from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Morning all!

Sorry I didn't get back on to post yesterday, hubby has made a few comments about how I am attached to my iphone, bless him! So I am trying to be good and avoid the computer when he is home!

Donna- Glad the sports day went well, shame about the weather!! I could so take a holiday right now, it was pouring here this morning so I was hoping hubby would be home with me but I think it is just going to be on and off showers all day. With house moving I don't think we will be going anywhere next year, as there is a lot of things we want to do to the garden, plus he is self-employed so no work means no pay, so it might just have to be lots of long weekends spread over next summer before I go back to work :(

I feel exactly the same! I keep thinking oh my goodness in a couple of weeks the baby is coming, even though the actual concept behind that thought is totally alien to me! But equally I am sad to think I won't be pregnant anymore, and terrifed about how life is going to change. We were sitting in the garden last night and I said that although I know I am pregnant and that soon I will actually go into labour I cannot get my head around it at all, hubby agreed and said he can't imagine that soon a little one will join us!

Lori - I am so excited for you! Equally hoping that this doesn't just become a very slow labour for you, and that something has happened over night, sending lots of happy thoughts your way! Oh and about the stains, I have the same!! I have changed our sheets 3 times in a week due to my b00b leakage! haha it's lovely isnt it! And sorry to divulge even more but I can actually squeeze mine to produce more hahahaha, pretty much every morning now I wake up with a soaking wet arm!

I absolutely LOVE your nursery pics, I really wanted the Winnie The Pooh theme too but hubby won me over with Humphreys Corner and I thought I had better let him choose something at least! ;)

Liz - I am in absolute awe of you, could you please start writing me a handbook? You have coped amazingly well, I am incredibly impressed at how you have got everything so sorted, please expect lots of frantic messages from me in an hour of desperation at how on earth you got through!! Also, I am very impressed with all the shopping, there has been a severe lack of parcels arriving at my door this week, ahh yes that's cos I don't get paid until tomorrow!!!

Ikea was good, I got some photo frames and a new dustpan and brush, my life is so exciting!! Was nice to have a day out with Mum, we did ikea first and had a drink and a chocolate croissant, mmm! Then went to Makro and did a big shop, stocked up on lots of bits and pieces so at least we have a full freezer for when baby comes. Also got all the drinks and crisps etc that hubby has for sandwiches for work each day so that will save us trips out shopping, just our dining room looks like a local Londis at the moment with all the boxes of toilet roll, drinks, crisps etc!! You have to buy in bulk to save the ££!

I had a few more twinges last night but nothing major, I have so much planned this week that I wonder if baby is holding on! I was supposed to get my highlights done last night, which are incredibly long overdue, badger is the term I would use! But my hairdresser had to re-arrange to Wednesday, then today I have lunch with two girls I used to work with, Hannah has a little boy called Noah who was born in December, so I can't wait for cuddles with him! Then tomorrow I am getting my hair done in the morning and off to see my friend who is due a week before me, and then I have refelexology in the afternoon!

Thursday I am seeing my midwife so going to ask her about a sweep and when I can have one, I read lots of conflicting things in the forum here, do the UK midwives not do internals? Or should I expect one before I go into labour?

Oh my goodness I just watched the first part of the Greys Anatomy series finale and balled my eyes out, about to go and watch the second half now!!

I have sent emails to our solicitor and estate agent this morning to say I want to exchange no later than Friday and I want to know what the completion date is, they signed a rental contract two weeks ago from tomorrow so surely they must know by now!! Slightly concerned this baby might plan on holding on until we move, no baby, it's fine to come out now so Buster and I can get used to you before we have new surroundings!!

Have a fab day all & wishing you lots of love and luck Lori xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
Morning ladies!!

There has been a change in the weather here, and as much as I cant believe I am saying this I am actually a little bit pleased as it is cooler!! Not a big fan of the rain, but I have no plans today so I am going to have a nice relaxing DVD day! All of little lady's things are sorted, housework is done so I think I deserve a little lazy day! Hehe! Think Charlie and me will just curl up in the living room with a bit of Sex and the City or One Tree Hill!

Still getting the same twinges, but they are def jsut coming and going (nothing consistent) so think my body was is playing tricks - naughty body! Still using RLT (well capsules) and my friend is cooking me spicy pasta for dinner tomorrow (it is majorly hot so that might move things along) and I plan on bouncing on gym ball for a bit later! I know these things might not work, but Im willing to give them a go! Hehe!

Nat - I love your bulk buying thinking! Might have to get ourselves stocked up!!!! Im laughing at the thought of your dining room looking like Londis! Hehe! Hope you have a nice lunch today and that the solicitors give you some answers! Its such a pain waiting around! I have told hubby I dont plan on moving house for a long long time as it is such a pain organising everything and even more frustrating when the "professionals" can never give you the answers you need!!

Liz - I second what Nat has said, you sound like you have taken to motherhood so well! A true natural! I really hope I am the same! Hubby and me are so excited, scared, and a whole load of other emotions!

Donna - hope SPD is ok today! What are you plans for today? Any events at school? I am so excited to attend any events for my own little baby! I love all the things we do at school and I love when the parents get involved! Its fab! Cant wait for sports days etc!!

I have started enquiring about nurseries etc for when I go back to work (way way way in advance I know, but some are already full for next June - I was shocked!!)
My mum has recently been promoted so the plans for her to retire early have been put on hold as she loves her job and she is only 52 so I still think she has a lot to give in terms of her career! So, we are now thinking that she will go part time, maybe 2 or 3 days a week and then look after little lady the rest of the week. I think this option will work as bubs will get interaction and stimulation at nursery for 2/3 days per week and then do things like baking and walking in the park etc with my mum! And I get 3 months off a year so mum and me can do lots together with bubs when its the school hols! God, I hate having to think so far ahead but its scary how quick places at good nurseries get snapped up! Plus, there are a few that do "teachers" rates so you get discount and then have the choice to pay less in the holidays. Some expect you to pay a set fee each month (even in 6 weeks hols), so financially getting a teacher rate place works out better for us (and they are also limited!!)
What are everyone elses plans for childcare when they return to work?

I am off to get myself comfy on the sofa with a cup of tea and some choccy biccies! Hehe!

Have a lovely day everyone. Love and hugs to all!
Morning ladies

First of all I need to get my daily moan out of the way lol - a fellow spd sufferer Nineena has had her baby ALREADY -5weeks early -poor lil tyke was only 3lbs, needed surgery, was in NICU, now going to SCBU; dont know when she'll get home.... but STILL I am jealous -sorry that makes me a total bitch doesn't it??? :blush::blush: Just want my baby NOW -and am convinced he'll be late!! DH says last night, he's getting fed up with the waiting hahaha -what about me??? -I reminded him that technically we still have 2 weeks to go and then some :growlmad::growlmad:

MOAN OVER!! :haha::haha: lol

Nat - Glad you had a nice day out with your mum; even if you never bought anything exciting -IKEA sale starts 1st July -well up here anyway, may be later in England! -Up to 75% off - maybe worth holding out for that wardrobe until then.
Hope your email gets the solicitors etc moving - it must be frustrating just waiting :hugs:

Lori - I LOVE school activities too lol - nothing today for me to attend, but tomorrow is the end of school service and award ceremony, always an emotional one lol ,the primary 7's last day and all their mums cry and the kids too usually; plus there are awards for best achievements throughout the year, my Ben won in p1 (best improvement) and p2 (best effort) lol - he really struggled in p1/2 due to having glue ear and subsequent hearing loss /phonic probs as a toddler and worked SO hard to catch up /keep up with his class and he is now top of the class yay!! Dont think he'll get anything this year - but I s'pose that's only fair haha. Oh - he'll get his third place award for yday's sports day -not that he's happy to come third haha :haha::haha:

As for returning to work -I do 12 hr shifts, and we self -roster so the initial plan was me to cut my hours to 10 shifts per month (currently on 13) - work 4 nights mid week, 2 days at weekend and 4 days mid week -with our son going into childcare for the one day shift per week (well 8.30 - 4.30). But am not sure if this is feeasable now - I am now getting more concerned about losing so much of my wage -will need to work out child care costs versus working and see what works our better financially -I know we could cope fine but its the extra things like holidays etc I'd miss - although maybe just doing extra shifts whenever they suit me would cover the extras. So I haven't actually looked into childcare as such yet -will maybe find it difficult to get somewhere that will take him only 1 day per week though, so should really get my finger out I s'pose :shrug::shrug:.
Previously my kids were all cared for by my sis but she has done her bit and wants to enjoy her son solely this time -which I totally understand -she used to watch her three girls and my my three lol -double buggy and a sling, school drop offs/ pick ups, nursery drop off and pick ups and madness and mayhem lol :haha::haha: An dfor the past 18mnths prior to my sick time, my two bigger kids have been fine coming home and letting themsleves in for the hour til their dad was home and the youngest went to the breakfast club and after school care so it was dead cheap and no hassle at all -why did I start all over again? haha :haha::haha:

Anyways have a good day ladies xxxx Cant beleive there are 23 July babies already, and more today prob xx
Lori - just received this in an email - family card discount from IKEA -runs out tomorrow

Dont know if ots the one you were looking at but thought I'd let you know xxx
Well good morning ladies, i still don't have internet at home :growlmad:
I've spent this morning in work catching up on all the threads in here :thumbup: and seems like a lot has been going on....

Liz: i am so jealous of you and little Dylan. So glad that he is putting on weight well and that the BF is going brill :thumbup:

Lori: I hope that this is the start of things for you, although i am totally jealous of this fact :haha:. I hope that if this is a slow labour for you, it's not too slow and doesn't last too long! Keeping my fingers crossed for you \\:D/

Donna: How is your SPD?? Hope it isn't given you too much trouble! The concert and sports day things that you have been to sound amazing.. can not wait till it's my time to do all them things... must feel amazing. Also that's brilliant news about you being able to have your home birth :dance: i bet that made you over the moon :)

Nat: Got my fingers crossed for you also about the house! Sounds like there taking there time over it all! Hope they get it moving soon. I bet you must just be getting so impatient about more than one thing hehe.

Well i have not been too bad myself. I have had MAJOR backache like never before :grr: Also to add insult to injury, i fell backwards off of a chair on Sunday, landed flat on my back and smashed my head on the floor which seems to have caused me serious amounts of stiff neck ache to add to the even worse back ache hehe.
I don't know how to handle this heat it's awful, and my feel and ankles are very very swollen and very sore :cry: OH the joys of pregnancy :winkwink:

I've been having some really mild like period pains the last couple of days, and also i keep getting this really horrible shooting pain that starts just below my belly button and straight down into my groin and it litterally makes me cry it is so painful :shrug: also i am having alot of increased mucous aswell ladies (Sorry TMI) sometimes it's quite watery and sometimes thicker, but never got brown or red in it.

Other than that we have everything for baby girl now, except the travel system which is getting delivered to MIL this week and she is brining it up at the weekend soooo excited... also... IT'S MY LAST WEEK IN WORK woop woop.

Well i think i've babbled for long enough :haha:

Lots of love to mums, bumps and Dylan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well my e-mail clearly worked yesterday to spur everyone on!! Finally the people we are buying from put some pressure on the managing agents of their rental property and their contract is ready for them to go and sign today. So based on the solicitors all talking and getting sorted we should exchange tomorrow morning and complete on Monday the 19th of July!!

So 3 days after my due day, not totally ideal but thats ok, we have to move sometime!!

Lori - I hope you enjoyed your DVD day, I seem to be manic until Thursday of this week so looking forward to a relax after today. How are the pains now? I had a few last night but nothing exciting.

We are hoping to be able to afford to work 3 days a week each, so that would mean we would only cross over one day and need childcare then. My Mum is more than happy to do it and also Jody's Mum offered too. The only problem is that I think his Mum is going to charge us, she is a cleaner and then also has a little girl she picks up from school at about 4pm each day and looks after her until 6pm when her parents are home. And I think that if we asked her to have ours too once a fortnight she would probably charge like you Lori I think our child would probably benefit more from being in a nursery and mixing with other children, but I have done nothing to find out costs!!! I had no idea that things would be booked up already so I had better start investigating!

Donna - It must be hard knowing that lady had her baby, just think you have done 38 weeks already, so this last little bit is nothing compared to what you have done so far! Fingers crossed it won't be too much longer either!

Chelsie - Oh my god you fell off a chair?! I hope you are ok!!! I did it once at school, and I can still remember the pain and the shock!! Fingers crossed your back is better too, since the baby has engaged mine doesnt seem to be as uncomfortable at all.

I am really worried about Buster yesterday and today so off to the vets we go tonight :( I am sure it is the heat that isn't helping him either but he is barely eating and won't move out of the bathroom. He has always had a bad skin condition, which cost over £10,000 in vets bills to diagnose 2 years ago! And he has a couple of sores on his neck which he was scratching yesterday and it was making him yelp in pain :( he usually follows me everywhere and is so happy and trots in and out of the garden etc but he is barely moving from the bathroom. Fingers crosed he is ok and just very hot. Unfortunately due to the amount we had to claim from the insurers for his skin condition anything to do with his skin is no longer covered under our policy :( so I am expecting a big bill tonight!!

Right better crack on with some ironing as off to get my hair done at 10am at my Mum's, then meeting my friend Hannah who is due 6 days before me for lunch, then reflexology at 4pm, cannot WAIT for that!!

Have a good day all! xxxx
Morning all!

Pains still on and off, Im just trying to ignore them now! Def body just getting ready me thinks! Gonna talk to midwife on Fri and see if she can check down below and see if I am dilated at all!!

Thanks for the voucher Donna - that is the chair but in the cream colour....looked online and its only the black one thats on offer. Thanks for thinking of me tho :flower:

Donna - how is your pain today? I bet you are frustrated that that lady has her baby now, especially when you are in so much pain. I am dying to meet bubs and Im not in major pain, so goodness knows how you feel, especially now that the weather has cheered up for you! Enjoy the rewards ceremony at school today hun

Chelsie - hope you are ok after your fall?? Did you get checked out? Not long now til maternity leave begins! Woohoo! Hope your last week is going well!

NB - GREAT news about the house!!! Woohoo! I know the date isnt ideal, but like you say, you need to move at some point...bubs might arrive a bit early or a bit late anyway so things will probably work out!! So excited for you! What an exciting year this is turning out to be for you!! With regards to nurseries, it seems there has been a "baby boom" in our area over the past 6 months (I know of at least 7 people just from my work who have had bubs) so think this is impacting on nurseries! Plus, there are some that are excellent that people have recommended to us, hence the early searching! We're going to view our favourite one soon....seems surreal that we will actually have a child that we will be putting into nursery! Phew....reality of having a baby VERY SOON keeps creeping up on me! Hahaha!!

I am having a relaxing morrning pottering about, going to start making hubby's 1st wedding anniversary pressie - a scrapbook of our "first year". Got all the photos printed so now need to put them in the book and write comments....going to leave space at the end for piccies of bumps arrival! It's not until 9th August, but just dont know what will happen between now and then!! Hehe!
Off to see a friend and her baby girl this afternoon! So excited!! Then going to join the new gym / pool that has fab opening offers. Main reason Im joining is because they do great parent and toddler things that are part of membership! Also, I love swimming so hubby can take bubs in little pool while I do lengths to get back in shape! The centre is fab, and they will freeze membership until after bubs arrives (but still allowed the opening discounts!)

Have a lovely day girlies, hopefully be back on later. Weather is nice here today, but a bit cooler so Im not melting yet!!

Morning Ladies -right PMA -No moans today I promise lol xx thanks for the kind thoughts xx

Chelsie -OMG for falling off the chair, with having back pain already too - you poor thing. At least you finish for mat leave really soon now -last 2 days woohoo and should be able to relax a bit and take it easy for a while xx

Nat -Brilliant news about your house, bet your excited just to get in now. Are you packed and ready to go?
I hope Buster is okay - the heat is probably playing havoc with his skin condition or maybe he senses a big change about to occur and is stressed out. Hope the cost is reasonable -aren't vets bills a pain?? We need an animal NHS lol

Otherwise, sounds like you are having a fab day so enjoy your pampering and your lunch xxx

Lori - What a shame about the chair, I never even checked if it was available in the other colours too. Oh well!!
Your anniversary prezzie sounds great -what a nice idea lol -I would love to make one for this pregnancy lol -starting with my first BFP - which yes sadly we did photograph haha, the story of how I told DH the news, all my bump pics throughout and leading up until baby is born but as I never done it with the other three, it wouldn't be fair.

Liz - Hope you and Dylan are doing well, cant wait until we all have our babies and we can compare notes haha -have you started going into the baby forums ? If so which ones ? xx

So, we are missing out on the award ceremony toady, I really enjoy them too, but Ben is not feeling well, I have been up all night and the thought of sending him to school to get a phone call in an hours time to say he's been sick and subsequently needed picked up, was too much for me today. At least I dont need to worry about getting to the service, and getting out in time for my mw appt too, just sad I'll miss it.
I have my mw appt today, gonna hoepfully get referred to see a consultant; although know I have left it awfully late lol -like you said Nat only really 2 weeks to go now anyway, with 38 weeks gone already, its nothing really. Treatment seems to so depend on which mw sees me though, there is one I know of would definitely do a sweep at 40weeks but another who is dead against it and says 41w (would do 40w for first timers but not for me)

Anyway, I'd better go see my big lil guy is okay, and get my even bigger one up -he's still asleep, lazy sod haha. Need to go and fill the car with diesel, realised yday that I am practically running on empty lol -not good considering labour could start anytime now haha -dont want to get caught out. Also topped up my phone yday and have decided I'd better write a birth plan- left all these a bit late didn't I? haha -if my home birth is smooth then none of them will matter hugely, but better be ready for any eventuality I s'pose.

Have a good day ladies xxxx Wonder how many more July babies we have now haha -whenver I check the July babies thread (third tri) there are more n more births now lol - up to 23 from yday (with a few more expected imminently too) . And only one more day of June, then we are having our own July babies yay!!!

you guys will be great mothers!!! its a natural thing and i'm sure you'll all be fab!! But I'll be here too if you want to compare notes!! I'm not such a great mother today though! I feel in the car park outside our house while I had Dylan in a sling. All okay though, his head was tucked into it and I held it while I fell and scraped my knee, it still hurts :( Its quite bizarre though, before baby you'd outstretch your hands to break fall and today I just held Dylan and took it in the knee!

Got our new babybjorn babysitter seat, Dylan loves it! decided to go with this one instead of a swing for now anyways, plus this seat can last up until 2yrs old! so figured our money was better off with this chair! and then another delivery came today... so exciting! Then I took Dylan out for his first time without daddy! (well in the car anyways). I went looking for a new dress or skirt or something but found nothing that I felt suited, and ended up buying Dylan some jeans instead and a new blanket. I also picked up some of those eco nappies to try out as it will be cheaper to try them out now than in a bigger size! as the bigger the size the more pennies they cost!

Donna- how was your midwife? you know you can specify if you want to see a specific person. I've started perusing baby club and breastfeeding forums.

Nat- good news your email sparked things on! you got lots of stuff packed yet? And where did you watch the greys finale??? Isn't it only on tv this week? Is buster ok?

Lori- I plan on having Dylan in nursery, we've not looked at the one on our doorstep yet, but it caters to RAF so I'm sure they'll be spaces. We did look at another one a couple weeks ago but it was pretty dirty so I wasn't impressed, it was attached to a gym though and relatively close to my work. They all seem to be in the range of £35 a day in this area for babies!!! However, he might not be in that long depending on child #2! But I plan going back full time and having Dylan in Nursery as neither of our families are close and I dont want Dylan getting close to just one person like if it was a childminder or family.

Chelsie, last week at work!! Sorry you fell off your chair, I'm sure bubs is fine, theres a lot of protective water/fluid around her!

I can't believe its wednesday! tomorrow Dylan will be a month old!!! where did the time go!!

Well I'm being bad and ordered pizza, can't be arsed getting the kitchen dirty as I'd just have to clean it and we've got health visitor tomorrow so want house a bit tidy!

love to all you mums & bumps!! xxx
OMG Liz -poor you, are you okay??

I know what you mean about the mothering instinct taking over the self preservation one lol -when my DD was a baby I fell on black ice whilst carrying her-right up in the air and landed on my coccyx OUCH!!! She was unperturbed by the ordeal - I was in agony for weeks lol

MW appt was strange to say the least - everything fine with me, perfect with baby, made an appt for next week ( and the following week at mw advice as they are really slammed just now -big baby boom haha ggrrrrr better not still be preggers then haha)but asked about a sweep and was told that she's not be happy to do it to a mutilprim any earlier than 40+5 due to the baby not being engaged and due to risk of cord prolapse. Grrrrrrrrrrr -Oh well, can totally understand the logic but consultants WILL authorize it earlier, even when it is baby number 4!!!
Anyway -got home ,phone rang -it was the same mw, asking if I could go to CMU for my appt next week instead of them coming to me, cos they're so busy. FINE!! I have massage next week anyway so two birds one stone lol- and she says great, come in we'll do massage, full bloods and antenatal and get your induction / ?sweep sorted !!!!!! -An hour ago she wouldn't even consider a sweep at 40 w and now she is talking induction dates lol - not sure if she has actually had a change of heart, whether she has since spoken to colleagues about it and decided to try and put me out of my misery or whether she has me confused with someone else who will actually be 40w+ then haha. Can only hope that since if I haven't popped already that at 39+3 they'd consider a sweep. Oh please please please lol

I know its only a few days before EDD but if not, I am convinced I could go 10 days over and cant stand the thought of being like this for another 23 days lol -only thing is my next appt is now 9th July and DD b'day is the 10th lol -Lou's lil brother is destined to come on her birthday haha. I tell you, I wont be refusing a sweep if offered just because of the date not really suiting-sorry Lou but I just can't lol - they dont always work straight away anyway, if at all -could still be 72 hrs

In saying that -its still 9 days away lol - c'mon baby - any time now

Liz cant believe that Dylan is 4 weeks already, I want my baby too lol - want the heartburn to stop, hippo feet to disappear, want to get comfy in my bed at night (whether I am feeding every 2 hrs or not lol) and want more than anything to see my lil guy and give him a cuddle. Oh I cant wait !!!!!

Love to all mums bumps n Dylan xxxx

Hope everyone is well today, so far it seems a little cooler today so fingers crossed it will stay that way! I am off to the midwife at 9.30am, I am glad as my feet are even bigger (not that I thought that was possible) and they actually hurt on top, if anything touches them it is really sore :( so hoping she can recommend something today, and give me the results of my liver test too.

Lori - Your anniversary present sounds fab! We didn't exchange presents but I wish I had done something like that! Good on you for joining the gym, I am hoping I can too, my sister has recently joined one so would be fab to go with her and I think I can get a 6 month membership. How did you sleep last night? It seemed cooler here.

Donna - haha oh how I wish we were packed!! We have a very busy weekend ahead! I am going to spend this afternoon starting to empty drawers and throw away all the cr*p we have accumulated over the last 3 years. I have to admit that we do actually have boxes in our loft that we brought from our old flat and have never opened, :dohh: whoops! So we have a lot to sort!!

How frustrating about your mw appointment, I really hope they havent got it wrong and you do get to arrange your sweep, that would be fab! We are off to a birthday party on Sat for their daughters who are 3 days apart and they love it so don't worry too much!

Thanks for worrying about Buster, I got myself all worked up yesterday and by the time i got to my Mums for my hair I was crying! He is usually my shadow and follows me everywhere, I was ironing and he usually would sit under the board but I couldn't get him to move out from under the bathroom sink, and he wouldn't eat or drink either :( it is so unlike him to be subdued like that and although I knew the heat would be bothering him it was not that hot yesterday. The vet tried to look at the sore on his neck but he wouldn't even let me or Jody go near it, but she gave him an antibiotic injection about 5.30pm and by about 9pm he was back to his old self, running around like a mad thing and harrassing us as usual!

He has to go back tonight for another, so fingers crossed this bill shouldn't be TOO horrendous!!

Liz - My god you poor thing falling over, and as you say, funny how your instincts have changed! Glad Dylan is ok and rub some arnica cream into those bruises, it will make them heal a lot quicker!

I cannot believe he is 1 month, happy birthday!!!

Chelsie - Only 2 days left at work!!

Well I cancelled my reflexology yesterday so we could get Buster to the vets, so that is after my midwife this morning, then I need to do a food shop before starting some packing. Some friends are having a private wedding ceremony this morning, only 6 of them and then drinks in a local pub. She is 5 months pregnant so didn't want anything too major! We are going to pop down for a few drinks after the vet so need to make myself look vaguely decent, thank god I have 9 hours to do it haha!

Anyway, I intend to be armed with questions for my midwife today, after seeing my friend for lunch yesterday she seems to be fully clued up on everything so I think I need to ask more!!

Have a good day ladies !xxxx
Morning girls.

Just a quick hello as need to get dressed and sorted for a day down the coast with my friend and her baby! Gonna walk this baby out of me! Haha!

Liz - bless you falling over. Hope you're ok hun. I always fall over (seriously - I am sooo clumsy!!) and this is one this I am worried about when carrying baby! I suppose knowing the maternal instinct kicking in to protect baby will help me worry less!! Cannot believe Dylan is is a month old!!! That has completely flown by!!

Nat - poor Buster! I know when Charlie is poorly it's awful. Glad the antibiotic worked and hopefully the injection will do the trick again too. Poor thing. Charlie once ate a sock and it got stuck in his bowel (at the time we didnt know he had done this!!)....he wouldnt eat or drink and one morning he just wouldnt walk when we were out. I ended up lying down on the field (just outside our house) and just hugging him crying until Andrew came looking for us. I honestly thought we were losing him. He had to be operated on and was poorly for a few weeks, but was sharp bac to his usual bouncy self!! You have a busy day today, all sounds like fun!!! Are you going to ask midwife about sweeps etc?? I plan on asking her these sort of questions tomorrow when Im 38+1. Really want to know how it all works!!

Chelsie - One more getty up!! Bet you are so excited!! Hope you're enjoying your last week!!

Donna - really hope they sort it all out at CMU when you go!! Hope you get to meet your baby very soon! I hope you're next to be honest as you're in so much pain, I think you deserve to have your baby sooner rather than later! I wonder if any of our bubs will be born on the same date? Hehe!!

Well, I am off to the coast and then to the Year 11 Prom tonight. It's at St James Park (Newcastle's footy ground) and its so lovely seeing all of the year 11s all dressed up. The girls have HUGE prom dresses, costs their parents a fortune! I wasnt going to go but thought it would be nice to go for a couple of hours to see people from work and some of the students I have taught who are leaving to get jobs etc!

Have a lovely day ladies, bumps and Dylan (Happy one month bday cutie!!)

Well! I could have the baby 2 weeks today!! How mad is that?!!

Once again I havent gained any weight and my fundal height has not increased so she wants to do a sweep on Wednesday and it that doesn't do anything I will be induced on the 15th, madness!

So um pro's are I know when the baby is coming (ish) potentially my best friend will still be in the country, and we can organise someone to hang out with Buster...

Con's we move on the 19th eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to see my reflexologist afterwards and she is now going to see me in the afternoon after my sweep to see if she can do anything to help it along, and if nothing has happened by the 14th I will see her again before induction, total, TOTAL madness!

I called Jody as I left and I couldn't stop smiling! I said to him I am not going to tell a soul so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep it that way, the downside is that the 7th of July, which is when they will do my sweep, is my nephews birthday so I am slightly concerned that if it does do anything and start contractions etc I won't be able to avoid my family as I have to go to my sisters to do presents etc! Oh well, it will all work out somehow! I am sure the contractions are not going to start immediately.

Anyway, just booked in for my wax tomorrow, haha thought I had better be prepared! Oh my goodness, so now I have two weeks to pack our entire house, better get off the computer and get cracking!!!! xxx
Yay Nat - you could have your baby next week -OMG - The house/ move etc will be fine just you concentrate on your lil baby coming really soon; I am so jealous haha -sorry!!!
I would want to keep it to myself too lol, but dont think I'd be able to -so exciting that's only 1 week away; I could still have 4.

My mw was here dropping off my homebirth kit -loads of stuff, its like a hopsital under my stairs lol - really exciting; reality really hitting home lol, like I am having a baby soon but asked her about the other mw mentioning induction and she said this is normal protocol just becasue they are really busy just now and if they dont book me in early then I could petentially have to wait 14 days over or go to the hospital (rather than CMU). She asked if I was happy to still go ahead with my planned homebirth, even if it means going overdates; as any earlier sweep or induciton and they want me in hospital -so looks like I'll just need to cope. Keep looking under the stairs lol -it's funny as a nurse you'd think I'd have an insight into all the 'just in case' emergency stuff but there's loads haha -so excited!!! Cannulas, oxygen masks, needles, insulin, emergency airways, blood bottles, sphyg and stethescope, the syntometrin is in my fridge; they even brought the G&A -could be fun ? haha yay!

So happy for you Nat, and its great news that your friend will get to meet your baby before heading home xxx

Glad Buster is feeling better

Lori- enjoy your prom tonight, maybe some dancing will get your lil girl moving haha

Hugs to all xxxx
Woohooo Nat that is fab news but I am ALSO mega jealous!!! I want my baby now!! After spending most of the day with 3 fab babies (ranging between 6-8 months) I just want to meet my little girl!!
Nat you will have to just take it easy with the move and do what you can in the time you have....everything will work out perfect!! I am so excited for you!!!!

Donna - sounds like you have your own little hospital under your stairs! Hehe!! Bet its making it so exciting!

Ive had a lovely day walking down the coast, even tho it was raining on and off, it was lovely and cool and my friend introduced me to some other mummies who she socialises with so that was nice! We went for yummy hot chocolates at the beach front cafe and they do the best muffins!

I have midwife tomorrow so going to discuss what happens next!! I am still getting lots of twinges and pains on and off, but nothing major! do you think she might do an internal to check cervix or would this not be done until I go over??? Just curious to know if I am favourable for a sweep yet as I would happily have one! Its hubby's bday on Monday so would be a fab bday pressie for him!!!

Love and hugs ladies and bumps


I know it is unbelievable isnt it!! And in a way I am quite glad they are doing something as there has always been that niggle that the baby is small and they kept just putting it off, but here's hoping it all goes to plan!

Lori - I would most def ask for a sweep, it seems to be different depending what hospital you are under but with all the contractions you are having I can't see why you wouldnt be favourable. My midwife said to me today that due to the baby's head being so low for so many weeks she thinks my cervix will be nice and thin and ready to go, so that's why she is saying a sweep on Wednesday, here's hoping the same for you!

I am glad you had such a nice day out, it is so lovely hanging out with newborns isn't it?!

Donna - Wow I can't believe how much stuff they deliver to you, that is mad, and so exciting at the same time! Sorry to tell you my good news with you left there waiting, but just think, they are obviously bringing it just in case so they must have some confidence that it could be soon!

I am now totally shattered after packing up most of the dining room. I did that in about an hour and just need hubby to move the dining table tonight so I can get into the other cupboards tomorrow. I have to go into work tomorrow morning for a conference call and then have my wax but will get on with some more packing in the afternoon.

Have a good afternoon all, hubby will be home soon so no internet for me ;)

Lots of love, Nat xxxx
Morning all!

I have had hardly any sleep due to on and off pains! They are going all the way to my lower back now too and they really hurt, totally take my breath away!!
I am at midwife at 11 so hopefully she will be positive about a sweep and maybe book it for next week when Im 39 weeks! Fingers crossed!!

Nat - glad you're getting things sorted, dont do too much tho! Are you still going into work even tho your on maternity? Our union are so strict about things like that!! I'm still so excited that you might have bubs next week!!! Woohoo!!

Well I am now hoping bubs stays put til Monday (well Sunday after 8pm lol) as Ive booked a table for hubby's bday at our fave restaurant - its for us and 12 of our friends and were all really looking forward to it, so hope bubs can stay in a bit longer...probably tempting fate, but you never know! Hehe!!

Weather is nice here today, a bit cooler again, but still sunny.

Have a lovely day ladies and bumps, Ill update about midwife once Im back!
Lori - hope all goes well with your mw appt today, I am so jelaous of all your pain haha -sick or what? lol - but I want some indication that my lil guy is gonna come out soon haha - not even a twinge. It's still so early really I s'pose - its this forum and all the early babies arriving, making me think this way haha -I never overly expected any of my other babies to come before 40weeks, cos that IS actually term haha.

Would be nice though, just a few days earlier at least.

Well 11 days til EDD -am going to make a list of things to do daily -mainly house bound ones lol as I cant get out now without help, and hopefully that will pass the time quicker.
So for today -make the list haha

Hope all other 'bonfire babies' mummies and bumps are doing well -and Dylan kiss kiss kiss

Last day today Chelsie woohoo -thats us all on mat leave, and soon we'll all be mummy's (well for me again lol)

How'd the mw appt go Lori ?-good news I hope!!

The next baby to be born to the bonfire babies will be .........

NB next - on 2nd July then
JustM,very closely behind on 8th July then
ME (Sorry MM but I want someone to come after me haha :haha::haha:) -15th July then last but not least,
Militarymummy on 23rd July


My predictions are:

Wanna 4th July
NB 10th July
Me 12th July
MM - 19th July


Moi on 3rd July
Just married 11th July
Wana 12th July
Military Mummy 18th July

Thought I'd have alook back and see what date we guessed lol

C'mon Nat -I had you down for today lol :haha::haha: -hope we haven't heard from you today cos your popping out baby lol; although i'd rather NOT wait until 15th thanks very much haha :haha::haha:


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