from bonfire babies ttc to july bumps due!!

Well done Dylan and Ruby for sleeping so well for their mummies. Must have been something in the air lol -as DJ slept much better too - two nights of him sleeping in his moses basket ( side sleeper too -have discovered if I wedge him in he sleeps great) not quite the length of sleep that you ladies have had but 3hrly so great for us lol and more so cos I had my own bed back for most of it haha.

Been keeping up with the 3hrly feeding regime too, and its been working so far - fingers crossed it continues then I'll go 4hrly in a few weeks time (hopefully) -although DJ is due another growth spurt by then probably haha and back to square one.

Got him weighed today and he is 12lb 14oz, and 60 cm - so thats 9cm since birth. Between the 75th and 91st percentile for weight and 98th for height/length. So proud he is doing so well, but so sad that I am losing my lil baby -before we know it, they'll be sitting, walking, then nursery and school lol.
LOL @ Dyls falling asleep in the swimming pool haha -laid back baby or what? haha so cute!!!

Well, in other news -my DD is planning a girly holiday next summer with her pals EEEEK!!!!
She'll be 17, so not much I can do really, except make sure she is safe and knows how to keep herself safe, and what to do in an emergency etc. Cannot believe I have a daughter old enough to be going on hols herself haha , and a babe in arms haha.
Still trying to talk them into going somewhere in UK, just incase; but I am sure the allure of nicer weather will tempt them away (it would have with me )

DJ awake and wanting me so spk later xxx

Well buggyfit was FAB! But I am going to pay for it tomorrow! My arms hurt a bit today but it will be so much worse on the second day, eek! Thank god it is a Saturday so Jody is home to help haha :dohh:

Liz - I popped into the office after I got Roo weighed & asked the Surestart team leader and she said 'there isn't much going on right now, but we are holding a first aid day in December!' So I am going to keep up buggyfit on a Thursday morning and try and find something to do on a Tuesday. I quite like having the other days to chill & get things done!

Donna - Yay for Deej sleeping well! Really glad the 3 hour feeding worked well for you, I dropped it around when she had her jabs and since being good about it again her sleep has massively improved. No idea why I stopped!!

We went out last night as my Auntie and Uncle are up from Kent - they are the ones I go to visit in Dymchurch - and so Jody's mum babysat again. She is SO much better after our 'practice' on Tuesday and watched me 'sssssh pat' Ruby to sleep so did the same when she stirred later, finally!! I think cos Jody's sister never really did anything with her son as he had such bad reflux so never slept anyway really she couldn't see the point in what I was doing! Now she does yay! Today I am going with her to Reading to visit Jody's cousin who had a little boy a few weeks ago.

Last night was an ok night, she had an unsettled evening which was totally my fault as she wanted to nod off at 6pm and I stopped her, and so by the time she did at 6.30pm she was so overtired and it was a disaster from there really! But she wokr once around 1am and then for a quick 10 mins about 3am and slept til 6 but I brought her into my bed and we slept in until 7am, bliss!

Anyway, I had better crack on as I need to get all her bits sorted for going out today, have a lovely day all! xxx

How is everybody?

I just had to check in and tell you how excited I am, the internet shopaholic within me is back, with a vengenance hahaha!

I have finally ordered Roo a new wardrobe, matching changing unit and lots of other little Humphrey's Corner things to finish off her room. My sister had given us a changing unit but it is HUGE and a bit broken and just looks totally out of place in her room so hopefully it should all be sorted now.

Ruby has still been sleeping a lot better which is great, I hope everyone else is well! xxx
ooo I love internet shopping!! I recently made a photo album on boots for only p&p charges!! just got an email today to say its in the post!! actually I just love shopping full stop, which might actually be a bad thing as I'm now officially on smp :(

How is everyone?? Dylan is doing well, he's slept through from 8pm to 7 am 5 of the last 6 nights which is sooo exciting, but we're off to america soon so I'm sure his sleep will be disrupted!! I've decided to go sooner on my own (with dyls) rather than at christmas with dh so we can have our first christmas here as a it will be easier while we are still breastfeeding.. soooo stressed about it though, dreading the plane, plus it will be the first time my mother will see him and tbh she kinda stresses me out too, and that was pre-baby!! We're just waiting for his british passport to come in the post this week and then I'll buy the plane tickets.

well I'm off to bed now, we have a walk in the morning with some people that spent time on the icu/scbu ward at the local hospital where Dylan was born. Will be nice to meet some other mums.

Nat, I still can't believe your surestart is poo!!

and I've got a weaning session on friday!! can't believe he's growing up sooo fast!!! And we've just moved into 6 to 9 clothes!!! He's so long his 36 sleepsuits just don't fit anymore!!! :(

Hey ladies.
Hope you are all well??
Things are really good with me and Moo!! she's starting to sleep really well now. She still wakes once in the night but it's slowly starting to get later so hoping soon it will be gone lol.
She's slowly but surely growing out of newborn stuff but only just!!!!!!! She hasn't movers up Into 0-3 yet as that still drowns her! She's 9 weeks old now!!!! Haha. Getting her weighed on Thursday, can't wait as she hasn't been done for 2 weeks. Last time she was weighed she was 10.4.

Well best shoot and get my head down.

Love to all xxxxxxxxxxx
Just posted this in shop til you drop but though you lot might be thinking of a jumperoo soon too?? I've only been up 30 minutes and already have shopped online, you'd be proud Nat!!

Just ordered mine!! and you can get £10 off that with TDX-RTHK!!

but I had to pay £5 delivery, but overall I couldn't complain!!

Just posted this in shop til you drop but though you lot might be thinking of a jumperoo soon too?? I've only been up 30 minutes and already have shopped online, you'd be proud Nat!!

Just ordered mine!! and you can get £10 off that with TDX-RTHK!!

but I had to pay £5 delivery, but overall I couldn't complain!!


Oh my! You are a woman after my own heart! I was shopping on ebay at 4am hahahaha! God I love my iphone apps! I am trying to get a bouncy chair for Mums, but I think this may be the answer! love it!

Well I just had to stop my post and accept my DHL delivery, all of Roo's nursery stuff has arrived, woooo hooo! In her room the previous owners had built a bed into the room and we were going to keep it there, but have now decided it's just not worth it as eventually where it is would be where we would likely put the stairs for a loft conversion! So I spent yesterday morning ripping it out, I ended up having to take an axe to it! And I actually ache more today than I did after buggy fit last week hahaha :haha:

I found a seller who sells stock of the Humphreys Corner Brompton range on ebay that has never been opened. So this is what we have now:


In all I have saved myself £425 on the whole range as I got the cot in the sale in Mothercare months ago too, I am so chuffed! So finally she has all the bits for her room, and I also got a Humphreys Corner light switch from ebay so that, along with the clock and toybox I have ordered her she is all set! hahaha, oh god, Jody is going to actually kill me when all this stuff arrives and then I ask him for some petrol money, whoops! :dohh:

My Mum is coming over this morning so she can hang out with Roo while I put some stuff together, I will take some pics later!

Roo is smiling and giggling all the time now, it is so lovely!! xxx
oooo nat! that sounds fab, well done on bagging yourself such a bargain!!!

the only reason I had to buy a jumperoo is I bought one on ebay and then apparently some of it was 'broken' and I've been waiting now over a week for some 'mysterious' vouchers for a new one but I can't be bothered and decided just to get this new one.... thats what I get for bidding on someones ebay that has no real feedback!! I had asked her beforehand on the condition and she had said it was all working, turns out 3 parts were broken!!!! only found this out AFTER I paid her... grrrr well waiting on a refund now as I've asked for one today ;)
Sorry for jumping in again ladies.... Does nearly 10 weeks sound too young for a baby to be starting to teethe???
It's just Macie has started to proper chew her hand, drool alot and has been abit wingy the last couple of days and she's not a wingy baby!!!!!! Xx
Hey ladies, just jumping in again hehe.
For Macie weighed today and she is 11lbs now!!! Yet she us still in newborn clothes... What the he'll??? Lol. She also has a mild reflux booooo haha. Hope you're all well xxxxx
Hi Ladies

Love the jumperoo Liz - hope Dylan enjoys it. Glad to hear he enjoys the swimming too -I am planning on taking Dawson along to the swimming pool soon, he loves splashing in the bath so I cant wait to see how he takes to the the pool. When are you away? Have you booked your flights yet? I am so jealous lol -I am so needing a break away. If I could afford somehting now, I'd definitely be going now whilst still breastfeeding -it does make travelling so much easier.

Good weight gain for Macie, Chelsie and teething can occur anytime, so not unusual for 9weeks at all. Poor wee tyke,must be sore; cutting teeth. Am not looking forward to the teething bit, espec if I am still breastfeeding lol -my DD had her first tooth at 5months. DS1 4 months and DS2 not til 8mnths but I remember them all teething for months prior to the arrival of the first tooth.

Nat, your nursery is going to look so gorgeous - Well done on your EBay bargains. Ruby is so lucky to have such a beautiful bedroom. And isn't it fab- all the smiles and giggles. It doesn't matter how tired or anything I am, as soon as I hear DJ giggle or coo and my heart just melts lol:cloud9: Make sure you have these very special early sounds and laughs on video ladies, as I dont have the other children's first sounds and giggles recorded and you forget how cute it is.

How are you ladies going with the weight loss yourselves? I lost nearly 2 stone in the first 5 weeks and now nothing for the past 3 weeks - and my thighs are SO huge.:cry: I NEED to get into some exercise regime but I am still sore and it is pi**ing me off lol. I am going to a wedding next weekend and I have nothing to wear, am gonna buy something but am planning on leaving it until the very last minute haha :haha:, to lose as much weight as possible.

Had DJ's 8 week assessment today and he was a wee star! Cooing away to the doctor and smiling away- he was due a feed too so I thought he was going to be fretful and scream but he was fab. He has an umbilical hernia but it should fix itself over time and other wise is doing brilliantly. We even managed a 9:30pm -3am stint sleeping last night. A record for us lol- dont expect it to last though. I went to bed at 11pm so got nearly 4 hrs sleep interrupted. Blissful!

Anyway going to go now and get his bath ran and get him to bed, so speak later, take care ladies and babies and hope both Gemma and Neen's bumps are doing well xxx :hugs::hugs:
we're off on sunday to america, just me and Dylan!! eek!! Staying for 2 and a half weeks but dont be jealous, It never really feels like a holiday as such because I just spend time catching up with friends and family where I grew up.... it will be good for everyone to meet Dylan though for the first time.

I've not lost loads of weight besides the initial drop, and my thighs are HUGE too!!! grrrr I've been trying to walk every morning or get some sort of exercise and at least my weight is stable and on the slight decrease but I'm not losing as fast as I'd like. When I get back from america I'm going to start doing this video by Jillian, one of the 'biggest loser' trainers called shred, its been on my shelf for a while now... some friends in the states have been doing it and have been raving about the results, its called 30 day shred so I'm assuming something exciting happens at the end of the 30 days.

well, I said I was going to make some time for myself this evening and not waste time online again! Dylans asleep and I'm going to go relax in the bath!!

take care everyone... maybe tomorrow I'll dig out the suitcase and start packing... O I almost forgot, we have a weaning session tomorrow! can you believe little dylan is almost ready to WEAN!!?? where has the time gone seriously! I've had to put him in 6-9 sleepsuits now as his 3-6 ones were a bit snug in the length/arms!

Omg- 6-9 month sleepsuits!! Thought my chunky monkey was getting huge lol.

Have a fab time when you are away Liz -know what you mean though about it not being like a holiday! When we go to London visiitng relatives it is hard work lol -making sure we see everyone and dont miss anybody out etc but well worth it. I love showing my lil guy off.

Omg... 6-9 months??? And there's me still waiting for Macie to grow out of newborn lol xx
Yes where is charmed??

I'm feeling a tad better but just not myself!I feel like I've got the worst hangover in the world!! x

babe im back, i lost my bean :( x

Hey charmed - bet you were surprised to see this thread still going lol :haha:

sorry to hear of your loss hun and :blush::blush: sorry for thinking you were possibly a troll. When you never came back... well... sorry I thought the worst :blush::blush:

Congrats on the engagement, when is the wedding???
Yes where is charmed??

I'm feeling a tad better but just not myself!I feel like I've got the worst hangover in the world!! x

babe im back, i lost my bean :( x

Hey charmed - bet you were surprised to see this thread still going lol :haha:

sorry to hear of your loss hun and :blush::blush: sorry for thinking you were possibly a troll. When you never came back... well... sorry I thought the worst :blush::blush:

Congrats on the engagement, when is the wedding???

thanks its sept 2011!!! and yes its great spent a poorly afternoon readin all birth stories, lovely all doing so well n not forgot me!!!

how is baby?? xxxx
Morning ladies

Well I am not looking forward to today -DJ getting his first set of immunisations this afternoon. I hate seeing them getting jabbed lol, tried t otalk Dave into taking the day off and taking him bu the couldn't lol. Upside, I am going to my sis for lunch beforehand as her lil one is getting his MMR today too ,so we are going together. Fun day out? NOT!! Lol.

Well done Ruby roo for sleeping SO well last night, my wee guy is only managing 3hrs between feeds still, and with us up feeding for 20-30 mins, I only actually get afew hrs in between zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. We were both still asleep when DH was leaving this morning until he he comes barging into the room cos he has forgotten the online bank details and wakes up not only me but the wee guy too grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Now DJ is asleep on the floor under his play gym -so sweet awwwwwwww! and I am up, blearyeyed and gonna be grouchy later haha; could snooze too, but there is so much to be done in the house I just couldn't settle.

Was thinking about you ladies and ttc babies number 2 lol - could end up being bumpbuds with our charmed again lol - really wish it could be me :-( :-( bloody stupid pelvis!!

Better go and get some housework done whilst his majesty sleeps lol, spk later ladies

Love n hugs to all xx

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