For those that have had an induction?

I was induced with ds due to iugr. I checked in at 8am and he was born at 13h55 so it was very quick from start to finish. I am in South Africa though and I think the process is quite different here. I stayed in hospital for 3 nights. Good luck for tomorrow. Xx
I was induced with my 1st. I went in at 10am, got checked and had a pessary popped in. Stayed on the monitor for 30 mins and then spent most of the day pottering around the hospital with my DH. I had another put in later on. Nothing happened so I went to bed ready for the drip the next day. Then my last pessary fell out so I had another put in, got checked and monitored for an hour. No contractions, cervix high and no dilation, totally unfavourable for labour (sob :haha:). About 30 minutes later labour started and 6 hours later he was here :).
My 2nd was a spontaneous labour and it was longer and more painful than my 1st :haha:
I've found all these induction stories quite comforting also, I'm being induced tomorrow due to mild pre eclampsia at 37 weeks 3 days and was stressing a bit as usual the drs tell you the things that can go wrong rather than what goes right! My cervix is not favourable apparently but I'm hoping for a speedy labour. Good luck to you also VickyLou :hugs:
nice to read some mothers have had good experiences!
my experience was well erm bit nasty..

I went in on Monday due to reduced movement at 41+3, they induced me with pessary around 3pm, vaguely remember I started getting cramps, then my first massive contraction my waters went.. from. that point everything was intense.. flood if waters, crazy bowel movements, lost my plug.. contractions were killing me, pessary fell out then they put another in..

come 12am I was in tears, asked labour nurse are these contractions, she said 'no love just tightenings' lying #####

I scared myself into thinking what will happen to me during contractions, next morning while monitoring ds, he went into distress

rushed to delivery suite.. got an epi put on the drip,

and I was only 3cm at this point...
everything had slowed down and eventually they decided at, 530pm ds has to come out via emcs, I only got to 6cm...

then voila 30mins later he's out... x
I've found all these induction stories quite comforting also, I'm being induced tomorrow due to mild pre eclampsia at 37 weeks 3 days and was stressing a bit as usual the drs tell you the things that can go wrong rather than what goes right! My cervix is not favourable apparently but I'm hoping for a speedy labour. Good luck to you also VickyLou :hugs:

Good luck to you Gregsprincess. I hope you have a speedy induction and delivery :) x
Thank you again ladies. Tomorrow is the day or should I say today as it's after midnight. My alarm is set for 4 hours time, but I can't sleep. I'm full of so many emotions, fear being the main one. I'm hoping for a speedy induction, but I suppose she will make a move when she's ready too.

Thank you so much for your stories. I now have an understanding of what I could be facing.
I dont have experience of induction but I just wanted to say good luck for today, I hope you induction doesn't take too long & have soon you'll have your baby girl in your arms!
I was induced with DD. I went into the hospital at 11pm, dilated 2-3cm and effaced 50%. They said I was having some mild contractions, but I really couldn't feel anything. Pitocin started at 2am. Contractions were still mild. Dr broke my water at 7:30am. Dilated to 5cm and totally effaced. Got an epidural then bc I went from 0-60 on contraction strength and pain. DD was born at 1:07pm. I was released at noon the next day.
VickyLou and Gregsprincess, how is it going? Babies?

I'm booked in for Wednesday and still hoping to go by myself as I did with my other two. It's looking unlikely as the days pass xx
VickyLou and Gregsprincess, how is it going? Babies?

I'm booked in for Wednesday and still hoping to go by myself as I did with my other two. It's looking unlikely as the days pass xx

:( no baby here. So fed up right now. Pessary inserted at 10.30 am on Monday morning, cervix 1cm long and closed. Started having contractions early evening yesterday every 10 mins but turned into nothing. Had a horrible nights sleep top. Was checked at 11am this morning, midwife could only get a finger tip in :( she bloody hurt me though. Left in till 6.30pm then checked again, cervix 1.5 cm dilated and managed a stretch and sweep, pessary was removed. I'll see my consultant in the morning, I'll be checked again, if my cervix is dilated enough they will break my waters, if not then it will be another pessary for 24 hours :( I'm praying this won't happen cause they don't feel pleasant and I feel sore up there.
Midwife said she's hopeful it will happen in the night or early morning, when she did the sweep she felt babies head and my membranes.

Fingers crossed for your induction :) x
Oh VickyLou, I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. Hope things start to happen for you. I'm going in in 5 hours and I can't sleep, getting worried now xx
VickyLou and Gregsprincess, how is it going? Babies?

I'm booked in for Wednesday and still hoping to go by myself as I did with my other two. It's looking unlikely as the days pass xx

I gave birth yesterday at 4.55pm my yellow bump turned blue 6lb 7.5ozs :cloud9: it was a slow process and I wanted to give in at the end but I'm so glad I did it naturally. I had first lot of gel in at 1am Monday morning had some cramps during the night but nothing too bad. Dr checked me at 9 or 10am don't remember but she said there wasn't really any change other than slightly softer (my God do those cervix exams hurt) had second lot of gel and told to try going on ball, have small walks but not too much due to BP. by yesterday morning I was at 4cm but contractions weren't that regular. At about midday they started me on drip to help contractions be more regular. I used gas and air and had low dose of pethidine. When it came time to push I panicked and didn't want to do it - didn't like how my body took over and I had no control :haha: anyway 15mins of pushing and a cut he was born.

I really hope things pick up for you VickyLou, the only advice I can give is to just think positive about the process, I kept repeating mantras to myself that the gel was softening and opening my cervix like a flower, my body knew what it was doing everything was working as it should etc. I know it's hard but you need the adrenaline of panic to go :hugs:
VickyLou and Gregsprincess, how is it going? Babies?

I'm booked in for Wednesday and still hoping to go by myself as I did with my other two. It's looking unlikely as the days pass xx

I gave birth yesterday at 4.55pm my yellow bump turned blue 6lb 7.5ozs :cloud9: it was a slow process and I wanted to give in at the end but I'm so glad I did it naturally. I had first lot of gel in at 1am Monday morning had some cramps during the night but nothing too bad. Dr checked me at 9 or 10am don't remember but she said there wasn't really any change other than slightly softer (my God do those cervix exams hurt) had second lot of gel and told to try going on ball, have small walks but not too much due to BP. by yesterday morning I was at 4cm but contractions weren't that regular. At about midday they started me on drip to help contractions be more regular. I used gas and air and had low dose of pethidine. When it came time to push I panicked and didn't want to do it - didn't like how my body took over and I had no control :haha: anyway 15mins of pushing and a cut he was born.

I really hope things pick up for you VickyLou, the only advice I can give is to just think positive about the process, I kept repeating mantras to myself that the gel was softening and opening my cervix like a flower, my body knew what it was doing everything was working as it should etc. I know it's hard but you need the adrenaline of panic to go :hugs:

Congratulations Gregsprincess :) I'm so jealous right now.

No change for me, saw my consultant thus morning, he wanted to leave me till this evening to do anything. Checked and absolutely no change whats so ever :( I just burst into tears. Another pessary inserted for 24 hours :( I'll be checked again at 7pm, if they can break my waters they will, if still no change then they will talk to be Friday morning about a c section. Although I told the nurse tonight that I won't be having a section unless it's life or death. I really don't want a section I've waited to long for this to then go and have surgery. I want to feel the birth.
Right now I'm gutted and just want to cry. I'm getting very little sleep in here, have very little energy and I'm missing home so much. Pray tomorrow is the day. :)
VickyLou it is awful when things aren't happening mine progressed so slowly the midwives were trying to tell my doctor to perform c section and she refused thank God. Being stuck in hospital isn't great either I'm just glad my OH was allowed to stay the whole time with me. I honestly can't recommend positive thinking enough and a ball if you have one get bouncing on it do some rotations and figures of 8 this all got me moving. Also if you can manage a few deep squats it helps baby move down - I couldn't cos my knees were swollen :haha: I'm staying positive for you and really hope your baby comes soon :hugs:
Well, I ended up being induced but all it took was one pessary to kick start things. It went it at 10.30am, contractions started at 1pm, waters went on their own at 5pm, contractions tailed off for a bit around 10pm then kicked back in again around 11.10pm. Prior to that I was sure I was going to end up being sectioned especially as there'd been no change in my cervix from the earlier exam. However, as with my daughter, I went from coping well and being barely dilated to in absolute agony, fully dilated and pushing within a very short space of time. No one was ready and the wee man took us all by surprise arriving at 11.34pm weighing 9lbs 3.5oz, 13 days late. He is absolutely beautiful and we are all smitten. I've only got one stitch and a couple of grazes....I feel great.

All in all, I actually really enjoyed my induction experience and my labour ended up being very similar to my daughter's which started naturally xx
Hoping your little baby has arrived safely Vickylou

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