From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

MrsP - welcome back :) I agree regarding the first page, I think most of that info is in my signature, but let me know if you need more. I'd also be on board with a fb group as well. I just tend to check this thread when I log in, haven't really been able to make an effort and connect with any other NTNPs/TTCs this time around.
Good luck with the clomid! I had spotting again last cycle :/ But I'm glad it was a pretty normal length LP.
Hey MrsP! Hoping you won't get to the cycle you need to use the clomid!! It's good to know when you'd be seen if things aren't great with your cycle though too! I've got 5 cycles of clomid in the cupboard too and it expires in summer 2016 which works in great if all goes to plan with when we hope to ttc again!

Came away from blw a little but it seems to be working out ok! Made some Annabel Karmel recipes and homemade soup for Grace and they're going down well. Need to get some fruit ideas on the go and some easy on the go foods. She's loving Ella's Kitchen or Plum fruit pouches when we're out and about. What do you guys give your los when you're on the go? I've got a pasta sauce I was going to make which could be eaten cold.

I'm on Facebook too so let me know if you're setting up a closed group. Agree it'd be easier for keeping up with everyone and showing pics etc!! Hope those we've not heard from in a while are well but know that it's easy to forget bnb if you don't have notifications set up!
Hi Mrs P! I'd be on board with the fb group as well! I'm on there more often than I'd like to admit! Took me about 10 months to conceive Gabby, unassisted, all while spotting. I hope you don't need to use the clomid! I will probably start NTNP in November, and hope to have another sometime around Gabby's 3 year mark.

Jods, when i would travel and G was starting off on solids, i used to bring the organic food pouches, some puffs, baby mum mums, and yogurt drops. Now that G is older, I bring some organic veggie puffs that are harder than the dissolvable baby puffs, some fruit and yogurt bites, crackers, cheese sticks, bananas...things that aren't messy that can easily be eaten on the go. But mostly snack foods still. I can buy her meals pretty much wherever we go, and she can use normal utensils now. She is old enough to eat peanutbutter, so making a PB sandwich on whole wheat is also a good option (although daycare is nut free, so no PB sandwiches there :( )

We have decided to switch Gabby's Daycare to one closer to home, although more expensive. I feel good about it now, and she will start end of august. I think this will really help with mine and DH's flexibility too. he can stay home sick if he has to, or work from home, and I can take gabby to daycare, or pick her up. plus she will spend less time in the car, and more time playing at daycare. and the facility is just nicer. plus healthier snacks. the only thing i dont like is that they start giving the kids skim milk at age 2. I would much prefer her to have 2%, or even whole, at that point. I have read a lot about the benefits of milk fat, and have become anti skim milk since then. Perhaps i will have to talk to daycare about that.
We usually just have our snack cup with crackers and just get food for H to eat while we're out and about since he can eat what we eat. Also we'll do pouches and I keep a few in my bag in case he gets hungry where we don't have food around. He really sticks to three meals and two snacks a day, so we don't usually run into hunger issues unless we haven't planned accordingly.

Chloe - skim milk that young? I'm surprised. We're a whole milk family after I've read how important it is and how bad skim milk is. I'm sure you can ask them to give her whole milk only... would seem weird if they didn't allow it.
also just thinking about it, I bet if you have her dr sign something that says she needs whole milk they would have to oblige..
Thanks for the food tips for Grace. She's come on great in the last week! She's had chilli and I've made an Annabel Karmel pasta sauce and she's had cous cous and spaghetti in that. She's had chicken so I'm going to try her on fish this week. Tonight I'm going to make cauliflower cheese! Finding it's getting easier when we're out and about!

I've decided to try weaning her onto bottles too. I've got 10 days I can go into work and would like to do it but worry how she'll be. She's always fed to sleep and it's getting harder as she's wakening after an hour at night and only I can settle her. Last night though she went back down 830-3 so that was good for her.

I'm going to try it gradual dropping a feed at a time but I've no idea how many days to do it for. She's only feeding on wakening, around 11, 3 and then just before bed now so I'm dropping the 1030/11 feed first. I've been quite torn about it but there's a few factors coming into it - work, she's getting easily distracted when feeding, I'm so tired with having to be up and down to her room to settle her and I really want to feel confident about leaving her with others such as grandparents to be looked after. Hubby had her on Saturday so I could get my hair done and he said he really enjoyed his time with her and it made me realise how much he misses out on with her being breastfed.

Hope you don't mind the rambling, I guess I'm still a little emotional about transitioning Grace to the bottle!

Hope everyone is well x
I'm wondering about dropping a feed too. She used to eat around every three hours, but now she doesn't want to eat for like 5 hours after her wake up feeding. My mom has been having a hard time getting her to eat her afternoon bottle too. She's doing well with solids but we aren't religious about three meals a day. She almost always has breakfast though.
Hi everyone!
I have yet to get my bfp but like success stories with spotting, so here I am!
I was regular my whole life until i started TTC. A few months ago I started spotting... It's usually a week before AF and varies from brown to a light bleed. This month it's barely there, I can hardly notice it when I wipe (ew sorry) I want to be hopeful but I feel like it will start up soon. I'm 8dpo. My BBs also feel like they are going to fall off. Any experiences or thoughts?
Thanks for listening :)
Hi girls, hope everyone is well. I just looked at all your photos and, oh my, your kids are beautiful! Aren't they growing so fast! Gabby is so big and Harrison looks like a little man now! Love the 'reading with daddy' photo. Stella is absolutely adorable sitting in that tub (we used that exact same tub for Anne:)) Gracie looks like a little angel and Juan is a beautiful boy! We're so blessed to have these children in our lives!
Everything is well with us, Annie is growing big and strong - running, speaking, laughing and being sneaky. She's turing 1,5 on August 5th, but it feels like she's been with us much longer. We're currently TTC#2. The first 3 months were unsuccessful, but dealing with BFNs is easier this time around. I know we can do it and if it's meant to be, it will happen. It also gives me a greater appreciation for having Annie, she truly is a blessing. MrsP, looks like you're also TTCing again, good luck!
I'm having a hard time keeping up with the posts, but I try my best. By the time Annie goes down for the night, I'm ready to crash myself. It's 10pm right now and I feel like it's way past midnight. I never thought I'd ever wake up and say 'wow, it's already 8am, I got to sleep in today!' As MrsP said, that's motherhood for you. Please, keep posting those photos of your little ones! They're precious.
Hi ladies! Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you but I've had a hectic few weeks & sad few weeks. The day after I last posted my oldest school friends 6 week old baby died :cry: it's been pretty horrendous, set was a full term baby & caught a lung disease from the home birthing pool. I saw her twice in hospital & it was the most horrendous experience of my life. I'm blessed to have got to meet her though :) then DH & were off for a week but he damaged his ligaments in his ankle so I had to run around after penny all week when I had loads to do! Then my laptop broke & that's how I usually come on bnb!

I've set up a secret group but means I need to invite you so can you all send me a private message with your fb email address or link to your profile & I'll add you as a personal friend so I can add you to the group? If you want to join the group that is :winkwink: I'll get round to updating the first page at some point lol!

Yes Katie TTC #2 sooo much easier! We're on cycle 4 now, don't think I've ovulated & am gonna need that clomid next month he he. Wishing you lots of :dust:

Fellowes79 welcome to the group Hun. If you go on the first post there is a link to our previous thread you might get more support on that one as thers lots still TTC but of course you're welcome here too. Your spotting sounds very similar to mine & mine cleared up on it's own a couple of months before conceiving but I was on clomid. Since having my daughter I'm not spotting much at all :thumbup: good luck!

Thanks, MrsP! Loads of baby dust to you too!


TTCing#2 has been a very humbling experience.
i echo your sentiments regarding TTC#2. We are technically NTNP, but I'm tracking ovulation, so basically, TTC without the expectation that comes with it. I actually had a dream where I was pregnant and anxious about it the night before AF came this most recent time. So that helps make AF coming not be a disappointment. I have decided though to really concentrate on losing more weight over the next few months because I'm still about 10 pounds above my pre pregnancy weight and about 25 pounds above where I'd realistically like to be (in actuality, would like to lost 40 pounts to hit my ideal).
wow, baby dust to all you ladies trying to TTC #2! or even NTNP. I'm not quite there yet. I was at a party the other day and a friend brought her 4 year old girl and twin 2.5 year old boys. oh wow, what a handful! The boys were into EVERYTHING, and the parents were hardly watching them. They tried to drink margaritas, eat booze infused watermelon, push around the lawnmower and fertilizer spreader, run into the street many times, and wouldn't stop squeezing gabbys cheeks and trying to kiss her/lift up her shirt to (hopefully) see her bellybutton. Poor gabby was so confused. If i found out i was pregnant today with twin boys i think i would cry!

Good luck with the weight loss, Daydream!

Katie, glad anne is making you so happy! This age is so fun. Definitely my favorite age so far. they are so interactive. Gabby loves playing ring around the rosey with me and DH, and is equally happy coloring by herself at her kids table.

And MrsP, that is so hard to even witness. I can't imagine the pain your friend is going through. All because she was doing something that was supposed to be so nice and natural instead of in a hospital. how devastating. I had a friend lose her 1.5 year old to unexplained causes and that was just heartbreaking. And i had never met her son, and we don't even live in the same state. These children will cause us a lifetime of joy and worry all at the same time! makes me want to hug gabby extra tight tonight.

Mrs P, sent you a PM with my facebook info. Hope everyone can join! I realized its been 5 days since i last logged on to BNB. time really can get away from me.

Nothing new over here, except we have a crazy drooling toddler still. I thought by this age they started to swallow their drool. I'm starting to get a little worried. she still needs to get 8 more teeth, which i know can bring drooling, but she will soak the front of her shirts. Daydream, does H drool like this? gabby managed to set the alarm on the clock in her room last night to go off at midnight. That was great fun, as it made her cry and then i had to go get her, and she wouldn't go back to sleep, so we brought her in bed where she stayed awake for the next 2.5 hours, bouncing around. today is a 3 cups of tea (don't drink coffee) kinda day....:coffee: oh and we had a chipmunk on the loose in our basement yesterday. the cat had fun chasing it, but i eventually trapped it in a box and let it outside.
H has also been drooling a bit more this week and chewing his hands. It's because his canines are coming through, he has 1 that broke through and the other three are close behind. I'm sure Gabby is probably working on a slew of teeth that will pop up soon.

I'm sorry about the alarm clock! Yikes that must not have been a pleasant surprise to wake up to.
OMG!!! :shock: how the heck did this happen I didn't think I ovulated!!! :happydance: xx


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Congrats!!! Hope this one is sticky and you can toss that clomid! :)
Congratulations, MrsP! Happy and healthy 9 months! I'm so happy for you! It looked like you were a bit surprised. What made you think you didn't ovulate?
Thanks ladies! Katie I didn't get any positive OPK's... they were all very faint except one but it was no way a positive. I either had a short surge and missed it or my pee prob too dilute and/or not held in long enough. Katie do you not fancy joining our facebook group? Sorry if you're not on it x
Gah!! Congrats, Mrs. P!!

So sorry to hear about your friend's baby. I've never heard of babies getting a lung disease from a birthing pool. I had S in one at the hospital. Scary.

It's exciting that so many are ttc again! Chloe, I can see why a day with those twins would make you want to wait a bit longer :). We are going to start next month. I've bought more opk's and have been meaning to use them just to see if my cycle is like if was pre-pregnancy but I keep forgetting. I'm going to be a lot more relaxed this time.

Stella has 8 teeth now. She'll be 10 months next week. She still isn't crawling (she can scoot around though), but she can pull herself up to stand and loves to walk around with us. We are still breast feeding and she is still not a good sleeper.

Thanks for mankind the Facebook group Mrs. P. ...sending you a pm.

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