Fussy Baby Support

Jealous of you both today! Lo had his vaccinations today and it hasnt gone too well. He dealt with the jabs themselves well but this evening has screamed on and off. Wouldn't even finish his milk which is seriously unlike him and if I dare to put him down for a second he screams so loud. Think I'm gonna be in for a loooong night.

Bananaz - agree with Lysh - that photo is gorgeous!!
Oh no MrsButterfly- How did the evening end up going? Poor thing, she probably was not feeling well.

Our day (and even early evening) went really well yesterday.....however nighttime was not o great. She slept a 3 hour stretch and then it went downhill. She was up for an hour and a half at one point and when I finally got her to sleep she was awake within the hour with gas. So now this morning has not been easy....she fussed and cried with DH for 2 hours and will barely settle with me. I finally got her napping when 30 minutes later I really had to use the bathroom so I put her in her Rock n Play........she was crying within 5 minutes. So I am comfort nursing her again in hopes she will fall back asleep.:sleep:
Quickly popping in as lo has been permanently fixed to me since the jabs yesterday. Awful night with about 3hrs sleep in total. He's also been constipated today so not good. Keep your fingers crossed for us he feels better very soon x
Good luck!!! I have to run to work quickly with my dd...hoping she behaves considering I have to talk to my boss!!! lol
MrsButterfly - Sorry your guy had such a rough time with the vaccines :( I hope he's feeling better now, I'm sure the worst is over at this point.

lysh - I may have already mentioned this here before, but the Windi is an absolute godsend for gassy babies. When my LO was smaller I used to use it on a regular basis and it was the only thing that consistently helped her feel better. Thankfully gas isn't such an issue for her now but I still end up using one every few days. Anyway, I hope tonight goes better and you both manage to get some sleep!

My girl was her normal level of fussy last night. We had guests over and I think she was kind of overstimulated with all the new faces so she just would not go to sleep. Thankfully when we finally managed to get her down (after 2 hours of trying!) she slept for 6.5 hours, woke for a feed, and then slept for another 4 hours. It was like a miracle. And then, even more miraculously, she took a 2-hour nap this morning!

After that everything fell apart though, and she went into super colic mode - nonstop frantic crying for no apparent reason. After 3 attempts at putting her down for a nap I ended up just holding her screaming face on my boob until she finally latched on and then I held her there until she calmed down and went to sleep. I don't know if that's considered good parenting or not but the kid is taking a nap so I consider it a success :dohh: Times like this I really wish I could have a drink.
Bananaz - its the one positive of formula, a glass of wine on an evening helps ease the memories of even the toughest days!

Also, that Windi thing looks brilliant (if the thought is a little odd!). Going to try and search one down in the UK.

Well my lo has had bad constipation today along with the vaccine fug. Gave him a little water and he's since been 3 times - he's usually a once a day chap. So hoping that may have eased his suffering somewhat. Think he also may be mid growth spurt as he's eaten a lot today - prob making up for so little yesterday. So everything has compounded to create the worst 24 hours yet!

I'm going to believe you Bananaz and chant that mantra - the worst must be over!!

Overstimulation is a killer. My lo is always so well behaved in front of new ppl but then I seriously pay for it later as he's so exhausted.

Hope both of you have better days xx
Hi ladies- how is everyone doing?

Yesterday was a better day for my LO. She still got really fussy at night, but during the day she was pretty soothable. She is letting me put her down during her quiet/awake periods, but not during naps!!! I would prefer the opposite, as I want to play with her when she is awake. So I have to mix up her awake time with getting things done (like eating lunch) and playing with her. She had 2 decent nights- basically 3 hour stretch, then a 2 hour, then an hour to hour and a half. She is still waking up at 4ish very gassy and wanting to poop. She gave DH a hard time though this morning!

I did check out the Windi- looks interesting! lol My DH was not thrilled with the idea, I am tempted to try it myself.

I keep having this hope that not eating dairy and giving her soy formula will take most of the fussiness out of her....we have had 2 decent days so far this week, so who knows!!!! Keep hoping, right? :winkwink:
I did check out the Windi- looks interesting! lol My DH was not thrilled with the idea, I am tempted to try it myself.

My OH was the same way at first, but after a couple of successful Windi sessions he became a believer, and in fact he's now the master Windi-er :haha: I think he really likes being able to do something that helps her feel better since he can't feed her.

It's great that you've been able to put her down while she's awake, hopefully you'll be able to put her down for naps soon too.

MrsButterfly - Sorry your boy is having such a rough go of it. I'm glad we've never had to deal with constipation, that must be tough to see your baby so uncomfortable :( I hope he's feeling better today.

The past couple days have been mixed. She's been clingy and fussy most of the time she's awake but her nighttime sleep has been wonderful. She had an 8-hour stretch followed by a 2-hour one last night (hopefully I didn't jinx it by writing about it lol). This happened for a week and a half when she was 2mos and then suddenly stopped so I know better than to think it's a permanent trend, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my hopes up!
Hang in there girls. It's bound to get better sometime. Haiden has been doing pretty good. But he has 4 top teeth trying to cut so its been a little rough some parts of the day.
Hey ladies, it's been a few days. How are you all doing? Surviving I hope?

Everything has totally fallen apart here. In addition to being super fussy during the day, last night she didn't sleep more than 2 hours in a row and today she won't nap for longer than 20-30 minutes at a time. I really don't know what's going on. I thought it might be because I changed her white noise sound yesterday but I changed it back at 1am this morning and it didn't seem to help.

After she woke up for the third time in an hour last night I had a total meltdown myself. I'm so tired of feeling like we're making progress and then watching it all slip away :cry:
I am having a hard time finding time and the free hands to write the past few days....very fussy baby! Maybe something in the air??? Will write more hopefully soon! Hang in there everyone!
Hey ladies. Super tough time here too :( Today has been pretty awful and lo cried every single time I tried to put him down. Finally managed to put him in his swing asleep this afternoon, then someone knocked on the door and the dog went mad and woke him straight up. I honestly could have just broken down there and then.

Only ray of light for us is that we have managed to get him asleep at 8ish last three nights in his swing where he's slept for a few hours until dream feed. Sure I've cursed that now though by writing it down!

Still co sleeping but DH is putting a lot of pressure on me now to get him in his cot so he can move back into our bed. I know it's the right thing to do but I'm terrified of the sleepless nights and also i've grown quite attached to doing it.

Wishing us all a great nights sleep tonight :flower:
This is my third time trying to write this morning! lol Wow...what a rough few days! I am sorry we all seem to behaving a few rough days! My LO has just been dealing with major gas, some reflux, not wanting to nap and waking up throughout the night. Yesterday I was so tired I just wanted to fall over in a heap. Last night was some improvement with sleep (got a 4 hour stretch) but other than that she was up about every hour and a half. Thrilled with the 4 hours though!!!!

The biggest accomplishment is that she spent half the night in her cosleeper! This is the first time she has actually stayed in it without screaming (hopefully I did not jinx this by mentioning it as well!)

Hang in there ladies! MrsButterfly- I keep trying the cosleeper because eventually DH will need to come back to bed. Plus, my mattress has a pillow top which is not the safest type of bedding, so the sooner she takes to her cosleeper the better!!! I wish you luck with the process too.
Yesterday and last night were tough again.....was so beaten down that when LO woke up with gas pains I just sat there and cried for a half hour while she bf. The exhaustion was just too much. Thank goodness DH was able to take her for a little over 2 hours this morning...still tired but I am in a better frame of mind. What do you ladies do to get through those exhausting nights?

Hoping for a better day but already she is waking from very short naps crying.
It has been quiet...hopefully not because everyone is overwhelmed and st their wits end! I am.....This has been the worst week since the beginning. I am mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted. I sit here at 4:30am writing this after having a terrible night of waking up every hour to nurse, which means maybe 30 minutes of a cat nap in between for me....I feel like I have just had it this morning. Right now I wish there was a return label on this whole mommy thing- I know I will feel guilty feeling this way when I am not so sleep deprived, but right now I am just feeling beat up.

And btw...I love my DH and he tries to help out as much as he can, but if I hear that he is tired one more time I am going to throttle him.
Oh Hun - so sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. Sleep deprivation is just so brutal isn't it? Maybe lo is going through a growth spurt? I have to always console myself with the thought that everything is a phase and it should pass. Some phases are very long though!

Me and lo have been having an ok week. Amazingly he didn't feed from 10.30pm to 6am but was still thrashing around from 4am but was a bit better. Think it's a one off as we went swimming yesterday and I think he was absolutely shattered!

On a not so good note, me and DH have been really not getting along. I think he's finding it really tough. He's very house proud and is struggling with the adjustment that things won't always be neat and tidy. I dont feel he is spending enough time with lo to bond properly and then it feels as though I'm ignoring DH to look after lo all the time. I don't want to be one of those couples. And I'm also terrified of lo growing up seeing his parents argue. My parents divorced when I was 8 and all my memories of them together are unhappy and I do not want the same for my boy.

So despite progress with my little man I've been feeling really down about my relationship with my husband :(

Hugs to all of you :hugs: this motherhood thing is hard bloody work. To top it off my dog keeps scaring lo when she barks at the postman and has woken him up on more than one occasion. Grrrr. Not what you need!
I am sorry MrsButterfly that you are having difficulties with your DH. :hugs:Having a baby is such an adjustment and especially a baby with high needs. Do you think this is a phase that will pass as you both adjust to parenting?
Having a child can add stress to the best of marriages and I think when a child has colic/extreme fussiness it is even harder.

My DH took DD like he does every morning and she started screaming her head off again soon after. I am just so tired...I would love a REAL cup (or 2 or more lol) of coffee. This decaf crap is not cutting it!

Raising a high needs baby is tough. For those of you that BF, how do you keep doing it?? Sometimes I am at my wits end....at times I am grateful it is our one 'magic bullet' to soothing her then at other times I resent it because I cannot get a break (like trying to sleep for 2 hours while DH watches her). Plus the CONSTANT feeding...every hour to hour and a half. This has been going on for 8 weeks. Now she is refusing the bottle which means I might be producing more milk but also means I am not getting a break. I cannot seem to pump enough for a bottle either- not that I have the opportunity to very often because I am either tending to LO or she is FINALLY sleeping and I do not want to wake her to go pump. When I do get a chance to pump I am lucky if I get an oz (happened once). Typically I can get 1/4 to 1/2 and oz.

I have about 2 and a half months until I have to go back to work....I know it seems like a lot of time but I feel like these last 2 months flew by and I am just trying to figure out how I am going to handle all of this AND having to work.

I am done venting for now. I think today is just going to be one of those days. :sleep: Thank goodness grandma is coming over this afternoon. My house has fallen apart this past week, but I am hoping to get some rest if LO will not freak out. Now that she is refusing the bottle and wants to eat every hour it is hard. :nope:
Right now I wish there was a return label on this whole mommy thing- I know I will feel guilty feeling this way when I am not so sleep deprived, but right now I am just feeling beat up.

Do not feel guilty. It is so normal to feel that way! My LO was extremely fussy as a newborn (seems to be growing out of it somewhat) and at 10 weeks I had a moment. I was giving her a bath and I looked down at her and thought, "What have I done? I can't be someone's mother. I'm not prepared". Mind you, I was very sleep deprived at the time, waking every 90 minutes as you are now. I had to put my baby in her crib and walk outside my house and just cry. It was awful. I wanted to run away. Having a child is such a huge shock to the system. With hormones, sleep deprivation and depression it can be very hard. Having a fussy baby makes it even more difficult.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. My LO is 15 weeks old and has improved immensely. 3 months really did seem to be the turning point for us. Some days are better than others, but there are more good days and it makes the tough days more bearable. Although I might have 3 days or broken sleep (going through 4 month wakefulness now, I believe), she will often give me a gift on the 4th day of sleeping 8 straight hours. Recharing really helps. Although she can still be fussy, she smiles and engages now and is much more fun to be around. I still have my days... but it gets better. Hang in there ladies.

My advice is to take it one day at a time. When you're in this stage, it feels like you will never, ever have a life again and it will be like this forever. Take heart that it won't.
Hey ladies. Super tough time here too :( Today has been pretty awful and lo cried every single time I tried to put him down. Finally managed to put him in his swing asleep this afternoon, then someone knocked on the door and the dog went mad and woke him straight up. I honestly could have just broken down there and then.

Only ray of light for us is that we have managed to get him asleep at 8ish last three nights in his swing where he's slept for a few hours until dream feed. Sure I've cursed that now though by writing it down!

Still co sleeping but DH is putting a lot of pressure on me now to get him in his cot so he can move back into our bed. I know it's the right thing to do but I'm terrified of the sleepless nights and also i've grown quite attached to doing it.

Wishing us all a great nights sleep tonight :flower:
:hugs: I hate those days my dogs wake my baby up! But about the co sleeping thing, if you want to continue doing it I would. Baby is just fine :) if your husband disapproves you can tell him that he can happily get up half of the wakings. It's so easy for men to tell us to out them in a crib which gives me worse sleep ever, when they sleep peacefully all night. My husband got up 1, yes ONE single night and almost had a complete mental break down and now wants no more kids :rofl:
I am sorry MrsButterfly that you are having difficulties with your DH. :hugs:Having a baby is such an adjustment and especially a baby with high needs. Do you think this is a phase that will pass as you both adjust to parenting?
Having a child can add stress to the best of marriages and I think when a child has colic/extreme fussiness it is even harder.

My DH took DD like he does every morning and she started screaming her head off again soon after. I am just so tired...I would love a REAL cup (or 2 or more lol) of coffee. This decaf crap is not cutting it!

Raising a high needs baby is tough. For those of you that BF, how do you keep doing it?? Sometimes I am at my wits end....at times I am grateful it is our one 'magic bullet' to soothing her then at other times I resent it because I cannot get a break (like trying to sleep for 2 hours while DH watches her). Plus the CONSTANT feeding...every hour to hour and a half. This has been going on for 8 weeks. Now she is refusing the bottle which means I might be producing more milk but also means I am not getting a break. I cannot seem to pump enough for a bottle either- not that I have the opportunity to very often because I am either tending to LO or she is FINALLY sleeping and I do not want to wake her to go pump. When I do get a chance to pump I am lucky if I get an oz (happened once). Typically I can get 1/4 to 1/2 and oz.

I have about 2 and a half months until I have to go back to work....I know it seems like a lot of time but I feel like these last 2 months flew by and I am just trying to figure out how I am going to handle all of this AND having to work.

I am done venting for now. I think today is just going to be one of those days. :sleep: Thank goodness grandma is coming over this afternoon. My house has fallen apart this past week, but I am hoping to get some rest if LO will not freak out. Now that she is refusing the bottle and wants to eat every hour it is hard. :nope:
It gets easier with feedings :hugs: my son use to be on the boob around 18 hours a day until 3 or 4 months. Now he has a quick 5 minute feed every couple hours and some meals are solids instead of milk

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