Evening ladies!
I am so tired tonight, thinking I might crash soon ready for my last week at work, eek I can't believe it!
Justmarried - I am glad your spa weekend was fab and that you enjoyed your baby shower, I saw your pics on facebook and your little lady got so many lovely bits!
I see my midwife on Wednesday so I am excited to see if I am engaged at all, even though as you say it unlikely means anything is imminent!
Thanks for the reassurance on moving etc, I am so nervous about it yet excited at the same time. I really wanted to get Buster settled in the new place before the baby came along, or at least be in our house long enough that he got used to the baby before moving but I don't think either of those plans are going to work out, fingers crossed he will be ok.
MrsBB - Reading all about what you have been up too with your new little family makes me so excited, and I love the thought of you posting with a teeny baby on your chest! I am totally with you on the BF/bottle issue. I know hubby is going to want to be involved in feeding really early on but I am worried it will ruin it for me, I guess the time will just feel right for us.
Aww don't feel sad about missing your pregnant bump, my heartburn has been awful this weekend and my back hurts and I would love to be cuddled up with a little one right now! I am sure it won't be long until you get to enjoy it all again
I think I need to be a bit stronger and just not answer the phone to anyone! Hubby will be very good at telling people to just leave us be, so I just need to rely on him a bit more and not worry about upsetting people. He is self employed so really can only take a week off work, then I will be needing my Mum and sisters!
Wana - I hope you had a good weekend! I have sent a few more bump pics off to Steph so hoping to get those back, I love the ones you posted in her thread of the Dad holding the baby in his hand, I am def going to try and re-create that too and get in touch with her, she is brilliant!
Right ladies, have a happy Sunday evening, I cannot believe tomorrow is my last Monday morning for a whole year, this is absolute madness!
Nat xxx