Frustrated TTC #1

@Tcinks well that's pretty good it sounds a lot harder then it is. at least now you know what u need to do which is great. My last RE discovered a fibroid but like you said they say its nothing to worry about. I know its normal to get them and I don't think it stops you from getting pregnant. Are you going to track O this month?
Yeah, I have quite a few of them though, and I think since all the pregnancies and hormones, some of them have grown. :/ It probably isn't a huge deal, but if there is a way I can get rid of them, that would definitely make me feel better!

I've never used opks before but I got some to try this next cycle.
Iloveme- only doing the HSG if the Clomid trial fails. Last months CD21 had my progesterone at 6.4 which the gyn used to justify the pcos diagnosis. He is adamant that he has had good results on Clomid and would rather try that first. He isn't convinced it's scar tissue. It's all a waiting game now. I only started temping this month so can't prove whether I have in fact been O-ing or not monthly. I have had +OPK for the past 3 months but this was the same month where I got the cd21 results which said I didn't O so can't rely on that.

I'm willing to give this a go for now just in case it is all just pcos related. DH has agreed to go for SA if this months CD21 show I did O and we don't get pregnant so that's another step in the right direction as well

How are things going your side? And with all the other ladies on this group?
@tcinks I know you would feel a lot better knowing there gone. what opk do you plan on using?. With my abnormal cycles I have no clue when I O. But I do know the pains it feels like pressure and pulling in my lower abdomen which I don't get every month since im anovulatory.

@Aphy Its just the waiting game. Ive heard good things about Clomid, for some reason it doesn't work on me I had to use femara. And also within those 6 don't be surprised it is possible for you to get your BFP. are you taking any other meds or vitamins?

AFM still waiting to start again I will see me hematologist today and pray he tells me I will be okay to TTC right away with baby aspirin and heparin shots. I asked my RE if I would be able to try naturally, she says no she doesn't want to go backwards it looks like I may have to do IUI again.
Thanks. It feels like a bit of a no mans land, 6-12 months. Long enough to get impatient and wonder what's going on (especially having PCOS) but not long enough in doctor speak to be of concern.

I saw my rheumatologist before I started trying. All my joints and other organs and symptoms etc, all looked fine so he gave me the go ahead. I had to get retested for all the different clotting things all they all came back normal/fine. So I didn't have to see anyone. The rheumatologist said I could have a trial at coming off my lupus medication (which I'd actually already started a few months earlier) and was coping ok (it's called Plaquenil if they think you might have Lupus, you'll get put on that first). He said 6 monthly liver and kidney check ups with my GP and any flares to go on a short course of prednisone or get my GP to ring him.

Last cycle I got a BFP so I went to my GP. He rung the OB/GYN on call at the hospital and I was told I needed 4 weekly scans after 26(I think) weeks and to start aspirin, even though I don't have APS. I ended up starting to bleed 2 days later and lost the pregnancy. But I'll be following that if/when I get pregnant again.

Are you coping ok with 2000mg of Metformin a day? I've just got up to 1000mg a day. The fertility specialist I saw last month said Metformin doesn't help at all (contrary to everything I read, but whatever).

Frustrating about the bleeding and not knowing if it's AF or not. And good that your tubes are clear, although an easy fix would have been ideal. Hopefully the IUIs will do the trick.

Let us know how you get on at your appointment!
@Deaucemom Yes my dad it was even worse. I don't even bother lol, mommy it is when talking about this stuff. My cycles are hard to keep up with as well, unless ive taen meds to regulate my cycle. I was only put on Metformin, and I take a multi-vitamin "Geritol".
According to my RE or my GYN having PCOS alone is enough to see a specialist when TTC. And don't be afraid to say you have been trying longer than you have just to jump start things.
Im a little confused you started the aspirin at 26 weeks?
and Metformin does help, in fact it regulates my AF. And it helps women who have PCOS because we are insulin resistant. Maybe you should see a new RE or a second opinion. Good Luck to you.

I do quite well with the Metformin, im also losing weight with it. I take it only after I eat so my stomach wont ache.

Thanks. It feels like a bit of a no mans land, 6-12 months. Long enough to get impatient and wonder what's going on (especially having PCOS) but not long enough in doctor speak to be of concern.

I saw my rheumatologist before I started trying. All my joints and other organs and symptoms etc, all looked fine so he gave me the go ahead. I had to get retested for all the different clotting things all they all came back normal/fine. So I didn't have to see anyone. The rheumatologist said I could have a trial at coming off my lupus medication (which I'd actually already started a few months earlier) and was coping ok (it's called Plaquenil if they think you might have Lupus, you'll get put on that first). He said 6 monthly liver and kidney check ups with my GP and any flares to go on a short course of prednisone or get my GP to ring him.

Last cycle I got a BFP so I went to my GP. He rung the OB/GYN on call at the hospital and I was told I needed 4 weekly scans after 26(I think) weeks and to start aspirin, even though I don't have APS. I ended up starting to bleed 2 days later and lost the pregnancy. But I'll be following that if/when I get pregnant again.

Are you coping ok with 2000mg of Metformin a day? I've just got up to 1000mg a day. The fertility specialist I saw last month said Metformin doesn't help at all (contrary to everything I read, but whatever).

Frustrating about the bleeding and not knowing if it's AF or not. And good that your tubes are clear, although an easy fix would have been ideal. Hopefully the IUIs will do the trick.

Let us know how you get on at your appointment!
Good morning ladies,
So a little update. I seen my Hematologist and he says my levels and history of my blood work does not show I have APS. In fact he says there is nothing wrong with my levels at all. And he is giving the okay for me to start treatment. Thank God. He says he couldn't diagnose me from just one MMC and that usually women have multiple MC before even starting heparin and baby aspirin unless they have Lupus. He also wants me to do a whole new set of labs just to confirm his findings. that was a big weight lifted off of my shoulders. But I cant get happy to fast that's when things take me 10 steps backwards. so im just taking it a day at a time.

I will schedule a new appointment with my RE and see if shes going to try femara again. with me still doing my diet and its been about 9 months since ive had treatments, im hoping my body will react pretty well.
@Deucemom- yes i find when I get overjoyed something always brings it down.

On my break I will be goin to do my labs since the hematologist office is blocks away. As far as I know right now I may be going back to iui. since my RE says she doesn't want to go backwards trying naturally with meds. however it will be quite hard since DH started his new job today that requires him to be in early in the am. Im not sure of the plan just yet. im making an appointment to see my RE for next week and hopefully will have more answers by then.
That is good to hear about the APS! Fingers crossed that's not going on for you. The doctor suggested I take aspirin for Lupus but I don't have APS. I think some women take aspirin while TTC. You could check with your RE about whether it'd help anyway.

I hope you can work out a plan to make the IUIs work with your DH's work.

I'm finding it difficult finding doctor's appointments outside of work hours. Most places shut when I finish work. I don't want to tell work what's going on but they're going to get suspicious when I have lots of appointments.
@Sarah APS I under lupus thankfully my Tests for lupus are negative so I don't have to really focus on that. im so nervous about becoming pregnant and having another loss. so im pretty much willing to do anything during and before to prevent anything bad from happening. im suppose to see a maternal fetal dr. as well. im so tired of jumping from place to place. it saddens me I have to go through all these hoops just to have a baby, my first at that.

I see your chart is looking very good so far. when do you plan on testing?

I know what you mean. I tried keeping mine a secret but my boss knew about my MMC since I had started to show and plus she had to let me go to my appointments. so my boss and only my boss understands my situation and lets me go to all necessary appointments. I try my hardest to keep ppl out of my business.
Im happy today, AF showed her face! I know who's happy when AF comes when TTC? me! lol. Im happy to say the metformin is working for me to regulate my cycle. im coming from having 148 days cycle down to 34 days. Now to see if this will continue.

I decided I will try to check for O this cycle I will order Opk test strips. Do any of you ladies recommend a specific brand?
Iloveme, I'm really glad you don't need to worry about APS! I can understand that you're worried about having another loss. Let's keep everything crossed that it doesn't happen. I've never heard of a maternal fetal doctor, what's that for? I bet you are sick of all the appointments, who would have thought something that's meant to be so natural and often happens accidentally is SO difficult! I'm glad AF is here for you and you can start a fresh new cycle!

I said I didn't want to test until AF was late, but I caved and tested with a cheapie tonight on a very little hold. Obviously at 9DPO there wasn't a second line.

I'm a teacher so it's difficult to take time off, I'm needed and can't just duck out and make up the time later. I told work about the MC too. They were alright about it, but I knew they then knew we were trying and not happy because that'd mean I'd be leaving. They don't like to change the teaching teams because it can upset the children.
@deucemom lets not even talk about the digital one, after a few uses it just stopped working for me, such a waste of money. I definitely heard about wonfo I guess I will start checking for O around cd9. My AF is coming down really slow just as last month started with spotting then full flow (sorry tmi). but I guess its better then nothing at all.

@Sarah I was told that mfd are for women who are high risk pregnancy. Im not even pregnant yet I couldnt bare sitting waiting in a room full of pregnant women to see a doctor about problems I may have. let me get a bfp first :shrug:. even teachers get an opportunity to be parents too so hopefully they wont look from a negative aspect, although sadly some ppl do. in my eyes you don't have to stop living your life because of what others want. now is your time and focus on that :hugs:
Iloveme, wow yes, I couldn't think of much worse! I had an ultrasound this afternoon and had expected to be in a room full of pregnant women, thankfully I was the only one waiting. When I had my MC and had the ultrasound, a girl I know was having a scan with her mum. They were both crying in the waiting room because they were so happy. DH and I were trying not to cry because we knew there'd be nothing to see.

I hope that if you do decide to see a MFD, they can set a plan in place.

That is true. But they don't like to change the teaching team around and if they know I'm trying to get pregnant, they'll know I'll leave. It will happen eventually, but I don't want them to be thinking that for years before it even happens, plus for them to know we are having trouble conceiving.

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