Thats absolutely brilliant!!!

I am so happy for you mrsbeanbump!
Well I have some good news and bad news, the bad news is we found out yesterday that our dogs insurance are refusing to continue paying for a condition he has, so we now owe our vets £346.05

which has to be settled immediately as they have been appealing the refusal on our behalf for months and not been paid what is owed them so I have had to cancel my trip to New York so that I dont spend all my savings over there. Thankfully I get everything bar £31 on my flight as our hotel is fully refundable so it isnt too much of a hit but I am just totally gutted as I was so looking forward to it.
But in the good news, we have someone interested in our house, we have found a house and everyone wants to move exceptionally quickly, as in by at least the middle of March!!! So another reason why I am going to need the extra cash for all the decorating that needs doing if we get the new place.
To say my day was stresful yesterday would be a very big understatement!
So justmarried please kiss New York for me and tell her hopefully I will make it there one day soon!
I hope everyone else is well? My insomnia is driving me mad, although i think my current stress isnt helping, I am wide awake at about 5am and it is making it very difficult to get through the day at work!
I am starting to look more pregnant now, my friend bought me a top the other day which says 'hands off the bump' which is very kind of her, so hopefully I can fed off random strangers touching me up!
Wana - very exciting about your renovations, not sure if you have seen my album on facebook but we have done a lot to our house and it is really rewardng, good luck and I hope you havent done too much that you are still in a lot of pain today, fingers crossed it gets better soon hunni xxxx