Fourth or more baby... HOw are you feeling???


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2009
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this is my fourth baby and this time i feel like my body is a lot weaker and just cant keep up anymore! I cant believe i still have to do this for another 10 weeks!!! My abdominal muscles feel so sore from the downward pull i have to lay down every few minutes to give it a rest! My cervix is already so short and im on meds to keep baby in! I have a ruptured disc pinching a nerve down one leg and sciatica down the other leg Lol!!! I feel like im breaking down!
Every time im usually going nuts with cleaning and preparing by this time!! But this time i have no energy at all to do the normal chores i have to do daily!! When will the nesting kick in?!?!
Sorry for the rant just needed to get that out
Anyone else feel like your body is telling you enough is enough??
This is also my 4th baby and my body really can't take it I've got a backwards cervix that always causes issues , I have spd that's crippling and I can hardly move and without pain killers I can't move at all I'm on crutches because of it and am pretty much house bound I have an irritable uterus so keep getting Braxton hicks due to being so sensitive so I have to wear everything baggy and it's making me feel so down and I constantly have heart burn so pretty much I can totally agree with the fed up feeling and can not wait to have baby I also can not physically clean if I try and have so little energy even getting up seems like too much effort let alone take my littlens to school and nursery and look after my 18 month old that I can no longer pick up or even cuddle because as soon as she touches my stomach it starts the braxtons off so I feel your pain I'm 32 weeks and I can honestly say I am really hoping I can have baby early ! I also have to have physio every week because my pelvis keeps slipping well out of place my left side drops whilst. My right side rises and it has to be moved back every week my physio is amazed as she's never seen a pelvis move so badly out of place let alone in such a short amount of time :(
Oh my!!! that sounds so painful!!! i'm so sorry! you put it perfectly ( dealing with the kids).. i'm also on pain meds for my disc and if it weren't for that I really think I would be bed bound. even sleeping had become so painful.. hip pain, side pain, numb arms, waking up to leg cramps, and having to pee every hour!!! I kinda wish to have baby early but my problem is I need to stop taking the pain meds at least a week before so that baby is not born dependent and have with drawls and I have no clue how I will survive those last few days!
Hi ladies I have a question for u I too pregnant with number four but I was wondering have you put more weight on this time round to the other pregnancies
Hi ladies I have a question for u I too pregnant with number four but I was wondering have you put more weight on this time round to the other pregnancies

No I tend to gain less each time..first time I gained over 80 lbs :wacko: second time 50 lbs, third time 35 lbs, and this time so far around 22 lbs..but its on purpose, each time I make it a goal to gain less than the last time.
I'm currently on morphine so I have to stop before I have baby but it's going to cause baby problems anyway so I can't win ! And to the weight gain question I gained loads at the beggining but in the last month and a half I have only gained half a pound my body just stopped and I can't gain anything at all it's crazy , I've only gained about 20 lbs this time yet with my last 3 I've gained 3 stone each time , it's really odd how it's worked out this time X
I'm currently on morphine so I have to stop before I have baby but it's going to cause baby problems anyway so I can't win ! And to the weight gain question I gained loads at the beggining but in the last month and a half I have only gained half a pound my body just stopped and I can't gain anything at all it's crazy , I've only gained about 20 lbs this time yet with my last 3 I've gained 3 stone each time , it's really odd how it's worked out this time X

why would getting off the morphine cause problems if you wean off?? I hope everything goes well for you and baby. My doctor was trying to put me at ease about this issue and told me about another patient who also had a disc problem and was on so many meds including morphine patches and wasn't able to come off before birth and the baby was born perfectly find, didn't need to wean off or anything!!! so fingers crossed for both of us :)
Hello, this is my 4th baby too and if i am honest its been the easiest one i have had.... my third son was a really tough pregnancy, the spd, my body swelling up, excess waters and constant sickness really took it out of me..... This time i have had none of that, but i could have up to 6 weeks left, but i am being induced, don't know if i could cope for that much longer!
I suppose my doctors just like to scare people with horror stories then or my morphine is stronger I don't know , the reason why seems pretty legit though , see even if I was weaned off before the end (which would be difficult to guess anyway because all my babies have been early ) because of the strength it can cause breathing difficulties for baby wether it's a premmie or not but it's more likely to be perm too due to my body being so weak this time around , I had problems with my first mainly and the consultants deny it but I believe that it is strongly because he was a boy and my whole family have struggled to hold boys , up until recently there was only 1 boy in a HUGE family but now it's evened out abit as my cousins have less problems with holding them then my mother and aunts and nans have , it's rather odd but it's true , my first I had all sorts of problems with luckily for me nothing too bad but I almost lost him a couple of times whilst pregnant and was on complete bed rest by 23 weeks and was in the hospital every other day to be monitored and got induced at 36 weeks due to him stopping growing and getting smaller , but now his a happy healthy 4 year old and a blessing with my girls I had almost no problems the whole way through although my 3rd I did again get induced because my waters were leaking but she was only 11 days early (although she had tried to come 36 hours before then the night before my waters started going ) now I'm having a boy again and I'm terrified because it all started going wrong about 24 weeks kept getting water infections and so on then the irritable womb and spd and he was the only one not head down to start with he was oblique up until 29 weeks and then when he moved my cervix couldn't take the pressure and started contracting and I've been in pain ever since , it's crazy ! But I'm sure it's a boy thing for me ! I just don't seem to have much choice in what I do because if I don't take my meds I'm in agony and can't get out of bed therefore useless to my other los and if I do I'm risking my child's health , I can't win :,(
This is my 4th baby and I'm finding it so hard! I'm struggling physically! I'm tired all the time, I ache all over I can barely move housework is done a lot less than it should be because I'm so tired and in pain! I have a curved spine so I throw my back out all the time quite easily, everytime I'm walking at the moment it's crunching at the base of my spine it's horrible, I do struggle with pregnancy physically anyway as I have the curved spine and I also have joint problems so my bones hurt a lot anyway, I wished that the nesting would kick in so I can at least have a tidy house but at the same time I know when I go mad tidying I really hurt myself and can't move for days lol
Hi guys , I am early on in my 7th pregnancy , but I clearly remember my forth pregnancy being my worst, I had chest infections from day one which scLed in to lung problems come the end, tired , hot worn out, took ages to do anything then I developed spd, I think the more pregnancy you have your muscles and ligaments relax more which is why they ache more, I have to say pregnancy 5/6 were excellent ��
Hope you guys start feeling better soon
Thanks for sharing ladies!!! at least we are all together in this and complain to each other!! I feel like I can't sit and tell my husband all this stuff because he won't understand and will just get sick of me complaining! I see him going out for runs and doing everything normally it makes me feel like i'm ages older than him!!! even though im a couple years younger..
Hi guys , I am early on in my 7th pregnancy , but I clearly remember my forth pregnancy being my worst, I had chest infections from day one which scLed in to lung problems come the end, tired , hot worn out, took ages to do anything then I developed spd, I think the more pregnancy you have your muscles and ligaments relax more which is why they ache more, I have to say pregnancy 5/6 were excellent ��
Hope you guys start feeling better soon

Manicmum you are a brave woman!!! I don't think my brain or body can handle taking care of more than 4 kids!! its amazing that your fifth and sixth pregnancies were easier than the fourth!! you'd think the body would get weaker with each one!!
Good luck with the rest of you pregnancy :)
Hi guys , I am early on in my 7th pregnancy , but I clearly remember my forth pregnancy being my worst, I had chest infections from day one which scLed in to lung problems come the end, tired , hot worn out, took ages to do anything then I developed spd, I think the more pregnancy you have your muscles and ligaments relax more which is why they ache more, I have to say pregnancy 5/6 were excellent ��
Hope you guys start feeling better soon

Manicmum you are a brave woman!!! I don't think my brain or body can handle taking care of more than 4 kids!! its amazing that your fifth and sixth pregnancies were easier than the fourth!! you'd think the body would get weaker with each one!!
Good luck with the rest of you pregnancy :)

I know I was on crutches for forth never needed them with the last two, I was suppose to stop at #6 as always planned but the greater good clearly had other ideas for me lol
Hi i am expecting my 4th and also same gestation as you.

Heey!! ya I remember you! I haven't seen you here in a while!! how you feeling?

I'm Not bad thanks, have had a tough few weeks. from 25 weeks i got really ill, i fainted in the street, and due to this i've been housebound except for appointments. have been dizzy and lightheaded and been really nauseous and throwing up more often. but i've been taking iron tabs past few weeks and noticed in the past week or so i've been feeling a bit better can do normal things round the house a bit more now. not brave enough to go out though as when i do i just feel like I'm gonna collapse.

but.....only another 8 weeks or so till my section. how about you? xx
Hi i am expecting my 4th and also same gestation as you.

Heey!! ya I remember you! I haven't seen you here in a while!! how you feeling?

I'm Not bad thanks, have had a tough few weeks. from 25 weeks i got really ill, i fainted in the street, and due to this i've been housebound except for appointments. have been dizzy and lightheaded and been really nauseous and throwing up more often. but i've been taking iron tabs past few weeks and noticed in the past week or so i've been feeling a bit better can do normal things round the house a bit more now. not brave enough to go out though as when i do i just feel like I'm gonna collapse.

but.....only another 8 weeks or so till my section. how about you? xx

ya I remember when you fainted!! I would be scared to go out too! glad your feeling a bit better.. my doc called me and said im also anemic and put me on Iron tabs and also found out that my cervix is short and having contractions so she put me on progesterone suppositories and another medicine to stop contractions which makes me dry as a bone and soooo tired and sleepy!
are you having your section at 39 weeks? thats when I will have it too ( Oct 11th) if the baby doesn't go head down, if he does then we might try for a vbac.
Good luck..its nice to have someone at the exact same gestation:winkwink:
Hi i am expecting my 4th and also same gestation as you.

Heey!! ya I remember you! I haven't seen you here in a while!! how you feeling?

I'm Not bad thanks, have had a tough few weeks. from 25 weeks i got really ill, i fainted in the street, and due to this i've been housebound except for appointments. have been dizzy and lightheaded and been really nauseous and throwing up more often. but i've been taking iron tabs past few weeks and noticed in the past week or so i've been feeling a bit better can do normal things round the house a bit more now. not brave enough to go out though as when i do i just feel like I'm gonna collapse.

but.....only another 8 weeks or so till my section. how about you? xx

ya I remember when you fainted!! I would be scared to go out too! glad your feeling a bit better.. my doc called me and said im also anemic and put me on Iron tabs and also found out that my cervix is short and having contractions so she put me on progesterone suppositories and another medicine to stop contractions which makes me dry as a bone and soooo tired and sleepy!
are you having your section at 39 weeks? thats when I will have it too ( Oct 11th) if the baby doesn't go head down, if he does then we might try for a vbac.
Good luck..its nice to have someone at the exact same gestation:winkwink:

I know, that must be quite worrying for you.
I think i'll be having my section on 11th (39 weeks exactly) but don't get booked in till my 33 week consultant appoitment.


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