!!

I think she is teething too (even though I've been saying that for ages now) but recently she literally screams, cries and no matter what I do she just doesn't stop. I end up giving her calpol which seems to calm her after a bit.

What's slightly worrying is that the next couple of months are going to be this and worse!!

I hope you get a better night tonight!! .... Although I've just started worrying as its decided to start thundering!!

EDIT: does Isabelle use a dummy at night? Also, don't kick yourself for feeding her when she wakes. Everytime Beau wakes at night she wants milk.
We stopped feeding her then putting her to bed straight away though, we leave at least 20 minutes from last feed to bed. Maybe you could try doing something like that? Try and teach her that she doesn't need milk to sleep? Although, do be aware that you may have to see to her quite a bit at first. Beau started settling well after 2/3 weeks after starting that routine.
That's a good idea actually, about leaving her after her last feed. That said, the last week or so she has fallen asleep (deeply) while eating so by the time she's done she is actually already asleep and I just transfer her to her crib (she does sometimes wake and I have the whole tummy patting business as well!!) But maybe if I do what you suggested starting with her nap, she will slowly start to get the idea.

I actually tried her with a dummy for the first time the other day, but she refused to take it. She kept spitting it back out, I tried a few times but she didnt want it at all. I was surprised I have to say, as she is a huge comfort sucker on the boob and I just assumed she'd love it.

Last night was definitely better than the previous two, but in my sleepy state for some reason at 3am I brought her into bed and fed her lying down, and I don't think she ever gets a full feed that way, so she wasnt full and woke again at 4.30am. No idea what I was thinking lol!

My SIL suggested last month that we go one family holiday next year, rent a villa in Portugal so she and I are trying to sort that out atm. There will be 11 of us (including 3 under 3) so trying to find the perfect place to stay atm!
Beau sometimes falls asleep when feeding but soon wakes up when I start burping her. But yes, definately try it. Hopefully she'll soon get out of the habit of eat-sleep. But like I said before, might take a little while to get in the swing of things.

As for dummies, Beau didn't take too nicely to them at first. Keep trying if you want her using one, they are good for night time sucking!
But n
ot necessarily a bad thing if she doesn't take to it though. You won't have the difficult challenge of trying to stop her using them in a couple of years lol!!

The holiday idea sounds lovely. Funnily, we have spoke about hiring a villa (always been fancy hotel people) with our friends. Or even just the three if us. If we go with friends it will be friends with babies too. My dad has just returned from a villa in Spain, for 5 of them (3 kids), flights and hire car for 2 weeks cost them around 2k which is amazing considering it would cost them that to stay in a nice hotel for 1 week.

How bad are these storms??? It's strange having so many thunderstorms as we don't usually get them. I was hanging out my window last night trying to get a shot of a bolt of lightening. I really need to look at my shutter speed on my camera, could do with being a tad faster.
Talking of photographs, I've always been interested in photography and would love to do it more often. I feel a tit taking photos sometimes though.... You know, of random things infront of people? I don't know how some photographers do it. I also feel rude taking them of people but I know if you ask them first they'd pose! Which you don't want. Think if I upped my confidence I might be able to take a few half decent ones. I've looked at uploading them to those websites where people can buy your photos for their websites and stuff. Ideally could do with another lense or two but they cost more than the camera!!
I'm sorry I haven't written here earlier, I had a very difficult time – Lily was ill. We went to my in-laws for a couple of days and she started coughing there. The next day it was getting worde and at night she had problems breathing – probably because of runny nose, so I held her on my chest while sitting in an armchair and we tried to sleep like that. I was cursing myself as I din't have thermometer or this special device to clean L's nose... When morning came we packed up and hurried home (4 hours of drive altogether...), went to Lily's doctor, fortunately it was just a cold and now it's better but still she coughs from time to time even though it's been more than a week now and I'm worried like hell . Moreover she sweats a lot – only when falling asleep and while eating – do you have the same? Maybe it's normal, have no idea... My mother-in-law says that sweating is lack of vit. D and I should give Lily more of it – could you please tell me if you supplemet vit D in USA/UK?
And of course I heard from my mother-in-law that I dress Lily too light and now I feel guilty about the whole situation, cause I have no idea why Lily got ill... I was also feeling a bit under weather, having runny nose, so maybe she caught it from me...

I managed to read what I've missed, but I was replying in parts for the last couple of days, so sorry for the form:

Sarah, Lauren thx for the linguistic help :) I know it sounds funny, that's why I never used it :P I like the expression „her bits” :)

Sarah, Have to try with the diapers hanging in the sun next time, maybe it'll help.

Lindsey, hope Sarah is doing better with her teething... I don't know what kind of medicine to use for that, I only heard of putting teethers in the fridge (not a freezer!) and giving them to a child, apparently it helps.
I 've used a ring sling and Lily loves it (I carry her on my hip), but started using it about 1,5 months ago, when she could hold her head. But since its weight is put on one arm onlt it;s not very comfortable for longer than an hour, so I bougt a normal wrap but have problems with it. The first few trials were problematic, Lily crying a bit, now it's better, but I don't feel comfortable, it seems hot and since it has to be wrapped very tight I feel I don't have enough air to breathe and my back hurts as well... That's why I was asking if you've ever tried it, cause none of my friends have ever used it. Well, I'm gonna give it a try and see how it goes.

Lauren, I asked Lily's pediatrician about extra fluids and she said that I could start giving her home made juice when she's 5 months, but I think I'll wait till 6 months still. Seems so little to start with juices...
I'm sorry that the people withdrew their offer for the apartment... Hope you'll find someone else very soon!
And Beau looks so adorable sleeping :) How funny she holds her arm up:)

Britany, thanks for the tip about diapers, the diapers sprayer is a great thing, I googled it as I didn't see it in any diaper shops in Poland. I'm using a shower for that purpose but it's kind of... strange I'd say. I have the liners but thought I should use them when poop is more solid, do you think I should give them a try? The problem is that even though L poops just once a day (or even once every 2/3 days), her poop is just like fluid and she's all in this watery poop from one end to the other end of a diaper :/ I thought that such poop is normal but when Lily was ill, her doctor said that it's not and gave her some medicine – said that L might have something like lactose intolerance. But it's not getting any better...
But since now Lily is getting more predictable and 90 % poops in the morning I just put a standard disposable diaper for the night and usually have no problems with poop :)
(Don;t worry, she's predictable only about poop and getting up at 7am )
Lily is doing the same what Aiden – chewing everything around and putting fists in her mouth. I am all wet very often, especially when we play and I hold her above me (like she's flying a plane) and then a bit plop of drool falls on me :) Since I want her to chew something child-friendly (now she chews her clothes when she manages to put them in her mouth) so I bought her:
And she really loves it :) But after 10 minutes the cow is all wet, Lily doesn;t mind though.

I'm so sorry that Isabelle wakes up so often during the night. I also feed Lily to sleep... but I sleep with her, so at night when she wakes up I feed her and she falls asleep while eating. But sometimes she wakes up and she doesn't want to eat and I either „swing” her a little bit (she sleeps on her tummy and I put my hand on her back and rock her a little bit while she's lying) or just give her my breast for a second, she usually starts sucking and she's back to sleep. But obviously you can't do the second option when she sleeps in her crib, but maybe the first one?
I also noticed that Lily sleeps better with me next to her. When she wasn't feeling well, I fed her while lying next to her during the day and she fell asleep afterwards – when I stood up to put her to her crib she immediately woke up. But when I just lay with her she slept for 2-3 hours! As I was feeling pretty bad I just used that time and slept with her next to me. So I was thinking that maybe you can start taking her to bed in the morning when she wakes up, just to have some extra sleep. And I also remember that when Lily was Isabelle's age she started having problems with falling asleep in the evening, but it passed after 2-3 weeks – so maybe Izzy has the same, but in the morning and it'll pass? Hopefully, as I can imagine how frustrating it can be...
And Lauren's advice abt leaving her for some time after she's fed is a very good idea I think : )
Oh and I've just read that you think I. Doesn't get a full feed lying down – why do you think so?
I have to admit that recently Lily eats a lot in the early morning, I mean I don't count how many times I feed her (since I do it through sleep), but it starts around 4 am and I guess I feed her like 3 times before she wakes up at 7am. She doesn't wake up during feeding, so I just happily feed her that much, but it seems strange that she needs so much food at that particular time! She didn't use to eat so much before, I remember that I fed her twice/3 times during the whole night... Sometimes I just think that a child knows the best and it doesn't matter it you feed her to sleep or not, she will just wake up at that time no matter what, maybe this is what she needs. Trying to console you so that you forget about the idea that it is your fault in any way!
And holidays in Portugal sound amazing! I've always dreamt of renting a small house in Croatia and going there with friends :)
Cathleen, sorry to hear that Lily hasn't been well. Its horrible seeing a baby with a cough :( I hope she is better soon.

As for weaning, I was reading about it the other day on the Hipp website (as in baby food Hipp lol) and they say you can start weaning from 4 months but not to give them anything before that time as it can cause problems. Also says that you shouldn't leave it any longer than 6 months. So I guess 5 months works out at a good time? I have thought about giving Beau a bit of food. Not properly, but little tasters :) so when the time does come to wean her properly, she'll be familiar with it.

So today I brought a gift for the wedding I am going to on Saturday....and brought Beau a dress!! I'll post a photo in a mo. But got a great deal on the dress, its from Monsoon and was 18 pounds from 45!!! Then brought a little headband too. I don't usually put them on her but this one I thought is cute.

I was also quite naughty and put it all on my credit card :blush: but I'll just pay it off in two lots.

On and I am going to post a photo of Beau on her front. She has always been good with her head but she has started lifting it while on her belly :)


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Lauren, I know what you mean about weddings. We have a wedding reception to go to this Saturday and I was planning to buy a new dress for it but I've ended up just deciding to wear something I already have. I used to have $2000 in my bank account which was supposed to be "extra" money so I've been trying so hard to get it back up to having that much extra (only have about $1000 now) but DH and I keep spending money so that is starting to feel impossible.

Also right there with you on Christmas. I've already started buying/planning for that. Plus all my nieces and nephew have birthdays coming up (Aug, Oct, and Nov) so I'm planning gifts for that. Plus I'm sure my sister will be having a baby shower sometime in January so I'm planning for that. There just seems to be an endless amount of things we need to put money towards which also makes it harder for me to get my savings account back up to the $2000.

Hope things work out with the apartment and you find a buyer very soon.

Sarah, your in laws sound like my parents with gifts. They never say anything that they need or want so it's always a guessing game of what to get them. This year I've decided I'm making them personalized "grandpa and grandma" coffee mugs with photos of Aiden on them. They both drink a lot of coffee so I know these would be used and that they would both like them.

No idea about DH's side of the family. I HATE getting them gifts to be honest. I swear his parents expect us all to spend hundreds of dollars on them both every year. I've already been telling DH I'm not doing that this year because we have Aiden and if I'm going to be spending hundreds of dollars on someone it's going to be on him, not his stupid, greedy parents.

Aiden is also not a fan of the pacifier. He will constantly spit the pacifier back out if me or DH try to give it to him. He did great taking it for my sister last weekend though, I was actually shocked but we haven't had a repeat of that.

Cathleen, I'm sorry that Lily was sick. I hope she is much better now.

As for the sweating, Aiden sometimes sweats but it's usually when he's cuddled up next to me or DH. So we usually just take his clothes off him or uncover him if I have blankets on him. Never heard anything about that being due to a lack of vitamin D. I do have to give Aiden a Vitamin D supplement though but that's because I'm breastfeeding him. I'm pretty certain that formula fed babies do not get a vitamin D supplement.

Try not to stress too much, I'm sure you're a fantastic mother and doing what is best for your daughter. Don't let anyone try to tell you you're doing things wrong. :hugs:

As for the diaper liners, Aiden still has liquidy poops and the diaper liners did a decent job catching it. Obviously they're not going to get everything but I usually didn't have to use my diaper sprayer after I pulled the liner out.

AFM, Aiden has been sleeping a little better at night the past few nights. I'm usually able to get him to sleep for the night by 9 PM which is so much better then 11 PM. He usually wakes up pretty happy around 5 which is when DH gets up for work so I usually nurse him and then I move him over to DH's side of the bed and he'll eventually put himself back to sleep after he's spent about an hour "talking" and swinging his arms and legs around. If only he would do that at night!!

Still tyring to get Aiden to roll over, he can only manage to get on his side so far. I also haven't been able to get any more laughs out of him since the first one. He seems to prefer screaming.

He has also decided not to take a bottle. I went and got my hair cut Monday and fed him before I left. DH got milk out in case Aiden was hungry while I was gone. He ended up not needing it so I told him he could give him a bottle in the evening rather then just dumping my milk. But DH tried a few different times with 2 different bottles but Aiden wouldn't drink from them, just kept spitting the nipple out and such. But after DH kept trying with the bottle I ended up nursing him and he ate fine so it wasn't that he wasn't hungry. I read somewhere that the nipples might be too slow for him at this point so might try to get some faster flow nipples and see if that helps. Sarah, is that something you have tried since I know you still have problems with the bottle for Isabelle.
Brittany I remember you saying last Christmas about your in laws and the crazy present habits they expect. Like you say, this year all the money should be going on the babies!! That said I don't plan on getting Isabelle a lot this year since she will be so small. I haven't tried any other flows with the bottle, but, tbh, I just don't think anything is going to make her take it. My health visitor said yesterday that if she hasn't taken it well yet, she probably never will, and just to introduce a cup at 6months instead :shrug:
We're still working on rolling too!

Cathleen so sorry to hear poor Lily has been ill. It's miserable when they have the cold - Isabelle has had two so far, and she has been so pathetic! I find if I raise her crib up at one end it helps her breathing at night, and saline drops are amazing! The reason I don't think she gets a full feed when we are lying down is because she (like lily!) falls asleep very quickly in that position, maybe after just 3/4 minutes, which isn't as long as she feeds for if I cradle her. I do bring her in to bed around 5-6am, but I end up so uncomfortable, it's usually not even worth it!
There is a lot of chat about vitamin D here, I take my own vitamin which contains it so I don't give her any, but I know some people who give vitamin D drops to their baby. Why not ask Lily's doctor for guidance?

Lauren I love that dress! Monsoon stuff is so cute, I got one present from there and it was lovely. Beau looks great on her front! izzy is still having some face plant issues at times there! She's fine with her tummy time roll, and getting better on the flat, but not 100%! I'm not going to bother with the dummy, it was more out of curiosity than anything! My SIL is having a nightmare with my nephew and his dummy, so it's not worth it in my eyes!! He's 2 now and refuses to let it out of his sight! I know he's an extreme case, but he's all I have to go on!

Weaning my health visitor was here yesterday and we chatted about this and, luckily, we are on the same page! She said ideally no weaning before 6months which is what we plan to do (unless she starts trying to eat my arm or something!) and definitely none before 17 weeks, and if we start early to start with baby rice.
I don't fancy baby rice though as I have read it has very little nutritional value. So we discussed just going straight to "lumpy solids" instead, basically just our food mashed up slightly. I'm hoping to do baby led weaning (or a version that suits us!) and letting her have at it with her hands, and food that is soft, but still able to be picked up.
As Cathleen said about the juice, I don't plan on giving anything like that until weaning, and then it will (hopefully!) just be water.

That said, all the best laid plans...!!

So we had an awful day, poor Isabelle was in the wars. The worst thing ever happened this morning- I fell while I was holding her :( I tripped and started to go down and desperately tried to twist and hold her up so she wouldn't hit the floor and I wouldnt land on her. She did hit the floor though, not hard, but hard enough for me to majorly panic and for her to screech. She was fine a few minutes later after some boob lol, but I cried for half an hour, I felt so awful and clumsy. She was fine afterwards though so I know she is ok (I'm all cut up on one side, I'm not sure how as I don't know what I hit on the way down!)

Then she had her immunisations, then her cousin accidentally kicked her in the head!!! Poor kid! So from 4-5.30 she was zonked out, mostly on me, and then it took her ages to wake up and she was screaming the house down while she did! She's all chat now though so hopefully no lastly damage anywhere!!
OMG Sarah!!! Poor Isabelle. I always worry about falling with Beau....everytime I walk down the stairs, down a step, out the door, around a shop....endless list. I am glad she is OK though. Sorry your not as well. I too would have been crying my eyes out I think. Sorry to say this, but the cousin kicking her in the head kind of made me laugh (I feel so mean saying that!!!) but it did. Sorry :blush: its typical kids that though. My friend came round with her, only just, 3 year old and Ruby was covering Beau's face with something. Poor thing would have suffocated if I didn't see her doing it!!! You guys will have all those type of things happening if you choose to have more children!! lol.

Talking of injections, Beau is due her 3rd some point. When Adam took her for her second the nurse never said anything so I don't have a clue when they are supposed to be happening. I'll have to look online then ring the doctors.

Weaning - it kind of annoys me that so many people tell you different things. I guess its one of those things we learn for ourselves but its hard to know what's right or wrong. This week Beau has definitely become much more aware of food. She really eyes it up when I'm eating. I think she is curious more than anything. I have put my fork to her mouth a couple of times but she hasn't opened it yet. Not that I will actually give her a bit of my food!! Just wanted to see if she knew she could eat it.

I am sticking to the one-present-per-person thing this year. I always get carried away....that can't happen this year!! Obviously, Beau will be very spoilt though :)

Brittany, I need to change our teats on the bottles too. Beau has started falling asleep during feeds again. I have the vari-flow ones in a box somewhere so will use them.
My SIL was telling me today they weaned at 4.5 months partly to see if he'd sleep through the night, partly because he was interested in their food. Simon responded to this by saying "and if he was interested in their ecstasy tablets would they have given him those?" (Just to clarify they do NOT take any drugs!) I was laughing at him, telling him that them being interested in foods is actually a sign they are getting ready to wean, but definitely to the only one.

He's hilarious, he also said last week "when do we stop using the carrycot part of the pram and use the big bit? When she's about 1?" :rofl: although he clearly has it in his genes, I kid you not...his sister asked today if Isabelle is walking yet :dohh: wth?!?!

I had to schedule Izzy's next injections for 4 weeks from now (so I guess they are 16 week injections) we got hers done late (her 12 weeks were today, she's now 15 weeks!) so that will knock the next ones back too.

Jacob kicking her in the head was quite funny. I could tell it was going to happen and kept saying "watch your feet Jacob!" Next thing he gets her, she cries, then he cries because he thought he would get shouted at, so I'm trying to console them both, and make out to him it's no big deal even though she was screaming!!
I've missed a lot and plan to go back and read the last few pages to catch up...

Weaning, Sarah's pedi said we could introduce solids now but only if we wanted to, and purely for taste and texture rather than nutrition. He suggested 1 new food a week (starting with cereals like rice, oatmeal or multigrain -> vegetables -> fruit -> and lastly, meats) and for no more than 2 meals a day until 9 months. It's true that everyone has different advice. Personally, I'm not in a hurry to start solids yet. She's growing so fast as it is. :( Waiting until 6 months gives me something to look forward to. Although, she can pretty much sit unassisted in a high chair and is seriously interested in everything we eat.

As for me, we've been really busy. My MIL was here for about a week. We had good times (actually got to sleep in) and annoying times (MIL saying "Nana loves you more" every time I told Sarah that I loved her). I tried to relax and enjoy the break because really, my MIL sees her once every couple of months.

Sarah had her 4 month checkup and shots. She's 15 lbs 10 oz! We did start Sarah on formula because after my birth control fiasco, my supply dropped to practically nothing. Sarah was fussing all day. I was bringing her to the breast every hour, topping her up with a bottle, and then pumping for 20 minutes, as well as drinking that nasty mother's milk tea. Feeding her was pretty much all we did. I was stressing so much about it (which probably affected my supply even more) and honestly started to feel like I was neglecting her between feeding/cleaning bottles/pumping. I was devastated at first but I feel like a happy FF baby (and mom) is better than a miserable BF baby. Next baby I will be more careful about which BC I use (even the mini pill). I'm still trying to work out how much formula and when. She could easily drink 5oz every 2 hours so I just started experimenting with 6oz every 3-4 hours.

She's also been better at night. I give her a bottle, rock/snuggle her for 10 minutes, then lay her down in the crib awake and let her babble and blow raspberries. It takes her anywhere from 2-15 minutes to fall asleep but she's able to self-settle most of the time now. Unless she's full on crying, her paci or shh/pat works when she wakes up in the middle of the night. She's been doing a 5-6 hour stretch a first. Last night she did 7.5 hours. Little stinker still wakes up at 5:30, though! The teething pain seems to have subsided for now but OMG, those nights were rough. Up 3-5 times a night until we started giving her a small dose of Tylenol before bed.

Honestly, I am starting to back off of these baby sites. You ladies (and BnB in general) are absolutely awesome but the other 2 sites I frequent are disappointing. Literally everything I read on this other site is a crunchy/non-crunchy debate and it's so annoying. I'm shocked at the amount of self-proclaimed "crunchy" moms who are condescending towards moms who are not as crunchy. So what if I don't co-sleep with my babies while my husband sleeps in the guest bedroom? So what if I use disposables, or don't feel comfortable BF past a certain age, or if I have the TV on during certain parts of the day because my husband works 6 days a week and the noise makes me feel like I'm not alone? Why do parents care so much what other parents are doing? As long as the babies are safe, fed and happy then I don't see why we can't support, or at the very least tolerate, different parenting styles. :nope: Sorry, rant over.
Lindsey I'm so happy to hear things are going better for you and Sarah! I agree, a happy ff baby and mum are better than a miserable bf baby and mum, you definitely made the right decision in my eyes. And great great GREAT that Sarah is sleeping so much better, I guess it's all linked? (I am jealous though, I was comforted by the fact that we were in the same boat! Now I'm sailing all alone :haha:)

I think anyone staying with you for a week can get irritating, but I'm glad you had some company and some help :)

Afm...up 6 times last night! She still just feeds and goes back to sleep, so I'm not even that tired, but knowing she can do more is so annoying!!

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