from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

So has anyone bought anything yet?! xxx

Not much, as waiting on my 20weeek (hopefully gender) scan.
But I have bought a pack of first size white vests,
a cream knitted blanket,
a cream coloured bath towel / hooded robe (because it had a giraffe on it, and I love giraffes lol :haha:)
Johnstone's baby layette box (from ASDA baby event)
first size nappies
and a microwave sterilizer unit - with two starter bottles -actualy plan to breast feed but my daughter was a July baby and it was a hot summer so she enjoyed bottles of cooled boiled water to drink.

I have still my cot and swinging crib from before and my sister is giving me her moses basket (if baby is a boy -dont see the point in buying a blue one when hers is immaculate and they aren't used for very long anyways; but I will need a new one if baby is a girl lol)

I've bought a few things, newborn boxes at asda event (got quite a few as were a bargain!) some sleep suits and a couple onesies, but thats it!

Went to Kiddicare and it was... not as I had imagined... dont' think I'd go back, it wasn't as big as I imagined, probably as big as asda but on three floors (and one small elevator for prams and trolleys!) I went on sat so it was packed! If anything we're a bit overwhelmed... but we came away from it wanting to go to the baby show in feb in london as think it would be really nice to get demos from vendors as we got a really nice demo from concord pram system... hubby quite keen on it, but only think its cause he would get a 'papabag'..... so all in all, might go again, but if you know what you want its worth buying online and if you dont know what you want then it might be too overwhelming if you dont go during the week and get they're VIB service...

nb -Our boiler was fixed today after 5 days of freezing cold! Its starting to warm up again! we are renting at the minute (we had an offer accepted on a house in Nov but the sellers backed out) so it was good we didn't have to pay for anything!

On a more frightening note, I had my 16w midwife appointment last week, can't remember If I mentioned it. But I had bloods taken for the down syndrom test and the midwife from hospital called today to say I'm high risk and she wanted to offer the amnio test. It is scheduled for thursday, (they wanted to do tomorrow but had to change appt last minute). I'm really really nervous and don't really want to go to work tomorrow... really stressed at minute, just really really hoping everything comes back okay from the test. Midwife said it was my AFP that put the results into a higher risk... Well dont know what else to say just cross all your fingers and toes for me...

I've bought a few things, newborn boxes at asda event (got quite a few as were a bargain!) some sleep suits and a couple onesies, but thats it!

Went to Kiddicare and it was... not as I had imagined... dont' think I'd go back, it wasn't as big as I imagined, probably as big as asda but on three floors (and one small elevator for prams and trolleys!) I went on sat so it was packed! If anything we're a bit overwhelmed... but we came away from it wanting to go to the baby show in feb in london as think it would be really nice to get demos from vendors as we got a really nice demo from concord pram system... hubby quite keen on it, but only think its cause he would get a 'papabag'..... so all in all, might go again, but if you know what you want its worth buying online and if you dont know what you want then it might be too overwhelming if you dont go during the week and get they're VIB service...

nb -Our boiler was fixed today after 5 days of freezing cold! Its starting to warm up again! we are renting at the minute (we had an offer accepted on a house in Nov but the sellers backed out) so it was good we didn't have to pay for anything!

On a more frightening note, I had my 16w midwife appointment last week, can't remember If I mentioned it. But I had bloods taken for the down syndrom test and the midwife from hospital called today to say I'm high risk and she wanted to offer the amnio test. It is scheduled for thursday, (they wanted to do tomorrow but had to change appt last minute). I'm really really nervous and don't really want to go to work tomorrow... really stressed at minute, just really really hoping everything comes back okay from the test. Midwife said it was my AFP that put the results into a higher risk... Well dont know what else to say just cross all your fingers and toes for me...

Hi mrsbeanbump.

How are you today -you must be worried out of your mind. :hugs:

With my second baby I had high risk for Down's due to triple test results also; and had amnio as a result. I was only 24 years old at the time and my risk factor was 1 :30 and I was petrified tbh.

The procedure wasn't nice, a bit uncomfortable with a bit of pushing; but not painful and I felt fine afterwards once the local anaesthetic wore off (with a couple of days rest too)

My results came back fine though and I went on to have my first son, perfectly healthy.
My friend has had two high risk scares and two amnios and her boys are both fine too.
Hoping everything goes well for you tomorrow and that you get good news. :hugs::hugs: Try not worry too much (easier said than done I know)

Oh mrsbeanbump I am so sorry to hear you are having to wait around, I will keep everything crossed for you, I am sure you will but make sure to update us.

I am sure they just have to be very over cautious with these things to protect themselves, so try and keep that as a reassurance and follow my golden rule that someone in the 1st tri forum told me, which is do not google!!

I finally slept for a solid 5 hours last night with no getting up to wee so I feel like a new woman today!!! xxx
wana - yup still scared... went to work today, think it helped keep me busy as i'd just be at home with box of tissues otherwise! I've told work i'm off sick tomorrow and friday so will get some of that feet up resting. They said my odds are 1:30 too and I'm 27. Thanks for sharing that it happened to you and at 24 when odds should be more 1:1500! its craziness all these 'odds'.

nb thanks for the crossing! glad you got five hours! I've started waking up without the urge to wee!! know how you feel there!

I also talked to the head midwife today and said I wasn't getting on with my current midwife so they're going to switch me to a different one... woop woop.. only bad thing is I told her my reasons and it all has to go on a complaint form... whoops! I hope the mw doesn't hate me but o well. The head mw was really nice about it so I'm glad I dont have to see the other mw again.... but feel a bit guilty too it had to be written down.

Keep you posted! xxx
Hey ladies

Mrsbeanbump - hope you're ok....try not to worry. Do you get the results on same day as amnio? Fingers and toes crossed that all is ok sweetie!

I am good, eating normally! Only been sick a few times! Got my 16 week mw appt tomorrow! Not sure what will happen at it, but looking forward to seeing mw again!
I am terribly constipated at the mo so going to mention it to mw and see if she has anything to help!
Well, I am really tired today...being back to work is killing me! Haha!

Hope everyone is well!
Big hugs xxxx
Hi Ladies
Mrsbeanbump - good luck for today, it wil lbe a tense few days waiting on results but I am sure everything will be fine and then you'll hae so much relief knowing your lil man is perfect xx

Justmarried -glad to hear you are feeling better, shame about the constipation though -Are you making sure you drink plenty of water? Hope your mw appt goes well today.

nb -woohoo on 5 hours sleep lol -isn't itamazing how little sleep we can celebrate as an achievement after weeks of really broken sleep lol. Hope it continues now.

Hi MM -haven't heard from you in a few days -but then again; other ppl are still working hard and having a life at the moment lol -I am midway through my first week out of 3 off work and getting bored already lol - And we had loads of snow yesterday and last night so I wont be venturing out today.

Hope everyone is well and bumps growing great - my lil bubba is doing somersaults just now as I write this -it is so cool to feel xx
Mrsbeanbump - I think that is really good that they are taking your complaint seriously, I know it sucks that you have to do something official but hopefully it will make that lady appreciate her job! My SIL would love to be a midwife but it is virtually impossible to get accpeted on the course even though she has been at uni for 3 years studying nursing so she should be grateful really!! I keep hearing that people have a bad time at scans and things and it makes me feel bad as these people might do this everyday but we dont!!!

Wana - Hope you are feeling a bit better and not having to use your crutches still?

Justmarried - so glad you are feeling better and back at work!! Thats great news!

Still got everything crossed for everyone that needs it! Can't believe I am 17 weeks tomorrow, this week has flown by again, only 2 weeks until New York, woo hoo! xxx
Wana I am so jealous! Apart from that vague flutter which could have been nothing I havent felt a thing!! I really want too!

I get the odd twinge, but more so cos I have bent in half or something, I guess I have no idea what it is meant to feel like!! Hopefully in my 17th week the LO will like to make an appearance! xx
Hey girlies!!
Well, midwife appt went well! I love my midwife....she is really lovely! Got all blood results back - all good. Listened to hb! Found it straight away so that was good! Sounded like a little gallop! Hehe! I have been a bit (ahem) itchy down below so she did swabs for thrush just in case. Get results in a few days. Ive been on antibitotics so she says it is most likely thrush as I am a bit swollen down below too!
I've not felt any proper movements yet Wanna - so jealous!! Hopefully they will happen soon! How you feeling? I know its boring being off work, but its for the best! I hated it when I was off, now Im shattered and so excited for the weekend!!!
NB - One week on Monday til I go to New York! So excited!
Mrsbeanbump - hope all is ok. :hugs:
Is anyone doing anything for Valentines day? I have secretly booked a room at the country hall we got married at for next Friday! We had planned on going for one year anniversary, but since we will have little bean then, thought it would be nice to go for V day instead! It is also my best friends Valentines themed engagement party on the Sat night, so a nice loved up weekend!!
Well, Im off to see what I can have for tea.....
Hi girls, yes I officially got back on the baby dancing wagon only 2 days after op!! Partly because I was in some weird 'i must be pregnant again immediately' type trance and partly because my sex drive came back with a vengence!!

I've started a TTC journal (link below) I'd love it if you'd pop in and see me there.

At the moment we are taking the relaxed approach to ttc like last time. If I'm still not pg in a few months I may start becoming more obsessive! Lol! Lots of love to all xxxx
Justmarried - Iam so jealous lol - both about your lovely mw and also hearing baby's heartbeat . I want to hear my lo's heartbeat!!! We have dopplers in work (doesn't help cos I am off on the sick lol) but I was always scared to try before 16 weeks incase I couldn't find it and then panicked; and my mw refused to listen at 16w as she said it was too early.
I have had a different mw every visit and none of them have been that friendly tbh - the unit they work in is under threat of closure at the moment and they are all fearful of losing their jobs so I doubt morale is very high at the moment and its affecting their work definately. I've just read that back and that's probably a bit unfair lol -they haven't been unfriendly -it has just always felt a bit rushed -get in, get out and get on with it -may be cos its baby number 4 too I s'pose lol.

As for Valentine's Day - I dont know yet! It's my DH birthday the following week (on the 21st), so we'll probably have a joint V day and b'day night out to celebrate both - and then 2 days after that its scan day - more excited about that to be honest lol xx

Beadette - Hi - I already popped into your journal but nice to hear from you xx

Mrsbeanbump- Hope everything went well yesterday and you are having a nice restful day today xx

I am just getting ready now to go to physio -she is gonna try to manipulate my pelvis back into place lol -sounds fun NOT. Wish me luck xx
Hi ladies how are you all?
Im signed off work today as im not feeling very well :-(
Struggling quite abit with headaches and lack of sleep at the min! Not good lol. But couldn't sort myself out for work 2day.
Beadetter..... glad to hear that you are ok, got everything crossed for you!!! xxx
MM - I am having headaches too -dont suffer with them normally. My mw says to make sure I am eating enough, and drinking plenty fluids. Thinks its either caused by a drop in blood sugar or dehydration.

Hope you are feeling better - have a good day xx
Still no news. really struggling with it, dissapointed I have to wait over the weekend. Saw another lady that had amnio on Thurs too and she had results friday... I'm so jealous....

Also, since I cant feel baby yet when mw calls I'm going to ask If I go to clinic and get a scan or doppler to check baby okay. I'm so nervous.... xx
Hi girls,

I hope everyone had a good weekend and that you get some GOOD news this week mrsbeanbump, that sucks you have had to wait.

I did make a post on Friday but I added two photos in of my bump and it said the administrator's needed to ok them before it would be up so sorry if it looked like I was just being neglectful!

Well justmarried on your recommendation we bought a doppler too, we got the angelsounds doppler and we love it! We struggled to find the baby's heartbeat on our first go, we thought we had but tried again yesterday and it was a lot clearer!

So that was very exciting, and my £££ very well spent!

I have been eating for England these last two days, my appetite has just come out of no where, and I dont even like cheese and found myself eating a lump of cheddar last night!!! It doesnt seem to matter what I eat, I am still not full up!

So I am going to stock up on fruit to keep in my drawer at work so that I dont end up as big as a house. We saw two houses over the weekend, which are both potentials, our kitchen floor is being laid either today or tomorrow, and then the agent will be around to take photos on Wednesday and fingers crossed someone will view it and buy it this weekend (wishful thinking I know!)

Hope everyone else is well, nearly time for New York!! xxx
Hi Ladies -hope everyone had a nice weekend.
It was my eldest sister's 40th birthday- so we had a party for her Saturday nihgt -not a late one for me,as I am a light weight lol but was good anyway. 3 of my sisters were there, and all the younger children -youngest being 5 months and so cute; and also my eldest sis's sil with her baby too- only 3 months and so cute too. It was so funny to see them looking at each other, and their startled faces when the other one cried lol.

MrsBeanbump -thinking of you today, hope you get some good news; the waiting really sucks.. I remember :hugs:

I have noticed that I have moved up a box on my ticker today yay!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: -Box 5 already (thought that wouldn't have happened until week 20 but who cares?).OMG I can remember clearly being on box 1 and anxiously awaiting AF despite 4 positive HPT's lol.

Have a good monday everyone xx
Still no news... called around 1130 and she had nothing for me. I'm going to call her again in a bit as the MW I've been dealing with is off tomorrow and I really hope she's got something for me... the waiting is awful...

Trying to work from home but keep getting distracted but can't face going into work at moment until I know for sure whats going on....

Thanks for the thinking of yous, I appreciate it! xx
Mrsbeanbump -How are things -any news yet??

We have started our house renovations as of yesterday -it is gonna be a huge job - we are making a new bedroom for my daughter, her room will then be the nursery, Knocking down walls, putting up other walls, getting a new kitchen, extending the hall OMG!! I started clearing cupbaords yesterday so that DH could get started last night and OWW!! I paid for it -I was sooo sore last night, couldn't move off the couch without my crutches and DH practically carrying me at times. I dont think I done anything too strenuous , but OUCH I felt like my pelvic bone was going to split in two. So today I have been taking it a bit easier -I feel so useless!!!:nope: I am really panicking - I cant possibly stay off work for the entire rest of my pregnancy, but how the hell cna I go back to work like this:cry::cry:

And the physio still couldn't manually work with me on Friday as she said I was still too unstable -so I am back a week on Wednesday.

Hope everyone else is well xx

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