First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I'm glad your wedding went the way you wanted it B :) and you were bound to have someone moan about it.... I find family rather selfish sometimes. My dads side have this 'close family relationship' and expects me to be the same. But I'm not. So I get made to feel bad. I wish family would just accept us the way we are and let us get on with the life we want to live.

I haven't had pain in my bump but I can get really bad pains when I sneeze or move funny, that's quite low down.

Since falling pg my sex drive developed legs and walked away, completely went and I felt quite bad for my OH because he'd try it on and I'd just get angry with him because I didn't want him touching me. But over the last week it seems to have come back :) did this happen to anyone else?? oh and for a while now I've been having 'sexy' dreams haha but they are like literally every night!!!
Hi Everybody, i am due on march 26 so just about 20 weeks in a couple of days. By the way congratulations on your wedding Brittany. I've had really bad acne from the time I was like 5 weeks n its gotten a little better the last couple weeks but I am somebody whose never had acne my entire life, anyways im having a boy so I think acne might be a sign it's boy but again everyone is different.

Congrats! :) I had the same thing with acne - never suffered with it in my life, got it bad from around 5 weeks but its eased off in last 2 weeks or so - I'm having a boy too.

Hayley, glad your MS is improving!! Mine has mostly gone but I do have the occasionally days where I still feel really nauseated (like today and some of yesterday).

Also, have you looked into round ligament pain? I've been having some sharp pains and from what I've researched it sounds exactly like round ligament pain. It's also pretty common in second trimester.

Congratulations Brittany! :) Did you get some photos? Family can be a real pain in the arse at times! try not to let them rain on your parade, you have to do these things the way YOU both want them.

I have looked into round ligament pain - it could explain the sharp pains in my tummy, but it doesnt seem to cover the shooting pains in my vagina - has anybody else had those? :wacko:

Sarah - what kind of doppler did you buy and where have you been positioning it?
I bought one today on a whim as my Mum randomly gave me £60 to go shopping and I saw one on sale in Mothercare for £20!
but I cant find anything at all - its called a Summr Fetal Listening Monitor, but it seems weird to me not to have to use any gel with it and it states in the manual that it picks up sounds from 28 weeks?!!!!
Congrats on getting married hun x

Ohh my sex drive has gone to :( my boobs (wells nipples) have got super sensitive i dont like them to be touch :(..
My sex drive has been through the roof but finding a comfortable position is difficult now. Last time we DTD, the baby moved as far up as she could (trying to get away from the action :lol:) and it was super uncomfortable and just... awkward. I never knew that the baby moving during sex would be such a mood killer!

LiverpoolLass said:
I have looked into round ligament pain - it could explain the sharp pains in my tummy, but it doesnt seem to cover the shooting pains in my vagina - has anybody else had those?

Yes! The pain is really infrequent but I do get them. No idea what it is but just wanted to let you know that you're not alone! I get the sharp tummy pains just about every day and I think it's round ligament pain. It hurts even when I try to roll over in bed and especially when I sneeze, cough, bend, etc.

I can't believe today is 20 weeks! It's going by too fast. Only 20 more (or maybe less...)! Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Sarah - what kind of doppler did you buy and where have you been positioning it?
I bought one today on a whim as my Mum randomly gave me £60 to go shopping and I saw one on sale in Mothercare for £20!
but I cant find anything at all - its called a Summr Fetal Listening Monitor, but it seems weird to me not to have to use any gel with it and it states in the manual that it picks up sounds from 28 weeks?!!!!

I have an angel sounds. I am picking up hb really low, like just above my bikini line, so that I have to pull my underwear and trousers down slightly to find it! Have discovered that even being 1cm out will affect being able to find it, so go low and search everywhere! It does seem weird to say you don't need gel :shrug: I would try some anyway (apparently lube works just as well! :haha:) and 28 weeks seems ridiculously late!!!

On the acne front :dohh: I am awful again atm. I have what can only be described as a boil residing on my chin. :growlmad:
I'm a sweet potato!! :) it is definitely flying by!!

I've had quite a few horrible spots on my chin over the last few days but normally my period starts in the last few days of every month so I think that could have brought them on. Skin was terrible in the first 8 weeks but has slowly become better..

I went to my first baby shower yesterday :) it was sweet but I'd want mine much better. I am one of these people that like to go all out - for example, if I buy someone a present for their birthday, I won't just pop it in a bag and pass them a card, I'll wrap it up in an amazing wrapping paper, stick ribbon and bows on. Stick confetti in their card ect. And I'm the same if I'm hosting a party - I'd want a big cake, nice balloons, good food ect. So I think when I have mine I might have to organise it myself :) especially if it's at my house. I guess I like to surprise people :)
Thanks for the congratulations everyone! I've come to realize that sometimes family just thinks the way they did things or what they think is right should be the same for everyone else and that just doesn't work. DH and I had the ceremony we wanted to have and anyone's issue with how we did it is not our problem. It seems us being married is more of a big deal to other people then it has been to us. Yes, it's exciting but at the same time it doesn't change anything for us. We've already been living together, share a bank account, etc.

Hayley, I wasn't able to get pictures of our wedding. DH and I got up to the courthouse and there were signs plastered everywhere that cameras and camera phones were not allowed at all so we took our stuff back out to the car.

I've also noticed the shooting pains in my vagina that you're describing. They're not very frequent pains and they don't last long. I have no idea what they are though. Might have to try and look them up and see what I can find.
Hayley, I wasn't able to get pictures of our wedding. DH and I got up to the courthouse and there were signs plastered everywhere that cameras and camera phones were not allowed at all so we took our stuff back out to the car.

Oh that sucks :( and it seems so stupid that a place that holds weddings doesn't allow photography! :shrug: :dohh: that defies all logic!

Lauren congrats on sweet potato!!! I love checking the fruit/veg. I'm not looking forward to when it stays the same for about 4 weeks at a time...where is the fun in that?!
Sarah I agree about the photography thing. I didn't get that at all. :shrug:

I also agree with you about the fruit ticker. For the longest time I didn't realize the ticker wouldn't change every week once you get a lot farther along and just thought people had broken tickers when they stayed the same for more then a week. :haha: I should have known differently considering there is not enough fruit stuff on the ticker for every week of pregnancy.
whoo hoo im also 18 weeks. Still not felt baby yet :( but i do get those random pains your talking about.

I think its around 20 weeks or something it sticks for 3 weeks before changing again :( i love seeing mines changing every week its a little exciting for me lol.

On the up side my new maternity jeans are comfy :) and they were on sale :)..

I now have 17 days until my scan which is slowly creeping in :)

That stucks about not being able to take pictures of your wedding. My friend got married 18 weeks ago now and there was in the registery office we got to take our photo's i never took any though lol

When we all get to the point of one fruit per three/four weeks, we can go on the bump and they have different fruits in their list on there...just not in the tickers. Silly!
Firstly, Congratulations ILoveLucy!

:hi: magic :)

Mrs Hippo - My sex drive waved goodbye quite early on and still hasn't returned, I half feel sorry for OH but then think "oh well" :haha:

LiverpoolLass - I've had the shooting pains down there too :( I can be sat on the sofa and get one all of a sudden and say "ow!" out loud and OH's like "whats the matter?! are you ok?!" and i'm like "yeah... it's just my foof :blush:" :rofl:

Cherry - My nipples have started the sensitive game again too! Also noticed some dry skin (?) on one of them too :shrug: Sorry for the TMI there :haha:

Hope everyone's ok? I'm just counting down till my scan on Friday :coffee: x
Yes! The pain is really infrequent but I do get them. No idea what it is but just wanted to let you know that you're not alone! I get the sharp tummy pains just about every day and I think it's round ligament pain. It hurts even when I try to roll over in bed and especially when I sneeze, cough, bend, etc.

I can't believe today is 20 weeks! It's going by too fast. Only 20 more (or maybe less...)! Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Its weird isn't it?! I tried Googling it but couldnt find much except that it could be Braxton Hicks, but I would have thought it was too early for that yet!
I don't really get pain when turning over (Just achey boobs!) or bending (Just feels that theres something in the way!) but I do get it hard when I sneeze.

I have an angel sounds. I am picking up hb really low, like just above my bikini line, so that I have to pull my underwear and trousers down slightly to find it! Have discovered that even being 1cm out will affect being able to find it, so go low and search everywhere! It does seem weird to say you don't need gel :shrug: I would try some anyway (apparently lube works just as well! :haha:) and 28 weeks seems ridiculously late!!!
Ahh ok thanks :) I've tried it eeeeverywhere, but I googled the one I have and its reviews are abysmal! People are saying that even at 28 weeks they still can't find it! Apparently its not a true doppler like the Angel Sounds one is, its just a stethoscope with an speaker!!! How ridiculous.
I'm taking it back to Mothercare today and demanding my money back - I saw a cute baby bouncer in there that I want so I'd rather put the £20 towards that!

I went to my first baby shower yesterday :) it was sweet but I'd want mine much better. I am one of these people that like to go all out - for example, if I buy someone a present for their birthday, I won't just pop it in a bag and pass them a card, I'll wrap it up in an amazing wrapping paper, stick ribbon and bows on. Stick confetti in their card ect. And I'm the same if I'm hosting a party - I'd want a big cake, nice balloons, good food ect. So I think when I have mine I might have to organise it myself :) especially if it's at my house. I guess I like to surprise people :)

Ooh how exciting! Did they play games and stuff? My baby shower/leaving Exeter party is next weekend so I need to start thinking of things to do!
My sister is a cake maker so shes going to make a cake and some cupcakes, I'll do the rest of the food - I've found some cute bunting and stuff to order, and I want to get some games organised. My sister is doing party bags and favours for everybody, so I dont know what they are but its cute anyway! :)

LiverpoolLass - I've had the shooting pains down there too :( I can be sat on the sofa and get one all of a sudden and say "ow!" out loud and OH's like "whats the matter?! are you ok?!" and i'm like "yeah... it's just my foof :blush:" :rofl:

Cherry - My nipples have started the sensitive game again too! Also noticed some dry skin (?) on one of them too :shrug: Sorry for the TMI there :haha:

Hope everyone's ok? I'm just counting down till my scan on Friday :coffee: x

Ha!!! :haha: Your Foof, I love that!

I have dry skin on one nipple too, makes it insanely itchy - not attractive!

Ooh is this your gender scan on Friday?
I love the phrase foof! My brother is a Dr who regularly uses it (presumably not at work!) and it makes me laugh so much!

Hayley, that sucks about your (not so much) Doppler. But at least you know it's a generic problem with it, otherwise I'm sure you would have panicked. I nearly pooed myself yesterday when I couldn't find the hb. A good jump around the kitchen and a wiggle of the hips soon moved baby into a better position and managed to find it for the family to hear. And a bouncer will be much cuter as well!!!
Yep LiverpoolLass, we get to see our baby and (*hopefully*) the sex on Friday :dance: x
Yes they played games at the baby shower - they did a baby quiz, make a nappy out of a towel and put it on someone in your team and another where we had to guess the flavours of the baby food.

I am looking forward to having one myself though :)

I've had to take today off work :( woke up feeling really poorly and have had an awful migraine. Hope it's just an off day and I'm better tomorrow.
My MS has returned. :( The past few days I've been nauseated all day and have thrown up a few times. At least I got a few weeks without it I suppose.

Laura, I'm so excited for your scan. My scan is on the 13th so we should both know pretty soon what we're having. I can't wait since I have been waiting to purchase the fun stuff like clothes until after I know what I'm having.

I did order some craft stuff to do which y'all can see here. It's an owl themed quilt, bibs, and birth announcement. I'm hoping it arrives here quickly so I can get started on it. I imagine the quilt will take awhile.
I love owls :) that quilt is so pretty. I'd love to do something like that but I... Bore easily. I'll start these things then put it down one day and never get back to it.

Well Ive only been sick once today but my migraine has just taken over. It's so painful and hurts to watch telly, speak on the phone, even hurts to look at my phone. There is no way I'd have been able to go to work as I mostly work on my computer and phone.

Really guttered I'm going to miss the firework display I was planning on going to tonight. Me and my OH were going to go to one over the weekend but didn't because I was going to a big one tonight - really wish I did now :(
I'm so looking forward to everyone's scans coming up!

Brittany, sorry to hear that your MS is back. :( Hopefully it won't linger like last time. And Lauren, I hope your headache goes away soon!

I've been eating nonstop for the last like, two days. I'm a bottomless pit or something - I don't ever feel full or even satisfied. It's ridiculous! Today I'm not as hungry (thank God) but am really, really thirsty.

Also, last night at bedtime I had excrutiating pain in my right side from my ribcage to my hip. It seriously felt like my muscles were tearing away from my skeleton or something. I'm pretty sure it was just round ligament pain because it was a stabbing sensation every time I moved, but it was not pleasant at all. :( I don't think it helped that before I went to bed, I sat in pretty much the same position for 2 hours straight watching a movie. I feel fine today.

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