from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

o and I hope to bf for 3 months... but maybe longer as I think at some point I'm going to make a transition into expressing and feeding with bottles....
I have been having major period type cramps since yday, on and off but they hurt like mad when they come! Woke up this morning and needed a big pooh (sorry TMI)! Thinking I might have eaten something dodgy that has disagreed with me!


Oh Lori exciting stuff!! -I have to agree with Liz on this one, I had major abdo pain (period type cramp) for several nights before I actually went into labour -each time, think with my first it was from more than a week before; but with number 2 it was the few nights before and then baby yay!!!!!

Also the clear out is possibly a sign too


Keep us updated, if anything else happens lol

Liz -Dylan and you both sound like you are doing fab with the b-feeding, well done!!

It has just started pouring down here - poor kids wont have much fun at sports day or teddy bears picnicif it doesn't brighten up again :growlmad::growlmad: - typical!!! Nice for a week before the schools stop and now its gonna rain.

xxxx take care everyone xxx

1 1/2 days to go Nat yay!!!! :happydance::happydance:
Hello ladies!

Um excuse me...but WHERE DID JUNE GO?! Until you said that Donna I had somehow managed to ignore the fact that it is the 24th today!!!! This is absolute madness!

Well this morning I have been training the new girl on a part of my job I haven't done in ages and it reminded me how much I love it!! I am only having to show her the basics but it feels so odd I won't be doing it anymore, silly me I know!

Donna - Glad you are feeling more positive today, and I hope you get your iron levels up, will keep my fingers crossed for you! I am just back from my lunch with my manager, where I work is a very large Korean population so we are spoilt with all the amazing restaurants, I had some yakitori chicken & rice, stuffed now! But so yummy! I work with a lot of ageing men, so I don't think I will be getting a very exciting send off tomorrow so don't feel too hard done by!! I am the youngest here by about 10 years I think!

Lori - Eek we seem to be having the same! I keep getting pains like a stitch and lots of period pains all of this week, and not sure if I have said this before but I hardly ever go to the loo, and I am being 100% honest when I say pre-pregnancy I could go 7-10 days before I did!! Yesterday I went 4 times, I don't think that has ever happened to me before!! So lets keep our fingers crossed this is something nice and positive for us!!!

My feet are not so swollen today, the ice water seemed to help last night but I might try my luck for a foot rub! :) My hands don't seem itchy today so hopefully that means my liver is functioning nice and normally.

Liz - Wow! I am super impressed with your breast feeding and really pleased it is going so well, makes me feel really positive about it, as I have no idea how it is going to pan out. I hope as well as it seems to have for you and Dylan. Glad you got the books, you will have to let me know what you think.

Right well only 1.5 days left, 5pm tomorrow just cannot come soon enough, I am desperate to start tidying and packing our house up!

Have a lovely afternoon all, and Donna enjoy the show! xxx
just curious now, lori/nat, have you had any mucous discharge?? like a show? I had clear mucous discharge for about a week before birth and then at the end there was a bit of blood in it - which is what made me realize something was really happening! :)

and with bfeeding, I give Dylan my nipple, like flick it in his mouth, and I think thats really helped too with not having pain. They showed me how to do it in hospital when he wasn't strong enough to latch on but I even do it now as find if I always give it to him it always latches on in the right place and hardly ever gives me any pain... mabye worth keeping in mind when you guys are trying it out.

well, off for that bath now, daddy is doing some babysitting! xxx
just curious now, lori/nat, have you had any mucous discharge?? like a show? I had clear mucous discharge for about a week before birth and then at the end there was a bit of blood in it - which is what made me realize something was really happening! :)

and with bfeeding, I give Dylan my nipple, like flick it in his mouth, and I think thats really helped too with not having pain. They showed me how to do it in hospital when he wasn't strong enough to latch on but I even do it now as find if I always give it to him it always latches on in the right place and hardly ever gives me any pain... mabye worth keeping in mind when you guys are trying it out.

well, off for that bath now, daddy is doing some babysitting! xxx

Ok I am really trying to not get excited by what yuo are saying but, YES! I have had a fair amount for about 3 weeks I would say but yesterday and today there is def a lot more, almost had me reaching for the Tena lady hahaha!

So now I am going to be regressing to the early pregnancy days and be knicker checking all the time, haha! I haven't had many twinges this afternoon though, so maybe it was just braxton hicks after all!

Will def be asking for the 'flick trick' advice at the hospital, thank you! Enjoy your bath xxx
I am going to be so jealous if ALL you ladies have your babies before me haha :haha::haha: -MM posted a similar thread earlier too, about increased BM and cramps too.

Do you think it something to do with the full moon on Saturday ???

xx :hugs: xx
I am going to be so jealous if ALL you ladies have your babies before me haha :haha::haha: -MM posted a similar thread earlier too, about increased BM and cramps too.

Do you think it something to do with the full moon on Saturday ???

xx :hugs: xx

Yes I replied to her post to say I have the same! And I saw the post about the full moon too, interesting!! My clary sage oil might arrive tomorrow, how exciting!!! xxx
Ooooooh I have had a LOT of clear discharge for about a week or so....its not really thick or mucous like, but def lots of it! Have to change underwear two or three times a day and wear a pad!!
Still having TERRIBLE pains too....woohoo could this be early labour then??? I have had no blood in discharge as yet, but like Nat I will not be knicker checking! Hehe!

Donna - how was the Take That performance?? Fun I hope!

Liz - thanks for the practical BF advice....will def be giving that a go once little lady arrives.

Nat - One of us could well be next???!!! Hehehe!!

Well, swimming was lots of fun! Got to meet some new mummies too!

Well just thought I'd drop by to share my joyous news that I've just spent the last hour being so sick!!! It was horrible and now I just feel dizzy and yuck, think it might be a mixture of the heat and car sickness as we had just popped to the shops, anyway still very annoying!!

My discharge is watery too, ooh this is all very interesting!!

Hope you've all had a far more enjoyable evening than I have!

Morning ladies!

Oh NB! Poor you! How you feeling today? Hope the sickness has stopped!

Enjoy your last day at work!!!!!!

I have a few more pains today, and I feel really really tired! Not going to venture too far from home on my own today!

Love and hugs
Morning ladies :flower:

Sorry your feeling sick Nat :hugs:- hope your last day at work goes nice n quick and smoothly for you. This month really has gone fast.. I remember counting down the days until we reached June lol... so I could say 'I am having my baby next month' lol - sometimes it feels like time isn't moving at all, and then a whole month passes haha :haha:
Congrats on reaching 37 weeks -officially term now woohoo!!! :happydance:

Lori - have a fab lazy day, and more period type pains - exciting!! at this stage hoping it will lead to something but hope they're not too uncomfortable I am having no twinges of any sort really - BH continue of an evening ; but then I have been having uncomfortable BH for weeks now -think they can be more pronounced with second and subsequent babies :shrug: - Still at the stage I think oh good another BH yay!!! :happydance: and get excited but not so uncomfortable that I think/ hope it might be somehting else lol :haha:

Liz - Good for Dylan, sleeping so well and glad to hear you are enjoying the b-feeding; I LOVED it - One of the best things about having a newborn IMO. I fed my first two babies for about 6- 8 weeks only, with DD I had to return to work when she was only 11 weeks -mat leave was crap back then lol and I could never have afforded unpaid. DS was so hungry all the time and I relented and gave him a top-up at 6 weeks, and he totally refused the breast after that -I remember feeling totally gutted. I was back to work sooner too though so probably would have stopped only a few weeks later. With DS 2 -I fed him for about 8/9 months -planned to stop at 5/ 6 months but bfed exclusively and by the time he was 6 months he refused a bottle lol :haha::haha: Can laugh now ,not funny at the time, I was back at work and working 12 hr shifts and then he was feeding for most of the next 12 hrs lol -I lost SO much weight and was like a zombie for 2 months -so this time, I am going to make sure to give this baby gets EBM from a bottle lol -after DS1 refusing to got back to the breast after his first bottle I was scared of it happening again, and still am a bit but that was never as hard as phoning home to check on my baby and hearing him scream because he refused to take any milk lol :nope::nope:or then staying up half the night on catch up feeds :sleep::sleep:

Chelsie - your last day today too yay!! Hope you have a good one

I went to my sons end term show yday, it was fab!! :happydance:
It was called ' Dancing through the decades'and was sketches and music from each decade. They started in the 70's with music and performances from the kids portraying Donnie Osmond, Bay City Rollers etc, 80's - we had Michael Jackson doing Thriller amongst other things, 90's -introduction of house, garage music lol and the 'naughties' my son's class - Ben was one of Take That -he was so good, the choreography was brilliant lol and also he portrayed Bob the builder (Xmas number 1) dancing about the stage with his wee yellow hard hat on. There was loads of humour in it too - like in the 80's sketches; at the wedding of Lady Di and Prince Charles, they had someone dressed up as Camilla Parker Bowles shouting it should be me, and trying to woo Charles away lol -they had huge cut-out faces of the ppl they were playing haha. Then the primary ones done a bit on reality TV shows, a BB sketch, BGT -a wee p1 sang 'I dream a dream' (Susan Boyle) WOW she was fab, and one of the p2' s was Hannah Montana singing in the final of X-factor with Joe McEldrey -also brilliant. I had a tear in my eye watching my lil guy (soon to be big brother to my new lil guy) up there performing - it was so good!!
Seen a lot of the other mums who haven't seen me since going off sick and getting my crutches etc lol -and they were all OMG where did that come from??? pointing to my bump lol :haha::haha:

Well I have rambled enough for now lol -waiting on my mw coming this morning to discuss my home birth -wish me luck!!

Have a good day ladies xxx Love to mums, bumps n Dylan :kiss: :hugs:
:happydance:Wee update ladies woohoo :wohoo:

My lovely mw has just been and we have the green light for home birth yay!!!!

She wasn't concerned about my Hb levels at all, as long as I was taking iron tabs and drinking OJ then she says they'll be fine in a few days - she says they may refuse to do another blood test at antenatal this week as its very soon, but even without a further blood test ,they'll be happy for me to deliver at home.. as long as I know the risks.

So happy happy bunny now!!! What a difference a positive pro- homebith midwife can make to a persons frame of mind!!! So they are delivering my delivery pack over the weekend yay!!! So excited !!!

woohoo!!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

Well I still felt quite off this morning, and a bit sicky but as it's my last day I soldiered on! I slept pretty well last night compared to the rest of the week so I think that helped.

Lori - Very wise not to go too far with those pains you're having, mine have definitely calmed down again now, grrr! Let's hope this full moon does something for us this weekend! ;)

Donna - Your son's school show sounds fab!! Our school plays were always pretty rubbish and not very good to watch at all!

And that's brilliant news about your homebirth!!! :happydance::happydance: I am so happy for you!!!

Well I have received a big bunch of flowers, a baby gro and some baby gap vouchers from work this morning, very spoiled!! I brought a cake in with me and going to the pub for lunch, yay!!

Should really be tying up loose ends but I couldnt resist checking in! xxx
Donna - Your son's school show sounds fab!! Our school plays were always pretty rubbish and not very good to watch at all!

Lol - once you have a child involved in one ,they seem SO much better lol :haha::haha::haha:. Funny how your perspective on things totally changes haha.

Chelsie -see from your FB status that you still have a week to go at work -sorry hun -I thought you were finishing today too :dohh::dohh:

I went to my sis's there and nearly did'nt make it home, physically could not stand up for ages and couldn't get my right leg to move. Oh no -looks like I am gonna have to stop going out, fxd' a few days rest solves it -the kids stop Thurs and Ben will drive me mad stuck at home ALL day EVERY day until baby arrives haha :haha::haha: -will need to get his big sis to take him out I think!! :flower::flower:
Lori, Just wondering if I am just being abit OTT but my elder 2 kids school is driving me mad this past week.

Is this normal?? Should I jsut accept it happens and that's it?? :shrug::shrug:

Every year we get sent home letters saying basically -Please encourage your child to attend school right up until the last day of term, as regardless of what your child may tell you; we do teach right up until then and they will miss out on curricular work if they don't attend. Fair enough, thye have 'activity week' next week where there is NO teaching for the last 4 days of term as it is.

Anyway, my DD went into 5th year few weeks ago (?? year12 -dont know if that right -she has just sat SVQ's and is returning to do Highers / A-levels) and my son is end of 1st year (year 8 ?)
For the past two weeks DD hasn't even had a class to go to on many occassions -she keeps getting sent to sit in other classes as there's no classroom or no teacher or something and they are just sitting watching World cup footie etc :growlmad::growlmad:. I wanted to phone and complain but she was mortified and said the rest of the class would kill her if she ruined it for them, so I never did.

Anyway, today my son was s'posed to sit his level E Maths test and when he got to the class there was no teacher, as they had decided to extend the lunch hour so the teachers could have a nice end of term lunch!!!! wtf??

Is this normal/ right?? Am I over reacting???

Sorry that this is totally off topic but thought you'd maybe have some inside knowledge -my sis's kids go to another high school and they are still working up until next Thurs. My two have finished today as they either didn't put their names down for activities /or weren't quick enough and all the places went.


Well my afternoon dragged until 3.30 and then it was 5pm before I knew it and my mat leave started!! Absolutely crazy, I never thought in a zillion years that from December time I would be here now, it always seemed an eternity away! I also thought that knowing I was 37 weeks would make me feel desperate to get this baby out, but I am really not!

My hubby had a really bad back about 7 yrs ago, which lead to an op and him being off work for over a year :( he phoned me after work tonight and sounded so down, his back was killing and he had the sharp nerve pain in his leg again. So he is dosed up on pain killers as he has work again tomorrow for some extra baby cash.

I really hope an evening of rest and a chilled Sunday I'll do him good, but even so I'm going to book him an appointment with the Chinese doctor he used to see on Monday. If I went into labour now I'd be worried about him even driving! If he extends his foot the nerves in his legs go nuts!

I have been feeling quite sicky again tonight but luckily not actually, still lots of cm today and a few more BM but no more cramps so I don't think it is early labour for now. My clary sage oil cane today though!! No idea why but I'm scared to use it!!! Has anyone else used/considered it?

Well tomorrow I am hanging out with buster while jody works, we don't have any plans on sat night but have lots of friends over for the football and a BBQ on Sunday so looking forward to that, then no work on Monday, woo hoo!!

Lori - I'm wondering if you being quieter today is what I suspect bt I'm not going to tempt fate and type it!!

Donna - sorry to hear about the school stuff, that def doesn't sound right to me. Hope your SPD is better tomorrow :)

Chelsea - only one week left! This week actually flew by for me so I hope it does for you too!

Liz - I hope you enjoy your weekend with hubby before he heads back to work, and that Dylan keeps up the good feeding!

Off to watch greys anatomy now, lots of love! Xxx
Nat - I was thinking the same lol about Lori -let's not jinx it though haha

I keep checking back expecting to see something haha

Nat - I was thinking the same lol about Lori -let's not jinx it though haha

I keep checking back expecting to see something haha


OOh well let's see what happens today!! Poor hubby has gone to work despite being in agony, we got up at 6.30 and took the dog out before it got too hot, I am going to pop to town ready for 9am when the shops open and try and find a maxi dress, I need to hide these ankles and get cool!
Ooh I am so jealous -our weather is rubbish!! All over Britain is to be nice, apart from one tiny spot in W of Scotland lol -with expected rain, definite cloud and as far not even a peep of sunshine lol -and its right where I live lol -should be used to it by now, but when I am on here it just reminds me lol.

Nat -hope you get your maxi dress -I bought one maternity one a few months back; and it was invaluable when the weather was hot, have worn it loads -the waist bands on everything else were so hot and sweaty yuk!!! lol Would be perfect to take to hospital in the case of me needing a c-section (perish the thought) too I thought- no pressure on abdo at all. Well your official first day of maternity -other than some retail therapy; any plans??

I can't walk today (seems to be a current trend -at least the end is near), DH had to practically lift me from the bed, so I could get to the toilet this morning lol.
So for me it will be a lazy day going from couch, to birthing ball, to toilet haha -probably a lot of BnB and FB and supervising DH laying the bathroom floor haha -God I am bored already!!!!

Lori -hope you are well, and having a good day.
Chelsie -Countdown t mat leave, wont be long
Liz- Have a fabbie w/end with your family -you'll be brill when DH goes back to work xxx

Enjoy your lovely weather ladies, wish it was me haha xxxx
Morning all!

Sorry I was quiet yday, I was in a lot of pain on and off and just coldnt get comfortable!
I'm still getting the pains, but no show, waters etc so think its just my body playing tricks!! The pains start at the top of my bump, get really tight and tense then all the way down (then sort of hurt my private area!) if that makes sense. Strange sensation, painful and uncomfortable but not enough to make me scream but they do stop me in my tracks. Happening every 30 mins or so! Going to keep an eye today and maybe phone maternity unit for advice.

Donna - that is completely shocking about your elder childrens school!!!! I would be sacked instantly if we went for a long lunch!!! Towards the end, year 12 students who have completed exams for their chosen subjects may be given permission to not attend a lesson, but I would never ever not turn up to teach a lesson! I am honestly mortified that this goes on!! We teach right until the end of term!! Ok, maybe the last week is less "teaching" and more getting sorted, asking kids to do little jobs, maybe play quizzes etc but I dont even allow kids to watch dvds (I do know teachers who do mind!)! I think I must be a witch! Haha! I would DEFINITELY phone and complain....its uncalled for for them to send a letter advising you to encourage your kids to go in, when theres no one there to bloody teach them!!

Nat - YEY for maternity!!! Bet it feels great this morning knowing you are off for a year!! Woohoo!! Bet you feel strange on Monday...I did! Still not used to it!! Hope hubby feels better soon, bless him. I know youve probs already gone to town, but New Look have some fab maxi maternity dresses - I got one for only £24 for a hen do meal last week! Felt so comfortable in it!

Liz - Hope Dylan is good and BF is still going well! I can imagine it is the most amazing feeling knowing you are providing your son with everything he needs! Cant wait to experience it!!

Chelsie - enjoy your last week at work!! It will FLY by!

Donna - Woohooo for home birth!! Bet you are so so happy!!

We FINALLY collected our pram last night.....I love love love it! Cant stop staring at it!! M&S are delivering (hopefully undamaged) wardrobe today! and that is the final thing we need sorted!! Such a nightmare - we ordered it in March, got a damaged one delivered MAy 1st, then had to wait 7 weeks for new one to come!! My complaint letter is HUGE! Hehe!

Well, happy Saturday ladies! The weather is lovely here! Hubby is off to the races for the day (he's decided not to drink because of the pains Im having - such a worrier!) so I plan on relaxing then maybe going for pub tea with the girlies later!

Love and hugs xxxx

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