from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

NB -Thanks for that!! That sounds so cute, the idea with the shoes on bump - I wish I'd been more inventive now lol, could always do some more I s'pose lol - but with DH's help this time. Wanted to do this one on my own, to get framed to give him tomorrow - its our wedding anniversary!!

Does sound like baby has turned if hiccups are under ribs -but still plenty of time to move again though.


I'm back, Dylans just finished feeding and laying on my chest to have a nice snooze! drained both breasts this time so hoping he gets some fat on his bones!

So, heres my story.... It all started on 2nd June, but I didn't realize it until afterwards. I worked 10 hours at work and right before I was leaving at 7pm, I was having pains in my stomach that went away when I stretched out my legs. Someone saw me wince and made the comment that someone should go get the wet towels, little did they know!! So I left work went home to pick up hubby and then we went out for a meal with some of his friends from work for someones birthday, I was having a couple more contractions maybe 1 every 30-45 minutes and if I stretched out my legs and rubbed bump it seemed to all go away. We went out for a drink afterwards, hubby was drinking as his birthday was the next day (june 3rd). We left about 11 and I drove another couple home and we settled in at home about midnight. I didn't manage to get any sleep but hubby went straight to sleep! I could feel my stomach tightening and having pains that didn't let me get any sleep. I was more annoyed than anything thinking I was going to be tired for work the next day!

Well around 2am I started having to go to the loo quite a bit, and the stomach pains/tightenings were coming every five to ten minutes or so. I felt a lot better sitting on the toilet when getting the contractions. Then after weeing I found mucous with blood in it. Then I went into panick mode and ran into the bedroom to look through my pregnancy books, and realized this could be my 'show'. Well well well.... at 34 weeks didn't expect to have show and woke hubby up. What felt like contractions (stomach tightenings) were coming every 5 minutes and realized it was time to bite the bullet and call labour ward.... which also meant that I had to realize I could be in labour... at 34 weeks!!! A bit surreal....

So labour ward told me to come in and to bring my bag (IT WASNT PACKED YET!!!) because I was early I would be spending the night regardless for observations. It sounded like they didn't really believe me but o well. Hubby and I quickly packed a bag and got baby bag and went out the door. However, hubby had been drinking and didn't want to drive.... I could have gotten an ambulance but I was still in denial that I wasn't really in labour so I convinced hubby I was fine to drive myself and in we went.

Arrived at labour ward around 4am and got checked into a room, got a really lovely midwife who wanted to set me up to be monitored. She checked baby was in head down position with a little scan and put some monitors on. During a contraction she wanted to have a feel of my stomach to gauge the labour and she was quite suprised how 'tight' my bump was... and then she began to realize baby was coming. Consultant came in to check dilation and announced... 8 CM dilated!!!

In my head I was like omg omg omg, and it was hubbys birthday as it was now the 3rd of June!! consultant told us baby would be coming today, talk about reality check!! I asked if it was too late to get a water birth, but because so early I had to give birth on the bed so baby could be monitored. The rest was a bit of a blur. I said I cannot give birth on my back and was able to get on my knees on the bed, which is the best position ever!! I was on gas and air and that was it. waters broke on their own right before birth and Dylan was not too far behind. Contractions got a lot more intense once waters broke but its all a blur now and didn't last long. The gas and air helped a lot. Then little Dylan was born at 636am.

The whole birth experience was amazing and I was soon to tell hubby after it wasn't as bad as I had thought it could/would be and number 2 wouldn't be too far behind Dylan!!

But then Dylan was having trouble breathing and staying warm so had to go to NICU. I was not happy baby was being taken away and baby dr couldn't speak english and explain what was wrong, he was on nicu for 2 days and I was down on transitional care ward, but thankfully in a single room. Dylan was stabilised and joined me 2 days later. After care was alright, but you could tell there were staff shortages and mw's were in short supply. He got jaundice and had to have phototherapy and when that went down we got to go home, but they didn't weigh him before we left so when mw came the day after we got home, she found out that he had lost 15% of his birthweight. Hospital was full so we had to go to a different hospital but hubby got to stay over this time as we got a family room on nicu. His Jaundice was back and needed more phototherapy but he gained the 5% weight back within the first 24 hours at new hospital and that stayed consistant... until today when mw came to weigh and he gained a bit more so now he's within range of weight and he's been feeding like a little milk monkey today so think he'll gain again, mw and health visitor both coming on thursday so we'll see if he gains again. I hope so!!

Well anyways, enough about me! Donna, love love love that photo!! envious that my bump is gone and hubby had been rubbish taking bump photos! I bet your hubby was glad to get a new computer, especially if he'd been asking for a while. it must be something with men and technology, we've not had ours long and hubby already wants a new one!

nb, glad the house purchase is going smoothly with survey and timescale. I've got the tommy tippee electric breast pump. Tried it today its okay, nothing like the commercial grade ones I've gotten used to at the hospital!! but gets the job done! Tip for breast feeding, buy breast pads!! I got lasinoh ones from the baby show a couple weeks back and I already had tommee tippee ones, but the lasinoh ones were like 10x better than the tommee tippee ones so thats my tip to you all!!!

justmarried, only three more days before your maternity leave!!! I bet your so excited. I can't believe mine started a bit early, and I had so much left to do but o well! what can I do now about it!

well anyways I'm back now for good! excited to be here for your journeys!! I'm missing my bump as feel like it could have lasted a little longer, especially since I had all these plans for my time when maternity leave started and before baby arrived. But wouldn't change how things happened at all and now we're home. He's so strong and at 34w+3 days we were really lucky to have a healthy lil boy, while spending time up in nicu it really put our situation into perspective as Dylan was healthy and good sized for his gestation.

well thats it for now, I'm off to do some cleaning, how quickly the house can get turned upside down and my pile of laundry is next to the ceiling! Its time to start looking for a good cleaner!!

love to mums and bumps!!! xxx
WOW -What an amazing birth story Liz -8cm by the time you got to the hopsital; sounds perfect( other than a tad early of course lol). No wonder you are considering doing it all again lol

So glad Dylan is doing so well, and you too of course xx
Can't believe Dylan is 12 days already.

Your pics on FB are fab ,daddy looks so proud, and you look great in them and Dylan is so cute... I want mine now lol haha

Take care xx
WOW MrsBB! I just popped in for a quick hello and I am sitting here almost in tears at your birth story!! Sounds amazing and I am so so so happy for you!! Love and hugs to you and Dylan! He is gorgeous and you and hubby look so proud!!! Big :hugs:

Well, last week at exhausted as I write this, but I know its not long and that is getting me through the week!!

Wanna - photo is amazing!! I might have to get the email addy from you and get hubby to take a pic this week! Cant believe your pram is all assembled......soooo exciting!!

NB - Love that you are such a regular for deliveries! Haha!! Shopaholic and baby springs to mind! Hehe!!

So nice to see Beadette popping by - big hugs lovely lady :hugs:

Well, once again I am so sorry its a flying visit, my feet are huge, I've just finished marking mock exams for year 10s ready for their exam on Thurs and I am completely beat! Going to have a bath and hopefully get a decent sleep tonight as I have a meeting after work tomorrow! Hopefully not another 10 hour day like yday!!
Just wait til next week - Ill never be off here once Im on maternity!!!

Lots of love and hugs to all, sorry if Ive missed any other news!!

If anyone is interested, here's the link to Stephanie's (mummaofthree) lovely offer and her email - plus check out my avatar -yay!!!

Wow Mrs BB! So glad to hear your birth story and that it was a positive experience albeit a slightly premature arrival! Your son is truly beautiful!!

I'm so happy to see everyone doing so well. Can't wait for more FB baby pics!!!

AFM - I'm feeling much better! Am positive that I'll get a healthy bean soon! I tell you, the events of the past 6 months have changed me a lot but I'm still here and stronger for it. Started using the CBFM this cycle to give me an idea of my Ov time as I waited 50 days after second mmc op and have no idea what my cycle will be like!

Thanks for dropping by to my journal girls - I really appreciate the support and makes me really happy how much you care!!

Well yummy mummys - I'll catch up soon! Lots of love xxxxx

I am sipping my raspberry leaf tea...and crying :wacko: Mrsbeanbump I loved reading every second of your story, oh my goodness I hope I get to the hospital and I am 8cm dialated!!

That must have been so scary when you had your show so unexpectedly, I only read that that even happens a few weeks ago! You are very brave driving, although I must admit I drive everywhere for fear of my travel sickness starting again so I could see me doing the same, although I hope to be in full on labour before leaving for the hospital so perhaps not a good plan!

Thanks for the info on the breast pump and the pads, my Mum got me some from Mothercare but perhaps I will stock up on the Lanisoh ones too! Sorry if this is a really silly question but do you have to use the breast pads all day everyday while you are b'feeding?

Justmarried - I can totally relate to the exhaustion, I finish a week on Friday and with not sleeping and up all the time for the loo I am shattered! I get to finish early today for my reflexology, yay! I think I have a serious case of Becky Bloomwood Shopaholic syndrome!! Have you seen her new book is out soon?!


I hope you get a nice SPD free day to celebrate!

I was sick after my dinner last night :( so I am really hoping that I don't have my evening sickness back, isn't it a bit late for that??

My best friend is home from Sydney today for a month! I haven't seen her since our wedding in Las Vegas in May last year, she is here for a month and leaves on my due day so I need the baby to come early to meet her.

Our solicitors are all talking about exchange and completion dates now, so excited, we are trying to get an exchange done this week to complete on the 2nd of July, which I think is a little ambitious and I don't think our sellers will say yes but fingers crossed!!!

I have emailed some pics off this morning wana to the lady so hoping my bump pics come back as gorgeous as yours!!

Happy Wednesday all and a big kiss to Dylan and Beadette!! xxx
Morning ladies

Truly one of the best birth and labour stories I have read MrsBB xx

nb -how much RLT are you drinking? I started at 33w with one cup per day, and increased to 2 this week, with the intention of doubling again after 37w (or 38w lol -depending when they are happy for homebirth - it seemingly varies area to area ). There seems to be so much conflicting advice though, one website I was on, even said if you have had more than a couple of kids and your labour lasted less than 3 hours NOT to take any at all - oh shit!! had already been taking it daily by this point -but searched again and couldn't find anything else backing this up; so I have continued cautiously!!!!

I beieve that RLT helps second stage more and helps with strength of contractions but only when the body is ready to go anyway, but it still is a bit worrying that there are so many different ideas about how and when it should be taken.

Hope your bf gets to meet your baby before heading off home, I presume her trip was already planned before you got your BFP?? and hoping that you get your move in date beginning of July too- wouldn't that be fab?, new house, new baby and a visit from your bf -lovely !!!

I have been feeling sick in the evenings too, think its just as baby is getting bigger and bigger and squashing our stomachs more n more, I have to eat much smaller portions throughout the day and limit anything I eat after about 7pm as it just sits there in my stomach like a brick and I end up being sick too. And I can't lie down on the sofa of an evening now either - if I am not upright I feel sick or get mad heartburn lol -joys eh??

You'll need to let us see your pics when completed, I was thinking that if she isn't too inundated with offers, she may even do some mum (or dad) and baby ones too, after our LO's are here lol -she'll prob be sick fed up of it by then lol. I always wanted a bump to baby shoot -if Stephanie could edit a couple of nice new baby pics it would be so fab,like before and after haha 9in the bump/ out the bump), I'd love a daddy and baby one too -you know the one where dad is topless and cradling the naked baby in his hands, held out in front of him?(Really famous from years ago lol.) Anyway ,when the time comes I was thinking of PM 'ing her to ask lol

Justm -last 3 days at work now- countdown must really be on lol. Hope your swelling isn't too bad -I have hardly had any since about a month ago when it was really hot here -a bit of finger swelling , mw thinks prob from crutches use though and that's it recently. Thank goodness!

Beadette- nice to hear from you, and good to hear you are so positive -PMA all the way -you'll get your sticky BFP real soon xx

I have my 36 w mw appt today -it seemed ages away when I made it lol- last appt was 31 weeks!!!! And now its here, and probably only 2 more appt after this (hopefully ,or 3 at the most lol).I am sure I go fortnightly after today ,but they may just say come back at 40w if you haven't had him by then lol.
Still haven't heard from the home birth co-ordinator -will chase that up today.

Have a fabbie day ladies, dont overdo it. Cant believe, with the exception of MrsBB for obvious reasons lol -everyone else is still working away ,and I have been off for ever and ever xxx

Hugs and Love to everyone x
Glad I could share my story with everyone, I think one of the things that really helped me is that I didn't dwell on the labour or fear it which really helped. I just worked with it andI think thats why It was such a good experience. Just remember me when its your turn, trust me you want gravity working in your favour so don't be talked into lying on your back!!

NB- I wear breast pads all the time now, its better to wear them and be safe than not wearing them and leaking! But you dont have to change them all the time, the lasinoh ones are on special at the moment at mothercare, I'd get some of their creme too as its good for cracked/sore nipples. But if your nipples hurt supposedly your feeding wrong anyways, but little D has some big sucks so sometime sore and the creme works wonders and its safe for baby and doesn't have to be wiped off.

I wish I had a bump picture that could be done!! Donna, your pic is really amazing, maybe I'll see if she could do some editing of me and Dylan. But with him being in hospital we dont really have that many pictures at the moment. Will change that soon!!

Beadette - thanks for the love! hoping your cycle regulates soon and the acupuncture helps with baby making. I'm still stalking you, glad your staying so positive.

wanna- have fun at 36w appt. I never had one, that is when we were going to discuss my birth plan... haha. but you've got one sorted already don't you, I hope you like the pool. I want a pool birth next time at home.

justm - don't overwork yourself! start winding down, only 2 more days to go!

nb- what is the next shopoholic book!! i love that series!

I'm off to try find some sort of seat thing that I can use downstairs for dylan to keep him occupied but off the floor a bit to avoid the dog. I like the idea of a swing but i've also heard of a highchair seat suitable from birth that converts so want to google that... plus I was feeding dylan in mothercare today, and they had these lovely dutalier nursing chairs in the feeding room, and now I really want one... going to try to convince hubby now!

any good purchases girls you don't think you could live without? I'm in love with my travel system! Can't believe we got one in time as they're all backordered at the minute everywhere so we were really lucky as the store where we ordered from only had one black one in and since we were the first to preorder we got ours! but other people still waiting.... yay for preorder!! still waiting for car seat converters but hey ho, at least the pram is here!

Have to totally agree with MrsBB -DONT be persuaded to lie on your back for labour / delivery lol -thats how it was done when I had my DD 16 years ago, and thinking about it now -NO wonder I had such a long difficult time lol- pushing uphill and trying to virtually get her round a u-bend lol.:haha::haha:

Sorry to moan but am a bit pissed off with the homebirth team at the moment!!! :growlmad::growlmad: I had my mw appt today and all went perfect -baby is still head down, hb fab, moving about plenty -kicked the mw several times lol :haha:; all my checks were fine too- had my last set of bloods done to check Hb and platelets and now I am just waiting for the homebirth ppl to contact me - but I think they are fobbing me off a bit tbh -I was told they'd phone me at 34-36 weeks (latest) and today my mw phoned to make sure they had my details etc,hadn't forgotten about me etc; and the girl was very abrupt with her-
''she' s (meaning me) on the list ,we are very busy and we'll get to her when we can''​
SO my mw today says dont worry I am sure they'll phone you soon, but told me that if the appt with the hb team is the same week as my next scheduled appt with her, then just to cancel her appt and get the hb team to do my next antenatal check. Now, this is totally logical and makes sense -no point having 2 appt's in the same week lol; except my next appt is in 2 weeks- what if I go into labour before then????? No-one has even told me who to phone or anything :shrug:-they keep saying the hb team will discuss everything at your home visit. No good if I NEVER get a home visit!!!!:growlmad:

I think they are stalling so I have to go in :cry::cry: -maybe I am being a bit melodramatic lol and they'll phone tomorrow haha but it is worrying me now.

Anyway, how'd you girls get on with your bump pics??? Any your willing to share?

ttfn ladies, take care everyone xx :hugs:
sorry to hear hb team not being very friendly to you! I find the people that get the most attention are the people that shout the loudest so maybe best to pop in if it is a place and make them deal with you there and then.

Theres not a hb team in my area and I think you just call hospital labour ward and they dispatcha mw to your house if planning hb... but you have a birthing centre in your area don't you? I only had choice of hospital or hb. glad to hear you bumps very active! (perhaps more so than mummy?) at least your spd should be over soon! hope you had a good anniversary!

we've got health visitor in today and a midwife that is supposed to be coming by. They're going to weigh Dylan again, hopefully he's gaining weight. He gained quite a bit on tuesday, on monday he weighed 2.49 kg and tuesday it was 2.57, so hopefully he keeps gaining and doesn't go backwards, but at least we are currently comfortably within the 10% of birth weight range.

Nothing else exciting going on today... realised that hubby will eventually go back to work (he had last week and this week as paternity and then next week as holiday) and I'm wondering what I'm going to do without him! he's been such a help and has changed Dylan probably more than I have as he normally takes him off me after feed to go change him. Think its really hard on him at moment as he'd like to feed him too but I dont want Dylan on ebm in bottles yet as he then might have trouble feeding off breast. They say at 6 weeks they can tell the difference so think hubby really looking forward to that. Can't believe I have a year off with Dylan! plus my unused holiday from this year as I was supposed to be on hols from tomorrow until july 1st, so I have to take that after maternity... then I'll have 2011 holiday entitlement!

well I'm going to do some more online shopping now, its usually browsing for me, i've got to convince hubby I need a nursing chair and dylan needs a swing.... but I wantt o find right one first.

ps nb - if you like shopoholic series did you see Jane Green has a new book out as well. I bought it yesterday but forgot title, should be good read if anything like her other books, and similar style to sophie kinsella.

Well have a good day mummys and bumps! xxx
Morning ladies!

I had another reflexology appointment yesterday, oh it was SO lovely, I actually fell asleep for the last 2 minutes as I was so relaxed, the only thing I was gutted about was that last time I slept so well that evening but last night I didn't at all. I am so uncomfortable in bed now, is anyone else finding this? We only have a little double 4ft 6 bed, and if I brought in lots of pillows to stack myself up with then poor Jody wouldn't have any room! When we move we are thinking about getting at least a Queen size, but we also said we have been used to a small bed for 8 years and it would be so odd to be far apart!! Haha, we are sad I know!

Last night I had 3 really strong braxton hicks, the first a lot more than the other, and I was so excited, I am mental I know! I did some really deep breathing and it was absolutely fine, so MrsBB I will definitely be following your advice and not dwell or fear any of it (if I can) and just be excited about the end result. One of the things I keep telling myself is that if I read someone's birth story after the initial part about the contractions the rest all seems to be a blur so I need to remind myself that at the time however awful it feels I will unlikely remember most of it!

Something Jody and I keep saying is that we worry how it is going to change the dynamic between us, I know your hubby hasn't gone back to work yet but how have you coped with having a bit of time for the two of you? Or am I just living in dreamland?!!!

Thanks for the recommendation on the cream as well, going to do some Mothercare shopping in a minute, my postman will be pleased for another parcel to deliver to me!!

Here is the new book!

Did you see the movie? I was so gutted, I wasn't going to watch it but it was the movie on the plane when we went on our honeymoon last year so with little other choice I did, and seriously regretted it, it was so awful!!

Re dog hair I have got this chair:

I can't recommend it as it isn't out of the box yet but it seems to get fab reviews! My Aunt and Uncle bought it for us ;)

One present I did get from my baby shower is a wipe warmer, has anyone ever heard of one? Or used one?

I love Jane Green! My favourite's of hers are 'The Other Woman' and 'Life Swap' I really enjoyed both of those. Have you read any Tasmina Perry? She is fab, and I love Louise Bagshawe too, I still have Girl Friday of Jane Green to read, if you fancy any Tasmina Perry or Bagshawe let me know and I will post them to you.

Wana - I am sorry to hear they are messing you around with your home visit, fingers crossed they do something today, would hubby call for you? Might work for him to say he is worried etc etc?

I will post my bump pics, they are no way as lovely as yours as when I stand my camera on the side with the timer on a lot of them come out blurry! I quite like them but love yours!! Might see if Jody is up for taking some for me this weekend. I want one of us back to back to show my belly!

34 bump edited.jpg

34 bump edited 2.jpg

After my reflexology last night I met my best friend for a drink in the sunshine, so lovely to see her after over a year but didn't feel that long at all!! She couldn't stop laughing and touching my tummy!!

Anyway ladies, better crack on, I cannot believe I finish work next Friday, I am hoping it means that it all goes quickly but I bet it won't!

Wow i love these pics.... may have to get myself some.... Hope she will be able to get rid of the stretch marks as they look awful :( xxx
Aww wow nb -what are you talking about ?,not as good as mine - they are absolutely beautiful pics -Stunning I'd say -and what a gorgeous bump!!!! I'd love one with me and Dave together too ,but he's being a bit shy about it all lol.
I have been talking to Stephanie on FB and it seems that she'll be up for doing a newborn pic too, as long as she's not too busy in labour or with her own newborn lol -so I am getting a double frame and going to have a before and after pic type thing lol

I get really excited too, when I have BH -mental isn't it? haha even when they are so uncomfortable that I need to get up and move around /breath through them etc, and Dave is flapping and going you okay? you sure? haha -I am all smiles yep Braxton Hicks yay!!!!

As for your wipe warmer -I didn't know you could get these outside of hopsitals etc, but I love them -we use them in ICU to clean iodine off patients post surgery etc, and they are great for that purpose anyway. Must be nicer on baby's bum than freezing cold ones!!

MrsBB -Glad to hear Dylan is putting on weight, and that the b-feeding seems to be going so well- I can't wait -I loved breast feeding my babies - you get such a wonderful bond don't you? Hope he has continued to gain today.
I would have loved a feeding chair -I really dont have the room now but the detailier ones do look fab, I 'won' one on EBay monhts ago and the seller refused to sell it to me a the end of the auction. I was livid haha -I mean it wasn't my fault she wasn't getting as much a she wanted for it and didn't have a reserve price was it??? I had bid something like £45 only so I was so delighted haha -have since done all the renovations to house etc ,and dont have room for it but that's not the point.
As for swing /seat for Dylan -I would highly recomend a swing - I really wanted the fisherprice papasan cribswing, as it plugs in (saves on batteries) and also it swings both sideways, and back n forth but it was expensive and I bought the link-a-doos fosherprice one instead. My sil and my sis both used swings rather than bouncy seats and they seemed to placate baby so much more and they could get two mins to go to the loo etc. I have my old bouncer too but tbh cant see us using it much as the daft dog will tower over it and swish swish goes her tail lol.

Anyway, as for the hb team go -I am going to wait until Tuesday(they'll prob be in touch before then, I am sure!) and then phone them direct -I'll be 37 weeks then and just to say what happens if I go into labour today??? Will there be any prob getting soemone out /equipment etc as no-one has visited me yet and see what they say. In fact I have aromatheraoy session tomorrow - I will maybe ask the mw who is doing that -cant hurt I s'pose lol.

Anyway ladies, looks like another lovely day here -a bit overcast jsut now ,but looks ike it might just be fab, so I am going to go get dressed and prepare for some sunning. Hope all bumps, mummies and Dylan are well -kiss to wee Dylan, and hugs all round xxxxx
Wow i love these pics.... may have to get myself some.... Hope she will be able to get rid of the stretch marks as they look awful :( xxx

I have loads of stretchies - from prev pregnancies (none this time yet lol) so not quite as pronounced as some, but she done a great job editing mine out xxx
She has also posted a pic of herself in the thread, before and after editing -to show you what she CAN do with stretchies. Brave woman lol

I say go for it!!! Fabbie pics, to cherish forever :hugs::hugs:

Sorry, I know I have been banging on about this but it is FINALLY happening!! The owners of the house we want found a rental property and paid the deposit last night!! It has tenants in it who are due to vacate on the 9th of July, so we are going to exchange on Monday/Tuesday and then complete on the 12th of July!

I am RIDICULOUSLY excited!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I never thought in a million years we would move before my due date, I know it is only 4 days before! So if we could all change our predictions and me not have the baby until the following week that would be lovely!!

OH MY GODDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nb - brilliant news!!! yay!!!!!

Okay I now predict you lil bundle of joy will arrive, on 18 th July - enough time to get settled but not TOO long to get too impatient waiting haha.

Fabulous news, so happy for you both - and the best thing is.. you'll be 9 months preggers and can watch everyone else do the hard work, and you can just supervise lol

Haha yes I fully intend to take full advantage of all the help we've been offered, I'll be on tea making and dog sitting duties!!!

Wow am I having some braxton hicks tonight & got some serious heartburn going on too!!

One week left at work...yay!!!! Xxx
nb - brilliant news!!! yay!!!!!

Okay I now predict you lil bundle of joy will arrive, on 18 th July - enough time to get settled but not TOO long to get too impatient waiting haha.

Fabulous news, so happy for you both - and the best thing is.. you'll be 9 months preggers and can watch everyone else do the hard work, and you can just supervise lol


Scratch that idea lol - i forgot the your friend goes home on your EDD, so you'll have to move on 12th July and have bubs on my birthday - 13th July lol or even better have baby on 10th and still be in hospital whilst everyone else does the hard work and still bring baby home to your new house lol :haha::haha:

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