First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I have tried posting in here multiple times but I always end up having to go and do something so I never get to finish a post. Hopefully this time I'll have better luck.

Lauren - Aiden has recently started the screaming thing too. It makes me laugh because I think it's so cute.

Glad the move went alright. Sorry about Adam's aunt though. I remember when DH and I moved from our apartment, we had to do it all ourselves which sucked because we had to be out of the place that day and it was so much to do without help. Obviously my family lived too far away to help but I don't know why DH's family couldn't be bothered to help for an hour or two (I remember there was some kind of party that day).

Anyways, I hope you feel better soon and that you are able to get a tenant soon. I can't believe how many people are moving just to get rid of the scum that moved in to your old place.

Cathleen - The cloth diapers are great. I'm so glad I decided to give them a try. However, I don't think I would have even attempted had it not been for my SIL who taught me so much about them. I think cloth is rather confusing for someone who doesn't have anyone to kind of help them with it.

Sarah - I don't think you're pathetic as I feel the same way since I'm the one who feeds Aiden. It may be silly but I kind of feel like feeding him is something special between us and for that reason, DH is the only one I let offer him a bottle if we're out or something and I can't nurse him.

As for weaning, I find this sooo confusing. I'm going to EBF until 6 months and then I would like to start weaning at that point with hopes that Aiden will be weaned by 9 months so that I can get my body ready for TTC in March. But then if he's not breastfeeding and I'm not pumping do I have to go to formula since everything I've read say not to introduce cows milk until a year? I really hate the idea of having to give formula, not because there is anything wrong with it, but because I've done so much work to breastfeed Aiden this long and it kind of feels like I'm cheating if I give him formula. But if I keep going until a year then I think I'm going to be unhappy because that would put TTC on hold but then I think that makes me sound selfish. I'm going to talk to my pedi next month at Aiden's 4 month appointment and see what she says so maybe I'll feel a little more confident about the weaning thing.

Glad you had a good birthday! I am sorry about your "friends" though. I do agree that if they can't make any effort then they're not really worth the time.

Lindsey Sorry Sarah is waking so frequently. Hopefully she'll go to waking only one or 2 times. It is nice that she wakes up happy though rather then screaming. Aiden wakes up and he just smiles and smiles which I think is so cute so I end up talking to him and probably getting him even more awake. :dohh:

Nicola My SIL raves about the amber jewelry. I'm not sure I believe that they work but if Aiden starts to get really fussy with the teething I may resort to trying one myself.

AFM Aiden has refused to take an afternoon nap the last 3 days so my routine with him during the day has been off. Then he usually wakes up between 7 and 8 in the morning. He woke up at 6 so I nursed him back to sleep and he's still sleeping at 9. So I have a feeling this is going to be another off day.

Anyways, Saturday DH and I went out to eat with Aiden for the first time. We left the house during his afternoon nap time since we figured the car ride would put him to sleep. It did but after being in the restaurant for about 5 minutes he woke up. He then stayed awake the entire time and would smile at me anytime I looked at him. Of course, I thought this was adorable and would keep talking to him so he never went back to sleep. Thankfully he was happy the entire time though instead of wanting to scream the place down. Plus it was nice getting out to do something with DH. Lately it seems our only time together has been watching tv shows or going grocery shopping so I have been starting to feel a bit disconnected so it was nice having time to just sit down together and not having anything else around to distract us.

Sunday we attempted to DTD again. We decided to try a new position and this time there was still pain but it was somewhat enjoyable for me. I feel optimistic about sex again which is nice since after the previous attempt I was so upset about it. Hopefully after another month or so there things will be back to normal in that department.

My last bit of news is my sister is pg! Right now her EDD is March 9th. I'm pretty excited though I still feel a bit weird about it since she stopped BC as soon as my mom told her about DH and I TTC last year so I still feel like she wanted to get pg for attention rather then wanting a child. But I'm more excited then anything. It will be nice for Aiden to have a cousin to play with when we go to Indiana since right now he's the only kid in the family.
Sarah, it sounds like you had a lovely birthday! I'm sorry about your friend, though. You shouldn't have to put in all the effort, so no, your plan doesn't sound childish at all! I've grown apart from a few good friends since I became pregnant and it still really bothers me. I'm a mom, I'm not dead!

I had no idea how long I wanted to breastfeed when I first started but now I hope to make it until at least 6 months. I know they nurse less and less as they get older so maybe I'll even stick it out for a whole year. Honestly, I don't always enjoy it (Sarah's like a feral cat when she eats - kicking and scratching - and she's so distractible now that it takes forever!) but I appreciate the convenience, especially at night, and the health benefits. I still plan to introduce solids at 6 months.

The heat makes me grumpy! Luckily, Sarah hasn't had to experience it because we have the A/C running all the time. Today's high is 114° - disgusting! I can't wait for fall.

Nicola, good to hear from you! I keep hearing about the amber anklet - I'll have to look it up. Hopefully it works for Charlotte!

Lauren, it's crazy that everyone is leaving because of those neighbors. If anything, they should leave! I hope you find a tenant soon. It sounds like you'll have a lot of fun with the garden and really making the place your own.

Brittany, I'm sorry your routine's been off the past couple of days! I'm still working on ours. Most days follow a 3-4 hour eat, play, sleep schedule (she worked this out herself) but things change with cluster feeding or if she decides to wake up early from her nap. Her bedtime is almost always 8-8:30, though. Does Aiden become grumpy if his routine is off?

That's great about DTD and I'm glad you're feeling better about it. Also, congrats to your sister! How fun that Aiden will have a cousin so close in age.

As for me, Sarah surprised me last night by sleeping 8-2! She woke up once more at 3:30 (I don't think she got a full feed at 2) and then slept until 6:30. I wish every night was like that!

Seth is going fishing with his buddies again tonight. He just went last week and was gone for 6 hours, and yesterday he went off-roading for 8 hours. He'd complained a while ago about not getting to do these things often enough so I said he should go out...but now I'm feeling taken advantage of. He does help with Sarah and he works hard all week so I do want him to have time to himself, but at the same time I miss him and even resent him a little bit for his freedom (not that I'd ever want to be away from my baby for 6 hours) and think that going out 3x in a week for 5+ hours at a time is kind of a lot. I already talked to him so hopefully he cuts back just a little bit after tonight.

EDIT: I was just thinking that I got my BFP around this time last year. I can't believe it's already been so long!! I remember thinking that I'd never make it to this point and here I am, with an almost-4-month-old. Crazy!
Lindsey, I was thinking exactly the sane yesterday! I text Adam and said around a year ago we found out that we were pregnant. That really is crazy.... And quite upsetting, it's gone so quick.

Sorry about how you feel with Seth. I feel like that sometimes.

Brittany, glad your meal out went well :) and that dtd went better this time!! And congrats for your sister. How exciting!!

I felt awful yesterday, I was cutting Beau's nails and I only went and caught the end of her finger. It was bleeding and everything :cry: I was crying my eyes out trying to sooth her. Even now I feel awful. Her finger is ok now but she has half a hand full of long nails but I can't bring myself to do the rest. I'm scared of hurting her again.

Nothing new over here though. I've been doing some gardening :D and my mum is coming round today to help me with cleaning and stuff. I've got all the windows to do. Oh and I have my new washing machine on its way (woohoo) I'm excited lol. It's a nice one which we've had our eye on for a while but unfortunately we are skinter than skint now.... I was naughty and brought some plants on my credit card the other day, I haven't told Adam. I know he'll go mad at me.... So I need to get them planted and pretend they've always been there haha
Oh no, Lauren, I'm sorry!!! :hugs: That's one of my biggest fears when cutting Sarah's nails. I think it happens to most people at some point. Babies are very forgiving, though!!

You have to take a picture of your garden once you have all of the plants in.

I think we're teething over here. She's drooling nonstop, chewing on everything, fussing a lot. Night before last she slept eight (yes, eight!!!) hours straight but last night she was inconsolable for 1.5 hours after her bottle. Thought it was a tummy ache but nothing worked! I kept trying different things until she finally fell asleep in my arms around 9:30. Woke up an hour later and screamed for another 1.5 hours. She wasn't acting the way she normally does when her stomach's upset so that's why I think she might have had some teething pain. If I'd known any earlier, I would've given her some Tylenol! Today I've been letting her gnaw on my knuckles and a frozen washcloth and she's screamed a little bit but nowhere near as bad as last night. We were supposed to go hang out with a friend today but I don't know if I feel up to it tired. I hope Sarah feels better soon!
Lauren Isabelle has had every one of her fingers, and two of her toes, cut while trimming her nails. I reuse to do it, and go bananas when Simon nicks her! I cried the first time I did it too. Sounds like everything is going great in the new house. Any luck with getting the flat rented?

Lindsey eight hours?! :shock: wonderful! I'm sure you felt better after even one nights sleep. Sorry about the teething though, I guess it will come to us all! Izzy is all drool and chewing as well. Do you have teething gel or anything you can put on her gums?
I'd be so cross with Seth. Oh boo hoo that he hasn't been able to get out as much as he'd like. When do us mummy lot get to go out like he is? NEVER! I get that he needs time to unwind, but he's taking advantage of it IMO!

Brittany congratulations about your sister!! That's wonderful news! And lovely that Aiden will have a cousin to play with in Indiana. How is Aiden today? Has his routine come back to normal?

Afm we had a better night last night last night. Nothing on Lindsey and Sarah's 8 hours, but better than the last few weeks. 4hrs, then 4hrs then 3! So I was only up twice which is such an improvement. Fingers crossed for tonight. Although the last three nights the only way I can get her to sleep wit hour a massive screaming fit is just to let her comfort suck until she falls asleep in my arms. I don't want to create a bad habit, but I can't stand to let her scream herself out either. That always ends in me nursing her anyway, so it's just taking out the scream part.

Today I went to a cloth nappy get together with local mums which was fun, and yesterday and tomorrow I spent/am spending the day with my mum. I'm using that time, and Simons time off this and next week, to try to get Isabelle used to a bottle.. She's having none of it so far....
congratulations on great birthdays! And I can imagine that the necklace is just gorgeous, I checked the website and the necklaces are just marvellous. Now I'm craving to have one, but they're so expensive...
Good luck with preparing Izzie for using bottles! Hope you'll manage do it very quickly! Are you going to use your milk or formula?

Lauren, I hope that you settled in :) It's great that you livein a new place, far away from those neighbours of yours. Hope you'll rent that place very soon!
And I'm so sorry abt Beau's finger :( It must have been awful for you :hugs:
And the idea abt plants is ingenious :) My DH wouldn't notice, so fingers crossed ;P

Lidnsey, I know you're feeling bad about your friend :( I don't know what changes after giving birth ? Why it seems everyone has a difficult situation with friends...
Since Lily was born my friend somehow doesn't get in touch with me. We see each other rarely, as we live abt 200 km from each other, but now I kind of feel like I was making an effort. I mean, I got an email and a text message, but it's always me who's phoning. And now when we finally met we didn't have much to talk about. I didn't want to be so "mummy-like" talking about poo and Lily's new abilities and it was really awkward as there were almost no mutual subjects (she doesn't have kids). Do you have the same when you meet your old,childless friends?

Brittany, thx for the info about diapers :) It is very confusing, that's true.. I read a lot about it when pregnant, bought abt 10 pocket diapers, some prefolds and wanted to use them, but at the beginning Lily was too little - I mean she was - and still is - so thin at the waist that I couldn't do it up so that there were no leaks. Now I started using them again, but only from time to time - when there is poo in the diaper there are stains left after washing, so I kind of use it when I'm sure there will be no poo (if that's possible!). How do you manage that?
Great that you had time and opportunity to go out, I think it's very important, you had time to talk to your DH and have some fun together :):thumbup:
It's great that your sister is pg! Fantasic news :) It'll be really nice for Aiden to have someone his age :)

Lidnsey, don't tell me Sarah is really teething! I mean it seems so because of her being fussy and chewing and all, but since our daughters are almost the same age it seems that I should be getting prepared... And Lily has been a little bit more fussy than usual, yesterday I spent the whole day with her - meaning next to her - I couldn't leave for a minute cause there was scream straight away. I thought it was the weather, but who knows?? And the worst part was that when my DH came and could take care of her (and I could go and have a shower as it was boiling hot) it turned out there was no water! When I was going to sleep at abt 11pm they repaired the failure. But had no power to have a showe so just went to sleep...

Is there anyone here who's using a wrap to carry the baby?
Could you help me pls with English? I don;t know how to say those "children" words like what do you say for "vargina"? I mean it sounds quite strange to say: Mummy is going to wipe your vagina. Or when there is saliva dripping onto your blouse you say: "you ...??? mummy".
Funny how I learnt English with all those "sophisticated" words and am at lost with the basic ones.. and can;t even consult the dictionary:growlmad:

Hope you're all having a great time with your children and fingers crossed for a fixed sleeping routine!
Cathleen i have to admit i did just laugh out loud at the thought of someone saying "I'm going to wipe your vagina" it sounds so weird!! I usually just say 'bum', encompassing all areas that the nappy covers! Or, in our family, it's also referred to as a "foo". No idea where it came from, but there you go! So Simon sometimes says "oh you've got poo in your foo!"
When Isabelle is dribbling, I either say "Oh you dribbled on me!" or "you've slabbered on me." I think slabbered is a very local term though, dribble would be more commonly used.
I use a carrier for Izzy, but it's waaay too hot at the minute for me to use it!
Also, for stains in cloth diapers, stick them out in the sun. It takes the stains out in no time, works for me!

Afm we had anothr better night's sleep last night :happydance: including our longest stretch in many weeks (4.5hrs. hardly something to boast about is it!?) so I'm happy we are moving in the right direction again!
Cathleen....made me laugh also. I'm not sure what we call Beau's lady parts. I don't think I've ever had to say it.... when we have spoke about poop around that area we refer to it as 'her bits'. Could go old fashioned and call it a tuppence hahaha. Dribbling - we say dribble, and boy does she do a lot of that!! As for carriers, we don't use one.

Sarah - Yey for the longer nights. Hopefully the nights will get longer until she is sleeping through :)

Lindsey, my plants are planted so I'll take a photo and post it up once I have finished weeding and stuff. I still feel awful about Beau's finger, you can see the mark. It still looks so sore :(

AFM. I am trying to get Beau to giggle. She has had a few attempts - she will kind of go ''hu, hu, hu, hu'' lol but inbetween those hu's she does sound as though there is a normal giggle in there somewhere. She is very smily though, always smiling. Its so cute.

Right I am off to bed as I'm falling alseep on the sofa!!
Teething is a bitch!!!! And they said it could be months before the tooth actually appears. Her pedi said we could use Tylenol for up to a week as she's completely inconsolable at night. During the day I'm usually able to distract her with all of the usual stuff that we do while letting her gnaw on my finger and her teethers but OMG, the nights are a mess. The Tylenol seemed to help last night but we gave it to her after she was already so worked up. After that she slept 10-4 but was up for good at 5:30. She's been in a really good mood today, all things considered.

I'm going to try the teething tablets, too.

Cathleen, I tried to use a wrap (Moby and ring sling) but Sarah hated them. Such a shame because I really wanted to use them. She semi-tolerates the Ergo but we don't use it much yet. Do you have a wrap?

In reference to Sarah's lady parts, I just say "pee pee." I've never really had to say it, though, TBH!

Sarah, glad to hear Izzy is sleeping better!!

Lauren, her laugh sounds so cute! Baby smiles are the best.
So I take back all that stuff about better sleep :haha: Last night was AWFUL, every 2/2.5hrs. It was ROASTING in our room though, and even though she was in just a nappy I feel like that was a real issue. This morning I woke up at 7.30 and poked Simon to tell him he had to get up and let the dogs out (normally i do it when he is off to give him a lie in but after last night I decided he could handle it!) and then when Izzy woke, I took her down to him and went back to bed until she needed fed!

She's in bed again now but it's so hot again that she's been fussy already.
I was worrying about Beau in the heat as our bedroom is really warm. The grow egg isn't very happy at all, it's telling us it's 24/25 degrees and has a sad face. Last night I put her to bed in a vest but because tonight is warmer she is just in a nappy. Last night she slept ok, woke at 6 though which is early for her, fed her and put her back to bed - she then slept until 10:15!!! I managed to get up, have a coffee and hoover up before Beau waking!!

My hayfever is causing me hell at the moment. Last night I just couldn't sleep, I was in loads of pain with a sore throat, I was sneezing, nose was constantly running (you know when it runs but there isn't enough to blow!) and I couldn't breath. The heat didn't help either. I could have cried. I definitely took too many tablets, I just didn't know what else to so.

Lindsey, sorry about the teething. Beau dribbles a lot and chews her hands but we haven't had any problems (yet). However, today I put a bottle of water in the fridge for her and when I tried giving it her she chewed the teat. Think it helped because it was nice and cold on her gums.

Talking of water. Has anyone been giving their LO's water in the heat? I don't give Beau water as it isn't advised until they are 6 months or older but I've been giving her a little bit. She probably has a mouthful and that's it as she doesn't like it very much. I keep it in the fridge so it's cold.... To try and cool. She is also in her nappy all day, she gets really sweaty in clothes, even if they're really thin.

I've been gardening today, my god the gardens a right state. Nettles everywhere, can't tell you how many times I've been stung on my arms and stuff. However, we have managed to get a good look at what's around. We have a cherry tree, plum tree and grape vine :D Once the garden is clear I'll be getting ready to plant some vegetables and stuff. I have a strawberry plant in a pot, they are turning red already :) so hopefully in a few days they'll be ready to eat :)

Ooooooh and I nearly forgot!!! Someone wants to rent our apartment!!! Yey!!! Soooo happy. Just waiting for references before its confirmed but hopefully everything will be fine and they can move in :) got a bit of painting to do and I've got to clean the bedroom carpet first, that shouldn't take long though.

I also need to get Beau's room ready, I want to get it decorated and cot up ect. Beau will be in my room for a while yet though. We tried putting her in her own room but we ended up transferring her back to our room during the night. I didn't like it so all. I need her close to me.

Anyhoo, enough of me gabbing. Hope everyone's enjoying the weekend?? :)
Lauren I was meaning to ask you where Beau sleeps now you are in the new house! Is it just since you moved that you transferred her (and then brought her back!)? Was she not sleeping, or was it just not nice having her so far away? How do you think she'll transition from her hammock to a cot?
Yay for renting the apartment!!! That's great news, fingers crossed it all goes through quickly.
We need some pics of your garden once it's all done! Simon is working in our garden atm as well, sorting out drainage and tidying it all up, fencing up the vegetable patch again and planting some new trees, so hopefully it will look much better soon.
I haven't given Izzy any water and don't plan to until she is weaning. My mum suggested it may be a way to get her to take a bottle, but I just point blank refuse to give it to her as I know she doesn't need it. Maybe Beau didn't like it because it was too cold? Also, with the teething and liking the cold teat of the bottle, does she have a dummy? I read last week that if you dip it in a bit of water and pop it in the freezer it's great for them to suck/chew on for sore gums.

I'm planning on getting an amber teething anklet for Isabelle in the next few days and popping that on. Goodness only knows what my family will say...

Afm: family trip to the zoo today with my bro, sil, nephew, mum and sister which was nice. It's sucha trek round though that i am exhausted! We had a better night last night - only up at 2 and 5am - but tonight has already been tough. She fell asleep on the boob and transferred to her crib fine - woke half an hour later and took an hour to settle again properly :dohh: It just seems to be one crappy night after another, but in different ways!

Her bumbo arrived today and we put her in it for a bit, but she looked so uncomfy!!! Her head control is pretty good, but she doesn't seem to be able to SIT well, as in bending at the hips. It looked weird and uncomfortable! Her wetsuit also arrived so we're hoping to go swimming sometime in the next few days. Once I find a suitable way to cover this mess of a body!
She is still in her hammock in our room. She fell asleep fine in her own room, I was the one who didn't like it. I didn't like how I couldn't hear her or anything. I'll be keeping her in ours for a little while yet, probably until she is around 6 months like recommended. I'll still be getting her room ready though :)

As for the water, she doesn't like it warm either as i have tried that before when she was struggling to poop. However, the more I try the more she takes. But as I said before, I wasn't giving it her to drink (if take makes sense) but a mouthfull or so to cool her down (she won't drink cold milk!!). I don't intend to give her extra fluids until she is weaning. She still feeds every two hours so I'm not worried about her being dehydrated but she has been sweating a lot so I've been trying to cool her down best I can.

I've been taking photos of the garden so I'll jump on the laptop tonight and post them :) hopefully they'll post, I have to connect my phone Internet to the laptop as we aren't connected yet!!
I think it's like with Isabelle and the bottles of milk - we just have to keep trying until they get used to it. Isabelle actually drank about 3/4 of an ounce today (not 3 or 4, 3/4!) which i was pleased with. It's our second wedding anniversary next week and I'd like for us to be able to go out for dinner at some point, so want her to take it.

Yeah, I, nowhere near ready to put Isabelle into her own room! I can imagine there will be tears when I do as well! Luckily, Simon obviously feels the same (well, he knows they should stay in for 6 months and I think he will follow that to the letter!) as he suggested we move her cot into our room as he thinks she's outgrowing her crib, but she's got a while left in there yet!
Right, brace yourself for photo overload!!!

I have taken a few shots of the garden - but only the top half. The bottom half (behind the shed thing) is a mess at the moment as we have been doing some major weeding, so there is crap everywhere.

Then there is a photo of the view I get when washing the pots :), a photo of the wood burner thing thats in the kitchen.... and a photo of the fireplace in the living room. I will be decorating the bedrooms sometime over the next couple of months (once I've been given permission!) but I'll show you the before and afters of them :). There are also photos of my flowers that I planted including my strawberry plant. I ate the first strawberry earlier :D Yesterday we planted sweet peppers, hot peppers, three kinds of tomatos and carrots. I hope to plant much more but its hard with the seasons and stuff. I wanted to plant pumpkins for halloween but I've gone past the plant-by-date. Next year I'll make sure I'm on the ball!

Then I thought I'd stick a photo of Beau up asleep :)

Well........ I was hoping to upload the photos but the internet won't let me :growlmad: I thought it might happen. I have about a week left until our internet is up and running :(

I can post photos to instagram on my phone so if any of you are on there I am MrsHippo :winkwink:

If not, I'll post them to facebook lol

Oh.Oh.Oh....I think it might let me post a couple of bits. Oh no. It let me post one :haha:


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Lauren I added you on Instagram :) that picture of beau is so sweet :kiss: she is just gorgeous, and I love how she's cuddling her teddy, what a wee darling!

So, we tried to dtd again tonight and failed again. I tried to just grit my teeth and grin and bear it but it was so painful. We tried about 5 times and I just couldn't bear it at all. And now I am bleeding :( we were using lube, and I tried to relax....but it was just so sore.
Oh no!! I mentioned to Brittany about using toys - like a small dildo (giggles). I had to because of that same reason. At first, they hurt but it gradually became easier. It's worth trying... It's hard to jump straight in to sex as you worry about letting OH down as well. With a toy, by yourself - or with Simon. Whatever you prefer... You don't necessarily have that worry.

I've seen it on tv before and you can actually get dildos ... They might not call them that! But you can have them prescribed, start off with a tiny one and work up. They do say normally its psychological.... However, if using them doesn't help then its worth seeing someone just incase it's something a little more serious!!

P.S I'm not one of those people with a huge box full of toys lol!!

As for me. I don't feel particularly well at the moment, I haven't for a couple of days. I feel sick. I think it might be the heat and I have been doing a lot of physical work. I remember before I fell pregnant though, I always felt ill!! During pregnancy (ms aside) I felt the best I had in years. I hope I'm not going back to my usual self!!
Oh and before I forget. When Hayley was on about weaning Tyne last week, I said Beau doesn't even look at food. Well, literally, starting yesterday she watches me eat. She looks at the food then watches me put it in my mouth!! I don't think I'll be attempting to wean her any time soon but she is definitely on route to food!!
P.S I'm not one of those people with a huge box full of toys lol!!

Oh my gosh this made me laugh out loud!!!! I can just imagine a box like that when you were moving house :blush: I would have to go that route by myself, if I mentioned using a dildo to Simon I think he'd drop dead on the spot!!! :rofl: we're so mainstream in the bedroom department lol! But that's a good idea to work things gradually, thanks :)

Isabelle has been watching me eat...but just ice lollies! I don't know if its because they are brightly coloured, but she almost looks like she's about to lean over the table and grab them! I saw Hayley's picture of Tyne eating, I can't believe how quickly these babies are growing up!!!

I have been feeling a bit off colour the last two days as well, I think it's just the heat for me.

Isabelle has started throwing up a lot, after almost every feed. She never did before, so I don't know what has happened to start it. But today we had a classic- I had her up in the air above my head and it just came spewing out, and down on me in slow motion!
Beau has been throwing up too!!!! How strange. It has got to be the heat. She was never sick before.

Haha can you imagine!! Well, I only own two (ONLY lol) and I put them in the lid part of a suitcase which had a load of my clothes in. I went in to the suitcase a day or two after moving in and left the lid wide open...completely forgetting about whats on show through the netting!! Good job I noticed before my mum came round :haha:

Oh and I just remembered, you asked me about moving Beau from hammock to bed....sorry, I forgot to reply. Well I am hoping it will be ok. She might be unsettled a little to start off with....but at the moment she only sleeps in her hammock at night, moses basket in the day. Also, while we were in Cornwall she slept in her carry cot. So she is used to sleeping flat. Fingers crossed it will be ok. I am going to have to move her soon though, her new thing is rolling on to her side and earlier I went up to pop her dummy back in - and I found her on her side - in her hammock. Don't know how she managed it. But I don't want her to be able to roll fully as it won't be safe. I am supposed to be having a cot bed from my dad but only when Finlay's new bed has been delivered. That won't be for another couple of weeks though. So I'll have to put her in her moses basket at night for a bit if she carries on rolling around!

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