from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

That's a really good idea, I might suggest that to hubby in case he feels left out!

I cannot wait for holiday, I can't believe I will be almost 20 weeks when I get home, half way there woo hoo! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I have started to make a wishlist on amazon so that we know how much money we need to spend, there is such amazing things on there, and so much I would never have thought of either!

Is anyone else suffering from insomnia a bit? xx

Me me me!! I really struggled to get to sleep last night, and kept waking up!! I think it's because Im off work at the mo too, so my brain is still active at night....usually Im shattered so Im hoping it will pass when Im back to work next week.
Ooooh I might have a look at making a wishlist! We have got about £1500 saved so far for baby stuff, and our parents are buying big things like cot, layette, pushchair I think we have enough! But once I start looking goodness knows!!
I have 20 week scan 5 days after I get exciting!
Have you felt any proper movements yet hun?
Me me me!! I really struggled to get to sleep last night, and kept waking up!! I think it's because Im off work at the mo too, so my brain is still active at night....usually Im shattered so Im hoping it will pass when Im back to work next week.
Ooooh I might have a look at making a wishlist! We have got about £1500 saved so far for baby stuff, and our parents are buying big things like cot, layette, pushchair I think we have enough! But once I start looking goodness knows!!
I have 20 week scan 5 days after I get exciting!
Have you felt any proper movements yet hun?

It is so annoying isnt it! I wake up feeling like oh my god if I dont wee now I am going to burst and then there is nothing there! :growlmad: It is SO annoying! You are right, I went swimming with my nephews yesterday and slept far better last night as I was so tired so hopefully once back to work you will sleep better. I love making the wishlist, and I love amazon as it has so many reviews!

We are inheriting the cot and moses basket and changing unit from my sister and my parents are buying us a pram which is fab! We have been selling anything we can get our hands on, on ebay at the moment! So have made about £600 for the baby fund which is excellent. I am sure it wont be enough but it is a start!

Oh wow, so soon! That's so exciting, I cannot wait to see the photos and how much the baby has developed. My scan is actually closer to me being 22 weeks as they couldnt fit me in being away :( I thought I felt something the other night, it was like bubbles in my tummy, I felt it cos I happened to have my hand on my tummy cos it felt like I had cramps and then I got hubby to feel and he did too! Have you felt anything? xxx
I'll be exactly 20 weeks on scan day hun....I know you have to wait a wee bit longer, but baby will be more developed, so could be a good thing as youll get to see more detail!
I keep thinking I need to toilet too, and it is literally a DRIP when I get there! But I feel soooo desperate!! Haha!!
I think I've felt a few little bubbles, but just not sure. Nothing definite yet! Cant wait til I can feel big kicks! Hahaha! It is just so exciting!
Ive just been naughty and ordered 2 pairs of maternity jeans from topshop! Hahaha...hubby hates when Im off as seem to spend a fortune online!
Thats great about ebay....we should probably do that too, were having kitchen done at the moment and house is upside down so once we get sorted we will probs have some stuff to sell!
Hey ladies - So exciting about NY -and such a coincidence that you are both going too lol

nb - I am so jealous of your bubbles lol - I felt what I thought were flutterings a few days ago but nothing since and I am so desperate to feel him or her in there haha
Hope your perlvis id feeling better today, you really should get yourself a physio referral -it can take a while to come through so best to get advice early on.

I am STILL waiting on my physio getting back to me lol

I was working last night and by about 5am I was really struggling to move (feels like I have been kicking in the groin and the pain radiates up to both hips. Ouch!!!)- not good in my work, I am a nurse and really need to be light on my toes sometimes - DH says I shouldn't be going in tonight but I feel so bad about having more pregnancy related illness so early on, I have had 3 weeks off with extreme sickness already.

What is the point working in the hopsital but when I need help i cant get a physio to phone me back -no perks in the NHS I tell ya lol .

Spoke to the mw about the headaches etc - she said 'remember you ARE growing a baby' wtf?? Okay could've worked that out myself lol -but Bloods and BP were both great at least lol -she wrote in my notes -advised to eat and drink regularly, and advised me to eat sugary snacks s she thinks my blood sugar is dropping haha -I have put on 6kg already, into size 12 maternity clothing (from a size 8) and eat all the time (cos if I dont the nausea gets me again) Oh well, bring it on - chocalate and candy yum yum yum!!!

Justmaried -congrats on the 16 week milestone -yay!!! And so glad you are sounding a bit better and keeping some food down. Hope it continues now.

Hope everyone is having a good day xx
Oh wanna -maybe you should take some more time off, work will understand, and like midwife are growing a baby! Hehe!
Did you have your 16 week midwife appt today? I have mine next excited!! Hubby cant make it as he is working quite a distance away so I think I might take my mam or just go it alone...Ill be ok going alone wont I?
Did you have your 16 week midwife appt today? I have mine next excited!! Hubby cant make it as he is working quite a distance away so I think I might take my mam or just go it alone...Ill be ok going alone wont I?

Yep - well it was yesterday, but I went alone- not much happened to be honest, she checked my bp, urine and told me to eat sugary snacks lol.
Wouldn't listen in to baby's hb as she said it was too early, and she said no pointing feeling tummy yet either. In and out in less than 5 mins.

I would have been disappointed that DH had missed the hb anyway but really wanted to hear it - confirm there is still something happening in there iykwim?? lol :haha:
Yeah I suppose hun, we got to hear heartbeat on Monday with me being poorly and it was marvellous! Hubby was so thrilled!!!
I've gone and ordered a doppler even though I said I wouldnt! It should arrive tomorrow! Hoping I can find HB!!
Ive booked 2 hours off work as I thought it was going to be another longish appt! Haha! Dont think Ill need that long if my midwife is like yours - in and out!
Wana that sucks she didnt find the heartbeat for you, my mw did that at my appointment when I was 14 weeks! And she found it right away!

i am hoping once I have paid all our bills this month that I might have enough to go and see an acupuncture person, I have been before and I love it and they are meant to be great for pelvis pain and anything else pregnancy related, but I might have to wait until after NY!
Wana that sucks she didnt find the heartbeat for you, my mw did that at my appointment when I was 14 weeks! And she found it right away!

I think she couldn't be bothered actually -like I said in and out in less than 5 mins. maybe cos its baby number 4 they think it's pointless, dont know... but it's just as exciting and nerve wracking fourth time as it was first time lol. The worries and anxieties are always there (maybe even worse in some cases cos I am older now) but hey ho -there's always my 20 week scan to look forward to in just over 3 weeks. :happydance:

Well I have just been to the physio and now have a lovely support belt which is really great -the pain is still there but I just feel more, well more supported lol :wacko:
Also have a not so great pair of crutches and have been told to rest for two weeks -my work are really gonna love me aren't they?? Was s'posed to be in tonight too. In saying that, I was actually in tears when I arrived home this morning after my night shift, could barely get out of the car and went to bed with tears rolling down my face cos I was so sore - so probably for the best. DH was like -phone them now and tell them you are not going in - I was all sob sob:cry:, I cant take any more time off work bawl bawl bawl :cry::cry:-tirednss, pain and pregnancy NOT a good combo :winkwink:

So back to the docs for me on Monday to get advice on analgesia (which I have been avoiding like the plague) and a sickline for two weeks. Then back to the physio next Friday for some manual manipulation (ouch) - she couldn't do it today as everything was too unstable and painful.

Justmarried - hope you are still feeling better and managhing to keep food down okay.
nb -if your pelvis is sore get advice now lol -dont wait like I did, until you are in tears and can hardly walk lol :blush: And congrats on reaching 16 weeks Yay!!!
MM and Mrsbeanbump -hope you are both well too.. and Haylie too


I went to Brayford Studio but I think it is in Lincoln and Spilsby.. I was ill all day yesterday which was about the first day I've really suffered and had to leave work early. Feeling so much better now. I had my 16w appointment on Thursay and mine was about 10 minutes max... the midwife actually forgot to hit the 'enter' button to book my appointment so I showed up and I wasn't on the appointment list..grrr... I really do not like my midwife... she's really horrible and not friendly at all, I dont see her again until APRIL! Then I asked if she knew of any local classes for yoga or something and she told me to google it, and I was like, I have and there is nothing so I thought you might know.... and then she said, if it is not NHS I do not know about anything going on privately.. I'm like wtf... So I think I'm going to start trekking up to the hospital to have my appointments as I have not had the best care as of yet... except for the really nice private scan, if only I could afford private midwifery. But I have a good friend that is a midwife so I might go have a moan with her and see if she can help me. :(

Glad to hear everyone is feeling a bit better now, wanna getting your physio and nb with your pelvis! I'm not really showing that much yet so I guess I dont have these pleasures yet. I'm so eager to feel the baby move! it hasn't happened yet, or not that I know of!

Off to Kiddicare tomorrow! woop woop... will let you guys know if its worth the longer car journeys! xx
Yay -sure I just felt bubba moving -felt great -first time I wasn't sure and then felt it again and again and again. Such a wonderful feeling :cloud9::cloud9:

Just needed to share xx :hugs:xx
Yey!! Bet it's amazing!!!!!
I keep thinking I feel something, but then Im just not sure! Gonna keep an eye on it!! xxxxx
I want to feel baby moving too!!

So did I mention our boiler was condemned on Thursday and we are living off these electric heaters and the immersion water heater.... this is not fun! Dont think we'll get a new boiler til end of next week and there is snow on the ground!!

I'm still going off to venture to Kiddicare, and there is this place in Grantham too I found on the web called Precious Little Ones so we might stop there to see what the fuss with the icandy is all about... dont know how expensive that is though! just browsing! x
Hi all, sorry i haven't been on in a lil while i had a friend over for a few days and didn't want to be rude and have a laptop between us when we haven't seen each other since june!!!! lol.
Sounds like everyone is getting on great....
Im all good, tiredness is my only bad thing!!! Grrrrr hehe.
I'm 16 weeks 2moz.... can't wait and i worked out that my gender scan is pretty early on! It's on the 24th of feb so not long to go now!
Really can't wait to find out what team we are buying for!!!! hehe.
I bet you guys can't wait to go to NY... dead jealous! hehe.
Hope you are all good xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I want to feel baby moving too!!

So did I mention our boiler was condemned on Thursday and we are living off these electric heaters and the immersion water heater.... this is not fun! Dont think we'll get a new boiler til end of next week and there is snow on the ground!!

I'm still going off to venture to Kiddicare, and there is this place in Grantham too I found on the web called Precious Little Ones so we might stop there to see what the fuss with the icandy is all about... dont know how expensive that is though! just browsing! x

Have a fab time tomorrow! I need to double check but I think the icandy is £379, we checked Bentalls and John lewis and it was the same in both!

sorry to hear about your boiler, we have been having the same troubles with our electrics! But we went to view a house today and we might make an offer on Monday, very exciting!!
And I totally forgot to say wana that is so exciting!! I really want to feel something!!

Justmarried - how is your doppler? xx
Hey ladies!!
Hope you are all having a good weekend! I have! But Im tired now!!
Got my doppler yesterday! It is the best thing ever!! Listened to baby's heartbeating away for ages yday and then again today! It's wonderful!
Anyway....hope people are ok! I still have obsession for prawns and much so that I had another one for tea last night and I have bought enough for my lunches this week! Hehe!!
hello girls just popping by af due today for me, feel like she is coming all normal signs, rage, the want for chocolate! boobs havnt been as sore the cycle but no real change is cm or anything...oh well gonna use my moniter nxt cycle! how is exciting about babies moving and gender scans.. its flying!! nb your ticker says military mum is due 18/01/10?? surely she cant have had baba already lol ;) take care xxxx
Hi Gossipgirly - nice to hear from you. Hope that witch stays away xx

MM -poor you - no heating in this extreme cold weather, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
How did your baby shopping trip go? - see anything you like?

Justmarried -I am so tempted to buy a doppler -but I would panic if I couldn't find the heart beat so I am a bit scared lol -we haven't heard the heart beat at all yet!!! Defiante movements being felt though, every day since Friday night - yay!!! Have you had any more wee flutters yet?

nb -how exciting, a new house. Are you renting at the mo' or need to sell your property also. We really need more rooms,we only have 3 bedrooms lol but love where we are, have great neighbours, kids have good friends close to school etc so we have decided to revamp what we have got and make another bedroom downstairs.

Hope every one is well today. I am still pottering about with my crutches, but the pain is so much less - bliss!!

Hello all!

Sorry for being quiet on the weekend, we were mega busy doing DIY around the house!

Mrsbeanbump - how was kiddicare? Is your heating back on?

I have changed my siggy, sorry! I must have been in work mode and entered the wrong date as I am still trying to get used to writing 2010 and not 2009!

I went to Mothercare with my Mum yesterday to get some sexy flight socks! And they had some lovely bits in the sale but I restrained myself until New York.

I have seen some gorgeous unisex clothing in my bloomin marvellous catalogue though! I bought some pyjamas from there the other week and although £25 they are lovely, and will be perfect for breastfeeding.

We loved the house we went to see on Saturday, we are having our house valued tonight to see what sort of offer we can make. We own ours, we have been there 2.5 years and have really done it up so hoping for a decent profit so that we can move to a 3 bed house. Ours is a 2 bed end of terrace with a lovely big garden so we will have to sacrifice our garden! But the house we like has the potential to be extended so hopefully long term we could make it 4 bedrooms by either going out the side or into the loft, all dreams!!

Hubbys work seems to be back on which is great, I was worrying about my New York savings being seriously eaten into this month but luckily he has picked up three jobs so we should be good to go! He has sold off his xbox and a few other things on ebay and put £500 into the baby fund which is fab! So we will have some good spending to do in a few months time.

So has anyone bought anything yet?! xxx

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