From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Tonight's butternut squash and sweet potato


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Juan is so so cute!! Three months already!

And Grace is getting big too. She's beautiful! We are doing BLW also. Stella won't really let us spoon feed her. What's Grace's favorite food so far?
Juan is so so cute!! Three months already!

And Grace is getting big too. She's beautiful! We are doing BLW also. Stella won't really let us spoon feed her. What's Grace's favorite food so far?

We're still early days but butternut squash and sweet potato have gone down really well and although she's not quite 6 months I've given her yogurt which she loved! She let me feed her weetabix for the first time this morning so it's blw when suits lol

What kinds of foods does Stella have?
Juan and Grace are sooo cute! Juan looks so big in his buggy! I never had one, so gabby was always in her car seat/baby carrier combo that i would just snap in and out of the stroller until she was old enough to sit up on her own, at which time i just put her in a standard stroller. Probably around 6 months. She was also a tiny baby in the winter, so we didn't do much traveling by stroller. I would just wear her if we went to the store.

Glad you ladies are having good luck with BLW! I used to give gabby some rice crackers called baby mum mums so she could hold and bite something without me worrying that she would choke, but also to build her confidence with food. I also liked to give her mango slices with the skin on. She had no teeth, so no fear of biting the skin, plus the skin made it easier to grip, and prevented her from taking too big of pieces. full blown BLW was just too stressful for me, as much as i wanted it to work. I think the modified approach of just giving her a few finger foods early on still worked well. I still cut her food up now tho, because she shovels food in her mouth like none other, and i'm probably overly cautious about her ability to chew and swallow in the correct order :)

So happy to see so many baby picture and to hear about your adventures as they grow!
Look at all these sweet babies! I can't believe how big Juan is already! Wasn't he just born yesterday! :haha:

Grace has such a wonderful and sweet smile. I'm glad your little ones are doing well with weaning. We did purees but H liked to self feed with the spoon. He's really great with utensils now, so it paid off for us. Last night he was eating yellow bell pepper slices, but like Chloe said too, he'll stuff his face if we let him, so we still cut up as well. Even with his molars he'll forget to chew all the way.

Gabby looks like she is so much fun now! It's it crazy to see the pictures of the little ones and feel like it was just yesterday?

Here's a few of H recently. His 18 mo appt is Thursday, so I have no clue where he stands for height and weight.
From dinner last night on our patio:

Reading with daddy:

Eating "Susi"
H is such a little man. Love it.

Stella's doing great with BLW. She loves sweet potatoes, avocado, pear, salmon, chicken, pork, braised beef and more. She's not sure about strawberries as she eats them and then makes a face and shivers. It's so cute. I think kiwi might be her favorite, which is great because I swear it keeps her regular. Before we started solids she'd go almost a week without a poo. She also loves mangoes but they are hard to eat because they're so slippery. Hadnt thought of leaving the skins on. Stella would probably just eat that too. She's kind of a tank and will just keep eating and eating. I can't put a lot on the tray at once or she will shovel it all in her mouth. She's ok with a spoon and can feed herself if I hand it to her loaded but then she just chews on it and doesn't want to give it back. I wanted to give her smoothies but it's very messy so we just started freezing drops onto wax paper. They're perfect little yogurt melts that she can pick up. Well sort of, it gets slippery and messy once they stay melting.
Oh and Chloe, we give S those baby Mum mums. She goes mad for them. I use them to keep her calm if I really need to do something and she's being fussy. I love them...and puffs of course. A bnb friend calls them 'distraction puffs'. Haha

We've been bringing Stella to the lake. She loves going in the water! Keeping the sand out of her mouth is tricky though.
We do smoothies in the food pouches that you can load. We use the little green pouch It can be frozen or go in the dishwasher, we're big fans of it!

Thanks, Daydream. Those look great!! I haven't seen them yet. I will pick a few up for sure.

Daydream I have a diaper question. What do you use for your inserts? We have microfiber that came with the Bum genius and the Charlie bananas (I hate the diapers but have been using the mf inserts to double stuff at night). They are starting to get build up though (ammonia smell sometimes). I will strip them, but am wondering if you've had good luck with hemp or bamboo. I have one of each,but they seem so thin. I may also just start stuffing with a cotton prefold. We use them during the day, but use pockets or AIO's (with an extra liner) at night. Sorry, I know you've told me what you use for night time diapers, but I forget...
oh that is a good idea for smoothies, daydream! I need to find a way for gabby to eat her veggies (she used to love them, but now, not so much :( ), so i try to make smoothies, but she doesn't really like to drink them from a cup. and she is horribly messy with normal cups too, and inevitably spills the contents. We have also started having the problem of gabby's poop being very squishy and messy. I think it's due to her increased fruit intake and decreased vegetable intake. Picky toddlers! She also is now the squirmiest thing ever during diaper changes, which makes it horrible when she has pooped.
Sb - During the day we use the same MF insert that came with the bg 4.0s. For nighttime we do bamboo cotton fitteds with a wool cover. The nighttime we use is You can also use a flip cover with the fitted if you won't want to start using wool, but I personally love the wool. we have a babee greens cover in large and it fits over the overnight fitted:

Occasionally we'll use a flip cover with the flip overnight insert: In general it works better than the pocket diaper because the absorbent insert is right against the skin whereas the pocket diapers can allow pooling and leakage.
Chloe - Yes we have squirmy diaper changes sometimes too. It's like a big bargaining event to try to get H in the mood. I usually can win with EIEIO or pattycake :)

We had quite a Sunday in terms of H saying Potty and going pee on the potty THREE times in one day. I'm not at all ready to potty train, but he seems to be understanding the concept really well. Maybe over the Christmas holidays when I'm home we might be able to do it, assuming he's still in the mood for it then.
Wool!! That's right. I keep wanting to bite the bullet and get a wool cover but dh is hesitant with the heat. I told him its temp regulating though.
Yes the wool actually breathes much better than the plastic during the heat. I like it a lot!
Hi ladies I'm back again! :wave: Honestly I'm so crap at replying. I need to subscribe to email notifications I think! I don't know if I got round to suggesting it but I know I was going to - I find I lose track of names and ages of our LO's so I was going to update the first page with the names and DOB's, and maybe just a quick refresh of how long it took you to conceive and whether it was assisted or not? What do you think?

Well Juan and Grace are gorgeous! :flower: And Harrison is so grown up now :) I must post some pics of Penny from my phone. She's a little madam now! Hard work, temper tantrums, hyper, loud, probs typical toddler lol! She gave me a fright yesterday, she's still in her baby rear facing car seat and managed to get out of her straps, I was driving along the motorway and she's standing up in her sear! :shock: Little horror but I love her to bits :cloud9:

Just on CD1 of month 4 TTC#2. Going to take my left over clomid cycles 5-8 as I have 4 months left and it's use by December... I'm not in a real hurry for anything but don't want to waste the clomid. I emailed my FS last month to ask how long we'd need to try this time and he said a year unless my AF's were irregular then it would be 6 months. My spotting is still brilliant but I have had the odd bit pinky spotting at strange times in my cycle a couple of times..Does anyone have or had small cysts on their cervix? I got a shock when I started checking CP again, thought I was dying or something lol, but when I googled it it seems to be nothing to worry about but I haven't spoken to my Dr yet. It just said if you are worried to call your dr but I guess I'm not. I only had my smear a couple of months ago...

I've been having a browse on my friends list and it appears Nell had another baby girl back in April! I've told her to come on and update us... Still no sign of MrsHY who hasn't been on for about a year, Yum not been on since Sept... Has anyone heard from Katie? Have I missed anyone? It actually makes me sad coming on BnB, it's kind of a blast from the past but then sad as people are no longer using it and have moved on...That's motherhood for you lol. I still maintain that this site would be much more popular if they had an app! Come on BnB get with the times!

Are you all on FB? I'm tempted to set up a group (secret of course so no-one can see your posts) for us, but I don't want people to stop using this page either... I'm on a couple of BnB groups on fb and I have to admit it's much easier to keep track of...I have Happyshopper on my fb, we were actually going to meet up IRL the other weekend as we don't live that far from each other but her dog was unwell so we're going to re-schedule.

Daydream that food pouch thing is a fab idea! :) And UK based too he he x
Hi Mrs. P!!! Glad to hear Penny is doing well. What a scare when she got out of her car seat. Clever girl.

I'm also on a FB page with anther BnB group. I agree it's much easier to keep in touch. I would definitely join if someone started one!

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