Sorry for your losses
. However congrats on your BFP!
.PAL is such a stressful time, especially in the early days. However wrong it seems, having two miscarriages before a healthy pregnancy is extremely common which is why women in the UK don't get tested for any causes until they've had three.
I had my son after having two miscarriages and I was terrified that it was going to happen again when I was pregnant with him, however it didn't and I now have a beautiful 2 year old! When I was having him and going through the stress of worrying about losing him people said to me things which helped me stay positive.
One was, to take it one day at a time, and if things are ok at this point in time then they are going ok so no point worrying unless you have any cause to worry. Also, another thing was, this is a completely new pregnancy, a new sperm and a new egg, so try to look it at this way rather than focusing on the past. I won't go through them all, but another one was, instead of counting the days until 13 weeks, break it down into stages. Statistics have suggested the risk of miscarriage decreases at 6 weeks and again at 8 weeks, this might make the first trimester pass quicker.
Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy, I hope this is your rainbow baby!