Well yesterday was a busy day...and a hectic one! Hubby decided to take the day off and help me out bless him, I think really he fancied a day off knowing I was at home! We had a little lie in which was lovely before taking the dog out, I then had my lady area tended too, yay! I am all ready for my sweep tomorrow now haha!
Then we started packing, a lady over the road from us works in Sainsburys so we asked her to grab us some boxes from work which she did, that has saved us a fortune and she said she can get more which is fantastic! Mum had the pushchair at hers which we still hadn't gotten out the box so we thought we could use those too.
Now I know that this is TOTALLY our fault but we really thought that this pushchair was black and grey...the last time we saw one was when we went to London for our wedding anniversary on May 1st...so we got it out the box and it is brown and purple...god knows how we decided we liked it as now we hate it!! I called John Lewis and they have said that as it is still in the box provided they can re-sell it they will give us a full refund. So now we are thinking the Quinny. Which thankfully is available on next day delivery from Mothercare, I know, I know, who on EARTH changes their mind on a pushchair one week before their baby is due?! I swear I am an emotional nightmare at the moment! Thank god hubby totally agrees and it isn't just me being mental
So...after that we come home to be told that our buyers STILL can't exchange. I was so angry as we had said all along we only wanted to move either well before, or well after our due day. Now, in good faith, the people we are buying from have gone and signed a rental contract and our stuck and have to take on a rental property on the 19th of July and now it looks like we have let them down. My estate agents are fr*ckin useless and didn't even KNOW any of this had happened!! So thankfully I have our buyers email address and he has promised to keep me updated directly and thinks it may be Wednesday now, god I hope it is. Seeing as we are meant to move in 13 days, I don't want to book removals, or be unpacking everything again in a few days time. Argggghhhh!!
I knew this was too good to be true! So I had a good cry after talking to my useless estate agent, hubby was fantastic and suggested a dog walk to Londis for some bread and get me out of the house, so we did that bless him
We also emptied most of our loft and he and his friend did a run to the tip, we got rid of so much stuff we were keeping for no reason! So at least most of what is up there now only needs to actually be moved into the new loft as it is Xmas decorations and photos etc.
So today I am hoping my Mum fancies a trip to John Lewis to return this pushchair so we can hotfoot it to Mothercare and order the replacement, well once I have had a good play with the Quinny, although I am sure I will then see something else I like too. haha it's ok, you can totally call me mental, I know I am!
Donna - How is hubby now? I hope he is feeling better! Mine always refuses painkillers, unless it is a hangover!! Enjoy all your plans this week, I hope it flies by for you!!
Lori - I bet the nursery performance was brilliant! I cannot wait until my nephew starts doing things like that!
Chelsie - Does it feel odd not going to work? I still feel like I am on a mini-holiday!
Liz - Have you found any good websites or anything about b'feeding? It dawned on me yesterday that I have no idea how long you are supposed to feed for each time? How on earth will I know when the baby has had enough! Feel like I might need to research into this a little!!!
Anyway ladies, I am off to start packing a few boxes, and hopefully get to JL for 9am and return this pushchair, and then hopefully a nice lunch with my Mum and a big sigh of relief if we get it sorted! It is my nephew's 2nd birthday tomorrow, I was at his birth with my sister and I cannot believe it has been 2 years already, how bizarre if my sweep works and they end up with the same birthday!
Have a fab day ladies, and apologies for the ramblings of a hormonal mad woman! xxx