from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!


MW called at about 4pm, we're all clear on the tests and i'm soooo relieved. Hubby and I going out to celebrate now.... Its taken a lot out of us recently just having to entertain all these possibilities is unbearable. I feel like i'm a stone lighter, so I'm going to go eat for two and really enjoy it!



So glad to hear this good news -must really be a load off your mind.
Something like this really puts everything else into perspective doesn't it??

So pleased for you and your hubby -go celebrate!!! :happydance:

Thats absolutely brilliant!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I am so happy for you mrsbeanbump!

Well I have some good news and bad news, the bad news is we found out yesterday that our dogs insurance are refusing to continue paying for a condition he has, so we now owe our vets £346.05 :( which has to be settled immediately as they have been appealing the refusal on our behalf for months and not been paid what is owed them so I have had to cancel my trip to New York so that I dont spend all my savings over there. Thankfully I get everything bar £31 on my flight as our hotel is fully refundable so it isnt too much of a hit but I am just totally gutted as I was so looking forward to it.

But in the good news, we have someone interested in our house, we have found a house and everyone wants to move exceptionally quickly, as in by at least the middle of March!!! So another reason why I am going to need the extra cash for all the decorating that needs doing if we get the new place.

To say my day was stresful yesterday would be a very big understatement!

So justmarried please kiss New York for me and tell her hopefully I will make it there one day soon!

I hope everyone else is well? My insomnia is driving me mad, although i think my current stress isnt helping, I am wide awake at about 5am and it is making it very difficult to get through the day at work!

I am starting to look more pregnant now, my friend bought me a top the other day which says 'hands off the bump' which is very kind of her, so hopefully I can fed off random strangers touching me up!

Wana - very exciting about your renovations, not sure if you have seen my album on facebook but we have done a lot to our house and it is really rewardng, good luck and I hope you havent done too much that you are still in a lot of pain today, fingers crossed it gets better soon hunni xxxx
Nb -what a shame you are gonna miss out on NY but great news about your potential buyer -fx'd for you xx Gonna go and have a nosy at you renovation pics lol -keep my spirtis up about mine at the mo' :haha:

Justmarried -congrats on reaching box 5 on your ticker :happydance:

Have a good day ladies -I am off out for lunch to my sisters ( she lives in a bungalow , so once I am there I dont have to contend with the stairs for getting to the loo lol :haha:) AND my house looks like a bomb has hit it just now - DH was pulling down another wall last night and started ripping out kitchen cabinets. OH Joy!!! Will be worth it in the end I know!!

p.s the sun is actually shining here today -I have even managed to hang out a washing yay!!! Spring is on it's way :happydance::happydance:
Thanks everyone for the support....

nb I saw your facebook renovations... FAB!! and wana talking about these renovations really makes me want to go buy a house!! We had an offer accepted on a house last november but they backed out and put it on the market yesterday for 15k more than the offer they accepted in November.... Obviously hubby and I hope they have a long and painful selling process as we paid out to get a mortgage and everything before they 'changed' their minds.. and then didn't even tell us!

And wana about putting things into perspective... that is sooo true. I was so upset not just at what might be our outcome, but what other people might have gone through as well. It deffo makes us count our blessings!

And I dont think I'll be putting the laundry out anytime soon as it snowed here today! but I love the snow so it made me happy!! xx
AND... NB sorry about new york, its prob best to wait (sorry justmarried) as the exchange rate at the moment is awful... so just think of it that way, maybe when you go the pound will be stronger again and you'll be able to buy more!! good luck for a swift move/exchange process on the house!

I was looking at flights last night to boston in march and was like 2 seconds away from buying but then hubby and I decided we wanted to 'look' at going somewhere sunny as well and didn't buy the tickets, and today the price is £200 dearer... soooo not fair!

Sorry to hear about your holiday!!!! That's such a same
But i must add that i am very jealous of you who are going on holiday!!!!
I have not been abroad on holiday since 2002! :cry:
I have been abroad in that time but on detachments.... to some not very nice places haha.
I bet you can't wait for the renovations to be done! Will look lovely in the end tho! hehe.
Hope everyone is well xxx
Hi ladies!

I hope everyone had a good weekend? Our house went on the market on Friday so we had a viewing on Saturday and more booked in for this weekend, the house we liked the vendor has taken it off the market as his sale fell through and apparently it has happened twice so he is not going to move now, there isn't really much else on the market so I am not sure what we will do if someone does make a good offer on ours!

I think I can feel little kicks today, but it is sharp pains on my left, and from using my doppler the heartbeat is most def on the right! Who knows?!

I am really struggling with my lack of sleep, I am awake from about 4am just tossing and turning trying to be comfortable and I am starting to look really tired too, I have kept my day booked off on Friday which I should have been in New York so I may treat myself to a facial instead in an effort to help my black bags!

How is everyone else doing? xxx
Hi ladies

nb -thats good news about your house being on the market; but not so good about the property you were looking at :( Maybe something even better will come up.

My baby movements are more like little taps low down in my abdomen, getting them both left and right as little one does somersaults from side to side lol (if you tap yourself with a finger lightly on the outside of you abdomen -thats kind of the feeling)

We hve had a very busy weekend (well DH has . more than me lol -I spent Saturday hobbling on my crutches around DIY stores and Sunday in agony from doing too much on Saturday lol) But our old kitchen is partially ripped out, woodwork painted and DH is putting up new paper this week and then a start on the new cabinets - yay!! I cant wait to see it all completed -poor DH, once kitchen is done, he still has hall and stairs, DD's room, including building new wall and new door way, Living room (wall from renovating DD's room) and then YAY!! the nursery lol - I have been very little help at all aswell. I did manage some painting but on the scale of things thats not much.

Cant beleive its only 1 week tomorrow until we have our anomaly scan -I can't wait !!!
And I am back at GP tomorrow and physio on Wed -wish me luck, I am now on co-codamol for pain (which I would rather not) and using crutches all the time when walking outside. My work is really gonna be pissed at me I know, GP (last week) thought that I shouldn't go back at all b4 baby is born and thinks I am gonna end up on bedrest. Oo-er.

Hope everyone else is well, enjoy your pamper day on Friday nb -not quite NY but there will be other chances for NY :hugs:


Nb - shame about the house further up that you liked the look of... If your 100% into that house it wouldn't hurt approaching the guy trying to strike a deal?? He might still want to move, who knows!!
Wanna - sounds like DH had a busy weekend indeed! your house sounds full of renovating at the minute!

All good here, I'm away with work for the next couple of days getting some training (they booked me on a course before they found out I was pregnant ) But i'm not complaining, I didn't have to go that far and its always nice to get away from work for a couple days!

I think i'm starting to feel movement but i'm not necessarily convinced either! I feel like my belly button is being tugged on from the inside sometimes, and then just random pain like feelings around the bump... deffo not 'butterflies' Our 20 week scan is a week on wednesday. I can't believe almost halfway there!

We've been looking at loads of prams/furniture but can't decide on anything yet. Its so difficult, there is so much out there to choose from. We're thinking of going to the baby show this saturday but wondering if that will just confuse use more! Any of you going to the baby show?

well talk soon! xxx
Morning ladies

I am off to the GP's again this morning -needing to extend my sickline for work again. I feel Sooooooooooooooo guilty -keep thinking maybe I should just bite the bullet and go back to work but I cant stand for longer than 20 mins without hurting, cant climb stairs without my crutches without hurting and couldn't move swiftly in an emergency if my life depended on it. Co-codamol aren't even helping that much - maybe taking the edge off I s'pose.

My car's in for its MOT today also -wish me luck, I really cant be doing with a huge car bill just now. And DH has to chauffeur me about this morning to get things done, so he's going to have to go to work late and finish even later -boo hiss.

19weeks today YAY!!!!! Almost half there too - in some ways it seems to have flown by since our BFP and in others I feel I have been preggers forever lol and there's still so long to go lol .

Have a good day ladies, whatever you are up to today. xx
Morning girls!

Mrsbeanbump - We do like the house still, the agent has advised us that we wait until we are under offer and then we could approach him to see if he would still be interested, we shall see!

Hubby and I are thinking of going to the Baby Show on Friday if he is off work, with this weather it looks as if he might be! But we wont know until Thursday night. I still feel odd about buying things so I am not sure if it would be a waste of time!

Wana - I hope you arent in too much pain today, you poor thing!! I have been getting random twinges but nothing worth moaning about really! I am off to see midwife today and get a tour of the maternity wing at Royal Surrey Hospital in Guildford, fingers crossed it is nice! DH sounds like he is doing a cracking job on the house! Get some pics on facebook so we can see!

I hope everyone else is well, can you believe we are all almost half cooked?! xxx
Hey ladies

Well I had a really down first part of the morning -went to the physio and she is useless - came home in tears -she keeps saying next time we'll try this or that but today you are too sore/ unstable/ or some other excuse (or so it seems - probably not really excuses but I feel like it i a big waste of time.) And I was so fed up -still hoping on my miracle cure lol -not happening !!!

Anyway have now decided to be super positive and take control of the situation lol -may regret this, time will tell . Maybe, just maybe by increasing my activity I will actually gain more strength in my core stability and that will increase my tolerance and I will gradually be able to do more (rather than less n less every day like it is at the moment). So for the next few days I am going to push myself as much as comfortably possible and see how that goes. My bad if it all goes pear shaped but I need to try something other than sitting about / hobbling about getting sorer by the day lol.

So wish me luck lol -think I might need it lol

p.s Some good news, my car passed its MOT -so glad!!!

Take care everyone and love to all bumps

lotta love Donna xx
Hey ladies

Well I had a really down first part of the morning -went to the physio and she is useless - came home in tears -she keeps saying next time we'll try this or that but today you are too sore/ unstable/ or some other excuse (or so it seems - probably not really excuses but I feel like it i a big waste of time.) And I was so fed up -still hoping on my miracle cure lol -not happening !!!

Anyway have now decided to be super positive and take control of the situation lol -may regret this, time will tell . Maybe, just maybe by increasing my activity I will actually gain more strength in my core stability and that will increase my tolerance and I will gradually be able to do more (rather than less n less every day like it is at the moment). So for the next few days I am going to push myself as much as comfortably possible and see how that goes. My bad if it all goes pear shaped but I need to try something other than sitting about / hobbling about getting sorer by the day lol.

So wish me luck lol -think I might need it lol

p.s Some good news, my car passed its MOT -so glad!!!

Take care everyone and love to all bumps

lotta love Donna xx

Oh hun I am so sorry to hear this! My hubby slipped a disc about 6 years ago and it trapped a nerve in his lower spine, so he had an operation which was supposed to chisel away some of the disc and remove the pressure from the nerve, but they cut something accidentally and ended up creating a lot of scar tissue which inflamed the nerve even more! He was laid up in bed and literally couldnt move for 6 weeks, and in the end we used to take a short little walk each evening and that lead to him being more active and eventually to the gym where he worked on his upper body to support his lower body, so I really think it may help you, good luck!

Another thing which worked wonders for him was seeing a Chinese doctor, he had a lot of acupunture and something called 'cupping' where they drew all the bruising out, I have never seen such black bruises in my life! They took about 3 weeks to heal but he was so much better off for it, it was abut £20 an hour but money I think was well spent.

I hope you get some relief soon hun!!

I was wide awake at 4am today so feeling pretty yuck, stopped off for a Costa on the way to work and so glad I have the day off tomorrow!!

Hope everyone else is well, am I the only one still not feeling kicks?! xxx
Hi ladies how are you all??? Hope you are all well!!!
I had my late 16 week midwife appointment today lol. as she's been on holiday so we mixed the 16 + 20 together lol. She said bump is growing well and i heard heartbeat. so so happy!!!!
Bad news is that i've been signed off work this week as been sufering from really bad back pain which has been stopping me sleep. I got given paracetamol which im not really happy about taking but it does seem to be helping!!!!
Hey ladies

Well I totally over did it lol - couldn't even shuffle by yesterday afternoon without wincing in pain and had to resort to taking cocodamol , which I loath taking at the best of times, never mind being pregnant. Had to actually crawl up the stairs to bed last night and I woke up umpteen times in terrible pain - am so tired now zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Am under strict instruction now from DH and GP not to overdo it again -as I could end up causing permament damage oo-er!!!!! By overdoing it -I went to one shop, got two bags of shopping, tidied my kids bedrroms and took the dog to the park; hardly strenuous stuff -and that was over the two days lol!!

nb -how did your hospital visit go? Are you quite happy with what you saw??

I am planning on giving birth in the Community midwife unit -I had a visit last month and it's lush lol -(As long as there's not a few mums in labour at the same time lol -as they only have 3 custom built rooms lol). Anyway the rooms are huge, all en-suite, with a regular hospital bed in the corner - although mw says these aren't generally used for labour and delivery but for resting afterwards, feeding baby etc. A large pool for waterbirths -(which is what I fancy this time), a lounge area, with tv, dvd, radio, soft armchairs, sofa etc. They have a whole array of labour 'props' too that can be used -typical birthing balls and wedges of foam, beanbags etc. After baby is born, they expect most mums go home within 6 hours and prior to that as many family and friends can come into the room to visit.

Hope you have a nice pampering day today. xx

MM -hope your back is feeling better - it's so miserable being in pain and not being able to do much about it. So glad your mw appt went well and I am soooo jealous -I still haven't heard our lil ones heart beat haha. xx

take care everyone xx
NB- can I come to mexico with you..... please....... :) Hubby and I are trying to sort out our 2 weeks off in March and haven't bought tickets anywhere yet, I have to spend part of it in boston US area to visit family and then the other week we want to go somewhere warm.

Went to a really nice maternity shop today and got a really nice maternity bra and some clothes... I love shopping! Now we're dog sitting my friends dog for the night and the 2 dogs are driving each other crazy and in turn driving us crazy!! Should be an interesting night!

Donna, hope your feeling better today??? It sounds so awful what your going through, I hope it doesn't last too much longer, get the physio to sort you out pronto!!

nb -Oh me too -- pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

You'll need a huge suitcase,to squeeze me into lol.

Wow -when do you go?? So wish it was us getting away, lucky you.

Mrsbeanbump - hope you get something nice sorted out for March too - I am so jealous!

Have you bought anything for baby yet?? I am waiting until my scan on Tuesday and then think I will go mad lol -unless baby is bashful and sitting crosslegged, then I'll have another wait for a private scan lol


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