First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

thanks hun. my scan isnt until 21st of november lol

and whooopeee im 17weeks today... it still doesnt feel real. i think i felt flutters but im not sure now so excitdd for my scan to find out the sex. xxxxx
Hi girls,

I brought a nice top from mothercare which says 'I love my bump' on the front :) it was very cute and had to buy it. I was dreaming about maternity clothes last night too :/ but I was trying on tiny little dresses and tops which I probably wouldn't even look at in my non pregnant state... I do have some strange dreams sometimes!

As for pain, I don't get much lower pain but the middle of my back hurts sometimes. Something else I get is an awful pain around my pelvic/uterus area when I sneeze sometimes. The pain only lasts a couple of seconds but its horrible.

I can't believe how quick it is going either, in a few weeks we will be at our half way point!! :O when you read '9 months of pregnancy' you think you've got loads of time! I think timing it week by week makes everything so much quicker.

I went 'pumpkin picking' yesterday ... Been looking forward to it for months and drove over an hour away to the farm in essington, took my three sisters (19, 14 and 4), got there for them to tell me they closed all their patches due to the wet weather and their crops not growing :'( I checked the website and there was no mention of it! I was so guttered. They still had pumpkins but a huge pile of already picked ones. So after we decided to go to Cadbury world lol :) but that also was slightly dissapointing, think the younger two enjoyed it though.

Today I'm going to visit my dad *sigh* - never look forward to going :/
Then tonight I'll be carving my pumpkins and really need to get doing some housework, really have become lazy with it!

Right that is my huge update finished haha :D
Lauren sorry pumpkin picking didn't work out - but have always wanted to got o Cadbury world so I'm very jealous!

Cherry my scan is on 21st as well :) only 23 days to go! (That sounds a lot actually...)

Jenny sorry to hear about your placenta (not a sentence I'd ever thought I'd say! :haha) but hopefully it will resolve itself and you will get the birth experience which you want. I wouldn't be keen on a c section either, so fingers crossed for you. bump is so up and down. As in some days it's huge, and then days like today it's so much smaller. I just want it BIG all the time!!!
Thanks everyone :)

Cherry the shirt looks great on you! :) Can't wait for mine to arrive!

Jenny - I'm sorry to hear about the placenta previa. Hopefully it will move though, theres lots of time left. Did they say there was anything you can do to encourage it or is it just chance?

I'm probably going to need a c-section too, but I actually would prefer it. I have a few health problems that could be worsened by labour, so I'm REALLY hoping they will just give me a scheduled c-section.
I hate the idea of having an emergency one - these things are SO much smoother when its planned.

I guess it doesn't bother me because myself and my sister were both born by elective c-section so it seems normal to me! I know its supposed to be a longer recovery time - but my sister had one child naturally and one by c-section, and she said the c-section was much easier! I remember seeing her after her natural birth, crawling around the floor for a week afterward coz she couldn't walk and sitting on a rubber ring - it did not look nice :/

Sarah - I'm jealous that your bump is small some days!

I posted a bump pic on Facebook last week - I got really offended by some comments like "Oh such a big bump for 16 weeks!" or "Oh wow, your huge already! I didnt start showing at all until 20 weeks...."
Eeerrm...what is it about pregnancy that makes people think its suddenly socially acceptable to call me fat?!!! :growlmad:

On another note, has anybody seen What To Expect When Youre Expecting?

I watched it with OH a few nights ago - it was hilarious! The Elizabeth Banks character was like looking in a mirror for me - its so funny to see someone acting out all of the gross symptoms I've been experiencing!!!
ive not seen it yet i wanna go and buy it lol xx
I haven't seen it yet either, keep meaning to download it :)

I really wouldn't want a c-section, so hope everything runs smoothly. I hope things move up for you Jenny, like other comments say you have plenty of time for it to move.

My bump is up and down all the time too :( one minute I look pregnant, the next I just look like I have a bit of a belly on me. Wish it would just stay the same.

Oh as for Cadbury world, it's not as exciting as I thought. I felt I was sitting in a history lesson for most of it - they tell you a lot about bournville (the village) and how the company started ect. You get given 'free' chocolate - I put 'free' because your paying over £14 pp and only under 4's are free and I think we paid for the chocolate rather than a day out. Didn't get to see chocolate being made, the packaging area was closed and we spent ages waiting until we went in to the exhibition area (you buy tickets but can only enter at certain times). So I won't be going again...
I would hate to get c-section to. It a fear of mines incase it doesnt work. Mum my had it with her first so im hope i dont have to go through it. I know your in bed rest for few day afterwards aswell i would rather just go in get in over with and be able to go home few hours after lol if its ever simple lol x
Sarah, we're the opposite. My back feels great when I lay down on it or if I'm leaning against a pillow.

Jenny, I hope you don't end up needing a C-Section and your placenta corrects itself.
My gender scan is November 13th but I thought there were other ladies in here who had scans sooner then that so I don't think mine is the next one. 15 days until my scan, it feels like forever away.

Hayley, I'm sorry about the Facebook comments, I've been waiting to post pictures because I'm already super sensitive about gaining weight even though I've gained the right amount for how far along I am so it's not like I should be sensitive about it. I don't think people have a filter when it comes to saying things to pg people.

I haven't seen the What To Expect movie yet but I want to with my OH. I've heard good things about it.
Jenny, I'm sorry to hear about the placenta previa but fingers crossed that it corrects itself and you get the natural birth that you want!

I can't wait until I "pop." It really depends on what I wear but most days I still just look fat and bloated (even though it's completely hard). Unless I wear one of my skin-tight tank tops but then my boobs don't fit in those anymore. :lol: I'm excited for the day that I actually look pregnant and am totally envious of the ladies who are already showing.

I saw What to Expect while we were still TTC (OH actually suggested it :saywhat:) and it was funny. I think it would be even funnier now!

I can't wait for all the upcoming scans!
I really want to see what to expect when you're expecting (have dh searching for it on love film!) so I'm excited for when I do, I've heard some other pregnant ladies say its so easy to identify with at least one character!

Lauren, gutted about Cadbury world! Doesn't sound as fun as I imagine (which is basically a scene from Charlie and the chocolate factory!)

Hayley thatis awful about people on Facebook. Firstly what business of it of theirs if you aren't showing, or if you're the size of a house, or anywhere in between? Secondly, who dictates what "normal" size is for a pregnancy? Try not to let them bother you, but I know it's hard.

So we bought our first baby items today :) (well apart from the cloth nappies!) we got all the little newborn vests we will need, a set of bibs, and a sleep suit set. So clothes wise we are just going to get another ten or so sleep suits as I know people will buy us loads and get us vouchers when baby arrives, so I figure ill leave the clothes buying to them! I thoroughly enjoyed myself :) but oh wasn't feeling great so he wasn't as enthusiastic as I had hoped.

We also went into a toy shop and I was showing dh the quinny buzz, the sales woman pounced on us and tried to show us all about the pram...I knew more than she did from my weirdly extensive research into prams!!! It was amusing watching her wrestle with it all until I showed her how to collapse it (without the carry cot on!!) :haha:
Lol. Ive bought few bits to. but nothing in colour waiting until i find out the sex.

Ive got 3 long sleeved vest and 3 short.
2 blankets
1 pair of booties :)
socks and all in one sleepsuit with short sleeved vest and hat. Its a little set.

I can't wait to buy other things to. FOB mum has got us a cot which she dropped of yesterday and just needs put up once when get the tools for that lol. She also has some sheets to go with and there a mattress :) She got us a baby bath and is getting us a mosses basket.

I think his side is more intersted than my side. :( But hey ho its there first baby on there side so i dont mind as much.

But yesterday my mum was trying to compare her pregnancy to me as i said i couldnt lift heavy things and then said dont talk crap i carried heavy things with all 6 of you. I then said you didnt let me finished i cant carry heavy thing because my back hurts alot when i do and so does my stomach.

Ive only just thought about it more now and neither 2 pregnancy are the same and how she was trying to compare her to mines :( not to happy about that.

Anyways ive got 3 weeks and 2 days to go until my scan and its not coming fast enough lol.

Hoping to get my vouchers from boots for this changing bag soon if not this week ill go in next week and say to them ive not yet had anything through the post and its been i think 4/5 weeks now and they should chase it up. lol the lady told me when i asked about it few weeks back :) Its worth 30 pound and its free so i wanted it lol
Cherry I got my voucher for the change bag at the weekend. It's free...when you buy a packet of nappies. That's not REALLy free though, is it Boots?! I don't know if I'll bother now. We're using cloth nappies so don't need any disposables, and I have a different change bag picked out. I dunno, I'll see. I also got loads of other vouchers with it which was great!

Well I have a list of stuff we need, and next to about half of the items it says "A+H" which stands for Alastair and Helen - my brother and SIL. I'm going to their house with a list and demanding they lend me their stuff!!!
Yeah hun thats the one lol. Not sure how long ive waited to get these voucher. but i was told to wait 5 weeks. so ill wait until next week and then go in see if they can track it up lol. I dont mind buying nappies since i need to start stocking up on them :).

Fingers crossed mines comes soon. xxx
I think I will buy the nappies just to get the bag on principal :haha: It's mine and I want it!!!!

They also sent a voucher for £25 of a car seat, so will have to have a wee look to see how much their car seats are!
Aww ive already got a car seat lol i got it with my buggie.

Lol i want it to just because its free but it looks liks to lol Im not very patience either lol.
I have only brought a little vest which has a little bear face on it - just the eyes, nose, mouth and the little ears stick out :) and some scratch mittens. I'm holding back until January. I can see myself getting nothing for Christmas this year, all baby I'm predicting!! I've been doing a bit of window shopping though.

Cherry, I hate it when people try and compare pregnancies. I've come accross a couple who have also said things like 'I did this and I did that when I was pregnant' - yeah, well, I'm not you am I!!

Random question, but has anyone been getting spots in unusual places? My skin has never been great, especially on my face and back. That has cleared up quite well but now I've been getting them on my legs!! It's really strange.
Lauren I did have some weird spots at the start - on my arms mainly, but they've cleared up now. They are horrible though :(

We were going to just get everything after Christmas too, and I feel weird buying stuff now, like its too early. That said...I just bought our car seat because it was on offer in boots and used our voucher :blush: but that's our November buy (albeit a little early!) we prob wont get anything in December because of Christmas, so next stop will be January sales!
I feel weird buying stuff too... I think because it does feel a tad early and also still doesn't feel real. Like when I walk in to these baby shops I feel like I'm shopping for someone else. I will definitely have to do it at some point or baby will come and I won't have anything haha!
I'm so glad you feel the same way! We were in a shop yesterday and because I had a coat on you couldn't see I am pregnant at all, I felt like such a fraud, especially with women wandering round who looked ready to pop!

We still have loads of time to get stuff. I think I'm super prepared with my nappies, car seat and vests..........but in reality I'm woefully underprepared! But luckily we stil 23 weeks to get it all sorted, including the January sales!!
Lol i think ill leave baby shopping for a while since i have a few basic's. Plus i have a feeling people will buy me few bits for xmas anyways lol.

Ive got few spots over my chest :( but ive got few random heats spots popped up but nothing else. Spots on my face have gone down but i get the random few x

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