Formula feeding from start?

Hi hun,
I chose to express milk because I felt I wouldnt be able to give the twins all they needed and when the hospital misplaced all the milk I had frozen the twins were then put onto a formula milk and I was happy with this.

Breastfeeding is only best if the mother is happy doing so! If you have an unhappy mother you have an unhappy baby.

I would say if you want formula milk then make this known to the midwives. x
i intended to BF but it didnt work out and I was gutted looking back now I've no idea why as Niall is coming on leaps and bounds without breast milk; I understand that the docs say breast is best etc but hand on heart its made no difference to my boy. So please don't be made to feel guilty by the docs or midwives or anyone else etc.

Only advice I would give is to have an open mind, maybe consider putting baby to breast immediatly after delivery and giving it a go, I always thought it would be wierd but for the short time we were able it was the most natural amazing experience any women could have & im so glad I gave it a go.

Maybe you'd give it a go and it's defo not for you (most likely not if you feel quite strongly) but you honestly can't imagine what it's like after you've given birth and it'd be a shame for you to look back in the future and wished you'd at least given it a go, you'll never get those first precious moments again so an open mind is the most important tool you can use not your boob or a bottle :-)

good luck hunni

p.s. to answer your initial question i'd offer a feed asap however you choose to go, if i'd just been pushed down a birth canal into an odd place i'd at least want a meal to comfort myself lol! also the suckling action be it either via BF or FF will help soothe LO

If there wasnt any good in formula milk they wouldnt have so many different ones readily available.
I formula fed right from the start, no breastfeeding/expressing whatsoever. I was never questioned or pressured by midwives either... Prehaps because I had such a crap time in labour? :lol: maybe! It was always my plan to FF from the start so don't feel guilty if thats what you want :D I don't! Theres no way I oculd have breastfed if I wanted anyway - I was on too many painkillers in the following weeks and I couldn't be doing with the stress of it all right after birth.

:hugs: whatever you decide x
I have decided to formula feed from the start this time, I had an awful time BF my other 2 and absolutely hated it, this time I have decided I don't want to put my family through that again, my OH was very pleased to hear it, I'm still undecided I may give 1 or 2 feeds if I feel like it, but I doubt it, I've made it very clear to my MW I have no intention to BF, ultimately it's your desicion, you have to do what is right for your family, as for feeding after they are born, Summer I fed immediately, and Jak slept until he was 8 hrs old, and I woke him to feed, not sure if it's different with FF though as I haven't done it from birth!
I shall be FF right from the start and im certainly not going to feel guilty about it. After a lengthy discussion with OH it was decided that FF will work better for us then BF
I actually wanted to breast feed but she only managed 5 minutes and then that was it :( she didn't eat anything else until I cracked about 12 hours later and demanded that someone got me a bottle. She also wouldn't even take an oz at first so we had to stay overnight and by the next day she was taking almost 2 oz. If you want to bottle feed then there's no reason you should have to breast feed if you don't want and I don't think anyone should make you feel guilty for this.
If you have no issues with offering colostrum then do so. Lets say you have a very nice birth and you and baby have some skin to skin time, leave it and see what happens. My DS1 helped himself to his first feed.

But you don't have too.

Personally, if I made the decision to FF, I would offer colostrum first.
I didnt breastfeed either i didnt want to and im glad i didnt just wasnt something i wanted to do and the hospital was ok with it they gave me a bottle like the throw away kind with formula in it but we also had our own just in case.
I FF from the start, I had some nasty comments from the midwives in the hospital but this made me more determined to stick to my decision.
I FF from the start, I hate when people look down on me for it but It's what I thought would be best.
Would like to point out that this question is posted within the formula feeding section a simple question asked to parents who choose to formula feed their LOs and remind members this section is not to be used for quizzing choice and pointless remarks from parents who do not formula feed their children and have strong feelings for breast only. Blah blah blah!
The colostrum is very important as, you know, it contains your antibodies and effectively lends your immune system to the baby in the first few days. It's upto you though. I don't know your reasons for wanting to FF, preference, practicality etc, but you never know, after offering the baby the colostrum, you might find you want to continue for a little while...?
She hasnt asked the pros of any breastfeeding colstrum or whatever. She asked if anyone had FF from the start. So why are people feeling the need to tell her about the colostrum. She didnt ask that

Hun I breastfed aidan for a tiny amount of time but after about 2 weeks we switched. Next time I will proberly breastfeed from the start. Your LO will be fine. There are laods of brands so that would be worth having a look into. I fed aidan on SMA gold
She hasnt asked the pros of any breastfeeding colstrum or whatever. She asked if anyone had FF from the start. So why are people feeling the need to tell her about the colostrum. She didnt ask that

Hun I breastfed aidan for a tiny amount of time but after about 2 weeks we switched. Next time I will proberly breastfeed from the start. Your LO will be fine. There are laods of brands so that would be worth having a look into. I fed aidan on SMA gold

She DID ask about colostrum. She asked if people offered the breast initially for the colostrum.
She hasnt asked the pros of any breastfeeding colstrum or whatever. She asked if anyone had FF from the start. So why are people feeling the need to tell her about the colostrum. She didnt ask that

Hun I breastfed aidan for a tiny amount of time but after about 2 weeks we switched. Next time I will proberly breastfeed from the start. Your LO will be fine. There are laods of brands so that would be worth having a look into. I fed aidan on SMA gold

I think you might have mis-read the first post! She did ask about the colostrum!
I have FF from the start we decided to try BF but if it didnt work I wasnt going to beat myself up as long as shes eating Im happy

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