Thermal imaging suggest that they hope/think that she is alive though Jem. I think that they are hoping that she is hidden alive some where along the river banks, like an outlet pipe or something. Dunno.
Any news? I'm at parents so cant change channel to news x x
Me too Jem. I think the thermal thing is a positive thing because (warning graphic information)children dont stay warm for very long if they have died, if he was arrested over three hours ago then it is quite likely thermal stuff wouldnt work now
Me too Jem. I think the thermal thing is a positive thing because (warning graphic information)children dont stay warm for very long if they have died, if he was arrested over three hours ago then it is quite likely thermal stuff wouldnt work now
I agree
I think they're still expecting/hoping to find her alive.
The BBC have named the man. Not T.E as some of you have mentioned tho?