Well, I was sent to a nutritionist, if you want I can pass along to you what they told me. (I had GDM while I was pregnant too

Bear with me, some stuff you probably already know.
I was told to look at my plate, and divide it into sections. First, divide the plate in half. One half of your plate should be greens/veggies. Then take the other half and divide that in half again. Have one portion be protein and the other portion carbs. A big mistake that alot of people make is thinking that they should skip carbs altogether, but your body needs them. Just make sure that you always have protein with your carb as it'll take your body more time to digest it.
We talked about how food isn't always a source of high blood sugars. Stress plays a really wicked part in spiking your levels. My OH's uncle is diabetic and when he was at work his sugars spiked up to 63 (when a normal is between 5-7). Exercise helps as well, but nothing to strenuous. I was also told that I didn't have to skip sweets entirely, but to be sensible with my portions of them, and if I wanted to have some then I should go for a moderate-paced walk afterwards to help balance out the sugars.
She also explained to me that GDM is different than regular diabetes, because sugar is sugar is sugar. Regular diabetics can have some sugar, and it'd be fine. However, with GDM because it goes straight to the baby it doesn't matter if it is synthetic, regular or processed. (Again, not saying that you have to cut them out completely, but don't think because it is organic sugar that it won't spike your sugar as much as processed/refined sugars might).
She was a little iffy on the Glycemic Index method of eating, where each food is given a number: The lower the number, the more (in theory) you can have. Like a blueberry is something like a 2 or a 5 on the GI chart, whereas pineapple or watermelon is up near the 80s... I think.... I can't remember off hand. The GI method was given to me when I was referred to an Endocrinologist.
Not sure if that helps any, and I'm sure most of this stuff you already knew. Figured I'd pass along what I learned. It certainly isn't worth paying for (IMO) and the only reason why I went was because it was covered under OHIP. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have gone.