I don't believe in certain vaccines to be honest and some of them can make you sick in the future/have an impact on the baby in his/her future life. I'm not having one done, I know how to take care of myself - eat loads of fruits and vegs full of vitamins, walk outside a lot, don't get too cold and drink at least 2L of water a day keeps all viruses away!
The healthiest person can still come down with flu.
Gretaa - out of curiosity, what long-term side effects do you think that the flu vaccine has on a fetus?
Gretaa - out of curiosity, what long-term side effects do you think that the flu vaccine has on a fetus?
read up
Gretaa - out of curiosity, what long-term side effects do you think that the flu vaccine has on a fetus?
read up
But this article is written and researched by a man whose main supposition is that the flu vaccine is ineffect and dangerous. He has granted, researched his topic well, but there is absolutely no counter-argument, no balancing perspective or devil's advocate to challenge the obvious bias.
It would be much more useful if the link pitted a number of experts, both for and against the flu, against each other to allow us to form our own opinions. Unfortunately this article is only relevant to people with the same mindset as the writer.