from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!


Sorry for going AWOL for a few days, I just have not had time to sit down with the laptop and catch up! I have been reading everyone's posts though.

Lori - great to hear how well everything is going for you, I am so envious of all this socialising you are doing, I had a mad week of it last week which then totally throws Roo's sleep patterns out of sync and everything goes to pot! Do you do anything like a 3 hour feed cycle or specific nap times? Or do you just let Grace take the lead?

Donna - well done you on still b'feeding, thats fantastic! I haven't had a girly night out yet but I am having a half and half on Saturday night! It is one of Jody's friends birthdays, and a friend of mine is having a leaving party as he is off to do his 3rd tour of Afghanistan :( so I am going on my own to his party, and then I will go onto where Jody is later, I am quite looking forward to just rocking up when I fancy it!! As I know he will be wondering when I am going to show, ooh look at me being all independant! I am the same about leaving Roo & worrying about her routine for bedtime but my Mum is just fab and will do everything as I ask her too so it's brill. Mother in law on the other hand just ignores anything we say and says 'I have raised 4 children of my own!' very frustrating!

Liz - I hope you are enjoying your trip down south! And that you get to stay in the lovely hotel! I have not gotten around to posting your book yet, I am sorry, I will try and do it this weekend. Thanks for the offer of those titles, I will go and check out on Amazon which they are as I love Jane Green and I know I have read some of hers.

Neen - going to check now on how you are!

Gemma - I see your countdown on facebook and I cannot believe how the weeks are flying by, I hope it is for you too!

Chelsie - How was Macie getting her ears pierced? I can still remember the pain of getting mine done when I was 13!!

Things are much better at home, Jody finally had a no drinking this weekend, and we have had a lovely week. Tuesday night was awful and Roo was up every 40 minutes, so I re-read my Baby Whisperer book and it answered all my problems, she had her jabs and felt ill so I had been letting her do her own thing and ignoring her signals of being tired etc as I was feeling down so going out a lot and the whole thing just went to pot! So we got back into it all yesterday of her doing 1 hour 30 mins awake, then 1 hour 30 mins sleeping, she does it like clockwork! And then last night she finally went off at 8pm but woke at 9pm for a quick top up feed, I dream fed her at 10.15pm and she slept until 3am! She woke briefly at 5am for a feed until 6.45am so all in all a fairly decent night.

The thing I struggle with is getting her to sleep! We do a night time routine, of feed, bath time, cuddles in her nursery & then meltdown! She goes to sleep then wakes crying again 10 mins later, it takes anything up to 90 mins for her to be so tired she crashes, by day I can settle her in 2 minutes so I don't know why the evening is different?!

I started Slim Fast on Monday, I was going to do weight watchers but I just dont have the time to plan food, let alone calculate points and write it all down!! So Slim Fast is proving to be a very good option! I do already feel like I have lost a bit of my belly but I will go and weigh myself at my Mums tomorrow to see if I really have!

Anyway, best go as Roo will be up soon, lots of love to all xxxx
im so pleased you had a decent night sleep, really hope this is things to come for you.

I think that countdown is making it slower for me haha its sooooo dragging!
Hi girls,

My scan went great today.

Here is my little mister or missus....

Hey all!

Just a flying visit! Grace is still sleeping so I've caught up on last nights Eastenders! I love Sky +! Hehe!! Then thought I'd pop on to catch up with my lovely girlies!

Hope everyone is well! Its a miserable day weather wise here today, it's been really sunny lately so Im not a fan of this rain!

Liz - hope London was good!! Hope you did lots of shopping!

Donna - how you doing?

Chelsie - Grace weighs 10lb13 and almost none of her newborn clothes fit!! Enjoy Macie being in them before you have to box them all up! Im having a huge sort out at the weekend!! Scary how quickly they grow!!

Nat - saw on FB youve been having some dodgy nights! Poor Ruby and poor you!! Glad things are perking up tho!! With regards to patterns, routines etc....we dont have any really! Grace usually wakes up between 7-8 and has a feed, we then usually have a class to go to in the morning or a walk or something. She will usually need a little feed (2oz expressed) at about 10.30ish then she has a 30 min (ish) nap then she stays wide awake wanting to play / be occupied til 1ish (usually have something planned on an afternoon too)....another feed....followed by 10 min nap (20 if shes mega sleepy) then shes back awake to play! Another feed at 5ish once were in for the day. We then bath / feed / bed anytime between 7-9 depending on how tired she is. She then usually wakes once during the night for a quick feed and then is back down. She sleeps for a minimum of 5 hours at a time through the night now! Grace doesnt sleep a lot through the day (she has no set nap times etc as we are out and about at different times each day and she's so nosey she wont sleep if we're with her friends!!) so I think she sleeps so well at night because she is really tired! Haha!

Gemma - hope time starts to fly by for you hun!! Its so exciting!

Neen - wow!! Fab scan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!

So were all good at this end! Starting a new class today - baby sensory!! Its an underwater experience today....seaweed etc! Should be fun! Hehe! Then were off for lunch!

Hope everyone is good and you have a lovely weekend!! I'm off on a night out tonight with people from work, no alcohol tho! But Im still very excited! Then having a girly night in with alcohol tomorrow night!! Andrew has a full weekend off so we're doing some family things through the day and he's excited to spend 2 nights just him and Grace! I'm looking forward to a little bit of me time! Treat myself to a new outfit for tonight too!

Lots of love and hugs!!!

Hi Ladies - nice to hear from you all and glad things are mainly going well, still a few sleepless nights here too Nat!!! Lucky you having a hands on (and helpful granny). Neither my mum nor Dave's are any good when it comes to babysitting etc- wouldn't trust Dave's mum with any of the kids, she is so scatter brained and my mum is out of the country a lot as she owns a house in Spain, then when she is here she is not bothered really :-( :-(
She is home today from Spain, so wonder how long it will take her to come and see her newest grandson, never mind the rest of them!! Ben my 8 y.o has to ask every time we mention grannies who they are again -the one who lives in Spain sometimes or the one with the cats haha

Lori , I know what you mean about cherishing the times with tiny clothes lol -my lil chunky monkey is now outgrowing all his 0-3 month stuff too- Due weighed again this week but will be over 12lbs anyways cos he was 11lb 12 last time. I have started expressing a bottle a day too -just to make sure he takes to the bottle okay and he takes 4 oz per feed - wee greedy man!!! Last night he was feeding every 2 hrs again -hoped that once we reached 6 weeks he'd have calmed down a bit lol -but think he must be having a growth spurt again.

Liz - hi how are you and Dyls getting on? Hope you had a fab time in London. Are you still exclusively bf -ing? When are you planning on stopping? I was planning 4 months - so that I could have a few drinks at Xmas lol but times going so quick lol -may leave him to 5 or 6 months instead.

Nina -WOW Brilliant news babes -so so happy for you and your scan pic is great xxxxxxxxx

Gemma - the last few months did feel slower for me too, but believe me when I say it - time flies this side and I miss my bump, my belly moving with kicks etc and generally hubby doing everything for me haha -now its business as usual except I now have an extra passenger to care for haha

Chelsie - glad you are doing well and lil Macie thriving. You done really well with the breastfeeding and my second child was exactly the same, as soon as I introduced the first bottle of formula. He decided that he wouldn't take the breast anymore too, and he was perfectly fine on the formula too- in fact slept great for me -the only baby of mine that did haha xx

Well, as I mentioned -Dawson is doing fabbie -getting bigger every day it seems and smiling and laughing too now. Still not the best sleeper in the world and I still spend more time carrying him or holding him than doing anything else haha, but so cherishing every minute. My paediatrician is on hols for 2 weeks so his 6week check is going to be done at 8 weeks instead and first jabs then too- dreading that!!! Hate to see them getting them. I had my 6 week check yday and all well although except bloody hell got a new coil insitu and it bloody hurt - felt like labour pains as they opened my uterus and I nearly fell off the examining table. Ouch!!!!! Have had the coil three times before too and it was never sore like that. Thats it in for ever now though lol - not planning anymore babies and its active for 10yrs and then there will be no point having it removed unless clinically indicated.

TTFN all -have a fabbie weekend and hope to hear from you all soon xxxxxx
Hiya! well back from our little mini holiday and hubby has gone off to his training today.... 4 weeks away! he might come back at the weekend but its like a 4-5 hour train journey for him. So its just me and Dylan at least til Friday! :(

I'm still exclusively breastfeeding, I don't know how long I'll keep bfeeding for but for now it seems to be coming easily to me and I feel quite lucky about that so we're going to keep it up. Might switch to bottle bfeeding at 5-6 months but not exactly sure. I'm enjoying it at the moment :)

London was great, the hotel was lovely and they even upgraded us to a room witha jacuzzi bath and super king bed! (I think they wanted the baby away from all the other rooms hehe) and they provided a nice travel cot for us to use. We went into london on the train and had a couple days there, only used the bus as we took the pram with us and the buses were a lot easier for travelling around with prams! really enjoyed it and Dylan was really good, slept a lot of it and then woke up every so often for photos!

Dylans been a star with his sleeping too, look I've gone and jinxed myself now!!, slept 9-2 and then 230 to 9am last night and has been quite consistent on going anywhere between 5 and 8 hours at a time at night.

I'm well jealous of Lori and Nat, going out this weekend!! hope you ladies had a fab time!! None of my friends seem to go out anymore with several of them being preggo at the moment, so if I did want to go out I'm not sure who I could get to come with me that would be any fun!

well anyways, going to get to sleep now!! Dylan has just fallen asleep, he's in the bed with me at the moment but we've been quite good with him sleeping in his cotbed, I hope I dont regress and get him used to sleeping in our bed while dh is away, but its just so convenient!!

Hope you all had a fab weekend, hope to write more tomorrow as I should have lots of time on my hands these next 4 weeks!

Neen- love the blueberry, soooo excited for you!!!

Dylan was laying on my chest as I was writing that and just after had the hugest burp and threw up LOADS on my top!! just had to share!! hope everyone elses night is a success!! Dylan doesn't want to settle! xx
Sorry Liz but LOL @ Dylan spitting up on your top haha - Dawson does that all day to me, I am one big baby sick cloth haha - hope he settled soon after!

Dylan does sleep well- espec for a b-fed baby. wish my wee guy slept zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Last night I got a three hour stretch ONCE and that was a very good night for him; and he slept 3 hrs but I was up poking him just to check he was okay haha

We are getting so many coos, gurgles and smiles now; it is so cute!!! I just love this age so much; except for the sleep deprivation lol

Hope everyone else is well xxx
Thanks Donna lol!!! I do feel really lucky Dylan goes for such long stretches of sleep, part of me thinks it might have to do with his time being tube fed as he was going every 3 hours from birth, then they took it to every four hours when in hospital!

well had 2nd lot of jabs this evening!! biggest mistake to get them so late in the day!! Dylan hasn't settled yet! had a couple 30 minute sleeps but wakes up SCREAMING which is sooo unlike him. I've just given him some baby paracetamol which was prescribed which I hate doing but I hope that helps my little man... just seems like he's still in pain. Needless to say I think we're going to be co-sleeping tonight! good thing Rob's away or else he'd be kicked out of the bed!! hehe

Going to get Dylan weighed tomorrow, wonder how much he weighs now!!?? Can't believe how fast the time is going!!

well heres to a good nights sleep for everyone!! xxxx
Hey guys!

Liz that's exactly how Roo was after her jabs! I stupidly got them done at 3.30 and it ruined the whole evening poor little thing, I have the same appointment time for her 12 week jabs so I need to call & ask for a morning one. It is horrid isn't it?! Roo never wakes up screaming either but she did too!

I think you may be right about the feeding as I have been making a huge effort these last few days to only feed her every 3 hours and it seems to have made a difference to her naps I think! Roo had a dream feed at 10pm last night & slept til 2am, had a quick feed, slightly stirred at 3am and slept through til 7!

I actually had to wake her up this morning and I have not had to do that in ages! I am glad you had a good trip to London, did you venture to Epsom at all?

Donna - Sorry that Deej does not sleep that well, I would say hitting 8 weeks was a turning point for us, had she not had her jabs things would have been better too! I am loving the smiles too! when I go into her when she wakes in the night she just beams at me, it is so lovely.

Lori - Thanks so much for your help with sleeping etc, I really appreciate it, I find it fascinating how different all the babies are. I had my night out on Saturday and was so drunk by 9pm after 2 drinks that I moved onto water after that! You can probably see from my fbook pics that I was a little worse for wear!

Nina - loving stalking you, this is all so exciting! I had an early scan at 7 weeks and that wait until the 12 week scan was killer, but at least you have Xmas to look forward to, it should hopefully make the time fly by!

Gemma - I saw on fbook you had been to hospital, I hope everything is ok?

Well ladies I have been letting Roo do what she likes these last few days and it seems to be working for us, I have been following the baby whisperer in terms of it helps you to reasd their signals etc and now I know exactly when she is over tired, hungry etc etc and our nights have been so much better! All I stick to is awake at 7am, feed every 3 hours from 7am, bath at 6pm and bed at 7pm and everything in between is up to her and it seems to be working great, eek, famous last words!!

My sister is coming over this morning & we are taking Buster for a walk with my nephew Tedd and Roo in the pram. I am going to 'buggy fit' on Thursday morning so looking forward to meeting some other Mums!

Hi Nat
Glad to hear you are getting Roo settled, I am hoping that 8weeks will be the turning point for Deej too, sleep wise -not holding my breath though haha - how long do they recommend 'demand feeding' anyway?? Cos I was thinking today- if I forced Deej to go 3 hrly ALL day would it help or hinder at night time do you think??? Can't remember how long we demand fed for with the other three. Half the time, I reckon I could force him to go the full 3 hrs rather than giving in at the first sign at 2hrs -I mean I know he's not starved lol -wee fatty haha!!!! But scared t ospend all day forcing him to go 3 hrly for us to pay at night time with hourly catch up feeds or something ;-(

Liz how'd the weigh in go?? Dawson is getting weighed on Thursday, I am always amazed at how much he has gained lol.

I done 10 mins on the Wii the other day and it near killed me :-( So so unfit :-(
need to get into shape - my sis and I have been walking daily with the babies in their prams so that's a start I s'pose

DJ grumbling so i'd better go xxx
hi nat glad roo is settleing on a night time now, yeh im ok thanks just a little scare was leaking a lot of fluidy stuff and had bright green discharge which they were worried was meconium so had to go in for an internal and a trace of baby's hb.. all seems fine, neck of womb still closed so waiting to hear if i have a little infection xx
Donna - I most definitely think that since I have swapped Roo to 3 hour feeding she sleeps a lot better, it seems to give her a little routine as she feeds, which takes about 20-40 mins and then we have some 'activity time' so in all she is awake for about an hour and a half, then she has an hour and a half nap and then feed again, and at night time she has a feed at 7pm, then I give her a dream feed at 10 and she can then go 3 hours minimum until she wakes again, so I would most def recommend it! It has worked for us!

Gemma - glad to hear all ok with you, hopefully you don't have an injection.

I took Roo to get weighed today, she is 11lb 6oz! Clever girl! She is on the 50% line so totaly average! yay! I asked about what goes on at the centre from the Sure Start Activities and wait for it...drum roll please! They hold a coffee morning on a Thursday from 10.30 til 11!!! So I asked if there were any local groups they knew of and they said 'no not really!'

So I have found a buggy fit class which I am going to do on Thursday which I am looking forward to and I am off to see my friend whose little girl is 10 days younger than Roo tomorrow, very excited!

I feel so much better in myself and things with Jody which is great, makes life a whole lot brighter! Have a lovely evening & good nights sleep everyone! xxx
Hi ladies, still haven't had a chance to catch up on posts as if yet but managed to have a little nosie haha.
Liz: sorry to hear about Dylan being grouchy after his jabs!
Nat: sounds like Roo is getting so so much better at sleeping of a night!!!! Yay lol
Donna: I hope dawson starts sleeping better for you soon!!!! Lol.

Well Macie has her first set of injections tomorrow and I'm bait worried now as her appointment is at 14.50 so from whatbive read she won't settle tomorrow night lol.
Macie's sleeping is getting so so much better. She has her last bottle any time between 9-10.30 depending in what time she's been feeding in the day, and sleeps through till about 3/4 then back to sleep till about 7/8. During the day she goes 4 hours between each feed and has just gone up onto 6oz but doesn't always finish it and sometimes needs a little bit of water in between the feeds lol.
She was absolutely brilliant getting her ears done, I didn't go in with her my sister did but she didn't cry at all!!!!
She's still wearing her newborn clothes lol but there starting to get a little small. Mire to the fact that there getting too short but are still pretty baggy on her! She's just long and pretty skinny!!! Haha. Although she weighs 10lb 4oz now as of last week at her check up!

Well best shoot as I'm typing this on my iPhone... Appologys for dodgy spelling!

Lots if love to all... Me and Macie xxxxxxxxxxx
I like how this thread has had more action today!!! Should we re-think moving to bnb groups??

SOOooooo Dylan is 14 weeks + 5 days and weighs 16lb 14 oz .... he is on the 99th percentile!!! So yes I can say it, I have a little fatty, and yes I made him that way!! :thumbup::haha:

We're still doing demand feeding so I just feed him during the day but if we are out and about and busy he tends to go longer between feeds. I don't really keep track of timing on feeds, but I do try to get him down for naps at 10am and between 1 or 2pm. and then down for the night at 8pm.

Nat- we didn't make it to epsom this time, we met his parents in london one of the days.... and trust me, that was enough. mil continued to say 'pass me MY Baby' and steal the pram off us and constantly tells us she wants to take him home and 'we can make more babies'!!! I know it is all with good intentions but its starting to grind on me, plus fil kept moving his chin pretending he was talking.... and that is just annoying, Dylan is NOT a puppet!!

Neen- so sorry to hear about your friend, I wish things could be different for her. I hope she has all the support she needs to go through it again and know she is lucky to have a real life friend like you to comfort her during this awful time....:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you and your friend

well I'm off to bed, alone again! but it is secretly quite enjoyable to get a bit of time to myself. Hopefully dylan will sleep quite a bit, put him down on his belly, he seems to sleep longer when he's on his front!

Wow !! Liz what a big boy indeed haha - do they still go by his actual or adjusted age now?? He is doing really well isn't he? well done to you xx DJ has been between 75- 91 percentile consistently since birth.

Dont mean to be a worry -wort (and I would LOVE to do it too, as DJ always sleeps on my chest on his front and sleeps much better there) but SIDS advice is still very anti -tummy sleeping. I know millions of us survived sleeping on our tums but not sure I'd take the risk - sorry. Says me who co-sleeps I s'pose (and also not recommended by SIDS guidelines either).

Nina -so sorry your friend has has bad news -life is so unfair at times -hugs to you both xx

Chelsie, Nat, Lori , Gemma -sorry to cut this short- wanted to say hi to everyone but my wee man is STILL awake lol and grumpy so it's bed time now for both of us night night xxxx
yeah I was a bit dubious at first but we have the angelcare movement monitor so I feel quite comfortable with him either on tummy or back and he can lift his head. And we co-sleep sometimes too and I actually feel more uncomfortable with the co-sleeping as he isn't sleeping on the monitor, but he enjoys both so much!

His weight is on adjusted age of 8 weeks now, but even with non-adjusted he's on 91st percentile. I do have such a big baby!!!

well hope you all had good night sleeps, we slept 8-330 and then 4 to 7. We are getting a jumperoo today and I can't wait to see if Dylan likes it, he so enjoys jumping on my legs!!! xxxxxx
Good point Liz -If I had an angel care monitor I may have tried it too if I am honest as I am sure my lil guy would be a much better sleeper if he was put down on his tummy -I mean how many of us actually sleep on our backs.

Well last night was a bit more successful lol - after the initial wakey period between 10pm - 11.30pm. I eventually just put him in his moses basket then cos he was refusing to go to sleep in with me and was just cooing and gurgling and babbling away (so cute but not so much at nearing midnight haha).Anyway -he went to sleep!!!!!!!! In his moses basket. For 3 hrs then fed and went back in for another 3 hrs too. Am sure it was a once off fluke though but yay feel good for it this morning.

Am giving the strict three hrly feeds a go today too -well trying to haha -I fed him 8:45 am then 11:30 am ( not quite there, but we were at baby music group and I didnt want him screaming there lol)- and its now 2pm and he is really grumpy - by the time I change his nappy and play for a while I might get to half past 2 -although doubt it haha.

Better go see to him - thanks for the feeding tips, hope it works and I am not feeding him every hour tonight lol xxxx

Love the jumperoo thingies -will maybe be asking santa to bring one ;-)

Oh and great weight either way Liz -my little nephew -who was 9 weeks premature and tiny - was weighed today at nearly 13mnths real age and is only an itsy bitsy 19lb and on the 9th percentile lol.I reckon in a year or so him and Deej will be the same size and in the same clothes lol -which could be handy for if there are any accidents but not so good with the hand me down stuff lol.

Donna- we have a 'nanny' which works in the same way as the angel monitor, but Roo sleeps on her side, not a tummy time fan!

Liz - we had almost the same sleep!! I dream fed her at 10 & she slept til 2.20am then 2.45-6am!!! Seriously hoping for a repeat tonight!!

Well off to buggy fit in the morning, I'm worried it's going to totally screw her nap & feed times as unless I'm physically entertaining her she justfalls right back to sleep! So the car ride & being pushed around in the pram is not going to do anything but aid her sleep!!

Anyway, hopefully I can sort it out later in the day as MIL is babysitting & the 2 times so far have been a total disaster! Tonight she went to sleep at 6.40pm & we never heard from her once but that's very rare & MIL seems to be incapable of settling her (which I think is more of a case of wanting her awake!!)

Anyway, dream feed almost done so good luck tonight all!! Xx
Nat- hope you have fun with buggy fit! they have that in our area too but I've not tried it yet, do let me know how it goes!!! ps, when you asked about surestart did you ask your health visitor or the surestart people?? I can't believe they've got nothing on!!! Did you check your councils webpage?? If not that is so bizarre, there are like 5 surestart centres within a 10 minute drive to me...

so most exciting thing ever, Dylan slept 9pm to 6am!!!!! no dream feed no nothing!! I woke up and I thought the clock said 4 but then I was wondering why it was a bit brighter outside and had to check the clock again!!! then we slept 630 to 9!! yay for lots of sleep, I feel sooo good today!! and we've got baby swimming today too!!

We got Dylans US passport yesterday but what I didn't realize is that we need a british one too for him to get back in the UK!! oops!!! so we're going to get that on saturday in peterborough! then I will probably going to the US in a weeks time, just me and Dylan for about 3 weeks. As Rob is still on a course its the best time for us to go while he's still away. I'm getting so excited, I'm going to go outlet shopping!! but unfortunately, smp means I might not be spending as much!! eek!


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