from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Morning ladies

Well I am not looking forward to today -DJ getting his first set of immunisations this afternoon. I hate seeing them getting jabbed lol, tried t otalk Dave into taking the day off and taking him bu the couldn't lol. Upside, I am going to my sis for lunch beforehand as her lil one is getting his MMR today too ,so we are going together. Fun day out? NOT!! Lol.

Well done Ruby roo for sleeping SO well last night, my wee guy is only managing 3hrs between feeds still, and with us up feeding for 20-30 mins, I only actually get afew hrs in between zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. We were both still asleep when DH was leaving this morning until he he comes barging into the room cos he has forgotten the online bank details and wakes up not only me but the wee guy too grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Now DJ is asleep on the floor under his play gym -so sweet awwwwwwww! and I am up, blearyeyed and gonna be grouchy later haha; could snooze too, but there is so much to be done in the house I just couldn't settle.

Was thinking about you ladies and ttc babies number 2 lol - could end up being bumpbuds with our charmed again lol - really wish it could be me :-( :-( bloody stupid pelvis!!

Better go and get some housework done whilst his majesty sleeps lol, spk later ladies

Love n hugs to all xx

hi not sure when gonna try dan not really coping that well n still too raw to talk about it at moment.... who knows what future holds!
im having some health tests done at moment as i maybe celiac n have been told im aneamic ... also got have a kidney scan... so least im getting healthy at moment!!
Hi!!! we've made it to the US in one piece! just wanted to pop in and say hi! Dylans a bit poorly at the minute, has the sniffles, coughing.. and I have it too, got it a couple days before we left so hopefully its almost gone now! got a few cute clothes the last couple days and hope to get some pictures taken of Dylan while we're here.

I was actually in one outlet and someone commented about my sling and where to get one and I was like 'england' and turns out the lady was from leeds! In US visiting her family too, small world as I'm just an hour from leeds and then an hour from where her family is here too....

well will pop back at some point to write a bit more, hope everyone has good sleeps tonight!! xxx
Have a fabby time Liz - hope you and Dyls are both feeling better and looking forward to some more piccies xx

Liz- so glad you're having a good time & that you're flight was uneventful! Can't wait to hear about all this shopping!!!!

Donna- how did Deej's jabs go? I managed to move Roos to next week so that we can have them at 11.30am rather than 3.30pm!

Well I have had my dearest Aubt Flo with me for 16 days now, yes, that's right SIXTEEN days!!!!! So frigging fed up with it now!!!! My periods never lasted more than 5 before & were so light so this is not fun at all!!!!

I suppose the only blessing is that I haven't had any cramps or anything at all.

Well Roo did another fab night last night but she's been taking 6oz at her feed between 6&7pm & tonight only taken 3 so I'll have to top her up about half 8 and hope she takes some more at ten, eek!

Otherwise not much else to report apart from I started Xmas shopping today!!!xxx
Hi Nat, glad to report Deej's jabs went okay- ish (lol!!). After an initial scream -the whole building heard him lol, all the other wee babies were so quiet and maybe had a wee sniffle or a petted lip on but Deej SCREAMED lol. Dave says its cos he's a wimpbecause I mollycoddle him lol. Poor wee tyke!! Then we had a few unsettled hours of tears and snuffles and after some calpol and a wee sleep then he obviouly felt much better and is back to being his jolly wee self today. I was dreading last night, was sure he'd be up screaming through the night but he was fine; still awake every 3 hrs for feeding but fine nonetheless.

Well done you Nat starting Xmas shopping ,I have too. I do most of mine online, love receiving post haha and hate trailing around stores - so have had my first few packages arrive already -so exciting. As well as Xmas, I have been shopping for our annual Halloween party -I cannot wait!!! Dave and I are going as Ninjas, Loren (DD) is Little Red Riding Hood /or a sailor (she has both costumes and has not decided yet!)Conor (DS1) wants to be a gangster -haven't got his yet. Ben (DS2) also now wants to be a gangster and it's causing upset lol, and Deej is being a skeleton as the party is past his bedtime, so he'll make a guest appearance for a few mins in his skeleton pyjamas and then go to bed (hopefully haha- famous last words eh??)

Bloody Hell!! AF for 16 days- have you been taking a new BCP or something Nat? I always bfed and it took a while for AF to return but when it did it was never that long, hope you are coping okay -if you are getting excessive bleeding maybe worth getting your Hb checked for anaemia xxx Or if prolonged any longer a wee word with yout fam planning clinic of GP maybe?

Hope everyone else is well, love to all xxx
Hi all - just checking in to send hugs and than you all for checking up on me!

Bgs loves to you all and extra special squeezes for the babies xxxx
Day 17!! Donna you know the worst thing? I only have 4 days left of my pill packet, and then I am meant to take a break for 5 days for yet another period!!

I am gona make a mortgage payment in bloody tampons this month!

I started back on the microgynym which is what I discussed with my GP at my 6 weeks check...that's the same pill I have been on since I was about 16 so not sure why it would cause me a problem now...this is most odd! I did post a question in the baby forum last week and a few people came back and said that their's lasted ages too, but I might see if anyone has had it this long!

Great news his jabs were ok, hopefully with Roo's being in the morning this time it should be a little easier.

Your Halloween party sounds fab! My sister got Roo a gorgeous halloween outfit in New York, I cannot wait to dress her up in it! I actually think it's going to be miles too big but never mind! I cannot believe she is 12 weeks today, in fact 10 mins ago she was born 12 weeks ago, total madness.

The time has just flown by and I just love hanging out with her more and more every day. When i go in to get her from her nap, or when she wakes in the night she is SO smiley, its just heavenly!

You might have seen on facebook a while ago that our video camera deleted the DVD :( well I have found a company to restore it, its £150 but no fee if they cant recover anything, a heck of a lot but so worth it as I didnt do any filming on my normal camera thinking we had all of that.

So I think that may have to be on my Xmas list this year! Also, the professional photos I had of Ruby done are back, oh my god I am in love! I picked them up on Thursday and they are just brilliant!

I won't post them on fbook as I don't want anyone to know, but I will take a pic of some of them them put them on here, I cannot believe how much she has changed in the 9 weeks since they were taken, she could barely stay awake haha :)

Anyway, here is hoping for another good night tonight, we had a lovely 3 hour nap today! I usually only let her sleep for 2 hours but I passed out and didnt know the time, whoops! Hopefully it won't affect my night too badly tonight.

Have a fab evening all, Liz I hope you are doing me proud with all that shopping! xxx
aww sorry Nat about AF!! I'm not looking forward to that!! I've heard the first one is a bit of a nightmare!! can't wait to see some of those pics!! hope to get some done while we're here! haven't bought anything today as had a little reunion with some ladies I went to school with, so much fun!! and another friend is on her way to come stay with us for the weekend! and speaking of halloween, the costumes here are amazing! I bet Roo has a great one, can't decide what to buy for dylan, I've seen a lion, hot dog, dinasuar, elmo, frog.... maybe I'll get him a couple!! well I'm so tired but I have to stay up now as friend won't be here for 2 more hours.... hope to get some shopping in tomorrow!! I've only bought 6 to 9 stuff but i'm starting to think I should stock up on like 9 to 12/ 12 to 18 as at dylans speed we'll be there in no time!! eek!!
Hello ladies!

Liz- how's the shopping going?! I'm so jealous! My parents friends have just asked them to go to Vegas with them in April so I'll start saving now!!

Donna- how's your little man? I'm hoping to get an appointment to get Rubes weighed today so be interesting to see where she's at! How was lunch with your sis?

Lori - I hope you and Grace are well!

Chelsie- how is The teething going? I'm dreading it!

Ruby is still sleeping well, she only wakes once usually between 3.30 and 5 so I can handle that! The only downside is that I always wake about 2.30 for the loo so I somehow need to get out that habit!

Ok so I have a confession, I was a but rubbish at pelvic floor exercises towards the end of my pregnancy and I still can't stop my wee and sneezing can be a problem!!!! Any ideas?!?!?!?!

Hi Nat -pelvic flor exercises every hour, until you feel things getting better and then keep it up as often as you can - you dont want to be an incntinent wee old lady do you haha? I try t oremember to do mine everytime I feed Deej, but also sometimes doing dishes, ironing etc, even driving the car - majorly important for everyone but great for spd recovery too.

Deej was up all night last night, and in my bed in between cries and grumbles -been great for the past few weeks too :-( Dont know if it was wind, colic, maybe gums, constipation -hadn't been in 4/5 days (but did go majorly this morning sorry TMI lol) or what but he was SO miserble and sad and giving it big sobs! Poor wee man, felt so sorrry for him but he seems better today. Fx'd for tonight.

DH driving me mad grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- we both stopped smiking before Deej was conceived but he has lapsed and now trying to stop again... and is crabbit and grumpy grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Bloody stupid man - I know its hard to give up smoking but if he hadn't have lapsed in the first place grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Finding it hard to be supportive lol, espec with sleep deprivation

Better g and get some washing out and tidied a bit whilst Deej is sleeping, ttfn xxx
Well done Roo on sleeping so well now, enjoy your shopping and meeting old friends Liz and hugs n love to everyone xxx
I'm on a shopping spree.... somebody stop me!! eeks! I think I bought out the whole carters outlet on sunday!! I had an extra 20% off my purchase and everything is already on sale and stuff so I bought loads, I've been buying 6-9, 9-12, & 12-18 clothes!!! whatevers on sale!! Plus Dyls and I have been meeting up with old friends, its been a pleasurable visit so far, until last night when my mum has started driving me mad!!! I have 2 cousins visiting and they came yesterday for 2 nights and my mum was just being silly... I told her she should get a new car, the nissan rogue, like the nissan qashqai in england and my friend was visiting last weekend and she had one and so my mum took it out around the block and came back all serious and said I really like it but the gas tank is on the wrong side!!! who says that!!?? plus in the time I've been here she has changed 1 nappy!! well my great aunt very just popped in, I'm off!! xxxxx
Baby Bead pop in to say HIYA *waves*
hi baby bead - gorgeous pic mummy Neen xx hugs to you hun, so so pleased for you xxxxx Bet all the family are so excited . Gonna pop over to your journal for all the details xxx

LOL @ your mum Liz haha xxx
Hi baby Bead!! It's very lovely to see you!

Well Jodys brother is coming tomorrow to meet Roo, he lives in Dublin & it's a surprise...well a surprise that absolutely everyone apart from Jody knows about! I feel sorry for him as everyone else is getting to be excited about him coming over & experiencing the anticipation but poor Jodes is clueless!

His brother was going to walk out on his 6 week pregnant girlfriend last time we saw him, but he seems to have decided to do the decent thig and try and make a go of things. He did actually quit his job without telling her & planned to come here for a holiday & just never go back but she told him the night he left that she was pregnant. Don't get menstarted!!!! She's due on the 19th of December, it has come around so fast!

Anyway, in more nicer news! Roo had her jabs today so has been totally off her food, she usually takes 20oz a day and has only had about 12 today poor thing, hopefully she will wake upfeeling ok tomorrow. Giving her calpol just before defo helped.

Anyway, must go get some sleep now the dreamfeed is done, Donna lots of love and kisses to Deej and you, Liz!! I want to hear a out this shopping!!! Lori hope you're ok?!

Ninaaaaa you're having a babyyyyyy so excited!!!! Xxx
Hi!!! I made a new thread for us to continue general chatter/ parenting....

check it out!!! ( thought it might be about time ;) )

so annoyed at dh..... have been out this morning to see 4 day old baby!! (sooo cute) and came home to find a 'you were out' parcel slip... the thing is, I have a note on my door to say leave in shed, and silly dh LOCKED it when he went to work, I had left it unlocked and now they need to try to redeliver on monday... grrrr and on the slip it says (SHED LOCKED!!) like the guy was annoyed!! well so am I!!

on positive note, i'm off to work this afternoon for a charity meeting and will get 1/2 kit day paid! but I dont want to go to work... I wish I didn't say I'd go, but yay to get paid a little more than smp!!
Oh no Hun that sucks!!!!

Jody would do that to me haha!

We took Roo swimming for the first time today, she loved it!! Going to try & find somewhere we can do swimming lessons.

How is everyone?

I had her weighed at baby clinic on Wednesday and she was 14lb 3oz at 20 weeks, so proud of her! She's still under the 50th percentile so they want me back in 2 weeks, the lady that did my weaning talk saw me and was SO helpful about her bowels and suggested lots of things & said to come back to see her personally so I'm glad I've got someone on the Case now! She went yesterday so I'm hoping she will go tomorrow as she didn't today :(

Anyway, must dash, I'll try & post a full update later x
this is the ttc thread lol wondered why i started getting updates for it again xx
Hi mad baby brain ladies haha :haha::haha::haha::haha:
glad I am still subscribed to this thread too, or I'd have missed out on some chat lol

Glad your getting good advice on Roos bowels Nat. Dawsons bowels only move 1-2 times per week, but then they are soft and not at all constipated. Have you tried massaging her tummy; and moving her legs gently in a cycle motion ? -helps with bowel motility.
Glad she enjoyed the swimming, we have taken Deej twice only and planned to make it a regular occurrence but have had car trouble and it has not transpired unfortunately :nope:

Liz -I would have been annoyed too lol, hate it when my plans are ruined :growlmad: and espec since you have to wait in on Monday now grrr. Enjoy your KIT day, I really need to arrange at least one of these for next year before i return, just to get me back to speed with everything, but I am in denial at the moment haha -I really dont want to go back :cry:

Hi Chelsie and Gemma too :flower::flower: lol xxx

So back to parenting forum????? See you all there xxxx

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