First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Laura - Such cute bump photos!!! So nice to see the difference too - I've only taken one bump pic so far, I need to take another...prob next week at 20 weeks :)
Can't wait to hear about your scan!!! :) How exciting!!!

Brittany - Yay, I do def think its baby now as I've had the little "bubbling" feeling in that spot all day long today! I havnt had another STRONG pop but just lots of constant little flutters! :)
Ooooh sooooo excited for your scan!!!!! I can't wait to hear the news! :)

People have been freaking me out lately with stories about gender scans wrongly telling them they were having boys :wacko: I wouldnt have thought that was possible!!! But fingers crossed it will be confirmed, as I have been going crazy buying blue things and my baby shower is on Sunday....its all blue themed!!!

Lauren- what do your movements feel like now? I can only describe mine as a bubbling/fluttering feeling, but quite consistent - they'll last for minutes at a time and have happened about 10 times today!

Linzy - How is the body pillow? I'm thinking it might be time for one! I feel like my bump is getting heavy and starting to feel like its pulling me over when I lay on my side!

As for me, I'm having a reeeeal downer of a week - I don't know whats wrong with me. I feel really depressed and everyone is annoying me :/

I'm trying to just focus on my baby shower this weekend as its one nice thing to look forward to - my sister is planning a lot of it and she won't tell me about anything shes doing, but I have sorted out some games to play - we'll be playing:
Baby Bingo, Baby Name That Tune, Baby Charades, Guess The Size Of Mummys Tummy (eeep!), and Fertilize The Egg - which sounds so funny! - they all have to write their name on an Egg sticker and stick it on a picture of a uterus, and I have to stab it from behind with a pin and whoevers egg I fertilize wins lol!! :haha:

I've got little tiny babies to freeze in ice cubes too, so whoevers ice cube melts first - they have to yell "My waters broke!" and they win a prize! :D

It should be fun! I'm doing a little buffet so I'm trying to decide what food to do....what food would you all expect at a baby shower? I don't want to do anything too hard!
Also, do you think I should be providing wine? I'm not sure, since I won't be drinking and its at 3pm?!

Oh also, I'm only playing songs that has the words "Baby" or "Boy" in the title so if anyone can think of any, please let me know! :)
I just called the hospital and they said $10,000 for a regular vaginal delivery and $15,000 for a c-section. I didn't ask if epidurals, etc., were extra or if they offered discounts for self-pay. We'll be taking a tour soon so I'll make sure I ask. Lauren, I believe it's similar to the OBGYN where I sign a contract beforehand promising to pay a set amount (with the option to make payments). I'm not 100% sure, though. I'd definitely prefer that over a bill for who knows how much at the end!! Although, with this whole Obamacare thing I may be forced to pay for insurance no matter what but I won't get into that. And we'll definitely have something figured out for when LO gets here.

Hayley, the body pillow has been amazing. At the very least it stops me from crushing my bladder and having to go pee 2-3 times a night. The only annoying thing is that I toss and turn constantly (I always have) and it's hard to keep moving the pillow from side to side. But all in all, I'm glad I bought it. I'm sorry you're having a down week. :( I feel anti-social from time to time and just want to be left to myself but it passes. Your baby shower ideas sound cute and fun! I'm good at the "tummy size" game. I also really like the babies in the ice cubes - very clever! Most of the showers I've been to have had a variety of finger foods - a veggie platter, fruit tray, sandwiches/croissants, etc., and some sort of punch. Not sure about the wine. One shower I went to served beer/wine and it was nice but unexpected! I'm sure yours will be great and you'll have to post pictures afterwards!

Brittany, that's exciting to have a date for yours as well! I think mine will be late in January or early February after the holidays but not sure when.
I've heard that U/S techs can confuse the umbilical cord as a penis if it ends up between the legs. I'm not sure how often that actually happens though. Hopefully it'll be confirmed for you and you won't have to worry at all.

As for your baby shower, every shower I've been too has mainly had finger foods like small sandwiches, maybe some fruit and veggie trays, but nothing over the top. Then there is usually a cake or cupcakes.

I've also never been to a baby shower with wine or any alcohol for that matter. Usually there is some kind of punch and sometimes soda and bottled water. Occasionally coffee too.
I'm sorry to hear your feeling a bit crappy, it's bound to happen though with our hormones all over the place. I have always had problems with feeling a little low but since I became pregnant I feel so much better in myself (when I'm not throwing my guts up!!). You'll feel better before you know it :)
The baby shower games sound amazing!! I will definitely be pinching a couple :p as for food, I think 'fancy sandwiches' so instead of boring cheese triangles maybe make sandwiches with bagels - chop them in half and buy a nice ham or salmon or something to pop on top. Then you should definitely buy or make a cake and decorate with baby blue colours ect :) I don't know if I'd serve wine, maybe have a bottle of champagne so everyone can have a glass but I think I'll mainly stick to soft drinks. I can't wait until I have mine!!

Don't stress yourself about the genders being wrong either. I think it's rare that they are wrong but obviously it isn't 100%. Will you be going for a 4d scan?

As for my movements, I had really powerful ones the other day which really felt like kicks! But haven't had any that strong since. The little ones I keep feeling feel like muscle spasms, I guess you could describe that as popping. It's hard to explain. X
I just called the hospital and they said $10,000 for a regular vaginal delivery and $15,000 for a c-section. I didn't ask if epidurals, etc., were extra or if they offered discounts for self-pay. We'll be taking a tour soon so I'll make sure I ask. Lauren, I believe it's similar to the OBGYN where I sign a contract beforehand promising to pay a set amount (with the option to make payments). I'm not 100% sure, though. I'd definitely prefer that over a bill for who knows how much at the end!! Although, with this whole Obamacare thing I may be forced to pay for insurance no matter what but I won't get into that.

I can't believe how expensive it is! Wasn't expecting it to be so much. I guess your buggered if you had no money? I think we are lucky over here with the NHS, we still have the option of private healthcare too.
Linzy - WOW! That is expensive, I wasn't expecting it to be that high either.
The body pillow sounds like a good investment then - I will have to do some online shopping!

Brittany - yeah, people keep saying it could be the cord! It sounds odd but to me it looks like the right shape at the end to be a penis though?! I dont imagine a cord to be quite so...shapely?! But maybe I'm wrong lol.
I really am SO excited to hear what you're having....I do think its a girl :)

Lauren - Yeah I'm trying not to stress, I did feel it was a boy anyway! One thing bothering me though is when I asked the sonographer for a percentage, she said "Its 100% a boy!" - I thought that was silly as NO scan can ever be 100%?!
I'm not planning on having a 4d scan, but they did do a 4d freeview at the gender scan I had - I dont think they checked the "potty shot" in 4d though.
The scan I have on Tuesday is just my standard 20 week NHS scan, so I'm not going to mention that I have had a gender scan - I'll just see what they say!

Thanks girls for your input on the shower! :) As Lauren will know, they are still quite rare here so I've never been to one before and its hard to know whats done and what isnt!
I was going to buy some wine but now Im thinking I wont...I will serve juice, tea and coffee, and maybe a fruit punch...if people want wine they can bring their own! :)
As for food, I'm just going to do some light bites I think - nice sandwhiches and wraps, chicken drumsticks, maybe pizza, chips and dips, etc..

My sister is a cake maker so she is making cupcakes :)

I also think it's great that you're planning for a natural childbirth. I want to be as natural as possible with my baby, cloth diapers, breastfeeding/pumping, making my own baby food, etc. but I just can't do natural childbirth. I have no pain tolerance.

This is exactly me too! I am trying to go as natural as possible with my birth, but I know I will need something...maybe MORE than just gas and air.

Hayley sounds to me like your pop was definitely baby! I'm really tired too at the minute, but I hope you are feeling better for Sunday, both physically and feeling a bit happier as well :hugs: I can't wait to hear all about your shower. It sounds like its going to be so much fun! I love the ice cube idea!

Laura LOVING the bump pictures! Such a difference between 14 and 20 weeks! It seems to be a period of big growth, as I've sprung outwards as well! I can't wait for your scan news tomorrow! I hope you get the news you want. And I always do that thing where you try to convince yourself the opposite outcome will happen so you don't get too disappointed, but either way I know you'll be thrilled!

Lauren, if it helps any your scan is 2 days before mine, so I have the longest to wait lol! But it's now less than two weeks, which is great! Feels like we've been waiting for these 20 week scans forever.

Lindsey I have hear the Ina may book is really good, you'll have to let us know how you get on with it and if its worth the read. I cannot believe how much it costs to give birth in America. It just seems insane, and I don't know how anyone ever affords any medical care!! What happens if you give birth and can't pay?! Do they repossess your baby?! :haha:

Afm, no real news at all. Four people in the past two days have congratulated me, but not people I directly told, they have noticed themselves which is so bizarre, but great! I'm so tired this week and cannot wait for 3.30pm tomorrow and the weekend!!
Oh Hayley for shower food get down to Iceland. I absolutely love their party food, and since its "almost" Christmas (in the minds of shops anyway!) they should have all the Christmas nibbles in. Minimum effort, maximum yummy!

I'm a real sucker for party food...
It is expensive! We've looked into "buying" insurance but the monthly rate would make it just as expensive (if not more so) than paying cash. Luckily, we have the money for our prenatal care + birth already saved but it's still stressful - especially since I can't know exactly what kind of delivery I'll get! Next baby, I might feel comfortable going with a midwife/birthing center which is said to be cheaper. :shrug: I have no idea what happens if you can't pay - I imagine the whole bill goes to a collections agency and puts a dent in your credit score, making it harder for you to take out a loan in the future. I would hate to find out!

Sarah, I looked through Ina May's book and the first chapter is literally devoted to women telling their positive, natural birth experiences. A nice change from all the women wanting to tell you their horror stories!!
:Oh the book may be worth it just for that first chapter then! I have read some horrific things on b+b lately in the labour section :shock: :shock: :shock:
labor reading already lol. Mind you ive pop in there a little to but not recently.

Ohh i was meant to say to you doglover i got my boots things through :) but its says vaild from the 30th lol which is good as thats when i get paid lol :)

I'm pretty sure i felt 2 pops and a flutter the other day and was soo cheesing since i was watching true blood lol. Then yesterday few times through the day and when i was sitting down watching more true blood i felt more :) this could be the start yay!!!
That's great Cherry! Your baby is clearly a big True Blood fan lol!!!

I know what you mean about waiting to get paid, we had to get oil this week and it's so expensive! Unlike England, in NI we have oil tanks in our gardens rather than being connected to any mains gas or anything, and it's ridiculous. Like £600 twice or three times a year just to heat your flipping home!!
It's a joke how much you go through and how expensive it's getting. No wonder some old people surfing with no heating. I dont have no heating either and mines is pre-pay but it still eats away like 40 pound a month and thats money i just dont have :( xx
It's crazy isn't it, all our money goes on bills or in savings. Drives me nuts though that bills take so much! :wacko:
Lindsey, that is really expensive. I couldn't imagine having to pay all of that out of pocket. I was actually suprised with how much I've had to pay for the genetic screening stuff I had done in September. That was nearly a grand and I have insurance so I can't imagine how much that would have been without insurance. I can say that if you don't pay a medical bill it does go to collections and then that hospital may refuse to treat you in the future. That happened to my mom with the town doctor's office because she was never billed anything so she didn't even know she owed until it was turned into collections. They won't treat her at that doctor's office now.

Hayley, a guy at my DH's work said you should definitely do a 4d scan. He said it was worth whatever extra money it costs. So I think DH and I are going to try and get a 4d scan done at some point.

Sarah, I've been thinking of using a Tens machine for labor and trying to avoid getting an epidural but I'm not even sure if I would have that option. I had never even heard of a Tens machine until I joined this website.

Laura, I hope your scan went well today! I can't wait to hear the results. :)

AFM, my cross stitch stuff arrived today that I wanted to make for the baby so I started working on one of the bibs today. It's really exciting making something for the baby. My scan will also still be happening on the 13th. DH told me yesterday that he might be working the night shift on Tues which would mean we'd have to re-schedule the appointment (this is too big an appointment for DH and I to feel okay with him missing it). Anyways, he found out today that he'll be working 5 to 5 (appointment is at 5) so he's basically just decided he's leaving work early and he doesn't care what they say. I think it's kind of cute that he's impatient for this appointment as I am since I had told him I would reschedule it, he just had to tell me when.
Brittany I'm so glad you mentioned a TENS machine, I've really been thinking about hiring one or buying one too. I read a little bit about them the other day, and they seem to be perfect for the style of birth I would like. I want to stay at home for as long as possible, so it would be so helpful to get me through that time.

I can't wait to see what you make for baby! And I'm sure that after Tuesday when you know the gender and can colour coordinate things you will be making so much! I wish I was in any way able to make things, luckily dh's family are great and I have them making cardigans, bootees, and hopefully some bits for the nursery! I tried to learn to knit last joy unfortunately!
You guys have it all planned out don't you :) I haven't even thought about the birth... Sorry I lie, I have decided I want a water birth but that's about it.

You'll definitely have to show us photos of the stuff your knitting, will be lovely to see how they look once you've finished :)

Oh also, for you UK ladies I found a website called its great, I am on there looking at tops. They show you clothes from everywhere (topshop/Dorothy Perkins ect) without having to trawl through the web. I didn't know new look sold maternity vest tops for like £3.50 :) will definitely be buying some of them because mine are starting to ride up which is annoying!!
Speaking of maternity clothes, I just ordered two sweaters off this site, It's based in London I think but they ship to a bunch of different places and a lot of the stuff was super cute and decently priced. I can't wait for my stuff to arrive to see if I actually like it when I put it on.
Dogglover: I think it's just to keep there wages up for them so they rob it from us who have little :(.

Ohh ive just opened another page with the web site might just have a little snoop lol.

My sickness came back today. I hope it's just a one of thing but who knows. Just ate a ice lollie and i now feel better :). gonna have to carry one or buy one when im out lol.
Oh thanks for those links ladies!

Lauren I know what you mean about the vest tops. I am a weirdo who wears a vest top under almost everything (like an old person!!) and have been living in the lack maternity one my SIL gave me in a bag of maternity clothes, so will definitely need more!!

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