First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Tell you what, if exercise keeps pre-e at bay I have no chance if I am on the cusp of it. I cannot move myself much at all these days. I had to tell dh to remind his sister yesterday that I am 27 weeks pregnant. We walked 7 1/2 miles on Christmas Day and Boxing Day combined, and she wanted to do three miles yesterday. No flipping way, I was exhausted and so stiff I felt about 100yo!!
Hi Mummies-To-Be!

I'm trying to reply to everybody from memory, so forgive me if I miss anything!

Sounds like you all had nice Christmases (Apart from the person with the rude relative who made comments on weight and food choices, grrrrr!)

I had a really lovely Christmas, considering I had been dreading it... it actually ended up being one of the best Christmas's I've had in aaaaages! :)
I got lots of lovely presents - I had asked people not to get me much pregnancy-related stuff (We ARE still people with other interests at the end of the day lol!), and luckily people listened - I got lots of lovely gift sets, pyjamas, clothes, some AMAZING Ted Baker high heels (I can't wear them until after baby is born and that is going to KILL me lol) and OH got me an Ipod Touch which is amazing! :)
Bean got some little gifts too - my mum and dad got him a Humphreys Corner book set, my sister got him a "Babys Room" sign and my friend Sarah got him his first pair of shoes and some socks to match! So cute! :)

As for the mastitis, it hasn't actually been as painful as I thought it would be! It's treated with a course of antibiotics, and they say its likely that I got it because of the cold I had - apparently there's a link?!
I have to go back to the GP in a week or so to check on it.

I had my 25 week (late!) check today with the midwife - my last blood tests were all fine, and she listened to babys HB which was fine - baby is breech but they say thats nothing to worry about yet (I have been getting a lot of pain in the rib area though, and I read this can happen with breech babies as the head can put pressure on the ribs!! I hope he moves soon!)

They told me I don't need to see a midwife again until I'm 30 weeks though, which seems odd as I thought I was supposed to start counting kicks at 28 weeks but she didn't mention it to me or tell me how to do it?!!
She also didn't measure my bump, which seems odd considering these appointments are called "Fetal Growth Appointments" from this point on?!

Anyway! Whats everybodys plans for an alcohol-free New Years Eve?!!!

OH and I have booked to go to my FAVOURITE restaurant ever - a Japanese Teppanyaki restaurant - and then we're hoping to go to the cinema after, and then we'll be going to a little family gathering at my aunts house - I have already armed myself with Alcohol free rose wine and a pack of Becks Blue! hehe! I MAY allow myself a small glass of prosecco with lots of lemonade in at midnight though!

- I'm sorry to hear about the problems you had with your tests :/ I hope you pass the 3 hour test - I do have a friend in the states who failed the 1 hour test and was REALLY worried, but the 3 hour test was absolutely fine!!! So fingers crossed!
I also have a friend who had pre-eclampsia and delivered 5 weeks early (Both she and the baby are absolutely fine!) - there really isn't much that can be done about pre-eclampsia, it's just a case of trying to do as little as possible and keep your stress levels low (reducing salt in your diet may help a little too, as that can raise bp significantly) - but do try not to worry too much as that will only make matters worse.
I had high BP two or three times during this pregnancy and now its fine! Sometimes it can just be one of those fluke things that happens once or twice and then corrects itself! Keeping everything crossed for you that it all clears up.

- That baby book is SO cute!!! So lovely to have one handmade too! :)

Brittany - Yay for feeling the hiccups! Isnt it cute?! I hadn't heard of the heartbeat thing but will def try it! :)

Does anybody else feel just SO BLOODY PREGNANT lately?!!! In the last few days it has REALLY hit me!! I suddenly feel ENORMOUS and I just can't move as easily any more - painting my own toe nails is a thing of the past, I am now struggling to even be able to shave my legs in the bath as my bump is in the way - and the stairs in this house have become my own personal Mt Everest!!!!! Fun! - My Bump on Xmas Eve at 26 weeks!
Lindsey, sorry to hear the test failed. As the other girls said, your next one might come back fine. I don't know too much about it so can't really comment on it much.

Hayley, glad you had a nice Christmas :) mine was nice too apart from catching a cold at my mums house!! They all had one so it was bound to happen!! As for NY I don't have plans, I did want to go for a nice meal at one of our favourite restaurants but they were all charging over £80pp for 3 courses and 1 glass of champagne on arrival - so would have too add our own drinks on top of that. We'd be looking at spending £200 just for the two of us. It's rediculous. So not bothering. Might make a nice meal at home but last few days I haven't had much energy and have been going to bed early so we'll see how I feel.

I've been worrying a little for a couple of days now, LO has gone quiet again. She'll move around but it will feel quite faint and deep in my stomach rather than towards the surface. I wanted to start counting kicks ect but they are so irregular but the more I've been thinking about it the more I've been worrying. I have just been pushing and prodding my belly to try and get her to wake up and move but I've had no luck... And normally chocolate sets her off and I've ate a load of that and still nothing :( I don't know whether I'm worrying too much and over thinking about it or whether I do need to speak to someone? I know what will happen though, they'll ask when she is most active and how much she moves on average - I won't have an answer! They have never been regular. :(

On a more happier note - I won a DKNY bag yesterday worth £190 :D I enter competitions in my spare time and have won a few nice bits. I stopped doing them when I was sick but recently started again. I was over the moon yesterday :) I might sell it though, I only enter competitions for things I want or things that I can sell and get a bit of money for. If I can sell that bag for 150 it will cover the cost of a car seat and bits for bean :)
Oh, think I spoke too soon. She just started kicking but it was right around my left side - maybe she was facing backwards??
Lauren - I noticed over Christmas that Bean was really quiet, I wonder if maybe they've been having a growth spurt?!
My kicks feel less obvious now too, I do think they've moved further back/higher up and so it feels a bit weaker than it did when they were kicking right on our bladders!
If you're ever worried though, definitely call your midwife or hospital and ask them to check you over - all they'll do is get the doppler on you and its worth it just to put your mind at rest :)

Congrats on winning the bag! Thats amazing! What competition was that through? I always mean to enter contests in magazines and stuff and never ever do!

Yeah the NYE prices are ludicrous! I found some deals in nice restaurants for £90 pp including 4 course meals and a free bar all night which would be fab usually but as I can't drink at the moment it seems like a waste! And OH has refused to drink all through the pregnancy either (incase he needs to take me to hospital! Honestly, he panics SO much!).

I was SO pleased though, as my fave restaurant is only charging £30 per person for a four course meal!!!! Which is pretty much the same as it would cost on a normal night, so I was thrilled with that! :)
You were lucky to get that then, 30 isn't bad at all! I do think NYE is a little over rated. People feel as though they HAVE to do something - or they'll be missing out. Last year me and Adam were in bed at 10 haha. I think its just an excuse for people pump up their prices, if we weren't all skint as it is. I think once I have a house I will host NYD and make a nice meal for family ect, might even have a little house party with fireworks and stuff **fingers crossed I can do that next year!!**

Well since I posted up this morning she has been moving around. I think I might have just been pre-occupied with xmas ect and maybe just haven't noticed her move then all of a sudden I'm not doing anything and I start thinking about it. I feel better now anyway :)

The competitions I do from - they have their own comping forum where people will post them up. You get all sorts - from jars of coffee to 5* holidays to an exotic island somewhere. I haven't won a lot compared to some of the people on the forum....I joined in January, had a break for about 4 months and in that time won a signed football shirt by someone famous (can't think for the life of me who that was lol) but sold that, it was worth about 200 pounds. I've won cinema tickets, a lush candle which smelt so nice!!, bag of sweets, couple of teddies, museum tickets and now this bag. I enter as many as I can for bean - things like pushchairs, toys, swings ect. There are so many out there. You really got to put the time in to it though, entering one or two every now and then won't get you anywhere unless your really lucky. I think I enter over 100 a week....that sounds really sad haha. My laptop automatically fills out the forms so it doesn't take me very long and I don't go out my way to enter them, its just something to do when I am sitting at home bored. Its definitely worth it when you win though :)
Hello ladies, lovely to hear you all had a fabulous xmas!

linzylou Sorry to hear you failed the glucose test :hugs: I don't know much about it myself, but like the others said, eating right before wouldn't have helped. Try to relax until next week when you know for certain. GD is very common and I'm sure if it is that it'll be managed safely by your healthcare provider and you and baby will be kept safe and sound. It is much better to be aware and informed of these things and monitored than not know. The same goes for pre-pre-eclampsia. I see it an awful lot at work it is awfully common but again, although there is not much you can do about it, it is much better to be carefully monitored and watched than not know about these things. Best of luck and keep us all updated.

Liverpoollass I too feel huge and like all of a sudden things have become a lot more tiresome and difficult! I have joked that I need a litter picker to get things off the floor as I can barely bend down now and reach things! It's also more difficult to get up! My bump has had another massive growth spurt, belly button has nearly popped and it's really firm, it's a slippery slope downwards from now on me thinks! :cry:

MrsHippo Jiggles does this to me all the time, I think I haven't felt movement for ages and get all worried then all of a sudden I get a mad spurt of energy from them!! I do worry bout this 28 week movement business though as although I feel LO move everyday I'm not sure it's as much as 10 movements an hour! Maybe I am preoccupied or due to me having anterior placenta. I also don't seem to have a pattern to movements! Movements are definitely becoming more defined though, has anyone else noticed this? Rather than light kicks I'm getting more larger movements like a limb moving across my body and sitting somewhere weird. It borders on uncomfortable at times and last night in bed I yelped in pain/discomfort as whatever jiggles was doing just felt really odd like they were trying to break out of my belly!

Hope all you other ladies are doing well sorry to not reply to you all personally.
AFM I had a lovely quiet xmas. Didn't get many gifts but baby got quite a bit from my Mum including a lovely baby record book that I have already started to fill in.
OH finished painting the nursery this afternoon it looks fab. We had a bit of a stress with the nursery furniture as the furniture we originally planned to buy I went on the website today and it had a 16 week delivery wait :wacko: Cue lots of stressing on my part. OH thought we should just order it, but I said that is way too stressful to be sorting out with a 4 week old baby, and where would things go in the meantime (he couldn't seem to grasp this! - men!!) In the end we found a great deal on some lovely Mothercare furniture which I actually prefer more!
Work is completely draining me and although I only have 4 weeks left I'm not sure how much longer I'll last. I won't moan too much on here (it's all in my journal!) but basically it is stupidly busy and I can't cope with standing up for 13 hours with only a 30 minute break in the middle. It's just relentless and I'm worried for my babies health, let alone the poor kiddies I am supposed to be caring for. I am seeing my midwife on the 3rd so will see what she says although can't see how she can help really apart from suggesting I leave earlier which I can't afford to do :dohh:

I'll leave you with a 27 week bump pic :flower:


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Alex I can't imagine being on my feet that long at work- I struggle with an hour without a break at the minute. Fingers crossed the next four weeks go quickly. I've 9 left...seems like forever! You should post a pic of the nursery once its all finished!

Hayley sounds like you are going to have a bargain meal for nye then!

Lauren so glad the little lady is back to Beaton you up. It is so worrying when you think it's all quiet on the uterus front, I definitely panic! And that's great about winning the bag! I entered a load of comps from a baby website - literally about 40 - didn't win a thing. I haven't got the dedication you have!!

Afm my back is aching at the minute. I'm hoping its just a result of sleeping at the in laws and not being used to their mattress, and I'm back to normal tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to get some sample pots of paint for the nursery, and I ordered my Boba 3G carrier today. So I have very little left to get now!! Can't wait for January 1st so I can say "I'm having a baby this year!"
Also, beautiful bumps ladies!! You make me feel enormous though! (Not aided by my sil who predicted baby is a girl as I'm "spreading all round". Thanks for that!!)
I agree, bump pictures are great :) I realised the other day that I don't actually have any normal photos of me with bump... They are all ones I've taken myself. I think I'm going to try and get a couple in.

You know how I was telling you about moving - the house we want isn't due to be built by summer at the earliest. Well we found another site about 5/10 minute drive away (same company) where they have the house we want already built :) it just needs carpets and kitchen appliances fitting. There are one or two downsides, one is that it costs more and the garden is overlooked by the massive 3 storey house behind it. But that we can deal with, will just buy big plants and stuff. We have to wait until their head office has re-opened before we can do anything. We want to part exchange so will have someone our to value our place within the next two weeks. If everything goes well we will have a house before bean gets here!!! :D
Sarah - Aww I hope your back feels better? Eeek I hadn't thought about that - we're having babies THIS YEAR! How truly terrifying lol!

BabyNurse (Alex?) - Glad you had a lovely xmas! Aren't the baby records books fun to fill in?! I got another one at xmas so I now have, erm, 3...and a pregnancy journal which has a baby section in. This child is going to be SICK of reading about himself as a baby lmao. I'm addicted to them, its ridiculous!
Which Mothercare furniture did you go for?
My Mum keeps saying that she's seen a lovely furniture set in Mothercare that she wants to buy for me, but I'm not sure as my sister has offered me her perfectly good cot, we have already paid a deposit on a wardrobe and my Mum is already paying £750 for our pram and buying us a Moses basket! So I feel like I shouldn't let her buy anything else....she'd literally just go on forever and ever buying things!!!
Geez 13 hours sounds like HARD work - is there no way you can do anything more desk based for the last 4 weeks? No admin that they can have you helping out with even for just part of the day?
Lovely bump pic, btw!

Lauren - thanks for the link! I'm going to give some a little go, you never know do you!! Every little helps at the moment lol!

Oooh exciting news about the house! I hope you get it!!!! I would LOVE to be in our own place by the time baby gets here...its not going to happen though!

AFM - I hit the sales today! Eeeeeeep. I'm completely ridiculous - I cannot stop myself when I'm around baby clothes.

So I FINALLY went through Beans things when I got home and made a list of what we have, I was quite shocked! I didn't think I'd bought so much in Newborn sizes! I think I need to stop now....apart from some bigger bibs, and maybe some more sleepsuits, socks and scratch mitts I think we have everything we'll need?!


13 full outfits
20 vests
6 sleepsuits
8 hats
1 pair of booties
10 bibs
3 pairs of scratch mitts
A jacket
A cardigan
11 pairs of socks

0-3 Months

7 full outfits
A cardigan
2 pair of separate trousers
3 sleepsuits
15 vests
3 hats
1 pair of booties
10 bibs

3 - 6 months

2 full outfits
1 shirts
1 pair suit trousers
1 pair of normal trousers/jeans
7 vests
1 hat
Pair of swimshorts
Elmo slippers
1 pair of shoes

6 - 9 months

Jumpers/Cardigans - 3
Shirts - 1

9 - 12 months

2 shirts
1 pair of trousers
Hayley that list is amazing! Sounds like you are totally set for clothes for a good while. Now all you have to hope is that when baby comes he isn't too big for newborn ;) although my SIL said today actually when my nephew came along (7lbs 2oz) they had to buy tiny baby things as newborn was too big!! Also, LOVE the idea of elmo slippers! I love elmo! And thanks, my back is sooo much better today after sleeping in our own bed, funny how used to your own bed you become!

lauren that's great news about the house, fingers crossed it all goes smoothly for you and you are in ASAP. And being over looked by one other house wouldn't be so bad at all, I agree. The likelihood is if you are in your garden, the weather will be so nice they will be too! You have to keep us updated on how it's all progressing.

Afm, we picked up two paint samples today and slapped them on the walls, so we now just have to decide which one...which I'm not good at. I prefer the darker shade, but then I'm not sure if when its on all 4 walls if it will be too dark :shrug: :dohh:

I also got a huge box of stuff from my SIL today. Vests, sleepsuits, baby towels, blankets, hats, mittens, get the idea! I feel like I have so much now! My mum also INSISTED on giving me some newborn size nappies that she had and "some in the next size up for when they grow out of newborn" even though she knows I am going cloth. I'm pretty sure she thinks we won't stick with it.

It may be childish...but that makes me want to do it even more just to prove her wrong!!!
Sarah - Lol! Thats what I'm worried about!!! I'm HOPING he'll get to wear them all as he's most likely going to be 1 or 2 weeks early, which I'm hoping will mean he gets a bit longer out of newborn sizes. Plus some of the newborn things are almost as big as the 0-3 things so some might cross over?!
My sister said the same - my niece weighed 8lbs8 and she was too small for her newborn things for the first couple of weeks! And my other niece weighed 6 lbs and they had to go and buy everything in tiny baby! But on the other hand, I know lots of people who say their babies were only in newborn for a week! Its just impossible to know, isn't it?! :/

Ooh yay for the stuff you got! :) As for the paint can you not maybe do a feature wall in one of the colours and the rest in the second colour? or would they not work together?

OMG - you're into the 80 day range on your ticker. It all feels soooo close now! :)
I know! I saw my ticker earlier and said "Simon! Simon! We're at 89 days now! That's nothing!" To which he helpfully replied "well, it's less than 90".... :dohh: thanks for that you genius husband of mine!

A feature wall is a really great idea actually!!! I'll have to have to closer look at the colours together and see whether it would work or not.

I've heard people say their baby didn't fit newborn, so I think it just 100% depends on where you bought the clothes. Like when I go into next and buy things (normally...not now!) I have to buy an 8, but if I tried to fit into an 8 in top shop I'd burst out through the seams! I guess baby clothes are the same, which is annoying because its enough of a guessing game as it is without them throwing that spanner in the works!!!

I need to go and figure out exactly what we have now....
Hehe! Awww! Trust the men to dampen the excitement! lol!

hehe, aww well fingers crossed they work together! :) What are the colours you're going for?

Yeah I definitely think they vary a lot! Even just from reading the labels - some of them say Newborn goes up to 8lbs, some say up to 10 lbs! Some of them aren't even Newborn but that bizzare "Up to 1 Month" size which seems to be everywhere at the moment!?
I'll just have to see what happens lol. Luckily the clothes are from all over rather than just one shop, so SOME of them should last for longer than others at least!

Yeah I'd definitely recommend making a list, I was honestly SHOCKED when I did mine lol. I had NO idea how off the rails I'd gone!!! :dohh:
Thanks, ladies. All I can do is take better care of myself and hope for the best. I'll be sure to let you know how the three-hour test goes on Wednesday.

Hayley, your NYE plans sound wonderful! I love teppanyaki. We have a bottle of champagne in the fridge but I have a feeling DH wouldn't like it even if I had a small glass. I'm not sure what our plans are yet but it will probably involve dinner out and then watching TV until midnight. Your bump looks great (cute dress too)! Yes, I definitely feel pregnant all the time now. I literally roll myself out of bed. I plan my trips up/down the stairs and if I forget something, too bad. I'm a slave to the toilet. I never knew I'd have to sit there and catch my breath after bending over to put on a pair of socks! And I still have 12 weeks! :lol: And I am totally impressed by your LO's inspired me to go through my LO's and I need a lot more 3-6 month clothes.

Alex, cute bump! I can't imagine standing for 13 hours...I hope the next 4 weeks go quickly for you so that you can relax! :hugs: What color did you paint the nursery? Has your new furniture arrived yet? I agree, you should post a pic!

Sarah, I'm still trying to decide on a baby carrier!! There are so many to choose from! I bet it feels great knowing you don't have much more to get!

Lauren, that's awesome about the house!! I hope everything works out - keep us posted!!

AFM, the two of us spent a few days at the cabin for DH's birthday (he turned 33). I'm just glad my winter jacket still fit because there was a foot and a half of snow! I don't think I slept at all the first girl felt like a wrecking ball in there!! No matter how I laid, she would kick the crap out of me and then it felt like something (a foot?) was stuck under my ribs. She was a lot quieter the next day - maybe she wore herself out! :lol:

We bought a closet organizer and I started going through her clothes. We have a lot of newborn sizes and 0-3 months, and I agree that some of the stuff looks bigger than others so hopefully she'll fit them longer than I think she will. I hardly have anything in 3-6 months so depending on what I bring home from the baby shower, I'll take stuff back/exchange for a different size. I have a car seat, stroller, and nursery furniture but nothing else as I'm waiting for the shower - after that, I can go shopping!! I can't believe how time is flying but I'm so excited to meet my baby and amazingly I'm not terrified of labor yet!

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve!! Hope everyone has a great one!
Ok so I did a clothes tally, including all the hand me downs from my nephew...

Newborn: 6
0-3: 14
3-6: 0 (panic stations!!)

Newborn: 4
0-3: 10
3-6: 2



scratch mitts

4 pairs

1 x 0-3 months

Also in the miscellaneous category I have inherited 2 gro-bags, lots of blankets and towels and a 6-9month furry pram suit!

Compared to you ladies it seems like nothing! But ours is all just neutral, and I'm banking on people buying us gender specific once baby arrives. A stash I'm happy with though :) I'm not a huge fan of mini person clothes on new babies. They look adorable, but I just couldn't be bothered with the faff! My child while feel so uncared for :haha:

Lindsey- sounds like a lovely way to celebrate oh's birthday, and very romantic sounding (if a little cold!) how long is it now until your shower?

Hayley- I went to investigate the colour swatches on the walls this morning once they were fully dried. Dh is not going to be happy...I don't like either! One is far too minty, and the other is pretty much just white!! So back to the drawing board on that one!
Am I the only only one not buying 3-6 month stuff?!? As as don't know the gender I wasn't planning to buy anymore than the basics really then once baby arrives reassess the situation and see what I need to buy (and what we get as gifts etc). Once we have nursery furniture (hopefully but next week) I will make a list of what I have and also take some photos for you lovely ladies!
Doggylover I had same problem with colour of walls and ended up getting about 8 swatches before finally deciding on right shade!! I'm really pleased with end results though now.
Happy New Year to you all, hope you have nice plans. I am just planning on taking it easy this year. I am back to work tomorrow after my few days respite so really dreading it. I am still planning to speak to midwife if I am struggling after tomorrow. I'm sure I'm getting the beginnings of round ligament pain as keep having quite bad shooting pains around my abdomen and the other night I was scared I was going into labour as they hurt so much! I'm sure my job isn't helping with all the bending and standing. Unfortunately there is no lighter work I can do whilst I'm there so I either need to button up and work or get signed off, neither option is ideal. Oh well.
Alex I won't be buying a load of 3-6 months, as with you I don't know the gender, so will wait and see. If its a boy we'll have piles from my nephew, and if its a girl I am sure we'll get loads of gifts.

Happy new year, and I hope work goes ok tomorrow. Definitely speak to you mw about those pains and work.

Afm, seem to have been on my feet around the house all day, and baby is protesting and making me sore lol. Just baking a batch of first ever! I'm not a big baker but dh buys me a baking cook book every Christmas so I thought I should show some willing. Shame about how crap I am!
Linzy - Aww glad you had a nice time at the cabin! Sounds very wintery and romantic! :) When are you having your baby shower?

Sarah - Aww thats a shame about the paint swatches. Oh well, theres plenty of time yet for experimenting with different options and its better that you take your time and find the perfect one for you! :) Are you doing stencilling and stuff?
I can't WAIT to be able to do the nursery, but it will be long after baby is here at this rate :/ I know it doesn't really matter as they won't be in them for 6 months anyway, but I have such a desire to nest and its bugging the life out of me that I can't!
Oh I'm the total opposite with baby clothes! Dressing him up is the MAIN thing I'm excited about! I have a real dislike of plain babygros and rompers, I want him in proper "Little Man" outfits! :D I've made sure everything has poppers though so changing will still be just as easy! I can't wait to start dressing him up!

Babynurse - Have you not had any round ligament pain before? I had it late in the first tri/early second tri - it can get pretty painful!! I've been having the pain in my lower abdomen too though, it feels different from the round ligament pain - more intense somehow. Maybe its just because the babies are weighing more now and are sort of more hard work on our bodies?!
If its concerning you though, I'd give the midwife a call and get checked over.
As for the clothes - I think its MUCH harder when you don't know what the baby is! You're probably not going to be wanting gender neutral stuff through the summer so it wouldn't really make sense to be buying anything in 3-6 months for you.

I just find it makes sense when you know the sex of the baby to buy things in bigger sizes because this is the time that those seasons are on sale! So I've bought some little summer shirts in 3-6 months for 50% off rather than waiting until the season is here and having to pay full price. Plus I figure my money will be tighter once baby is here, so I might as well buy them while I can lol.

AFM...I had a bit of a scare last night when I suddenly had a bit of a leaky situation going on down below! :wacko:
It happened twice - I ignored it the first time, but the second time I went to the loo to investigate and my knickers were soaking wet! Eeeek!
I was having period pains too, so I was a bit concerned about early labour (especially coz my medical condition can go hand in hand with premature labour, and I've been freaked out around this point as my cousin went into labour at 25 weeks earlier this year) - I phoned the hospital though, the lady didn't ask me about any pain but just asked if baby was moving (Which he was, a lot!) and said for me to put on a sanitary towel and call back if it was wet in 2 hours.

It was only mildly damp after 2 hours, so I didn't call back. I'm a bit worried though - The pain has gone so I know its not early labour or anything, but I'm just worried that I might be losing fluid?!
I mean - wouldn't that be something to be concerned about? Especially as I won't be seeing a midwife for another 4 weeks - I'm probably way off the mark medically but what If I've lost loads of fluid by then and nobody has realised?!!!

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