GD support thread


The Folic acid police!
Mar 29, 2008
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I thought it would be nice for us all to have a thread to share and refer back to.

Who has GD, when did you find out and when are you due? How are you coping? Or are you at high Risk of borderline and need some moral support.

Adelicia - Baby due March Arrived safely by induction! :happydance:
KatieB - Baby due 22 March 2011 arrived safety on own accord! :happydance:
Milosmommy7 - Baby girl due 6 May
Joanne40 - Baby girl due 8 May
BizyBee baby boy due May 9th
Clo - baby boy due on 16 May
the.lion - baby boy due 16 May
Lindsayscoob - baby girl due 20 May
K7_xcx baby due 21 May, induction on 7 May
Ladyredlainey - baby girl due 23 May
Spunky - baby boy due May 27
xshell79 - baby girl due 30th May - inducing on 16th May
Jmiller - baby girl due 31 May
Tabitha561 - baby girl due May
K123 - Baby due 5 June
Cammy - baby boy due 14 June
Midori1999 - baby girl due 5th July
Rachyroux - baby girl due 5 July
twinkle22 - Baby girl due 10 July
Emmea12uk - Baby girl due 11 July
Kdea457 - baby due 20 August
I had my GTT on Friday and a phone call to say my levels were slightly high this morning. My first appt with diabetes nurse is on Tues so won't know much more til then - but am seeing my consultant tomorrow morning so will be asking him some questions. I'm due on 5th June and this is my first pregnancy so it all seems a bit overwhelming at the moment!
I remember how I felt first time, like the ground should just swallow me. In a few weeks you will feel much better about it hopefully. Good luck tomorrow.
I'm already counted as high risk because of a very low PAPP-A result at 12weeks, and because I suffer from a v strange kind of migraine that paralyses my optical nerves and as my Mum had big problems with high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia when pregnant. I know all of this will be more than worth it when my little boy arrives, but I'm finding everything harder than I ever imagined pregnancy would be.
i took my 1 hr test last tuesday. i got a call on wednesday saying my levels were very/extremely elevated. i took the 3 hr test last friday. and i failed that one. i'm due May 6th. so i'm hoping to make it to atleast May 1st. i wanna be a May mom! lol.
tomorrow afternoon i go to meet up with the maternal fetal medicine specialist. they said the diabetic educator was supposed to call to set up an app but havent heard from them yet.
i'm pretty nervous since i didnt have it with my son and it's all new to me.
I failed my 3 hour test by one point :( I had my appt with the nutritionist today and was given my machine with test strips along with a diet to put into effect. I can't help feeling like I did something wrong to cause this but the nutritionist says that it is all hormonal. Im due May 31st
This is a really good idea Emmea12uk, GD is such a shock when you're first diagnosed and it can get you down from time to time so it's nice to have a support thread going for us girlies :thumbup: I have GD, was diagnosed at 27 weeks and was borderline in my GTT. Am coping ok and on metformin but keep getting +++ ketones in my urine for the last 3 weeks and they are asking me if I'm eating enough? Well, probably not! It's a healthy diet but it's hard not to become a bit obsessed with keeping within range, I stress so much about giving my baby too much sugar. Eating more carbs now to try and get rid of them but some things just send my blood sugar mad, i.e. what I'm told to eat, like brown bread! Been told to relax a bit for the next week or so and may need to be put on insulin if I can't eat more and get rid of these ketones. Am 35 weeks now though and think I'll be induced at around 38 weeks, will find out next week fingers crossed, when I have my last growth scan. Good luck to all you ladies, like many of you have said, you feel like a failure and I did for a few weeks but there's nothing anyone can do about it, it's just one of those things. xxx
I definitely feel like I've done something wrong - but rational part of me know's that isn't true. I was a bit overweight when I became pregnant but I have been fairly healthy and when I haven't been it's been because of a need to eat something which doesn't bring on morning sickness which I'm still suffering with occassionally.
i feel like it's my fault. even though i've researched and read how you get it. but the fact that i'm overweight makes me feel bad because i think other people are gonna see me and say "well thats why you have it". no, it's a pregnancy complication. i didnt have it with my son. and i weighed the same. so i KNOW it's not because of my weight.
i feel like it's my fault. even though i've researched and read how you get it. but the fact that i'm overweight makes me feel bad because i think other people are gonna see me and say "well thats why you have it". no, it's a pregnancy complication. i didnt have it with my son. and i weighed the same. so i KNOW it's not because of my weight.

I feel the same, but almost the other way as I have it and I'm a recovering anorexic.

I wasn't picked up until 35 weeks. My levels are a bit on the high side, but not massively so. It's not really helping me eat sensibly having to tightly think about everything I eat... I know I've lost a little weight this past week which isn't great at 37 weeks, but if I eat 'normally my blood sugar levels are above what they want to see for me.

I've been told that if my bloods are okay I might be 'permitted' to go to full term as I have no signs that the baby is oversized. The only sign that I had GD other than the blood sugar is that I have too much amniotic fluid. The funny thing was, this wasn't picked up at 32 weeks when I went for a scan to see if my placenta had moved (it had!) so I'm not convinced it's actually that much.

I get very angry as part of me blames myself for the GD, and the other half is very annoyed as I know it's partly genetic and partly hormonal and not much I can do about it.

I have to say, I've had b***ger all support from the NHS on what to eat, other than some very silly doctor who hadn't even looked at my notes telling me to 'get my diet under control' which no use unless you give it a context of 'and this is what you should be eating'
Had an ante-natal appt this morning and asked the Dr I saw lots of questions about GD. She found my results and says I'm borderline rather than having full GD which is great news. My fasting sugar levels were fine, but the ones 2 hours after the drink were very slightly high (they should have been below 7.8 and were 8.3). Dr was very reassuring that she thinks I should be able to control things quite easily with just a few 'tweaks' to my diet rather than massive changes, but I need to wait til next Tuesday's appt with diabetes midwife to know more.
I'm already counted as high risk because of a very low PAPP-A result at 12weeks, and because I suffer from a v strange kind of migraine that paralyses my optical nerves and as my Mum had big problems with high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia when pregnant. I know all of this will be more than worth it when my little boy arrives, but I'm finding everything harder than I ever imagined pregnancy would be.

I know just how you feel - in my last pregnancy it felt like everything was going wrong. The baby was sick and disabled my health was playing up too. It will be ok in the end xx
Fortunately at the moment it seems my little boy is just fine, and I'm hoping with the extra checks he'll stay that way. It just seems to be me who's suffering, but I'd much rather it was that way round. Now have another scan booked for 3weeks today so I'm looking forward to seeing him again then.
This is a really good idea Emmea12uk, GD is such a shock when you're first diagnosed and it can get you down from time to time so it's nice to have a support thread going for us girlies :thumbup: I have GD, was diagnosed at 27 weeks and was borderline in my GTT. Am coping ok and on metformin but keep getting +++ ketones in my urine for the last 3 weeks and they are asking me if I'm eating enough? Well, probably not! It's a healthy diet but it's hard not to become a bit obsessed with keeping within range, I stress so much about giving my baby too much sugar. Eating more carbs now to try and get rid of them but some things just send my blood sugar mad, i.e. what I'm told to eat, like brown bread! Been told to relax a bit for the next week or so and may need to be put on insulin if I can't eat more and get rid of these ketones. Am 35 weeks now though and think I'll be induced at around 38 weeks, will find out next week fingers crossed, when I have my last growth scan. Good luck to all you ladies, like many of you have said, you feel like a failure and I did for a few weeks but there's nothing anyone can do about it, it's just one of those things. xxx

Awww sorry you are finding it tough - I have no experience with the met and insulin so I can't relate. I hope it works out for you though

It is no body's fault anyone has gd. Although it is true that something increase the risk I have a family history of diabetes but in my last pregnancy I was fit and healthy and still got it.

It is caused by the hormones your placenta produces blocking the signals which control your release if insulin. Without enough insulin your sugars get too high.
i feel like it's my fault. even though i've researched and read how you get it. but the fact that i'm overweight makes me feel bad because i think other people are gonna see me and say "well thats why you have it". no, it's a pregnancy complication. i didnt have it with my son. and i weighed the same. so i KNOW it's not because of my weight.

I feel the same, but almost the other way as I have it and I'm a recovering anorexic.

I wasn't picked up until 35 weeks. My levels are a bit on the high side, but not massively so. It's not really helping me eat sensibly having to tightly think about everything I eat... I know I've lost a little weight this past week which isn't great at 37 weeks, but if I eat 'normally my blood sugar levels are above what they want to see for me.

I've been told that if my bloods are okay I might be 'permitted' to go to full term as I have no signs that the baby is oversized. The only sign that I had GD other than the blood sugar is that I have too much amniotic fluid. The funny thing was, this wasn't picked up at 32 weeks when I went for a scan to see if my placenta had moved (it had!) so I'm not convinced it's actually that much.

I get very angry as part of me blames myself for the GD, and the other half is very annoyed as I know it's partly genetic and partly hormonal and not much I can do about it.

I have to say, I've had b***ger all support from the NHS on what to eat, other than some very silly doctor who hadn't even looked at my notes telling me to 'get my diet under control' which no use unless you give it a context of 'and this is what you should be eating'

I am really surprised that you have had no advice from the nhs! If you need any just ask as I am sure we have all had the lectures.

The basics are for one week avoid all sugar including fruit sugars. Cut down dramatically On carbs and monitor how your levels are after every meal. If they are high then review what could have made it high (remember silky things like batter or breadcrumbs are carbs and some vege Also contains carbs). If it is good then increase what you fancy next time checking your levels afterwards.

If you drink sugary drinks Or fruit juice- stop. Drink more water and consider a light walk whenever your levels are high.

I hope that helps!
Thanks for your help :flower:

I am really surprised that you have had no advice from the nhs! If you need any just ask as I am sure we have all had the lectures.

I don't think it helped that both the diabetic nurse and the consultant that specialises in GD are both on annual leave at the same time!

I already follow a mostly healthy diet, though I'll admit over the past few months I've been having a few too many sugar things, mainly because it's very hard to get healthy snacks outside the home since I don't eat meat or dairy.

I've only had a few 'high' results, the highest of which was 11.1 after eating, which I think was down to the carbs in a baked potato.

I hope this goes away after delivery... I'm aware there is a blooming good chance it will come back again the the future and I'm going to do my best to put that moment off as long as possible, cause this is not my idea of fun!
i feel like it's my fault. even though i've researched and read how you get it. but the fact that i'm overweight makes me feel bad because i think other people are gonna see me and say "well thats why you have it". no, it's a pregnancy complication. i didnt have it with my son. and i weighed the same. so i KNOW it's not because of my weight.

I feel the same, but almost the other way as I have it and I'm a recovering anorexic.

I wasn't picked up until 35 weeks. My levels are a bit on the high side, but not massively so. It's not really helping me eat sensibly having to tightly think about everything I eat... I know I've lost a little weight this past week which isn't great at 37 weeks, but if I eat 'normally my blood sugar levels are above what they want to see for me.

I've been told that if my bloods are okay I might be 'permitted' to go to full term as I have no signs that the baby is oversized. The only sign that I had GD other than the blood sugar is that I have too much amniotic fluid. The funny thing was, this wasn't picked up at 32 weeks when I went for a scan to see if my placenta had moved (it had!) so I'm not convinced it's actually that much.

I get very angry as part of me blames myself for the GD, and the other half is very annoyed as I know it's partly genetic and partly hormonal and not much I can do about it.

I have to say, I've had b***ger all support from the NHS on what to eat, other than some very silly doctor who hadn't even looked at my notes telling me to 'get my diet under control' which no use unless you give it a context of 'and this is what you should be eating'

the nutrionist i saw today kept reassuring me that majority of the time it's caused by hormones that are created during pregnancy. today is my first day that i'll be testing so i'm not sure how my levels are gonna be. i hope to find it easy to eat enough (to feed my pregnancy hunger) but not make my levels get too high.
Hi hope you don't mind me adding to this I had my boy 9 months agao he was my 2nd with GD I started on metformin but if made me poorly so went on insulin. I was induced at 35 weeks but that is a whole other story :dohh:

The best advice I was given by the consultant was eat lots and eat healthy but my job is to make sure I feed the baby their job is to control the GD.

It was scary the first time round and you feel like you have let your baby down . But 99/100 it is pregnancy related and as long as you are doing what you are required to then very rarely do complication factor in. The first time I was induced at 37 weeks with a 9lber very healthy and is still very tall for his age. The second, like I said, induced 35 weeks and just under 8 lb. Try to avoid yoghurts even low fat as they are high in sugar, strawberries, grapes and melon should be eaten only in moderation and try and keep you carbs and protein the same size for each meal fill up on veg.

Above all try and enjoy your pregnancy as this is only one very small part of it.

Good luck ladies :hugs:
tempie - mind i ask why you had to be induced at 35w?

I had to go to day unit 3 times a week.

2 days I would be monitored

The 3rd I would be scanned.

I went at 35+2 I had been feeling "wrong" when I woke up. My insulin needs had dropped over the last 2 days (which I thought was a good thing) and my SPD was the worse it had ever been. Fetal movement was also reduced.

I had been hooked up to the monitor baby was moving but no increase in heart rate so they did a scan to find my waters were low.

The Doctor was called I explained re the reduction of insulin that along with everything else pointed to my placenta having matured and was starting to fail. I was allowed to go home to pick my hospital bag up and the LO's from school then had to go back to be induced.

DS arrived next day weighing 7lb 9oz very VERY easy labour :dance:

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