Hi Mummies-To-Be!
I'm trying to reply to everybody from memory, so forgive me if I miss anything!
Sounds like you all had nice Christmases (Apart from the person with the rude relative who made comments on weight and food choices, grrrrr!)
I had a really lovely Christmas, considering I had been dreading it... it actually ended up being one of the best Christmas's I've had in aaaaages!

I got lots of lovely presents - I had asked people not to get me much pregnancy-related stuff (We ARE still people with other interests at the end of the day lol!), and luckily people listened - I got lots of lovely gift sets, pyjamas, clothes, some AMAZING Ted Baker high heels (I can't wear them until after baby is born and that is going to KILL me lol) and OH got me an Ipod Touch which is amazing!

Bean got some little gifts too - my mum and dad got him a Humphreys Corner book set, my sister got him a "Babys Room" sign and my friend Sarah got him his first pair of shoes and some socks to match! So cute!
As for the mastitis, it hasn't actually been as painful as I thought it would be! It's treated with a course of antibiotics, and they say its likely that I got it because of the cold I had - apparently there's a link?!
I have to go back to the GP in a week or so to check on it.
I had my 25 week (late!) check today with the midwife - my last blood tests were all fine, and she listened to babys HB which was fine - baby is breech but they say thats nothing to worry about yet (I have been getting a lot of pain in the rib area though, and I read this can happen with breech babies as the head can put pressure on the ribs!! I hope he moves soon!)
They told me I don't need to see a midwife again until I'm 30 weeks though, which seems odd as I thought I was supposed to start counting kicks at 28 weeks but she didn't mention it to me or tell me how to do it?!!
She also didn't measure my bump, which seems odd considering these appointments are called "Fetal Growth Appointments" from this point on?!
Anyway! Whats everybodys plans for an alcohol-free New Years Eve?!!!
OH and I have booked to go to my FAVOURITE restaurant ever - a Japanese Teppanyaki restaurant - and then we're hoping to go to the cinema after, and then we'll be going to a little family gathering at my aunts house - I have already armed myself with Alcohol free rose wine and a pack of Becks Blue! hehe! I MAY allow myself a small glass of prosecco with lots of lemonade in at midnight though!
Linzy - I'm sorry to hear about the problems you had with your tests :/ I hope you pass the 3 hour test - I do have a friend in the states who failed the 1 hour test and was REALLY worried, but the 3 hour test was absolutely fine!!! So fingers crossed!
I also have a friend who had pre-eclampsia and delivered 5 weeks early (Both she and the baby are absolutely fine!) - there really isn't much that can be done about pre-eclampsia, it's just a case of trying to do as little as possible and keep your stress levels low (reducing salt in your diet may help a little too, as that can raise bp significantly) - but do try not to worry too much as that will only make matters worse.
I had high BP two or three times during this pregnancy and now its fine! Sometimes it can just be one of those fluke things that happens once or twice and then corrects itself! Keeping everything crossed for you that it all clears up.
Sarah - That baby book is SO cute!!! So lovely to have one handmade too!
Brittany - Yay for feeling the hiccups! Isnt it cute?! I hadn't heard of the heartbeat thing but will def try it!
Does anybody else feel just SO BLOODY PREGNANT lately?!!! In the last few days it has REALLY hit me!! I suddenly feel ENORMOUS and I just can't move as easily any more - painting my own toe nails is a thing of the past, I am now struggling to even be able to shave my legs in the bath as my bump is in the way - and the stairs in this house have become my own personal Mt Everest!!!!! Fun!
https://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p206x206/407422_10152391280270634_614194489_n.jpg - My Bump on Xmas Eve at 26 weeks!