For those who'd like a more "natural" cesearean


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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its worth watching!
Thank you so much for posting this. I gave birth to my son naturally in September but he had already passed before I gave birth so his size wasn't too much of an issue. He was 9 pounds 10 ounces with very broad shoulders and a big head. I loved giving birth naturally so when my doctor told me that we would probably be opting for a c-section before 38 weeks I was disappointed. I have always thought of c-sections to be cold and clinical. This video made me feel better and I am for sure going to ask my doctors to watch this when I get pregnant again. Thank you again...really enjoyed watching this.
I am glad that you enjoyed this video. I am sorry about your losses but seeing your signature made me smile. :) "which has been your delight". You are so right!!!

I had to have a c-section because my doctors wouldn't try a breech vaginal birth. :( Mine was a very cold experience. I saw this link on a doula's (who I didn't get the pleasure of hiring) facebook. I watched it and became envious immediately!
LOVe this thanks for sharing. Defo going to try for something like this if I go for akn elective.
this is amazing i wish my cesearean went like this
I am glad you all like this video. :) Everyone can have a birth plan even if its a c-section.
With my daughter they lowered the screen so that I could see her being lifted out. You have no idea how that one tiny little thing made things so much easier. I didn't see any gore (the way you are lying makes it difficult to see it anyway), just a baby being lifted from what only could be, my belly.

She was cleaned, checked over and haded to daddy who snuggled her into my neck. It was awesome.
I can't watch it as I still have some major issues regarding my section, but I hope I can achieve a more natural section next time. Most importantly I want my arms "free" so I can hold my child and allow her to attempt to feed herself instead of by syringe.
Thankyou for sharing
I posted this in here a while back. I'm glad word is getting around :flower:
Thankyou for this, despite having 3 previous sections I have been asked to write a birth plan for the first time with this one and this video has given me some idea of what I would ideally like to happen. Not sure if the NHS will agree tho! xx
Thankyou for this, despite having 3 previous sections I have been asked to write a birth plan for the first time with this one and this video has given me some idea of what I would ideally like to happen. Not sure if the NHS will agree tho! xx

Same here but only 1 prebvious em c section. I spoke to mw today and she said ask my consultant but she doesn't see why not, looks great x
Spoke to my midwife today and she tells me that our hospital is aiming for more natural c-sections these days and it shouldn't be a problem, all of a sudden my worries seem to be disapearing! x
Lovely video. 6.5 years ago when i had my 2nd daughter, I met with the surgeon the day before and asked if I could bring a mirror to hold up and watch her being brought out of my tummy. She told she would be happy to lower the screen but hubby thought he may pass out! Instead she told me to watch in the reflection of the operating room lights.

When it finally happened, beth cried out and my hubby stood up and looked over the screen and i was too busy looking out for him fainting I didn't see :-(

This time though I will be going for the whole shebang, screens down and I may even film it!
I really enjoyed this video. I wish my section had been something remotely close to this.
Thanks so much for this video.
I cried all way through it. I'm scheduled for an "elective" csection in 3 weeks (not that they gave me any other choice, really) and I am trying to come to terms with the idea.
I will bring this video with me and show it to my OB. I only met her once since the rest f my pregnancy I saw my midwives. She's already said she doesn't do skin to skin because she needs room to stitch the mom back up. It may be an uphill battle, but I think even lowering the curtains so I can see her come out will be very helpful.
I really wish I could have a csection like this :(

I'm scheduled for an "elective" section on Wed - baby is breech and they won't allow me to deliver naturally.

I talked to my midwife about trying to have as natural of a csection as possible and didn't think it would be a problem as natural birth is very accepted where I live...but midwife basically said the OB says what gets to happen and I don't really get a say and that this is what they will do:
-I'll be taken to OR alone (no DH) and given an IV, epidural and catheter. They'll set up the screens and get ready to go. Oh and my arms are strapped down. I am REALLY unhappy about that.
-DH will be brought up to sit up by my head. He is allowed at one point to go to the other side of the screen when baby is being born if he wants
-They will not drop the screen so I can see baby being born :( They will lift her up briefly so we can see her
-baby will immediately be handed to a pediatrician to be weighed and checked before being brought to us. No delayed cord clamping.
-Baby may be given a few moments of skin to skin up by my neck (as I will be draped from boobs down), then DH will hold her up and sit by my head while they stitch me up.
-I'll go recovery with DH and baby where I can have skin to skin and breastfeed

I'm glad that DH and baby at least gets to stay in the OR with me while I'm being stitched up and that they are both in recovery with me...there is a hospital near us that doesn't allow either of these
^^ Wow, how to disempower a woman. You can insist that they do not strap down your arms, they're not allowed to do anything without your consent. You can also try being really firm with the doctor and get a bit more leeway with dropping the screen or baby getting skin to skin with dad. Be stubborn and awkward, don't let them away with totally disregarding your wishes
I agree with Marley. My arms were NEVER strapped down :nope:

I meant to ask though, how did your natural c-section go, Marley?
Good thanks, my birth story is on here and FB if you want a nozy

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