!! How exciting!!!!!
Love the shirts ladies!!
I was Miss Piggy last night at work...need to post a pic (on phone yet again!) Loved my costume, esp the curly tail. Hehe
Feeling baby move more, yay!
Pain? Ohhh yeahhh. Lower back pain (sacroiliac joints I believe) hurt all the time. Neck is sore. Shoulders are sore. Very frequent headaches that will not budge. And I wake up at night to my belly hurting from growing (and man is it growing). The joys of carrying an extra person inside!! I use a topical gel on my neck and shoulders. And I take sudafed for headache and Tylenol for pain relief but not at the same time. Oh and I pop one Tylenol pm at night to sleep without my back killing me. Soaking in a bath nightly ritual.
Britt, yay for wedding!!! Big congrats!!!!

Such a special time.
Doc office called, have to go back for another scan at 24 wks because my placenta is low (placenta previa) and if it doesn't "move" as uterus expands then as I near late third trimester they will do a c-section....not what I want. Almost all cases resolve themselves so I am not too worried, but I have made it a matter of prayer. Really want a full term, natural delivery! And healthy daughter!!
Whose scan is next?? Itching for more news!
Cherry almost happy 17 weeks to us! big as this baby is, she is bigger than an onion! She is long!
Have so many photos I wanna post, gotta sign on using the laptop tomorrow. Keep forgetting!
Hope everyone rests well tonight!