Free Huggies mum & baby bundle


Mummy at last!!
Jul 17, 2008
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Voucher from the below website - take the voucher and your Nectar card to Sainsburys, and you get the bundle free when you buy a pack of Huggies Size 1 nappies.

You have to print the voucher off.......I don't have a printer tho :cry: if there is anyone who has a printer, would you mind printing one out for me & posting it?? I'll cover postage cost...thanks xx

Hiya, if you can give me your postal address i will print off and post them to you, and I am not bothered about the postage costs..Thanks a lot for the links
yep i really want this too but cant print it off

tried goin the uni library to do it but u have to install that couponprinter thing and im not an admin so i cant :cry:
Iam sure i read some where , That there is an option some where to have the coupon delivered by post not printed off .
Not sure how thow . xx .
yes, there used to be (don't know if it's still there) an option box underneath the details form, that needed marking then the coupon to you.
omg! i couldnt find the post bit and somehow ended up printing off the coupon (except i dont have printer so it didnt print obv) and now it says i have used up my coupon!

If you can use a printer somehwere jus put in a fake email address coz they don't email you or anything so I would guess it'd work!
got mine tonight..... have to say it's much better than the "Baby Beginnings" basket Tesco did.....
wicked sounds good , i will have to go round a friends to print it off as ive had no ink for ages now :(
Help, i've tried to click on the link but in takes me in Bounty website. What do i do?
it hasnt run out- Bounty are dealing with it. I had the voucher- printed it off then it expired cos my local sainsburys had run out and I was waiting for them to get some more in... now I cant print off a second voucher in my name even though they know the first one wasnt used. grrrr

\So I rang their customer services number ( 0800 316 9341 ) ..and some woman last week said she'll get back to me but hasnt as yet. I hope I can get another voucher sorted. She said Bounty would post it direct. Just ring them if your havin problems. x
these are good boxes i had one a few weeks ago when the offer was on back then well worth it just by buyin a pack of nappies.xx

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