Morning ladies
Sorry your feeling sick Nat

- hope your last day at work goes nice n quick and smoothly for you. This month really has gone fast.. I remember counting down the days until we reached June lol... so I could say 'I am having my baby next month' lol - sometimes it feels like time isn't moving at all, and then a whole month passes haha

Congrats on reaching 37 weeks -officially term now woohoo!!!
Lori - have a fab lazy day, and more period type pains - exciting!! at this stage hoping it will lead to something but hope they're not too uncomfortable I am having no twinges of any sort really - BH continue of an evening ; but then I have been having uncomfortable BH for weeks now -think they can be more pronounced with second and subsequent babies

- Still at the stage I think oh good another BH yay!!!

and get excited but not so uncomfortable that I think/ hope it might be somehting else lol
Liz - Good for Dylan, sleeping so well and glad to hear you are enjoying the b-feeding; I LOVED it - One of the best things about having a newborn IMO. I fed my first two babies for about 6- 8 weeks only, with DD I had to return to work when she was only 11 weeks -mat leave was crap back then lol and I could never have afforded unpaid. DS was so hungry all the time and I relented and gave him a top-up at 6 weeks, and he totally refused the breast after that -I remember feeling totally gutted. I was back to work sooner too though so probably would have stopped only a few weeks later. With DS 2 -I fed him for about 8/9 months -planned to stop at 5/ 6 months but bfed exclusively and by the time he was 6 months he refused a bottle lol

Can laugh now ,not funny at the time, I was back at work and working 12 hr shifts and then he was feeding for most of the next 12 hrs lol -I lost SO much weight and was like a zombie for 2 months -so this time, I am going to make sure to give this baby gets EBM from a bottle lol -after DS1 refusing to got back to the breast after his first bottle I was scared of it happening again, and still am a bit but that was never as hard as phoning home to check on my baby and hearing him scream because he refused to take any milk lol

or then staying up half the night on catch up feeds

Chelsie - your last day today too yay!! Hope you have a good one
I went to my sons end term show yday, it was fab!!

It was called ' Dancing through the decades'and was sketches and music from each decade. They started in the 70's with music and performances from the kids portraying Donnie Osmond, Bay City Rollers etc, 80's - we had Michael Jackson doing Thriller amongst other things, 90's -introduction of house, garage music lol and the 'naughties' my son's class - Ben was one of Take That -he was so good, the choreography was brilliant lol and also he portrayed Bob the builder (Xmas number 1) dancing about the stage with his wee yellow hard hat on. There was loads of humour in it too - like in the 80's sketches; at the wedding of Lady Di and Prince Charles, they had someone dressed up as Camilla Parker Bowles shouting it should be me, and trying to woo Charles away lol -they had huge cut-out faces of the ppl they were playing haha. Then the primary ones done a bit on reality TV shows, a BB sketch, BGT -a wee p1 sang 'I dream a dream' (Susan Boyle) WOW she was fab, and one of the p2' s was Hannah Montana singing in the final of X-factor with Joe McEldrey -also brilliant. I had a tear in my eye watching my lil guy (soon to be big brother to my new lil guy) up there performing - it was so good!!
Seen a lot of the other mums who haven't seen me since going off sick and getting my crutches etc lol -and they were all OMG where did that come from??? pointing to my bump lol

Well I have rambled enough for now lol -waiting on my mw coming this morning to discuss my home birth -wish me luck!!
Have a good day ladies xxx Love to mums, bumps n Dylan