Full term tomorrow! Anyone else due late January and wanna wait it out together?!

Hopeful-Thats so scary, im glad everything turned out and i hope they give you some good news!
Tryin- Yay for progess!!
Zombie- Good luck! I tried spicy food last night and it just gave me terrible gas.. haha

Ugh, these last few days have been hell! Yesterday after i went to the gym i was crampy for a few hours.. and was having TONS of BH. The BH lasted through making/eating dinner, taking a bath, and cleaning up the house. Intermingled with the strong BH i was having this horrible stabbing pain in my cervix that would stop me dead in my tracks. Then i was up all night with painful BH. I was convinced i was going to go into labor.. then.. nothing. UGH. Then today (after no sleep, DD's gymnastics class, 45 min workout,grocery shopping) my DD decided to throw literally the biggest fit i have ever seen her throw! And in the middle of the fit my car broke down on the freeway! YAY! Got it going again, but my DD continued her epic fit all the way home and into her bed... My husband went back to work 3 days ago after being layed off for 3 months.. its so hard on everyone. Especially DD. I forgot how hard everything was with just one set of hands!
WOW, sounds like a very eventful day Tank! My son threw a bit huge fit the other day, I was shocked. I finally had to send him to bed. Im sure its hard on your DD with your OH going back to work and with baby coming soon. I know when I was about due with DD my son started acting out... Now my DD is acting out a bit. Not terribly, but little things (wanting to be fed like a baby even though she'll be 5 in a few weeks, wanting someone to carry her to bed like a baby, things like that).

Im still having contractions, they wrap into my back, pretty uncomfortable, but not terrible to where I need to just totally stop and breath through them. Still arent close enough together or regular enough (well I dont think so, I havent really been timing them). Im really hoping this spicy food helps things along. It smells yummy at least. I ate spicy food last week after my appointment hoping to push things along, and I more or less just ended up with really bad indigestion!
yeah, im trying to be understanding of everything.. but i kinda lost it today i must admit. I made jambalaya for tonight im going to dump some tabasco in it! Im just planning on going over my due date..
zombie-were you early with your other children? Yay for contractions!
Hey guys! So I've got a question.. Hopefully not TMI! Today I had some white discharge that was more liquid looking and kind of mucousy looking.. I'm not sure if this is part of my plug or what? I've read a lot of people saying theirs looked snotty but mine didn't. So is this just some kind of discharge or could it be part of my plug?
Tank - I was 3 days early with my son but I was a week over with my daughter... However, I never experienced contractions until labor started with either of those pregnancies, so Im hoping its a sign I'll go earlier.

Tried the spicy diner, it was good, but didnt do much. Still having the same amount of contractions, a few a little more painful, and a lot of back ache, but thats it :wacko:

Gonna try DTD when DH gets home and see if that does anything. My specialist was hopeful have gone into labor by Thursday, but it looks like I wont and I'll be seeing her thursday in the clinic again :dohh:
mommy2be- i think that might just be increased discharge. Ive kinda had both. I believe mucous plugs are more jelly like?
Zombie- Spicy did nothing over here either.. but was delicious! My DD was 5 days late :/ and i didnt really have anything leading up to labor.. Just about 15 min of contractions and then my water broke... so i have no idea what to expect this time... I have an appt. with my midwife thursday as well.. but i am pretty confident im going to make it till then
Tank - I wished my water would have broke on its own, but it didn't with either of my other two pregnancies. I keep hoping when I have a contraction it will just break, but I highly doubt it. I don't see the MW again until Tuesday (I'm seeing a specialist and MW, so its just the specialist on thursday). She said the 23rd seemed like a good day to have LO (i think mainly because shes on call that day and shes made it clear she wants to be the one to deliver LO), plus, I stressed its ideal for DH getting the time off. She hinted at induction, so I'm hoping maybe she would be OK inducing me on the 23rd, even though its 8 days early (i really don't want to wait until the 30th, the other day she mentioned).

My back hurts so bad, Id love to take a bath, but id hate for it to slow down what contractions I have been having. :wacko:
Recently with all the reading ive done ive come to the conclusion that it kinda screwed up my last labor.. my DD was back to back so she probably wasnt in the right position and then got kinda lodged by my water breaking. Ive also heard its less painful if your water breaks later because it kinda cushions the contractions? Plus it made a huge mess in my bed for me to clean up when i got home:[
The 23rd isnt that far away! Exciting! Youll have to give us an update when you find out.
Well, if they are real contractions,nothing will stop them.. Enjoy a bath! I swear the second i get uncomfortable i have to get in the bath. But i use any excuse for a bath.
my daughter was also back to back. I think it's the reason my contractions stalled at 7cm and it took them breaking my water to get things going again but when they started back up it was pretty intense and was all in my back. I don't think this one will be back to back like my daughter. he's pretty much stayed in the same position over the past few weeks.

I might just have to go take that bath. I just hate getting out and it's so cold out and my house feels freezing (it's about 22f outside right now).
Mine stopped at about 7 to! It took me about 8 hrs to get to 10! But i think the epidural didnt help. I did spinning babies belly chart and i just had an ultrasound to confirm LO is in the perfect positiong so im crossing my fingers he stays that way. That is wayyyy to cold! Its only about 31 F here.. and im freezing! Already took a bath today though or id be considering it!
Hang in there ladies! It is kind of funny how opposite I am. With my son and his broken arm and our follow up appointment onTuesday, I am just hoping and praying that baby does not come soon.

Tank mom, that sounds like quite a yucky day. Boo.

Zombie, I vote bath! I have at least one every day now.
Hopeful, what an ordeal! I can only imagine how hard it must have been on you and your dh!

Are you home yet?
warby - how is your son doing now? I hope he's doing ok.

my mom is preparing everything at the new house for us right now. my dad was finishing up the paint in LO room today and won't have my son's room ready until Saturday so she said I can't go into labor until then. lol.... I'm ready now!

contractions stopped yet again. I'm so over this lol.
contractions stopped yet again. I'm so over this lol.

this, more than anything else, would drive me crazy. Birth is unpredictable anyway, but the starting then stopping must be so annoying! You get your hopes up, you start worrying about child care for your other kids, it is uncomfortable, then...it stops. Ugh. I don't envy you.

My son seems more like himself, thanks for asking!:hugs:
I wondered where everyone had gone only just found this thread again! Wow what an eventful few days I've missed!
Hopeful- omg what a scary story so glad you got to hospital when you did!
Warby - hope your son is feeling better soon.
Zombie- i have no idea how you're coping with all the contractions i would be cracking by now wondering is this it?
I feel like labour is a million years away. I've not had any braxtons for a few days. Actually felt quite good yesterday and today and has a big clean up of the house. Today felt a bit sicky again but no aches apart from the usual:-( im a bit disheartened as i keep comparing to my last pregnancy and i was at least showing a few signs by now. This little lady seems too comfy!
Keep your fingers crossed for me today ladies! I have a regular prenatal appointment today and I am hoping and praying that my doctor will write me a medical note that says I am not well enough to work. I want to go on medical leave until baby is born. At 38 and half weeks pregnant, I would like to spend more time relaxing and resting. Plus, the colleague who is replacing me is very capable and has been "transitioning" for over a week now.

I could just start maternity leave, but it would make a difference of about 2 weeks full pay.
It is very frustrating. :wacko: I didn't wake up once with a single contraction, and I feel fine this morning. DH even text me and told me I need to convince LO its time to come out today. HAH, I doubt it. Makes me wonder if its doing anything at all to my cervix. I sure hope so. There were a few times last night I was convinced things were going to keep progressing, but then they just stopped all together. This baby is such a tease :blush:
Zombie- if only it were up to us moms to pick when baby was born! Yep, sounds like your little one likes to keep you on your toes.

Good news for me...my doctor wrote me a medical note.:thumbup:
Yeah! So happy your doctor wrote a note for you! :happydance:

Ive been cleaning all morning. Its 1130am now, I think im going to heat up some left overs from last night and pour a good amount of hot chilli sauce on it :blush:
Yey for the note warby !
Ooh zombie maybe you're nesting? Fingers crossed for you.
I feel really sick. Felt this way most of the afternoon and started with back ache around a hour ago. Its a strange ache it feels almost dirty IYKWIM? Ggrr to aches and pains that mean nothing.
Its almost time for one born any minute can't wait!

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