from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Oh my goodness how exciting!!! I didn't see anything on facebook this morning so, WOW what a shock your post was, I'm absolutely thrilled for you!!! Hope to hear all about it very soon, in the meantime lots if love, happy birthday to hubby & a big kiss for your new little man!!!

Posting from my iPhone so won't say much other than I gave baby envy too!!!!

Congrats!!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxx
wow congrats!! one of the bonfire babies is here already cant wait to see pics, hope ur both well

oh and im on team pink!!! xxx
WOW oh WOW Mrsbb!!!!! So so so happy for you! That must have been a total shock in the most exciting way! Cannot wait to read your birth story and see piccies of your little man!!!!!
Much love! Congrats to you and hubby!
Morning Ladies -Exciitng news about Mrsbb; wonder who'll be next lol???

DH and I inflated and filled the birthing pool this morning to check all was okay -and it's brilliant!!! It fits perfectly ,is really nice n deep and I am so looking forward to labouring in water. Took a while to fill with water though- about an hour (only 4 mins to inflate though) so we'll need to be filling as soon as possible when things start happening; just incase LO is quick to arrive -probably wishful thinking though. Its emptying just now and taking forever lol -but that'll be after baby has arrived and DH's job whilst I coo over my new son /sleep/ b-feed etc lol

Hope everyone is having a good day xxx

I had momentarily forgotten MrsBB's fab news when I woke up this morning, I can't imagine how elated you must be feeling right now, I hope you had a nice restful night last night!

Cannot wait to hear what name you decide on, and some pics!

We should get a sweepstake going on the order we will be in!

My back is killing today, I went to Dymchurch with my sister and my nephews yesterday and totally overdid it walking, I have the bump band on today and I did yesterday too, which is helping but still painful, I am going to a friends baby shower tomorrow and then mine is on Sunday so at least not too much activity this weekend!

One of my best friends just found out today she is pregnant, yay!! I am so excited for her! She got married in February and they have been trying for a couple of months so she is thrilled, as am I!

I can't believe how fast this week has flown by, I thought I would be counting down the days until the scan on Thursday but it isn't too bad, although I am sure Wednesday will be a loooooong day!

Anyway, wanted to check in and say hey, have a fab weekend everyone and enjoy the sunshine! xxx
Hey ladies!

I am still in shock at MrsBB's news! It's amazing!! NB, we should have a little guessing game to see who is's getting so close for all of us now!! Wow!

NB - is your bump band like an elastic thing that supports your back? I have one from the physio on Wed and Ive not used it yet....Im a bit scared of it and dont really want to wear it under my clothes through the day so might just wear it in the house!
My swollen feet are HUGE today with the glorious weather!! Cant complain tho, at least its not raining!
Wanna - thats totally fab about your birthing pool!! Bet you cannot wait to use it!! Woohoo!!
I've been and bought steriliser, bottles, weaning things etc from Tommy Tippee factory about £150 worth of stuff (everything I need til little lady is 6 months ish) for £91! So pleased! Steriliser set is worth £110 and I got it for £60! Such a bargain! Highly recommend going to factory if you have one near by!
We have ante-natal class all day at hospital tomorrow, quite excited but know its going to be a long day! It's 9-4 covering pain relief, labour signs, tour of mat ward and some other bits of info!
Well, I am off to rest my big fat feet and then enjoy having spaghetti bolognese cooked for me! Yummy!
Love to all mummies and bumps
The next baby to be born to the bonfire babies will be .........

NB next - on 2nd July then
JustM,very closely behind on 8th July then
ME (Sorry MM but I want someone to come after me haha :haha::haha:) -15th July then last but not least,
Militarymummy on 23rd July

Funny to think that by the time our babies come along ,Mrsbb' s baby could be 6-8 weeks old.

Hope all is well Mrsbb -impatiently waiting for a pic and name xxxxx

The next baby to be born to the bonfire babies will be .........

NB next - on 2nd July then
JustM,very closely behind on 8th July then
ME (Sorry MM but I want someone to come after me haha :haha::haha:) -15th July then last but not least,
Militarymummy on 23rd July

Funny to think that by the time our babies come along ,Mrsbb' s baby could be 6-8 weeks old.

Hope all is well Mrsbb -impatiently waiting for a pic and name xxxxx


Ooooh I love this Wanna!
My predictions are:

Wanna 4th July
NB 10th July
Me 12th July
MM - 19th July

So excited for us to all meet our bubs!! Woohoo!
Went to antenatal class at hospital yday....was fab! The midwife was lovely and the people in our group were fab too! It was a long day, but worth it The hospital staff are great. Was pretty scary seeing the delivery suites, but also VERY exciting!!
Well, I have almost finished little ladies room (apart from the wardrobe!! Bloody M&S!!) I promise to post piccies once its a bit more sorted....just want wardrobe to be here then I can get rest of things sorted!

Hugs to all
The next baby to be born to the bonfire babies will be .........

NB next - on 2nd July then
JustM,very closely behind on 8th July then
ME (Sorry MM but I want someone to come after me haha :haha::haha:) -15th July then last but not least,
Militarymummy on 23rd July

Funny to think that by the time our babies come along ,Mrsbb' s baby could be 6-8 weeks old.

Hope all is well Mrsbb -impatiently waiting for a pic and name xxxxx


Ooooh I love this Wanna!
My predictions are:

Wanna 4th July
NB 10th July
Me 12th July
MM - 19th July

So excited for us to all meet our bubs!! Woohoo!
Went to antenatal class at hospital yday....was fab! The midwife was lovely and the people in our group were fab too! It was a long day, but worth it The hospital staff are great. Was pretty scary seeing the delivery suites, but also VERY exciting!!
Well, I have almost finished little ladies room (apart from the wardrobe!! Bloody M&S!!) I promise to post piccies once its a bit more sorted....just want wardrobe to be here then I can get rest of things sorted!

Hugs to all

Ooh I hope you are right that mine is nice and soon! I find out on Thursday if they are inducing me early...

So to keep my wishful thinking I will say...

Moi on 3rd July
Just married 11th July
Wana 12th July
Military Mummy 18th July

And by typing this I probably won't have mine until the 28th or something hahahaha!!

Had my baby shower today, it was BRILLIANT! Uploading pics to facebook now xxx
Ah wow!! Loving the dates!
NB - glad your baby shower went to look at piccies now!
I am shattered after being back to work today!
Only 9 days left tho! Woohoo!
Love and hugs
Well ladies!! When I got into bed last night I realised that I hadn't felt any kicks all day so I tried to wiggle my bump, drink cold water & hubby was talking to baby but nothing! We got out the angel sounds fooled and found a heart beat but I was awake from 3.30am and still no kicks by 6 so hubby called the hospital and they said to come in.

They put a monitor on me right away and said all was fine but have given me a chart to note down the kicks per day, if I have less than 10 I have to call.

They then decided to bring Thursdays scan forward so we got to see the baby, yay!! Baby weighs 5lb 1oz and has a big brain and little legs! We got a new photo which I've popped on fbook if you want to see, sorry I've no idea how to put it on here!

We were at the hospital until about 11 and they were so lively, and it was great that we now know where to go etc.

So I feel a lot happier now and obviously little one has kicked me all night long now!!!! Typical! Ha!

Hope everyones weeks are going well, we decided today I will finish on the 25th of June now, so only 3 weeks left at work! That's my pay day anyway so makes sense to do it then really.

So I will find out next week when I see my midwife if I am being left now or if I have to have another scan, so I think my prediction for early July may be wrong now!!

Lots of love xxxx
Good news nb- glad everything looked well at your scan. I presume, they were happy enough with your placenta and measurements etc?

Justm -Only 9 more days to, until mat leave - wont be long and then after that ...
Baby time will be so close.

I am getting really quite excited now!!! Hve my swinging crib erected and all ready to go, already sitting besides my bed, and got the moses basket from my sister -so now all washed and just waiting for baby.

xx love to mums n bumps xx
Morning girls,

Well I am feeling super positive and excited today! We went on a shopping spree last night and ordered all the last few bits we need, so lots of nice things should be arriving in the post this week, I love internet shopping as I love coming home to the parcels!!

Wana - They said they could still see the lakes in my placenta, she showed them to us actually and they are pretty big! But then I haven't seen any others so who knows if they are or not?! The scan lady said all was fine and the baby was an average weight and has a huge brain, yay!

They are sending everything to my midwife who said I would be contacted to re-arrange Thursday's appointment so I guess when I see her I will find out if they will just leave me now or if I have to have another scan at some point.

I feel so excited too! I took some pics of everything we have set up for the baby, no idea how to post it on here though, how did you do it? Our 'nursery' is currently half of our spare room until we move, which I can't see happening before D-day as our vendor still haven't found anywhere to go. So the baby will have to wait for a lovely decorated nursery! I have the crib ready to go into our room and the moses basket too so I am sure it will survive without it's matching Humphreys Corner cot bed for a while!

So I have only felt two kicks today and marked them off on my chart as they told me to do at the hospital yesterday...last night the baby was going nuts as it likes to do, if only it could have done that on Sunday night!!

The drive to the hospital yesterday was so awful, hubby and I barely exchanged two words but they were so amazing when we got there, it has actually really calmed both of us I think. There was a plastic cot bed on a trolley in our room and I think it got both of us quite excited that next time we are there, there may be a baby in it!!

Anyway, I am babbling, love to all, hope we hear from MrsBB soon!! xxx
nb -brilliant news and yay!! :happydance::happydance: for a big brain -clever little one hopefully. Your scan pic is brilliant - even my DH commented on it ,whilst walking past me sitting on the pc-I normally force all these kind of things on him lol -and he goes 'yeah great ' but he saw it himself and was 'WOW look how clear that is -maybe we should get one?' haha

Not that we will -cos very soon we'll see our little baby in the flesh yay!!!! -Although if the NHS want to offer us another then I'd be delighted lol

To add pics, go advanced, and then go to attachments above (paperclip icon) up load pics straight from your pc and then click icon again and 'add all' - to add into your text. I had to lower the settings on my camera though as it only accepts small files and my camera's pics normally were too big.

35 weeks -only 5 to go til EDD and 2 until full term -yay!!!!
starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel; and more and more names I recognize from wtt, ttc and first tri etc having babies -it's so exciting!!!!

love to mums n bumps xx

I can't believe how quick the week is going just from being out of the office for a day! 12 days left at work, woop woop! :happydance:

Wana - Ahh I am glad your DH liked our scan pic, I love it!! But I am biased ;) I couldnt believe we got a 4d scan from the NHS either, and that we paid £150 last time!!!

I am 35 weeks on Friday, how fast is the time going?! I am so excited to go on my mat leave now and meet up with all my friends before I am busy for a while. Plus I think my nesting must be kicking in as I have a real urge to 'sort things' I feel like ordering a skip!!

Well I monitored the kicks yesterday and it was a very quiet day in my tummy, it took until almost 11pm last night to get my 10th kick, despite dinner etc which usually gets everything going.

Today has been a little busier though and I am on 6 already!

I think I am sorted on the bedding front now since my baby shower, I dropped a bag of washing off to my Mum yesterday so once she has done all of that I will know where I am with it all.

I got given the most gorgeous outfit from Mamas and Papas with a matching hat, so once it is all washed I will take some pictures, and my friend made me a nappy cake! It is amazing!

I am in the process of trying to get the photos off my phone I took of the nursery and then I will try and upload.

Hope all is well with everyone! xxx
34weeks.jpg nursery.jpg nursery2.jpg

Right I hope this worked! Here is the 34 week scan we had and our make shift nursery! xx
Hey ladies
Just a flying visit as not long been in from work - so tired!
NB-glad all is ok hun! Love the makeshift nursery, your crib looks so cute!!! And love all of bubs' teddies!! Eeee it is so excting! Scan is fab too!!!!
Wanna - I am 35 weeks tomorrow! So excited! Time is flying!!!!
Well I am gonna fly as I am so tired and swollen!!

Love and hugs xxx
hi!! this is a flying visit too! i've quickly caught up on the postings but not time to tell all at the moment as just getting some pizza for our first meal at home, celebrating no hospital food! yay! I'm looking forward to telling you all the details, it was really positive experience. Hope to tell more tomorrow and add some pics on facebook. I'm so glad to be home with little Dylan today. We're really lucky at how 'huge' he was at 34+3 as if he wasn't so developed we probably would still be in the neonatal unit. well much love to you mummys and bumps, I'm a bit envious that I've lost the 'bump' a bit earlier than planned. xxxx

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