First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Some New Years fun for you all - check out and you can see what your baby might look like by morphing pics of you and your OH! lol! Its so much fun!

Look at our Tyne/Macaulay!!! lol


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Hayley lol at that picture!!! It's so cute! Will have to do that when I am next on the laptop!

That is a little worrying about what happened last night :wacko: I guess if it isn't a sustained loss of a lot of fluid then it maybe isn't something the midwives see as a big deal. I have read a lot of people in third tri area saying they have thought they are leaking and the main things other people have responded with are if its sweet smelling that is a bad sign (amniotic fluid apparently smells sweet) and it should also be clear/very, very light yellow tinge if it is amniotic fluid. If its more yellow then apparently you've just peed yourself :haha: or if its white then it's just a lot of cervical mucous. Not to be gross and delve into way tmi, but I have been having quite a lot of cm lately, and it sometimes does feel like its gushing out :blush: which always scares me, but it maybe only happens once a day and is slightly white, so I know it's ok. Just monitor the situation and if you feel like you aren't 100% happy with it, phone midwives again.

My SIL loves dressing my nephew up, and he always looks so adorable! I think because I'm not into fashion at all, even for me, I don't see it as such a big thing. Just wait til LO is here and I go clothes crazy for them!!!
Hayley, I'm guessing you don't often 'leak'? I have always had quite a lot of discharge ever since puberty and it's increased loads since being pg... Which is rather annoying and slightly disgusting. I've called out 'OMG I'm leaking' more than once because it feels like loads. Not nice. Sometimes i notice a patch in my underwear - almost like I've peed myself or something (but haven't!! Lol) but its normally accompanied by white discharge so I've never been concerned. Oh being a woman is lovely!!

But ovbiously if 'leaking' isn't the norm for you then definitely speak to your mw. I'm sure I've read somewhere that you can leak fluids :/ and I'm sure what happens is the mw does an internal examination to make sure your cervix is still closed... But I could be wrong so don't take my word for it.

I too am sooo jealous of people starting their nurseries :( I want to decorate and be able to put beans clothes in some nice drawers ect - they are currently in a storage box and a bag in the wardrobe :(

I don't know about you guys but over the last 4 weeks (ish) my bras have become really tight. Yesterday I resorted to buying a sports bra :/ I need to go and be measured again, my boobs themselves haven't changed, it's my stomach and I assume my ribs (they apparently expand) so the front strap digs in to me really badly. I was a 30F last time I was measured so ideally I want underwriting to support me properly and a sports bra isn't the most flattering thing under clothes :) but need to wait until pay day before I go out and buy a new one.

Happy new year to everyone too :)
I've called out 'OMG I'm leaking' more than once

:haha: I can just imagine tesco or something!

My bras are getting super tight now, but like you say it's not necessarily that my boobs have grown, but they seem to be digging in just underneath, so probably rib expansion (is there anything that DOESN'T expand during pregnancy?!) I read that the ideal time to get measured for nursing bras is 36 weeks, but not sure if I can wait that much longer!

I hope everyone had a lovely NYE. I went to a small party at a friends house, and there was a girl there who we went to school with, and they all know very well. I maybe see her twice a year, and she's generally lovely. But last night she really annoyed me :growlmad: she asked how many weeks I was, and when I said almost 28 just looked at me and said "that looks more like a 32 week bump to me" aka FATASS. And then she asked if we knew if its a boy or a girl I replied no, but I'm 100% confident it's one or the other.

To which she responded "well, 99%. It could be a hermaphrodite" ....what?!?! Who says that?! And then when I just stared at her she said "oh you upset easily"

Do I...or did you just call my child a fat hermaphrodite??! :growlmad: she is a Dr currently doing an obs and gynae rotation, and thinks she knows everything about pregnancy and babies. I was so annoyed!
Lauren - Yeah I don't really leak. I mean, I get discharge and thats definitely increased in pregnancy (its delightful :happydance:) but this is much more watery than discharge and its completely clear in colour - no white or yellowish tinge at all.
It hasn't happened since the night before last though.

My sister had very low amniotic fluid with her second baby and they told her she must have been leaking throughout, but she hadn't noticed it. She said they just monitored her levels frequently to make sure she was losing more, apparently they measured it with ultrasounds?

Oh the bra thing has been a nightmare for me from about 12 weeks in!! I was already a 36E but my boobs got even bigger really quickly and none of my bras fitted me anymore. Underwiring was just too uncomfortable so I bought a load of Emma-Jayne maternity/nursing bras - they're really comfortable and they don't look TOO bad under clothes. I'd prefer underwiring but its just not feasible unfortunately!

Sarah - I heard about the sweet smelling thing with amniotic fluid! I tell you what, sniffing your knickers is a very odd experience lol!
I couldnt really tell though but it all seems to have calmed down now.
Geez I hope that girl doesn't use that charm on her patients!!! I will never understand why people think its acceptable to say things like that to pregnant women :/ JUST because we're pregnant doesn't mean its any less offensive to comment on our weights?!!!!

I posted that bump pic I put on here the other day to my Facebook, and straight away a "friend" commented with: "Oh wow! I was never THAT big at 26 weeks!"
I was FUMING - WHY would you think its ok to say that?!
I felt like pointing out that she's already about 5 sizes larger than me anyway so perhaps thats why but of course, I couldn't because that would be rude - but this is what I don't get, WHY is it less rude to say it to someone who's pregnant???!

I dread telling people when I'm due coz you can guarantee they look at the bump and even if they don't say it, their faces say "You look bigger" :/

I went to a little NYE gathering last night after our meal, and there was a girl there who is due February 14th - she was TINY. I looked like a massive whale standing next to her, it was SO embarrasing :(

Although - she was smoking and drinking loads of undiluted wine so perhaps its stunted growth!? :D
I hate hearing stories of people making sarcastic comments about how big people are. Fortunately I haven't had anyone say anything to me apart from family saying things like 'wow you've grown' but that doesn't bother me. My colleague has stopped saying things to me, think she got the hint that telling me bean was growing EVERY DAY started getting on my nerves. I can be quite arsy sometimes so if someone said something to me I'd probably bite back. End of the day there are never two bumps the same, it depends on amount of fluid in there, shape of your body, size of baby and how your carrying.

Glad you haven't had anymore Hayley. It might be worth asking your mw about it when you next see her anyway.

My LO has started doing what feels like, somersaults. Feels like my whole body moves when she does it!!
Hayley glad to hear you haven't had anymore leaking. And yeah...smelling your underwear...not pleasant!! :haha: I can't believe someone would say that on Facebook about your bump! I do not understand why people think its ok to basically say "hi pregnant lady look how huge you are". Also, everyone's shape is different, so all bumps are different. My friend is 21 weeks and she is a size 6 normally, and she looks like she is slightly bloated. If all bumps were the same she'd be enormous now (like I was at 21 weeks!) horrific about that other woman smoking and drinking. They do say a glass or two of wine is ok - I don't drink normally and hate wine so I don't have any - but smoking....NO!!

A woman at school asked me when I was going on maternity, when I said march 8th she said "oh that's late!...wait...when are you due?" So her assumption that it was late was based purely on my (apparently enormous!) size! :dohh: I'm glad I'm not the only one getting these wee comments though, makes me feel like everyone is just very rude, and maybe I'm not humongous!

I can now add 3 newborn cardigans to my clothes list - more hand me downs from my nephew! They are all knitted by my SILs mum, and so adorable!
Wow, lots to catch up on here. Will try to do my best not to miss anything.

Hayley, I'm glad the mastitis isn't too painful. I've been worried about getting that when I breastfeed since the stuff I have read (which isn't a lot) makes it sound like it's the most painful thing ever and I definitely don't have the highest pain tolerance.

Also, I don't see my ob/gyn again until I'm 30 weeks. That is the appointment where I get info on kick counts and start them. I thought I had to start that at 28 weeks too but I guess not since I don't even have a 28 week appointment.

I'm sorry about the scare you had. Perhaps if you continue to experience the leaking you could go into your doctor to get checked out? At least it would put your mind at ease to know your baby is alright. They said my amniotic fluid level was fine at my 20 week ultrasound so it's something they can check pretty easily.

Lauren, my baby has been a bit quiet this week. I'm going with he is having a growth spurt since I've gained 3 lbs this week. That seems to be my weight gain pattern. The week the baby is having a growth spurt I gain 3 or 4 lbs in a week and then I don't gain anything again until the next growth spurt. Maybe your baby is having a growth spurt as well?

Congratulations on winning the DKNY bag!

Hope everything goes well with the house! That would be great if you could be in your new place before your baby arrives.

Alex, great news on getting your nursery painted. DH is supposed to finish painting ours Sunday and then before the end of the month I plan to have the crib/changer, dresser, and glider set up in there. Also, I'm glad things worked out and you were able to find baby furniture that you liked even more then what you originally planned to get.

Sarah, that's exciting you got some paint colors picked out. I hope you're able to decide on which one you want to do. If you do decide to go with the darker color (given the two colors don't work well together), perhaps you could make one of the walls white so it's not all dark? That's what DH and I did and I think it looks pretty good since it's not all color everywhere you look.

I'm sorry about your mom giving you disposables. I really think she should respect your decision to use cloth even if she doesn't like it. It's not her baby, not her decision. My only annoyance so far with doing cloth is people seem to think I want them to buy me cloth diapers in place of disposables. I don't know how many times I've had to tell people I've already bought all my diapers and that I don't need/want anyone to buy any for me.

I'm also sorry about the girl at the New Years Eve party, she would irritate me too with her comments.

AFM, I had a voicemail on my phone with my GTT results. Apparently my phone is not only having problems with texts but voicemail notifications too. I've been driving myself nuts wondering what the results were and I've had the answer on my phone for days. :dohh: Anyways, my results came back 105 and anything under 135 is normal so all was goo there. My hemoglobin on the other hand was 11.3 and the normal range is 11.7-15.5 so I'm borderline anemic. For the time being I have to make some diet changes and if that doesn't work I'll probably have to get an iron supplement. So I've been having a lot more red meat which DH is loving since normally I don't have too much meat as I'm not a big fan and munching on raisins a lot during the day.

No news on the pee test yet, hopefully I'll be getting a call about that soon so I know whats happening with that.

Lastly, here is my 27 week bump picture. I'm considered in the third trimester where some of you ladies are. I can't believe how fast the time is going.


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WOW sooo much to catch up on!

MrsHippo – Yay to 4D scan! Me & OH are looking into getting one done but we can’t make our minds up :dohh:
I’m with you on the toilet trouble on a night now – well morning for me! Every morning at around 7:30 I have to get up and go.
Also, everyone saying “you’ll be massive at the end” – people are so kind! Whenever I say how long I’ve got left, I get a :huh: “Good luck with that!” kind of look..

DoggyLover – SIL’s present was so cute – even if the picture was upside down :haha:
Boo to lots of walking – I’ve been feeling so lazy for the last couple of weeks, a walk around the shops is about enough for me!
Yay to ordering your pram! And great stuff that it was on sale :thumbup:
Definitely scary to think we’re in Third Tri now – I still haven’t braved that section.. maybe tomorrow :shy:
Hope everything works out with the house!

LinzyLou – Heartburn’s been a killer for me over Christmas, I think it was just all the food that I’ve eaten though :blush: I certainly had my fair share :smug:
Re: we’ll have a 9 month old to celebrate with next year – this is all me & OH kept saying to each other! We made the most of being able to sit down and relax when we could this time around because it certainly won’t be the same next year!
That’s great about the gift cards to your favourite restaurants – I’m jealous!
I didn’t think I’d experienced Braxton Hicks, but someone in my journal said I have apparently :haha: Woops!
Sorry you failed your test! My MW booked mine this morning and told me that I can’t eat after 10pm the night before.. I can only drink water :shrug:

ILoveLucy – My cousin’s girlfriend put her head on my belly on Christmas day to see if she could hear anything and got a swift kick/punch to the ear too!
Glad your results came back good :)

LiverpoolLass – Glad the mastitis wasn’t too painful! My MW didn’t mention anything about kick counting this morning :wacko:
Definitely feeling more and more like a beached whale than I did.. Surely I can’t get that much bigger… can I?!

Alex – Posted in your journal ;)

AsForMe – Went to the MW this morning, everything’s perfect; blood pressure, heartbeat, pee sample (:haha:) and baby/belly is measuring spot on :D
She booked me in for my Diabetes test – Tuesday. Not looking forward to that one!
I’ll post my bump pictures for 27 and 28 weeks tomorrow..
Also, I’ll try and put a link up to a video I took of baby rolling around like a crazy ass :haha: xxx
Laura: glad your mw appointment went well, I had one today too, but didn't get my belly measured. I wondered when they started that, but it must be different in the US, so I'm jealous of you getting yours done! God luck for your diabetes test, I'm sure it will go fine. And can't wait to see the video of Eva dancing in your belly!

Brittany: its a nice gesture for people to want to buy you cloth, but they most likely would end up buying types you don't want, and as you say they don't understand that you have your stash and don't need more, like you would with disposables. I think a lot of people just have the really old fashioned view that its just terry towels available, and that its hard work, which is fair enough as they maybe don't know better, but don't then try and give those views to us when we've spent hours researching it all! Glad the gtt test results went well (phones can be so annoying at times :dohh:) but bad news about the borderline anaemia - get some spinach and have a steak for tea to kick you off on the right foot ;) and your bump is just gorgeous! It's a perfectly round little baby bump! But again, your picture makes me feel like I am massive! You ladies have bumps that all seem so petite compared to my beast! :haha:

Afm, my pram arrived! Dh and I spent an hour playing with it, folding and unfolding, converting the seat unit between pram and pushchair, everything you can imagine! I even put the cat in it for a test drive...he didn't seem too fussed :haha: I absolutely love it and can't wait for LO to be here to actually use it (and not just have to push it up and down in the hallway!) my isofix base also arrived, but that's wholly less exciting to play with!
Laura, glad to hear everything went well at your MW appointment!

Sarah, it is a nice gesture that people want to buy cloth but there is definitely a lot more to it now. Like my mom wanted to do me a diaper cake for my baby shower. She was going to do it with cloth diapers but the kind of cloth diapers that you would use to make one are prefolds which would most likely not be used by me (she kept saying she used them as burp cloths). Yes I plan to try some out but I'm leaning towards thinking I'll go the route of AIOs or fitteds for my baby rather then using prefolds or pockets. Then MIL was asking me what kind of cloth diapers I'm using. It's like I haven't decided on a specific brand or style because my baby hasn't arrived yet, I don't know what works the best for him since different styles and brands will fit differently. I'm not opposed to people giving gift cards for cloth diapers since I'll have to buy some in bigger sizes when Aiden is older but I really don't want anyone trying to buy any for me.

Exciting about your baby stuff arriving. I'm planning to order my crib and breastpump this week and I can't wait for it to arrive so I can start putting that stuff together. Hopefully DH manages to get the nursery painted Sunday like he said so that I can vacuum and shampoo the carpets in there and then start setting stuff up.
Brittany your bump looks so cute. I feel massive compared though but its so nice seeing us all - pregnant :) and its nice to know our LOs are growing. Can't believe you had that voice message too - damn phones :p

I am 27 weeks on Sunday....I can't believe its the final trimester. It doesn't seem two minutes ago since I joined 2nd.

Glad your mw appointment went well Laura - I have mine on monday, she told me she'd be taking blood and stuff...I hate having blood taken!! She wants to talk to me about things like pain relief for birth ect soon too. OMG it feels too early lol.

I think I had one of the worst nights sleep last night, I was walking around at 2am because of acid reflux. I have never had it before but heard people talk about it. It was horrible. I just couldn't lie down because it felt as though what ever it is was going to come out my mouth or I was going to be sick. I was rummaging around the cupboards for gaviscon...managed to find some and one tablet eased it off really well. Managed to fall asleep eventually but then I was awake again at 5 :( I'm just so uncomfortable at the moment, I dread bedtime. As much as I love being pregnant, I can't wait until I have my body back.

We are buying one of these but the frames are out of stoack so I need to email them and see when they are due in. I don't want to leave it too late then find out there is a huge waiting time.

Not planning on buying anything else just yet, not until our bank balance has increased a tad anyway. My mum is trying to buy us a pushchair but we don't want her paying for it as it is nearly 800 pounds....she can afford it but I just don't like how much it is. Reuben's pushchair is a bugaboo but he is still in it, otherwise I'd have that and just buy new fabric covers for it so we can make it our own. But we'll see. Going for a meal with them on Friday so I guess we can talk about it then.

One born every minute is on tonight :) I love watching it. For those who don't know what it is, its a programme on channel 4 which films women...well giving birth lol. But the cameras are in the rooms and will film everything, from when they get in to when they leave. The midwives talk about working there ect too. Its a lovely programme really, you see everything - from normal births, complicated ones and unfortunately shows you the not so good things too :( But overall I like it and am rather looking forward to watching it in half an hour.
Hayley, I haven't had much extra discharge or noticed any "leakage" so I would have been just as freaked out as you were. I get period-like cramps occasionally and it always makes me stop and think twice. I swear, each trimester brings its own set of worries! Glad to hear that everything's stopped but hopefully your midwife can give you some insight and put your mind at ease.

What your friend said was awful! I don't know if people do it just to make themselves feel better or what, but it's not right...I would have made a comment...and the girl at the party that was drinking and smoking should be embarrassed, not you!

Lauren, I was just measured for a new bra a month ago (I've gone from a B to a D but you can't tell because of my baby bump) but it already feels tight. Like you said, I think it's my ribcage because the cups themselves still fit okay. It's just another reason why I hate wearing clothes right now. :lol:

Acid reflux is the worst!! Sorry you had to deal with it last night. I finally bought some Tums and they help a lot. I pretty much dread nighttime now as well, for all the different things that keep me awake.

Sarah, OMG! I can't believe that girl said all those things! Hopefully she doesn't talk to her patients that way?! I have no patience for people like that and I don't know how you managed to hold back. What a bitch!

That's awesome about your pram!! I also can't wait to go crazy buying things. My DH is even worse. He's still on his phone all the time but now he's searching for baby things so I guess I should be grateful!

Laura, Can't wait to see the video! Glad your appointment went well. Don't stress about your diabetes test...even though I failed mine (I blame it on Christmas), the 1 hour test wasn't bad at all as far as drinking the glucose and having my blood drawn. Do they do the test the same way in the UK?

Brittany, love your bump!! I look bigger than you! That's so exciting about finishing the nursery. The crib was definitely one of my favorite purchases. Hopefully you get a call soon about your pee test.

As for me, I had my 3-hour GTT this morning. No food or water for 8 hours beforehand, and no water during the test. I had my blood drawn, drank 100mg of orange-flavored glucose (the 50mg one wasn't bad at all but this one was horrible...and she kept telling me to drink faster), and was then sent out to a little waiting room. Said I couldn't even walk around as it might affect the results. I felt fine for the first 30 minutes. Baby was going nuts and I was tired and thirsty but it wasn't bad. I started to fall asleep on the couch and them BAM! Out of nowhere I got all hot and sweaty and yeah...I threw up. Now I have to go back on Friday and do it all again. Hopefully I can avoid being sick this time but I really don't know what to do differently. I honestly felt fine up until right before it all happened.

Good news is that we ordered a play yard for downstairs, some receiving blankets, a night light, and another box of diapers. Our shower is coming up in February but DH reeeally wanted to buy something for the baby, which I thought was cute.
Lauren, I'm right there with you on dreading night time. I have to constantly rotate what side I am on because if I stay on one side too long my belly starts to hurt. It sucks! DH is great though, last night I was practically taking over his side of the bed. When I woke up I apologized for practically kicking him out of the bed and he told me to do whatever I need to do to sleep and not to worry about him. :cloud9:

I'm also sorry about the acid reflux. I've been dealing with heartburn the past two days. I just ordered some tea that is supposed to help with heartburn in pregnancy. If it helps at all I'll be sure to let you ladies know about it. Tums help but I certainly don't want to have to rely on taking those multiple times a day.

I hear about the OBEM show a lot on this site. I don't think we get that here in the US but I see A Baby Story on tv all the time which I believe is the same thing. I don't know, I just don't have an interest in watching that stuff. My mom on the other hand will watch it and get all emotional and whatnot. :haha:

Lindsey, I'm sorry your experience with the GTT test was so awful today. I think I remember reading about someone else throwing up in the middle of the test like you did awhile back. Hopefully Friday's test goes better for you. The orange flavored drink is the one I had but I don't know if it was 100 mg or 50 mg. I kind of liked it but I got the impression that most people find it gross when I went to have my blood pressure and stuff checked at my appointment. :haha:

Also, I'm really jealous of all the stuff you have bought. Cloth diapers and cloth diaper accessories are about the only thing I've purchased except for a few items that you can never have too many of like wipes and baby wash/lotion. I do have my glider/ottoman (gifted from my mom and dad), MIL just ordered Aiden's dresser, and then I'm buying my crib/changer and the mattress this week (already have the bedding set). I want to start buying all the cute clothes and stuff but DH keeps telling me I need to wait until after the baby shower before buying all that stuff. I guess it'll give me something to do in February and March.
I had fruit punch for the 1 hr test and it tasted just like the red Gatorade. The orange one didn't taste bad, but it was twice as much sugar on an empty stomach and it actually started to burn my throat by the end.

We should probably wait until after the shower to get the rest of our things but sometimes we can't wait. DH is almost worse than I am now. We still don't have a bassinet/co-sleeper, swing, bouncer, bath stuff, diaper disposal, bottles, breast bump, some clothes, blankets, and stuff for me like nursing bras, etc., and most of our shower guests are out-of-town so they'll probably just send cash or gift cards if anything. I worry that I've done too much and will be bored the last month so I think you're fine!!

OMG, I can barely watch "A Baby Story" anymore. I don't know why. I used to watch it before I was pregnant and now I just don't want to lol!
I guess DH being opposed to buying the little stuff helps me to not buy stuff. He barely even lets me look in the baby sections when we're in stores. :haha: I am buying my breastpump this week. This month we're buying most of the big stuff that we need and should have the nursery furniture and such set up before the month is over. Do you know what kind of breastpump you're going with?
No! A lot of people seem to swear by the Medela but I'm not sure. I'll be home a lot so I don't know how often I'll have to pump but I know that I do want one. Do you have one picked out?
I'm going with the Lansinoh Affinity Double Electric Breast Pump. I've had people tell me this one is just as good as the Medela but a much better price.
DoggyLover - I was really worried cause I thought I was gonna be measuring way over but apparently now :smug:
Oooh, which pram did you get? If you've already said, I'm sorry!! Our pram doesn't get delivered until 14th March and it gets delivered to my parents house - both of our families think it's bad luck to have it in our house :growlmad:
I want a pram to play with! :brat:

ILoveLucy - Can't wait to see pictures of your nursery! We have to clean our carpet too - OH thought we should just get a new one, so wasn't very careful when painting and splattered bits around - then he priced up a new one and it's ridiculous. Looks like he's getting the Turps (?) out and then we're gonna clean it properly :)
I wish my OH would be so understanding about the bed situation :haha:
That's so strange that you don't get OBEM! I watched an american one a while ago so just assumed that you did... :wacko:

MrsHippo - My MW hasn't really spoken about pain relief or anything yet... Strange!
That baby hammock looks so cool!
I love One Born Every Minute! Tried to get OH to watch it last night but he was having none of it - may be down to the fact that he's got a icky tummy to start with though :haha:

LinzyLou - Sorry your test didn't go so well! :hugs:
I have to go to the Doctors at 8:40am on Tuesday, have bloods drawn (:sick:), drink an energy/sugary drink within 5 minutes, and then sit there for 2 hours and have more bloods drawn (:sick:) at 10:40am. I live round the corner from the bloody place but i'm not allowed to go home inbetween incase I get the urge to clean up or go for a walk - they clearly don't know me! So I've managed to rope my mum into coming with me :)

As For Me.. here's the promised vid.. sorry for the quality! Oh and 27 and 28 week bumps too :)

PS - Wish me luck, I'm entering the Third Tri forum today... :argh:


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hayley sorry to hear people have been saying un constructive comments about your size, I'm sure you look lovely I think people just think when your pregnant its an excuse to give comments on your weight that are just plain rude!!

lauren my boobs have took a life of their own since I got pregnant! I must have spent over £100 on bras since I got pregnant, I've increased from a D to a G cup. I went to a lovely shop that caters for " larger" bussomed ladies (bravissimo) and a lovely lady measured me for some new ones with a little growing room so hopefully these will last until about 36 weeks now when I get refitted for maternity bras.

Sorry to hear about the reflux. Touch wood I haven't suffered too badly so far. Try sleeping on your left side as it aids digestion. We put babies with reflux on their left at work and it does help relieve things a little.

Good luck to any ladies having the glucose test next few days, hope it goes well :)

afm well I ended up having to get signed off work :dohh: I went back New Year's Day and was still in pain with my hips/back and it was only a short (6 hr) shift but I was still tired and can't really concentrate on my job properly because I'm in so much discomfort. Also I have suffered from depression in the past and it has been creeping back the last few weeks, the combination of being in pain and work environment just being so stressful and intense I don't feel I'm coping very well ATM so I was in tears before I went to work panicking about how bad it would be :cry:

So I saw the dr yesterday she was quite understanding and said it sounds like I have SPD and that the only thing to do is rest really. She has referred me for physio and signed me off for 2 weeks. So after that I only have 2 weeks left before I leave. I'm not sure yet whether I will just get signed off for the last 2 weeks or try and go back. I feel like a massive failure for leaving at 28 weeks when people last longer but I don't feel right physically or emotionally at the moment and need to put myself and LO first as I can't be a good nurse when I feel like this. Still feel awful though for being crap at coping with stuff.

OH finished painting the nursery it looks fab. The furniture should be delivered tomorrow or Saturday so excited about that. I am going to try and put my time off to good use and get crafty and do some paintings or craft work for LO's nursery as well as giving the house a massive clear out.

I'm off to see midwife in an hour, I'm a little nervous as have gained 7lb in the last 3 weeks which is way way too much and I know it's all because I've been eating too much food as comfort! I think I may be measuring larger than I should! I am also going to ask whether I need to glucose test as I found out my mum had gestational diabetes with all 3 of her pregnancies.

Finally it's my first NCT class tonight I'm so so nervous!! Just nervous it won't be my cup of tea or the people there won't be nice or like me! I'll keep you updated.

Sorry for the massive long whiny post!!

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