WOW sooo much to catch up on!
MrsHippo Yay to 4D scan! Me & OH are looking into getting one done but we cant make our minds up

Im with you on the toilet trouble on a night now well morning for me! Every morning at around 7:30 I have to get up and go.
Also, everyone saying youll be massive at the end people are so kind! Whenever I say how long Ive got left, I get a

Good luck with that! kind of look..
DoggyLover SILs present was so cute even if the picture was upside down

Boo to lots of walking Ive been feeling so lazy for the last couple of weeks, a walk around the shops is about enough for me!
Yay to ordering your pram! And great stuff that it was on sale

Definitely scary to think were in Third Tri now I still havent braved that section.. maybe tomorrow

Hope everything works out with the house!
LinzyLou Heartburns been a killer for me over Christmas, I think it was just all the food that Ive eaten though

I certainly had my fair share

Re: well have a 9 month old to celebrate with next year this is all me & OH kept saying to each other! We made the most of being able to sit down and relax when we could this time around because it certainly wont be the same next year!
Thats great about the gift cards to your favourite restaurants Im jealous!
I didnt think Id experienced Braxton Hicks, but someone in my journal said I have apparently

Sorry you failed your test! My MW booked mine this morning and told me that I cant eat after 10pm the night before.. I can only drink water
ILoveLucy My cousins girlfriend put her head on my belly on Christmas day to see if she could hear anything and got a swift kick/punch to the ear too!
Glad your results came back good
LiverpoolLass Glad the mastitis wasnt too painful! My MW didnt mention anything about kick counting this morning
Definitely feeling more and more like a beached whale than I did.. Surely I cant get
that much bigger
can I?!
Alex Posted in your journal
AsForMe Went to the MW this morning, everythings perfect; blood pressure, heartbeat, pee sample


and baby/belly is measuring spot on

She booked me in for my Diabetes test Tuesday. Not looking forward to that one!
Ill post my bump pictures for 27 and 28 weeks tomorrow..
Also, Ill try and put a link up to a video I took of baby rolling around like a crazy ass
