from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Can't wait to see which one of you is next and to hear your birth stories!!

Went to a funeral today for godsons grandmother, just me and Dylan, and about half way through he started crying! eek, up until then he was sleeping. I was so embarrassed, I left straight away to go feed him in the car (as no toilets at the church) then got milk all over my dress so I went home! Guess the point is I went, it was about an hour away and I did know her from my friend's wedding and then all the baby related parties, lovely woman.

Anyways... now we're home. I got a gro black out blind thing this week and I put it up last night as was going to go to bed with Dylan at 8 and it was fab! I think i'm going to buy another one now it is so good, kept all the light out! then I can keep one in our room!

And my knee still hurts from falling!

well hubby just got home so gotta go... love to you all!!! xxx ps happy last day chelsie!
Can't wait to see which one of you is next and to hear your birth stories!!

Went to a funeral today for godsons grandmother, just me and Dylan, and about half way through he started crying! eek, up until then he was sleeping. I was so embarrassed, I left straight away to go feed him in the car (as no toilets at the church) then got milk all over my dress so I went home! Guess the point is I went, it was about an hour away and I did know her from my friend's wedding and then all the baby related parties, lovely woman.

Anyways... now we're home. I got a gro black out blind thing this week and I put it up last night as was going to go to bed with Dylan at 8 and it was fab! I think i'm going to buy another one now it is so good, kept all the light out! then I can keep one in our room!

And my knee still hurts from falling!

well hubby just got home so gotta go... love to you all!!! xxx ps happy last day chelsie!

What a shame about your friends gran :hugs:

And thanks for reminding me -need to get my blackout blind put back up -it fell down at the beginning of the year and since I have been off sick it's not really been an issue ( priceless when working nightshifts lol ) but it's so light at 3am I dont want my lil guy thinking its daytime -if he ever gets here haha :haha::haha:

Enjoy your weekend with your lovely wee family xxx
Hey girls!

Sorry for not posting yesterday but I had a busy day, no baby to speak of!

Lori - How did the midwife go?!!!! You have vanished...does this mean something exciting is happening?! I hope you got to have a sweep, mainly so you can tell me what to expect!

Donna - How is the list going? Feel free to pop down South and help me pack if you havent got anything on! I am afraid you missed the 2nd of July but Lori's guess for me on the 10th could be spot on if my sweep works as that's on the 7th, how exciting!

Liz - I can't even imagine writing a birth story, that just seems so surreal! Sorry to hear about the funeral, but that was really good of you to go, it must be quite daunting with a little one!

Yesterday I went to work and wrapped up the bits I needed too, it seemed so odd to be there but then not at the same time! Then I picked my nephew Jack up from nursery, that was really lovely as he was so pleased to see me! From there I hung out with him and my sister for a while before doing an hour's packing. I am trying to be really organised and only keep the things we need and pack them into boxes for them to end up in the correct destination to make it easier for me unpacking again, as I think I may have my hands full! :) But is is SO hard!

We went out to dinner with my parents, little sis and her boyfriend which was nice and today had a lay in until 9am, bliss! We took Buster out and then started on more packing, we got the living room done with the bits we don't need over the next fortnight and have just got home from our friends little girls 1st birthday party.

So a busy day so far! I am totally shattered now so just chilling out, our two friends are coming over shortly so we can go over with them what they need to do for Buster when the 'time comes' it seems so mad to be having this conversation!!

Hope you are all having lovely weekends too and not melting as much as it is down here xxxx
where's Lori!!?? I even checked your facebook page to see if you were around! how's the midwife?

Hope you all are coping with the heat okay... I got sun burnt yesterday! I never burn! I turn a nice colour of golden brown, but no, not yesterday!

I can't believe you went in to work Nat! so dedicated! I've got my work laptop at home now and I'm trying to avoid it! I should sign on and do some performance review work but I can't be bothered. I've been told I don't have to do it, but if I want a career with my company it will look a bit bad if I don't do a performance review 2 years in a row (this year/ next year).

Get in that birthing pool yet donna? get your blind up?

well, there is an airshow in waddington today so I'm trapped in my house, but that is okay as I'm going to do some cleaning. I went to the airshow yesterday but there was a lot less shop stalls than there has been in the past!

have a nice day bumps and mummies!!! xxxx
Ooh where is Lori ? Intriguing!!! Hope all is well - loads of labour dust coming your way if you are busy having a baby lol:dust::dust::dust:

Liz - I HATE sunburn - poor you :hugs: but still I AM a tad jealous haha :haha: - its raining here and the wind is actually howling outside -HOWLING winds in July haha!!!! :shrug::shrug: - at least its a bit cooler for me when/ if I go into labour haha and there shouldn't be too many ppl out the front if I need to open the windows . Was getting a bit concerned about the humidity and the fact that mw said that all windows would be open regardless of noise haha :haha::haha: as its more important to keep me cool in labour :blush::blush::blush: - imagine all the kiddies playing out front and me mooing/ wailing in the pool a few feet away with the windows open haha
:haha::haha: Got a fan yday to put on to help, just in case.
Happy 1 month to Dylan -to think you still haven't even reached your EDD and your wee guy is a month old already. Totally nuts haha

Nat - hope all the packing is going well, and that you are not overdoing it -Only a few more days until your sweep :happydance::happydance: -bet you're excited :happydance:

Chelsie - hope all is well with you too, enjoy your first official day of maternity leave tomorrow

My eldest DS is away today to Alton Towers with his friend + family, until Wednesday so he is hoping his lil bro doesn't arrive before he gets back - I am not decided lol - I want to see my lil guy / get rid of the pain / stop the boredom and constant anticipation and get off the damn crutches ASAP etc but would be a shame if Conor felt he'd missed out on the early days with his brother so ummmmmmmmmm don't know??? :shrug::shrug::shrug: Is it really bad of me to still hope baby arrives sooner rather than later ???? :shrug::shrug: Oh WELL -Still not even a twinge here, so doubt if anything IS happening soon.

Love n hugs to all mums bumps and Dylan xxx :hugs: xxx
donna, I added you on facebook the other day incase you were wondering who it was... i just want to see pics of baby as soon as possible haha so thought fb might be a better source of info!

I cant believe you lot are ready to pop! how much has it flown over pls?? good luck girls ! x
Hey girls!!

Im here!! Just had a really busy couple of days so havent been online. Cant deal with BnB on my phone....too difficult! Haha!!
Midwife went well, not gonna do a sweep until I am at least 40+4!!! Arrrgghh!! Hope bump has arrived by then! So mega jealous that Nat is going to have hers next week!! Lucky thing Nat!! Hope the sorting of the move is going well!

Liz - sorry to hear you were at a funeral. Is the air show really loud above your house hun? Hope Dylan is managing to nap through it!!

Donna - still no twinges? I have heard so many stories lately where labour starts with no warning whatsoever, so you could still be close to meeting your little man!! The weather is rubbish here today too! Windy and cold!!

Gossipgirly - 21 weeks already! Goodness that has flown by! Hope you're well hun!!

Chelsie - officially on maternity leave now! Woohoo!!!

Im feeling really good today. Have had a lovely weekend with hubby so far. Been shopping, relaxed at home. Double checked we have everything and then visited family this morning! It's hubby's bday tomorrow so there are 12 of us going out for food at 5ish! Lovely Italian meal...I am going to have something with chilli in it to smoke this baby out! Hehe!!

Sorry it's just a quick hello! Just wanted to check in, sorry I left you all thinking I was possibly in labour....I wish!!!! My little bro (well not really, he's 22) goes on hols on Wed, so would love baby to come before then so he can meet her....otherwise I will be same as you Donna....will I want to wait a WHOLE week from Wed so he can be here when she arrives, or will I just want her here asap!! AArrgghh!!

Well, lots of love to mummies, bumps and gorgeous Dylan!
Hi -thanks for the add - as for the time flying thing - in a way I can't believe we are at July already (and you are already past the half way mark too lol) , but now time has stood still lol- and I just want my lil man here NOW !!!!

The weeks from 37 onwards feel like the longest ever haha -just waiting and anticipating and wondering when/ where its gonna happen lol

But even if I go the full 10 days over then I'll have my baby in 3weeks tops, which on the grand scale isn't long at all I s'pose -but please NO - Dont want to wait another 3 weeks haha


Ooh Lori -maybe you'll be the same as Liz and give your hubby the best birthday prezzie ever xxxx

Ooh Lori I was so excited to log on and see if you has posted, glad to hear you made it to your husband's birthday meal, I hope it was yummy and that the chilli works!

Donna - That really made me laugh about you having all the windows open, I am sure when the time comes you really won't be thinking about who is outside!! And how exciting that in less than 10 days you know you will meet your little man, this is so mad!

Liz - I hope you and little Dylan have had a good weekend and the air show hasn't been too much of a pain for you, I still can't believe he is a month old! Whenever you have a free moment you must put some new pics on facebook as I would love to see him.

Gossipgirly - Thanks for stopping by, feel free to add me on fbook too if you like, the time for me from 21 weeks until 3rd trimester went so fast, enjoy it while you can, I feel quite sad that I will lose my bump soon!

Well we did some more packing yesterday and then popped to a 1st birthday party before just staying in for the evening. We had hubby's 2 best friends over to run through with them 'the plan' for when we go in! We are so lucky that they both live within 1 minutes walk from our house so Buster will be checked on regularly and he just adores them. Chris is off work for most of this week so I am hoping my sweep works so he is around for Buster.

Today we did the same as you Lori and a final check that we have everything we can think of! We popped to Kingston and bought a little sun hat for the baby and a hair band for me whilst in labour! Our friend Chris's parents own our local pub and they have been there 20 years this weekend so we have just got home from a huge party there, it was great fun and a free BBQ which was delicious!

I woke up about 3am and was wide awake until 5, nothing would send me back to sleep, it was so frustrating, thank god for games on my iphone!! So I am feeling really shattered now :( hoping for a good nights sleep tonight. We have both been saying we can't believe this could be our last weekend before the baby comes, that seems so surreal! Fingers crossed we have made the most of it!

Anyway, I had better get off the laptop and work my way towards bed and a good nights sleep, still can't believe I am having a sweep on Wednesday, just keeping my fingers crossed that she can do it as she said there is a chance she won't be able too, that will be SO annoying!!

Happy Sunday all, no work for any of us tomorrow!! Well apart from Liz ;)

Morning ladies... Well today is my 1st official day of maternity leave woo hoo!!!
Not that it's started that great haha. Have been awake since about 3 with an awful migrane and now am sooooooooo sleepy :(.
Sorry haven't been on for a while, we finished work early on friday due to a power outage to our building, and then i've had a busy weekend having my MIL up who brought our pram up :happydance: and then my BIL decided to come up for Sat evening wich was lovely.
So how is everyone???
Morning girls!

Hope everyone is good today! The sun is shining here today and I have a lovely day planned going to my cousins little girls end of nursery performance! So excited! My cousin is picking me up at 11 to go for some lunch then watch Saffron's performance at 2! She is oly 4 bless her!!
Nat - how scary that this could be your last Monday before you become a mummy!! Woohoo!! Must be a fab feeling!
Few more niggles last night, lots of BH. Had lots of chilli with starter and jalepenos on pizza in the Italians for hubby's meal! Got a bit of a sore tummy so hoping they are currently irritating my bowel and getting things moving! Hehe!!
It's just a quick hello as I've really overslept due to having a restless night. I am with you about games on phones Nat - I have a blackberry and LOVE word mole! It's fab! I was on there at 4 this morning!! Hehe!1

Have a fab day everyone! Hope we get another arrival this week!!! At least one more would be great!

Love and hugs
Afternoon peeps
Still pregnant lol and I swear getting bigger every single day haha-Dont think i can stretch anymore.

DH is off sick tday with neck/back/arm pain - I gave some sympathy yday but tbh have ran out now lol -that's terrible isn't it? haha -poor soul, but he is off to the docs now and has not taken any painkillers as he wants the doc to see how sore he is - haha, no sympathy for the man who is crying out in pain but refusing pain relief!!

Lori - hope you had fun at your nursery performance - so cute at that age, aren't they?
And I agree ,would be nice to have another baby born this week -at least one lol - I am still not having any signs at all - think I am in for the long haul!!

Woohoo -1st day mat leave Chelsie - enjoy!!

I am visiting my sis tomorrow for lunch and to see her new engagement ring yay
Mum coming to visit me on Wed for lunch; need to go into my local town on Thurs for some shopping and MW and massage on Friday, then its the weekend again and my DD's 16th birthday, and practically full term so hopefully this week will pass nice n quickly and then I'll start thinking of my day to days for the following week. Soon baby has to come out, that's one thing for sure haha.

Have a good day ladies - hope you are not overdoing it Nat with all the packing etc xxx

And YAY!! I am down to single figures on my ticker lol xx

Well yesterday was a busy day...and a hectic one! Hubby decided to take the day off and help me out bless him, I think really he fancied a day off knowing I was at home! We had a little lie in which was lovely before taking the dog out, I then had my lady area tended too, yay! I am all ready for my sweep tomorrow now haha! :happydance:

Then we started packing, a lady over the road from us works in Sainsburys so we asked her to grab us some boxes from work which she did, that has saved us a fortune and she said she can get more which is fantastic! Mum had the pushchair at hers which we still hadn't gotten out the box so we thought we could use those too.

Now I know that this is TOTALLY our fault but we really thought that this pushchair was black and grey...the last time we saw one was when we went to London for our wedding anniversary on May we got it out the box and it is brown and purple...god knows how we decided we liked it as now we hate it!! I called John Lewis and they have said that as it is still in the box provided they can re-sell it they will give us a full refund. So now we are thinking the Quinny. Which thankfully is available on next day delivery from Mothercare, I know, I know, who on EARTH changes their mind on a pushchair one week before their baby is due?! I swear I am an emotional nightmare at the moment! Thank god hubby totally agrees and it isn't just me being mental :)

So...after that we come home to be told that our buyers STILL can't exchange. I was so angry as we had said all along we only wanted to move either well before, or well after our due day. Now, in good faith, the people we are buying from have gone and signed a rental contract and our stuck and have to take on a rental property on the 19th of July and now it looks like we have let them down. My estate agents are fr*ckin useless and didn't even KNOW any of this had happened!! So thankfully I have our buyers email address and he has promised to keep me updated directly and thinks it may be Wednesday now, god I hope it is. Seeing as we are meant to move in 13 days, I don't want to book removals, or be unpacking everything again in a few days time. Argggghhhh!!

I knew this was too good to be true! So I had a good cry after talking to my useless estate agent, hubby was fantastic and suggested a dog walk to Londis for some bread and get me out of the house, so we did that bless him ;)

We also emptied most of our loft and he and his friend did a run to the tip, we got rid of so much stuff we were keeping for no reason! So at least most of what is up there now only needs to actually be moved into the new loft as it is Xmas decorations and photos etc.

So today I am hoping my Mum fancies a trip to John Lewis to return this pushchair so we can hotfoot it to Mothercare and order the replacement, well once I have had a good play with the Quinny, although I am sure I will then see something else I like too. haha it's ok, you can totally call me mental, I know I am!

Donna - How is hubby now? I hope he is feeling better! Mine always refuses painkillers, unless it is a hangover!! Enjoy all your plans this week, I hope it flies by for you!!

Lori - I bet the nursery performance was brilliant! I cannot wait until my nephew starts doing things like that!

Chelsie - Does it feel odd not going to work? I still feel like I am on a mini-holiday!

Liz - Have you found any good websites or anything about b'feeding? It dawned on me yesterday that I have no idea how long you are supposed to feed for each time? How on earth will I know when the baby has had enough! Feel like I might need to research into this a little!!!

Anyway ladies, I am off to start packing a few boxes, and hopefully get to JL for 9am and return this pushchair, and then hopefully a nice lunch with my Mum and a big sigh of relief if we get it sorted! It is my nephew's 2nd birthday tomorrow, I was at his birth with my sister and I cannot believe it has been 2 years already, how bizarre if my sweep works and they end up with the same birthday!

Have a fab day ladies, and apologies for the ramblings of a hormonal mad woman! xxx
Morning all!!

I've slept late again today! Just not sleeping in the night so Im making the most of being able to sleep late!!

Oh Nat - what a nightmare hun!! I hope you get sorted! John Lewis are great at customer service so Im sure it will all be sorted out! Hope you get the Quinny (or whatever you decide on) on next day delivery! Oh and what a pain about the house!! Estate agents have a lot to answer for!!

Liz - hope you and Dylan are good!

Donna - hope hubby is better. Hope your SPD is not giving you too much pain. Any twinges yet?

Chelsie - hope you're enjoying maternity so far!!! I still forget that I dont have to go to work for such a long time! Hehe!

I am having a relaxing day today after a busy one yday. The performance was great at Saffrons nursery! All the children were sooo cute! Bless them! Saffron is 4 and she is just so hilarious! She constantly makes me giggle! She was talking to my bump telling her to "hurry up and come out" So so sweet!!
I am going to have a nice shower and get freshened up and then Im popping to a friends for a cuppa at 12ish then back home to relax some more! Few more twinges on and off, but still nothing concrete!!! Really hope something happens for one of us this week - Nat it looks promising for you hun!!! Bet you and hubby are SO excited!!

Have a lovely Tuesday mummies, bumps and Dylan
Morning ladies

Oh Nat - that's a shame about your house, bloody estate agents bet you are really annoyed.

As for the pram lol - at least you found out this week and didn't wait until after you'd moved to get the pram out of the box haha. That's good that John Lewis' will accept refunds too, cos its a big expense the pram/travel system and you use it every day so need to be sure that you love it. Hope you get one sorted in time lol -maybe baby tomorrow haha!!!!

DH is back to work today after seeing the doc yday, he has pulled his trapezium muscle and has subsequently trapped a nerve which is causing pain from his shoulder to thumb -so on a cocktail of co-codamol and ibuprofen and ow ow owing all round the house lol- I tell you we are some state just now haha- like a pair of geriatrics, hobbling about the house in pain. He is gonna be some help, assisting me in/ out of my birthing pool etc when the time comes -hope he feels better soon.

I am getting so fed up of STILL being pregnant now, and not even overdue yet!!!! Not even a twinge to speak of though, it is SO frustrating just waiting and anticipating soemthing happening -and every day DH says somethng along the lines of (tap tap on tummy) 'are you not coming out today lil baby - daddy wants his lil man' aaarrggh me too!!!! And says to me - c'mon babe, anytime now would be good lol. And ppl phone to see if I am having twinges or any 'feelings' about tday - NO and even if I did I wouldn't say haha -they'll all find out once baby is here and that's it haha.

We recorded the baby's heartbeat onto the computer last night, something I have been meaning to do for ages but I am not so good with gadgets haha and had to get DH to set it up for me, also got a breast pump over the weekend- so officially the last things I needed to do before he arrives - so NOW baby- anytime haha!!!

As for b-feeding, I always fed on one side until baby came off the breast naturally (and the breast feels empty) then offer the other side too. To encourage a full tummy, especially when little and they tended to fall asleep at the breast half full, it can be a good idea to change nappy in between sides to waken baby up again (can help prevent baby being hungry again in an hour lol) Whether or not baby takes a feed from the other side or not, this is the breast I would start with next time. This ensures a good mix of first milk and hind milk each feed and keeps your supply up on both sides lol, dont want lop-sided boobies haha.

Hope all you ladies have a great day, love n hugs to all xxx
Hi! Nat- sorry about your purshchair but I know what you mean, I took back our car seat and then when Dylan was born we didn't have anything but its okay as it was delivered the next day and we were in hospital longer anyways so it didn't matter. Remember, you only NEED the car seat. So don't rush into any pushchairs as its such a big purchase. Also, I recommend trying out pushchairs at john lewis / mothercare... and then call this shop in york where I got my pushchair/car seat. Its called ck buggies and they do next day delivery, but I've found they do really good deals and always throw in 'extras' like raincovers, and I got a FREE footmuff when I bought my maxi cosi from them. Just a thought.

About breastfeeding, you can feed on demand so as and when baby wants it. Dylan gets agitated and starts rooting around and then I know he's hungry. But it is frustrating when I just fed him like an hour before! But they say there is a growth spurt around 1 month and then again at 4 month mark where they need more food. So I think we're in the growth spurt stage... Make sure you take breast pads and probably some lansinoh creme with you in your bag.

I really like the lansinoh breast pads which I bought from the baby show, so then I was running out and bought more from mothercare. come to find out the ones from the baby show were the 'new' version and then I bought crappy old version ones from mothercare. (the new version looks the same, but has a 'now softer' little icon thing on the box) So if anyone was going to get these on my recommendation make sure you get the ones that say 'softer' on the box. So I called Lansinoh yesterday to tell them what happened as what am I supposed to do now with £10 worth of breast pads that are horrible! well they're going to send me 2 new boxes of the newer version!

The midwives should help you breastfeeding though at hospital. my hospital was well keen on it. They even had special bf advisors that came around. And then if your unsure of what your doing when you get home your local surestart/nct should have groups. I've not been to one yet but i planned to go yesterday but then Dylan was throwing up after his feeds so then he was hungry again so we didn't go anywhere!

well anyways... got a visitor shortly so have to run around and do a tidy up! xxx
ok so i'm a bit mad at the mo... dylan's middle name is thomas and we didn't know dylan thomas was a welsh poet, never heard of him! i really like the name dylan thomas and i'm sick and tired of people thinking i've named him after a freaking welsh poet!!! thomas was going to be a middle name and then we chose dylan when he was born. I feel like i have to keep explaining to people that we didn't know! but i still love his name!

i just needed to moan xxx
Well I am back! My Mum has a cheap old buggy she has been using with the boys and thankfully the 2 boxes fitted on it perfectly! So we wheeled it into John Lewis who were fab and let me wheel around all the pushchairs and we have gone back to Plan A now and have the apple!! I had initially gone with the peach as it is ever so slightly easier to fold, but not enough to make me not want the apple as it is not complicated in the least! They had the frame and part of the pram in stock so we have that today, yay! In black too! And on Thursday we can collect the carry cot, seat adaptors for the car seat and the parasol and rain cover. Plus it worked out £85 cheaper too so I have a happy Dad, I text him to say thank you and it was all sorted and he replied to say he cannot wait to push it around :)

I feel bad as he is away tomorrow until Friday, I know he will come rushing back if baby arrives which seems silly just to see it for an hour and go home again, fingers crossed I can convince him to wait but I don't think he will.

Still don't think I have my head around having a sweep tomorrow!!

Lori - I hope you have a nice relaxing day, I am struggling to sleep well at the moment too, no position seems to be comfortable at all!

Donna - Sorry to hear about hubby, fingers crossed he is fine again when you need him on hand! I am sorry to hear you are so fed up, I wish I had some ideas to keep you busy! I am lucky that no one is harrassing me yet to ask if baby is coming ;) Thanks for the b'feeding info too.

Liz - Thank you for all of that, I am pretty sure they will be fab and very pro b'feeding at my hospital too, so I know I will have plenty on hand for advice, just felt like I needed to know a bit more in my own mind first! Attempting to prepare myself!

Sorry to hear about the name issues, everyone always has an opinion don't they? If it is any consolation I have never heard of Dylan Thomas and I studied English Literature through to A-level!! I then took English Language at Uni and never heard the name there either!!

My nephew's intials spell JABA so my sister got a lot of grief at the time that at school people would take the mickey out of him, but what can you do, how many times in life is he going to introduce himself as 'Dylan Thomas' so I wouldn't worry about it, I am sure most of my friends don't even know my middle name!

We have firmly decided on Ruby Alice Bourner for a girl now and still a toss up on the day between Leo Edward or Olly Edward Bourner...eek so exciting!

Anyway, my best friend who is over from Sydney is on her way to me for lunch so I had better crack on, no news on the house, the agent called me this morning and I can't even be bothered to listen to her voicemail, I have my buyers email address so I will get in touch with him later if I don't hear anything via my solicitor.

Enjoy your afternoon ladies! xxx
Nat great news about your travel system, glad that all worked out -hoping her house does soon too but at the end of the day (annoying as it is!!!) you do have your new dream home to look forward to and you'll be in there with your little son /or daughter before you know it.

Love the name Ruby and very apt for a July baby too ( birthstone - which I am sure you know). Olly was on our list too, but also like Leo too. We are more or less sure we are having Dawson John (I do prefer Dawson James but John is after my DH's grandfather and the other kids middle names are all after my grandparents so it's only right lol - we have Uncle James' on both sides though so would have been appropriate too). DH has named the baby's heart beat recording on the pc as 'baby beat by DJ Fox lol'.

Lori - have a nice relaxing day , I think I'll join you in that lol -was plnning going to visit my sis, but she has had to take her DD to the dentist, and I ran out of RLT so had to pop into town and am now sore and knackered haha -so sitting here drinking my RLT and no plans to move too much again -maybe for a bounce on my ball haha

Liz -I agree with Nat, how many ppl will actually call Dylan by his full name anyway. I love it; and there must be a reason why you chose Thomas so just re-iterate that if ppl ask; but there could be worse things for ppl to think you name him after than a poet lol - could've been a notorious axeman or something lol.

Well off to peruse the July baby thread again, see if we have any advance on 33 lol

take care ladies xxx
Well it is half 3 and I'm wide awake, again!!! So annoying!!

Our buyers emailed me last night to say they're renewed mortgage offer is back on!!! It is with their solicitor & we should exchange today, and still complete on the 19th, I'll believe it when I see it!

I have the midwife at 9.30, eek!!! It is my nephews birthday so mum, dad & I are going over to my sisters at 7.30 to do presents, then I'll go straight from there. Eek! I am hoping that she can firstly do the sweep, and secondly it doesn't hurt! She said that the baby has been low for so long that she can't see why it wouldn't have made my cervix thin so here's hoping she is right.

After that I'm collecting my other nephew from school and we will meet both my sisters & the birthday boy for a picnic lunch where my little sister works. I've got reflexology after that to see if she can help after the sweep, I hope so!!

A busy day ahead, so sleep would be nice please body!

Donna that made me laugh about DJ Fox! I love the name Dawson, the middle names we've chosen our ours & I like the idea of keeping them as 'family names' mine especially as it was my lovely grandmas name.

Anyway, hope everyone else is having a better day than me!! I will update should anything happen!xxx

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