Gallery of preggies


Alright...thanks....and I know ya'll are moving past it...I just wanted to make sure I wasn't invading....

Everything Amanda said PLUS the fact that technically the other thread is in the testing gallery, and a LOT of women who are TTC go in there and might not want to see all of the pregnancy talk - not just those of you who are "regulars." It just seemed to be the most sensitive thing to do for everyone, not just people who regularly post in that thread. :thumbup:
Pam I wish I knew I have no clue about the monitor.... But I'd say your opks are fine I noticed mine would get dark then fade then get dark then positive for about a week and a half time span.... I'm sorry I'm not much help :(
Everyone is welcome here and no one is upset here...when things blow up it's hard to stick around.
Afm.... yuck! I'm not feeling well and I'm still so tired..... Please be here soon second tri!
Hi everyone! Glad to hear everyone is doing well and we have some new :bfp:! 10, you truly have a profound way of putting everything into perspective...thanks for always posting!

I don't have much new info to report...things have been crazy around here. I have my followup ultrasound tomorrow morning so it will be an early morn trip for us. I travel 2 hours to see my obgyn (should be fun when I get to the 3rd tri) so we'll be leaving around 6am. I am praying to get great news and see a wonderfully healthy little bean with a heart aflutter. If you have an extra prayer, we'd appreciate it!

Started heparin shots a few days ago and wondering how to avoid bruising? I am doing it just how they showed me but my needles are a little longer than the ones they practiced with at the hematologist's office. They're small bruises but not pretty! It doesn't hurt going in, it just burns for a few minutes as the med goes in, no big deal. Hoping this with everything else will help the baby. I'm still worried about my progesterone but I guess I'll find out in the morning.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

I have been praying for you! I will keep praying! :hug:
okay...thank you all! Enjoy your pregnancies...I hope that I can join ya'll soon!!!
Hello ladies. Sorry I haven't been on much. I have to admit I forgot how much time a newborn took but he is so worth every second and ALL the sleepless nights. I thought I would share my birth story or what I can remember of it...I just copied it out of my new journal. LOL And I will post pics and I can't remember if I posted them already forgive me.

Well I guess its time to tell our birth story of our little Gunner Elisha...

We went into the dr office on March 28th for scheduled amino to see if Gunner's lungs were ready for a inducation due to some complications...the amino went perfect and we found out about 11am that all was a go and was sent over to the hospital to get it started. By my lmp we was 37+3 but he was measuring on the large side the entire pregnancy and he was measuring about 8lbs that morning.

So we get to the room about noon and the nurse checks me and we are almost a 2 and 80% effaced. Since I wasn't a 2 yet they decided to start the inducation with cervidal to soften my cervix more which meant I had to lay flat on my back for a hour and that was awful. That worked and got me to a 3 and 90% effaced which was enough to start the pitocin so about 1:30pm they started the pitocin and the anitbiotics since I was group B strep positive. The pitcon started some contractions but none up high and all just a back ache and period pains...they didn't check me again til 10pm that night and I was stuck at a 3!! I was previous labors went very quickly so I assumed this one would as well how wrong I they turned up the pitocin but the contractions weren't much 2:00 am I was still a 3 almost a 4 and completely exhausted. The nurse called the dr to either turn off the pitocin or break my water he came in and broke my water. Within a hour the back labor kicked in and I decided to give in and get a epidural so I could sleep. At 6 am the nurse came in and checked me I was a 8 woohoo for progress but Gunner wasn't tolerating the labor well and his hr was decelling with each contraction so they turned off the pitocin to give him a rest and put me on oxygen. By 7:30am they were setting up for delivery and they dr came in at 8am and we started pushing...Gunner was having trouble engaging into the birth canel and it was causing his hr to drop so he said we need to get him out so the pushing and the real pain began for some reason the epidural doesn't work for me when it comes to pushing and I felt it all. But anyway pushing was rough and I was on my back which I didn't want to be but with his hr dropping they wouldn't let me move...I was having problems getting his head out so they hooked him up to the vacuum to help which did and we started making progress. I was about to give up I just wanted him out when my DH Tj looked at me and said come on have our baby so I grabbed his shirt shifted positions as best I could and pushed with all I had...Gunner was born at 8:41am weighing 8lbs 4oz and 21 inches long. Tj had guessed I would have him at 8:45am and he would be 8lbs 6oz so he was really close. LOL BUt my perfect little man is here and keeping me busy with bfing and adjusting to the new schedule or the lack of one. LOL Oh I did have a tear and did damage to my ureatha and a very bruised tail bone.

Well I really hope this makes sense, this is the best I remember it and with lack of sleep I am sure I am forgetting something. LOL



I think I told you in FB sandi he is so handsome! you did a great job!
SB, hope your appointment goes perfectly and I will be praying for you.

Pambolina, hi, for the record I never felt mad at anyone. Mad is a feeling I know the least. As far as your opk, I'm with Megg and Katie, you likely have a little bit of time. I have heard lots of ladies say their opks get darker, then lighter, then darker again for the real thing. That would be my first thought. Of course, it doesn't hurt to bd anyway. :)

Katie, you should be getting better really soon. Hang in there dear. You're almost done with this hard part.

Braij, he's absolutely stunning. I mean gorgeous. I'm sure you are so proud of him, he's just awesome!!! It makes me smile.

Reeds, what an awesome story. Isn't it just crazy how everything can be so different than what you would expect? Sorry it took so long, but YOU DID IT!!! He's here and he's just perfect. Congrats!

Hey, another for the record. I didn't and don't feel bad hearing about pregnancy and babies. Even on the other thread, I LOVED it and I LOVE all of you. So another little, for the record, not everyone feels bad to see other girls pg and having babies. I'm saying this with a very sincere heart. That's jealousy that makes women get upset seeing other ladies pg, I'm not saying those feeling aren't normal, but they shouldn't happen when you care about the girls who are pg. Pg is part of ttc, and the ttcers can take heed from the pg girls. I say all of this, and I can officially say I'm not pg as of yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I do feel sad but about losing my baby. I don't feel any bitteness or jealousy towards any of my pg friends or ones who've just had babies. I understand being sensitive to those who it does bother, but when we let those feelings of jealousy and sadness rule us we are only hurting ourselves. There is no reason for any of you to feel bad about being happy and joyful.

Just in case I don't get online, I'm okay, just going out of town on Tuesday through late Wednesday night. I don't know if I'll have time to be on tomorrow, but will likely be back Thursday afternoon.

Have a blessed week.
I'm pretty stoked about all the pregnancies too! I've had a tinge of pain over being left behind once or twice in the last few years, but never toward those who have succeeded. And, I always continued to support my friends' journeys through their pregnancies. Their successes weren't the thing that denied me my own success. There is no finite amount of luck that we're all forced to share. We are all independent of one another, and yet each TTC success is a success for the whole of the TTC group. Each success lends hope... especially those successes that come after a struggle. Obviously, its always joyful... I don't mean its not. But, seeing someone succeed that has struggled is always so hopeful to me. Of course there can be days when its hard to see how many have gone before you... but that's just the hurt that's always in your heart. And, its not directed at those who have moved forward. And, there's definitely no reason for our success stories to feel anything but joy re: their successes! I know I don't intend to feel the least bit guilty in my next pregnancy. I worked for it, and I'm going to enjoy it! And, I sincerely hope my future joy never, ever brings anyone pain.
Hi ladies! I know I'm not pregnant and I honestly don't know where I stand with ya'll....meaning I don't know if I said something to upset you...and I want to apologize if I did!!! The reason I'm here right now is that I already feel comfortable with ya'll and your knowledge and I could really use your help with a question...if you don't mind!!!

I am currently on CD6 and so used my CBFM for the first time and it gave me a High (I read the book and it said it's possible to receive up to 5 highs especially since the monitor doesn't know my chemistry yet) but I am also taking cheapy OPK's and they are sooo much more darker (not positive but so close) than the opk's I've taken in the past....So here is my it possible to ovulate so soon after your period???

It might not even mean anything, who knows my next test might not even have anything there, I dunno, but with such a dark OPK and a High on the monitor I'm starting to wonder!!! Actually, I'm confused! LOL! Thanks so much if you read this and answer it....I'll understand if you wish to disregard this post.

Hey sweets,
I cant speak for everyone BUT far as I know no body is mad at you :D Or really anyone else for that matter. At this point we are all moved on lol. We just wnted somewhere to post our happy thoughts and not feel guilty or like we are rubbing in BFP for the other girls that are still trying. Everyone is welcome at anytime. We are just trying to keep the PMA and get through the next 9 (or 10 depending on how you look at it) with a smile and no strechys lol :kiss::hugs:

Alright...thanks....and I know ya'll are moving past it...I just wanted to make sure I wasn't invading....

:hi: keep bding lol and u cant go wrong:thumbup:

The reason i feel better here is i like to have a moan about being pregnant:haha: and if i were still ttc and pregnant gallery o girls were 'complaining' about :sick: sore boobies etcit would have mademe mad cos id been like :grrL u dont know how lucky you are x hopeu can join us soon x
LOL isnt it true clare....With pregnancy this AWAYS seem to get worse LOL you may have times of feeling awesome. Those are the time your body is thinking up it's next attack on you to make sure you REALLY do want this baby.....Every second hurts, but your body is always planning! lol :laugh:
LOl im so happy to be pregnant but i really thought pregnancy wouldnt make me so tired i feel like passing out,sick to my stomach is completley empty,dizzy pain full boobs were i cant wear a bra :grr:and im not even 10 weeks :rofl:
But On the plus side, just as soon as you think you couldnt never take anymore...youll be in second trimester. Your energy will come back. And your boobies dont hurt nearly as much. and your able to est "ALMOST" anything.

through second trimester its mostly ok, except for being tiered from time to time. But late second and onto 3rd...Im getting BAD leg cramps now. and love back pain lol But I just keep thinking how much nicer it will be to snuggle my baby..

Just try to keep busy with "busy" work LOL

BTW all the dizzy and not finding a bra to fit...yeah that comes back lol
It's okay to whine and complain, those parts of pregnancy really aren't fun but they are very real. I know it doesn't mean that you didn't want to be pg. I remember thinking omg what have I done with my 4yo, I was so sick I swore she was going to kill me and none of my kids would have a momma. It's miserable being sick, and hurting, not matter how badly you wanted it. It's okay to say it, I'm here to listen. I may have to suggest some lemon drops, :). Like Megg said, you shouldn't let anyone steal your joy, nor should anyone else. I'm sorry you are hurting and feeling yucky, you will be to the better part soon. Pregnancy is hard stuff girl! Hugs.
So.... my bp has been getting better. Not really had to many times of it being high. But now baby is not moving as much....I just had to shake my belly a little just to get her to move some. Its just worriesome..... do the babies have days where they dont move as much? I wish she would just jab me really hard and it would make me feel so much better. It seems like she is sleeping to much lol
Nhs called scan on wednesday 11.15 :wohoo:
1 day
40 hours
2452 minutes
147125 seconds
Not that my counting :blush:

Rather scared it might be no HB :(
Hi ladies...I hate to have to share this but we received bad news this morning...I have miscarried again. During the u/s, she couldn't find the heartbeat and it looks like the sac had collapsed. They are diagnosing it a missed miscarriage because my body hasn't realized it yet. It's still having preg symptoms and I haven't started bleeding. So, it's a waiting game which has turned out to be torture. I'm not sure how many times I can "untell" our pregnancy today, we are just crushed. I'm just trying to have some peace with it and I think this one is going to take a little longer. We haven't told the kids yet. I want them to enjoy this beautiful day and I'm just not sure how to break it to them. I'm praying that God will give us the right words.

Thank you all for your prayers and support...I have another appt 4/15 to either confirm it's finished or have a d&c. I'm hoping my body will do it naturally as all the other times.

I'm with 10, please don't feel guilty to be joyful over your pregnancies...I am a maternity and birth photographer and plan to continue. Although I'm crushed today and completely in shock, that doesn't take away the joy I feel for those of you blessed with pregnancy, ok? Don't feel like you have to hide your happiness.
Hi ladies...I hate to have to share this but we received bad news this morning...I have miscarried again. During the u/s, she couldn't find the heartbeat and it looks like the sac had collapsed. They are diagnosing it a missed miscarriage because my body hasn't realized it yet. It's still having preg symptoms and I haven't started bleeding. So, it's a waiting game which has turned out to be torture. I'm not sure how many times I can "untell" our pregnancy today, we are just crushed. I'm just trying to have some peace with it and I think this one is going to take a little longer. We haven't told the kids yet. I want them to enjoy this beautiful day and I'm just not sure how to break it to them. I'm praying that God will give us the right words.

Thank you all for your prayers and support...I have another appt 4/15 to either confirm it's finished or have a d&c. I'm hoping my body will do it naturally as all the other times.

I'm with 10, please don't feel guilty to be joyful over your pregnancies...I am a maternity and birth photographer and plan to continue. Although I'm crushed today and completely in shock, that doesn't take away the joy I feel for those of you blessed with pregnancy, ok? Don't feel like you have to hide your happiness.

:cry:Awww hun Why oh Why do any of my ladies have to go through this :cry: Luff ya:kiss: take care of urself and sorry for ur beanie loss :(

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