Fun Thread!! Crazy/Weird/Funny Dreams? Share here!

I dreamed the other night that I was in a booth at a restaurant and my baby bump was stuck under the table and labor had started. SOOOOO silly.
ha ha..yeah the burrito buffet was weird lol..... that gordan ramsay thing sounds pretty funny lol....I mean having it once would be weird lol..but like 10 times..I think someone has a little crush! lol... and that would be horrible to have your tummy stuck under the table...its gonna suck not being able to sit in a booth at the restaurants while preggie lol..
My parents have a cockatoo, and it is going through puberty so it thinks my Mom is his "mate" so he is protective and tries to bite everyone else (almost got my husband once). I had a dream that my baby was big enough to crawl out of his crib and kept going to the bird and it kept attacking him and biting his arm off and dragging it all around the house. I'm moving in a few months close to my Mom so maybe it's my subconscience afraid of having a child around the bird, but it was such a crazy dream!
wow..sarah..that is a bit crazy lol..Im originally from NC...what part are you from? I lived in Burke County/Hickory/Morganton my whole life and then went to college in live in Knoxville TN with my hubby...
My husband dreamed I got pregnant and had triplets!!!!!! 2 boys and a girl! I thought that was sweet. He is obsessing about it too!
aweee triplets sure would be interesting ill say that much i know having one was overwhelming!! N ive owned enough birds to know there unpredictable little buggers so i wouldnt doubt if your dream was your subconcious warning you off.
N i dont personally remember my dream last night but my hubby was talking about installing a toilet on the roof in his dream i told him it wouldnt work and would be messy but he guarenteed me with the new super poop grabber it would work....:dohh:
I had a dream the other night that I gave birth and the baby started talking straight away, it was like the baby in family guy! Freaked me out!!!
ha ha..having Stewie would be fun but then again always trouble lol.. toilet on the roof..sounds like something only a guy would come up with triplets..I could handle twins but we dont have enough room in our cars for triplets lol!!! but its sweet that hubby has baby dreams too!! the bird thing...yeah...they can be very jealous and against those of a certain sex..would def be protective of baby around it
I didnt sleep well last night but remember one dream had tiger cubs and kittens in it lol..another one I was checking out at the grocery store... and then I dont remember the other dream snippets....only slept for a bit at a time and then was awake for like 2 hours and it was horrible..only thing that kept me in bed and not in the living room was that it was warm and toasty and I was just hoping I would finally fall asleep lol..
Ok last nights dreams...

first one was that my hubby was trying to hook me up with some girl! lol... and then not sure if it was same dream or diff but he was trying to convince me that I should let him look at porn and that it wasnt a big deal (had an issue with this in real life as well)

second dream I was in this crazy castle place and me and a few other people were trying to get out and people were chasing us and stuff so I tried to sneek off and get out but these guys were up in a corner and they shot me with an arrow and it went through the top of my ear and then I went through a door and there were all this normal everyday people so I just started following this girl hoping that the people chasing us wouldnt notice me and I would blend in and we ended up in this big gym area and I sat down and was watching this weird tournament with this animal that looked like an elephant and then some other weird animal were fighting with all these weapons and the elephant won..and then it was this huge celebration and all the people that were in my group in the castle were being cheered and it was apparently all this huge game and I ended up with a sword and some gold elven chainmail (dont ask lol..too much lord of the rings I guess lol) and then it was all nice and then I saw a friend there and she was gonna stay in england (I guess thats where we were) and I ended up with a british accent!!!...sooo freaking weird..and then my mom called and woke me up...but anyway.....weeiirrdd!!
last nights dream was another harrypotter one lol..funny coz I havent watched it in forever.....first part of dream was with hubby and my siblings that came to visit..then I ended up in this castle/hogwarts and a lot of the professors were around and also sharon osbourne was there too! lol...and it was like this big buffet with people everywhere sitting at this huge huge wooden tables..and the main thing was seafood that was on platters at different tables..and then sharon was eating biscuits and butter and of my favs!!! so I was sharing with her..and at some point I had an encounter with Snape and pissed him off and they were all amazed that I told him off lol...

other dream was taking a HPT and it was white and then when I went back later there was a dark dark dark pink line....and then i accidentally dropped it into water and it was pink everywhere and it was weird....

I actually did test this morning and it was totally only 10 DPO but stilll...soo impatient..
had a dream last night that i was kicking the crap out of this chick i went to school with because she wouldnt get out of my house n i kept kickking the crap out of her and hse kept coming back. N then my hubby made me stop beating on her n hit her with a bat and she disapeared and we got in some fight so i stabbed him. Definitly an 8 on the weird scale for me
I'm loving this thread, thank you so much for posting it, I've tears running down my face from laughing which makes a nice change...

(well, the stabbing one maybe not, that's a bit brutal! Poor you, hope they get a bit nicer for you soon, maybe just them angry preggo hormones getting the better of you, better it happens in your dreams than yelling at him in real life!)

When I was pregnant with my DD, I had a crazy dream that when she was born, she was shaped like a big round bubble, with just wee hands and feet sticking out, a bit like a blown-up rubber glove, but with a cute wee baby face! I told hubbie so we started referring to the bump as "bubble" and we still often call her that even now. (she's 7, she hasn't protested yet...)

We're now TTC No.2 and I'm in the 2WW, so don't know if I am prego or not but have been having the maddest dreams ever this last week:

I was in a huge mansion as I had won an auction on Trademe (NZ's version kind of like ebay) for some furniture for a really low price and when I got there I was gobsmacked as it was exquisite and clearly worth a mint. I opened a drawer and found a secret drawer at each side of it, containing a wee upside-down statue, supposedly to ward off some spirit or something! Too wierd! (maybe to ward off the witch, hehe) Then it turned into one of these mammoth dreams where you're wandering for hours and everything keeps changing, but all the while I was delighted with myself for getting such treasure.

The last ridiculous one I had was a couple of nights ago where my daughter's guinea-pig could speak! (waving his little paws about and gesticulating and everything) He was saying everything was a bit scary and much bigger than him and I was explaining that there were no predators in the house for him to worry about (I had him inside, for some reason), and then set about showing him all the ones to watch for outside but reassuring him that we wouldn't let anything get him! Interpret that if you will! I think the only interpretation is that I've lost the plot, really.

No baby dreams yet though, had one about testing but that's hardly surprising, given the current obsession.

Keep them coming, this is the best entertainment ever, taking my mind off the 2WW brilliantly!

I got my BFP ladies!! the dreams were for a reason..that HPT thing wasnt a dream lol...yay!!..cant remember any of my dreams from last night which is soo weird..the one night before BFP and I cant remember anything lol..

Im glad you enjoy this thread always have insane dreams that I usually remember mostly and in tons of details..hubby always makes fun of me but I think hes just jealous lol....when do you plan on testing..what dpo are you?...good luck hun!! this is a lucky thread..first katlin got hers and now I got mine!!
Yay! Congrats Erica!!! I'm somewhere between 14 - 16 DPO - this in my first month paying any attention really so I'm not sure exactly how long my cycles are and I'm not charting properly yet, just trying to go by my body signs and if no joy then I'll need to invest in some OPK's etc. I was expecting AF sometime between Frday and Sunday, if no show by Sun, I'll test. I had EWCM on CD14 and DTD that night, missed the next then DTD again the night after and then every second day for another couple of days. It's not the easiest as I work evenings and DH gets up very early so we often miss each other's windows of opportunity and have a 7YO as well. I'm feeling very much like AF is imminent but I've been feeling like that sice about 3 or 4 DPO, so not sure what that means. I wasn't trying last month but got really nauseous, dizzy and emotional so got the idea in my head that I might be preg and spent a fortune on tests and even went to the doc's in the end to get bloods done so felt pretty daft when it was all neg, as well as gutted! I wasn't very sure on my dates then though. That's why I haven't tested yet this time, don't want to do that again and tests here are damned expensive! I have one standard clearblue left in the cupboard but they're no good for early detection so I'm trying to wait until definately missed AF. A Valentine's day positive would be brilliant but I don't hold out much hope this month - don't have many symptoms except constant runny nose since O, a week of angryness (!!) and the crazy dreams. Oh and I've been waking up in the night, not always because of needing to pee, sometimes from the dreams but every night for about the last week and a half it's happened and it's driving me nuts! And runny CM that makes me think AF is here but I know that's another sign she's on the way sometimes. I now have a flu bug so that will throw temperature out as well, not that I'm doing BBT properly, just take it every day when I've been sitting still for half an hour or more to see any big changes - I'm on about 37.3C (99.14F) but I probably have a bit of a fever so don't set much store by that. I had a dip at 9DPO but another at 12DPO, but it was cold night, so maybe just that. I've only got a digi fever thermometer, so don't know if any good or not.

Anyway, I'm rambling! This is meant to be about funny dreams!! Last night's was wierd but I've forgotten it now, sorry, will try harder! My DH makes fun of me too as I used to often have mental dreams and he never remembers his at all. Over the last few years though I've had less I remember but we've been pretty stressed (trying to finish renovating a house in the UK to sell in order to return to NZ), things are better now so the dreams are returning, I think. Anyway, I'll shut up now, here's hoping the lucky thread works!!
ok so last nights dream was messed up i remember kicking a car and it started then the next thing i knew i was in a huge staircase and that dang car was chasing me up the stairs!!! N then i was in an apartment and the car was driving around inside looking for me so i shrunk and hid in a crack. When the car left i got big again and it was a party in the apartment and was drinking vodka limes. Needless to say ive been craving one ever since.

But ive been having alot of weird dreams the past 5 days and a very restless sleep im constantly waking up all night.
I had like...5 dreams last night!!!!!

the most important one was that I found out I was preggie and it wasnt even 2 weeks before I had the was a boy and he was perfectly fine and looked full term lo.....and I was sooo sad that I didnt get to have a baby bump or wear maternity clothes or was horrible..and I told hubby in the dream that I would not have even known I was preggie if I hadnt taken a test one day...that I would have ended up on I Didnt Know I Was Pregnant lol... sooo weird..

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