.It still bugs me that she didn't say his name to her friend who witnessed it if he was that close to the family but instead she said 'I know them'
This is a very good point surely she would of said its ok its Mark or *****'s dad sorry can't remember his daughters name. I know my kids would of at that age especially infront of friends as it would of made them look really grown up and *cool* to know older people who wanted to give them a lift.
I know especially as she had been on a day trip with him and his kids not long before she would of been used to calling him by his name
The other day with my dh we bumped into someone I know through work, the person came up behind me and kind of shouted in my ear and dh kind of looked as if to say wtf, at that point I said 'What? I know them' I didn't say 'what? I know Richard'
Oh yer def I would of said him tho not them lol but having a kid slightly younger then april hearing how she talks I'm pretty sure she wouldn't say them unless there's two people and she describes people through using their names