Gestational Sack Measured 5W5D but empty

they should never do a sono so early, all it does is worry people...i personally think they do it for the money because u cant even tell if its ectopic at this point so there is no reason for such an early sono..

chin up hun...when the baby grows bigger u will see it..right now its smaller then a grain of rice and tucked way back (hug)

I agree. But it was done and now I am a basket case. I also had high blood pressure at 144/93 so I am trying to stay calm but Monday cant come fast enough.

144/93 is not that high more like you had something on ur mind so it elevated a sure once you calm down it will be normal. Again alot of women do not see anything until 8 weeks for so many depends where the baby implanted itself is a major one, when the baby actually implanted is another one.sac is different age most times then the baby. How ur uterus lies, is it tucked very back? Then it really might take up to 8 weeks to see anything. Again the baby at this stage is well to small to see as well as its yolk...yes some and only some people see it by 6 weeks but that is actually the minority..which is why you see so many women crying in fear when they get these early scans...
Just because someone is bleeding which is normal i dont believe everyone should get these scans...even with ectopic you really cannot tell much of much till a bit on...

its more for money that they do these early scan...unless there is a real medical reason they really shouldnt be done..


Hey justhoping most ectopics are discovered and treated before 8 weeks or they rupture. It is very rare for an ectopic to make it past 8 weeks and if they do they usually end in a ruptured tube. The other reason for early scanning with ectopics in specific is because the preferred course of treatment is methotrexate which is most effective before hcg reaches 3,000 so early scanning is a must in this situation to prevent surgery. The doctor usually look for a thickened uterine lining(apparent at 4 weeks) which is a good sign the egg implanted in the uterus, then a gestational sac (5-6 weeks usually), and finally a yolk sac to rule out an ectopic for certain.

I was an ob nurse for 10 yrs, now a ER nurse. I know what im saying. they cannot see an ectopic at 3-5 weeks gestation, yes they pick it up before 8 weeks but this early you cannot see anything 80 percent of the time so its basically for money unless there looking at something else all together...Just because the uterine line thickens doesnt really mean your pregnant either it can mean your body is getting ready to have your period. To me getting it doen so early is just an unnecessary scare for people , give it at least another week, then you can at least possibly see something either it in the uterus and or in tube...but its usually over the 6 week mark. You cannot see anything anyplace with number below 1000 so really why do it then? Why scare people for no reason? Wait a week and then see.
Watch out for the sellers. Mine sold me one with cancer. The jerk. :haha:
Watch out for the sellers. Mine sold me one with cancer. The jerk. :haha:

oh gees, really? I would report them to the business Bureau...People these days, think they can get away with everything...tsk tsk:dohh:
I know we talked a bit earlier in another thread. Every pregnancy is different but the fact that you had a dif experience the other two times definitely explains your concerns. I think you'll be just find. Definitely keep us updated though!

Hey justhoping most ectopics are discovered and treated before 8 weeks or they rupture. It is very rare for an ectopic to make it past 8 weeks and if they do they usually end in a ruptured tube. The other reason for early scanning with ectopics in specific is because the preferred course of treatment is methotrexate which is most effective before hcg reaches 3,000 so early scanning is a must in this situation to prevent surgery. The doctor usually look for a thickened uterine lining(apparent at 4 weeks) which is a good sign the egg implanted in the uterus, then a gestational sac (5-6 weeks usually), and finally a yolk sac to rule out an ectopic for certain.[/QUOTE]

I was an ob nurse for 10 yrs, now a ER nurse. I know what im saying. they cannot see an ectopic at 3-5 weeks gestation, yes they pick it up before 8 weeks but this early you cannot see anything 80 percent of the time so its basically for money unless there looking at something else all together...Just because the uterine line thickens doesnt really mean your pregnant either it can mean your body is getting ready to have your period. To me getting it doen so early is just an unnecessary scare for people , give it at least another week, then you can at least possibly see something either it in the uterus and or in tube...but its usually over the 6 week mark. You cannot see anything anyplace with number below 1000 so really why do it then? Why scare people for no reason? Wait a week and then see.[/QUOTE]

Yes hun but respectfully (I'm not questioning your extensive experience :winkwink:) if they don't see a gestational sac by 5 weeks and hcg has reached that threshold it is one of the first signs something can possibly be amiss as well as other parameters determined during the scan. As far as a thickened uterine lining we are talking about confirmed pregnancies not women getting an internal scan right before af :thumbup: I'm not saying any of these things are 100% but as a whole and coupled with other information it's what the doctors use to make the decision of whether to diagnose as ectopic or not.

All these signs they look for on early scans are there to support the doctor and patient in making the most informed decision to resolve the pregnancy with methotrexate which has to be done early on to work. Trust me it's hard when you have normal hcg levels (me) and no pain (me) and week after week no baby can be seen on the scan and have to make a decision w/o knowing where the pregnancy is.

Again I agree that unless there's a reason an early scan is a lot of worry..I believe I said that in my first response to the poster's concern. For ectopics tho I disagree with your thinking here.
when i had an internal sono my uterine lining was thick and the women did not know I was ttc at the time , said looks like your body is doing the right thing and getting ready for AF. Talked to my doctor and then he said something totally different, said good sign of early pregnancy, My body was indeed actually getting ready for AF. So using to me the lining to determine anything that early to me is bs....I was 7 dpo and you cannot tell the different between getting ready for pregnancy and or getting ready for a period. So how can you use that to see if the pregnancy is someplace else before then. You cant, Any scan before 6 weeks is usually for money and no reason to scare a patient. What you want to do is up to you, honestly ...but I was trying to calm this person down not get into a fact

I hope what i wrote helped and that this off track fact war didnt get her nerves riles up more :(
I do hope the facts have calmed you down hun and that you get through this week with some more ease...((hug))
when i had an internal sono my uterine lining was thick and the women did not know I was ttc at the time , said looks like your body is doing the right thing and getting ready for AF. Talked to my doctor and then he said something totally different, said good sign of early pregnancy, My body was indeed actually getting ready for AF. So using to me the lining to determine anything that early to me is bs....I was 7 dpo and you cannot tell the different between getting ready for pregnancy and or getting ready for a period. So how can you use that to see if the pregnancy is someplace else before then. You cant, Any scan before 6 weeks is usually for money and no reason to scare a patient. What you want to do is up to you, honestly ...but I was trying to calm this person down not get into a fact

I hope what i wrote helped and that this off track fact war didnt get her nerves riles up more :(
I do hope the facts have calmed you down hun and that you get through this week with some more ease...((hug))

Um hun I'm okay and not upset at all.....I am sorry you are taking this to heart as your typing seems a bit erratic now. I am just sharing my experience with my own ectopic and truly sorry you are taking it this way. Again tho let me clarify that the scans I am referring to that show a thickened uterine lining are women who have been confirmed pregnant....not women who may be starting af like you are using for an example. This is not a fact war sweetie and it's okay to disagree. Perhaps if you'd like to discuss it further we should pm as this poor lady's thread is getting hijacked lol. I'm sure she just wanted some reassurance not a secondary debate on ectopic diagnosis lol.
they should never do a sono so early, all it does is worry people...i personally think they do it for the money because u cant even tell if its ectopic at this point so there is no reason for such an early sono..

chin up hun...when the baby grows bigger u will see it..right now its smaller then a grain of rice and tucked way back (hug)

I agree. But it was done and now I am a basket case. I also had high blood pressure at 144/93 so I am trying to stay calm but Monday cant come fast enough.

144/93 is not that high more like you had something on ur mind so it elevated a sure once you calm down it will be normal. Again alot of women do not see anything until 8 weeks for so many depends where the baby implanted itself is a major one, when the baby actually implanted is another one.sac is different age most times then the baby. How ur uterus lies, is it tucked very back? Then it really might take up to 8 weeks to see anything. Again the baby at this stage is well to small to see as well as its yolk...yes some and only some people see it by 6 weeks but that is actually the minority..which is why you see so many women crying in fear when they get these early scans...
Just because someone is bleeding which is normal i dont believe everyone should get these scans...even with ectopic you really cannot tell much of much till a bit on...

its more for money that they do these early scan...unless there is a real medical reason they really shouldnt be done..


Hey justhoping most ectopics are discovered and treated before 8 weeks or they rupture. It is very rare for an ectopic to make it past 8 weeks and if they do they usually end in a ruptured tube. The other reason for early scanning with ectopics in specific is because the preferred course of treatment is methotrexate which is most effective before hcg reaches 3,000 so early scanning is a must in this situation to prevent surgery. The doctor usually look for a thickened uterine lining(apparent at 4 weeks) which is a good sign the egg implanted in the uterus, then a gestational sac (5-6 weeks usually), and finally a yolk sac to rule out an ectopic for certain.

I was an ob nurse for 10 yrs, now a ER nurse. I know what im saying. they cannot see an ectopic at 3-5 weeks gestation, yes they pick it up before 8 weeks but this early you cannot see anything 80 percent of the time so its basically for money unless there looking at something else all together...Just because the uterine line thickens doesnt really mean your pregnant either it can mean your body is getting ready to have your period. To me getting it doen so early is just an unnecessary scare for people , give it at least another week, then you can at least possibly see something either it in the uterus and or in tube...but its usually over the 6 week mark. You cannot see anything anyplace with number below 1000 so really why do it then? Why scare people for no reason? Wait a week and then see.

Thanks! I appreciate it however that didnt really tell me anything about my situation. As soon as the Dr inserted the probe she said "The pregnancy is in the uterus so its in the right place". The problem is that it is empty or she just couldnt see anything in it. It measured 5W5D so spot on. So I guess I am trying to get some reassurance that this is normal and I should not be concerned unless it is not normal and I should be concerned.
Im so sorry that you are going through this...i know its nerve racking.that is why i said such an early sono only makes people really worry when they cant really see much of much..
its very common hun....if you look through the old threads you will see others like you who where in the same exact position and it turned out fine a week or two really does depend on all tat jazz i put up about when you actually ovulated...the oks only tell the surge but cant tell you when you actually Oed, and that plays a huge factor in if you will see something or not...also when the egg and spermmies met
and where it actually places itself in ur uterus....
and if ur uterus itself is tucked really far back it makes it harder as well..
so it is very normal not to see much of anything at all until later....

u are definitely in my prayer hun and im almost definitely sure that within a week you will see your little beanie baby bobbing up and down happy as a clam ((hug))

keep posting and talking about it if it makes you feel better...
if u want someone to talk to just pm me happy to lend a supportive ear.....((hug)) again....:hugs:

try and occupy urself with some happy things....make the time go faster and help u to stop stressing..(keep that blood pressure down)..:) xxoo

made the post look festive to cheer you up :)
Hi there ladies. Sorry I have not updated in a while. After numerous blood draws and ultrasounds it was time to face reality. I am going to have a miscarriage. I opted for a d&c tomorrow because Iwould like to put it behind me and try again asap. I am ok have had time to prepare. My concern now is is it going to take me 8 months to conceive again? I hope not. Good luck to the rest of you.
when i had an internal sono my uterine lining was thick and the women did not know I was ttc at the time , said looks like your body is doing the right thing and getting ready for AF. Talked to my doctor and then he said something totally different, said good sign of early pregnancy, My body was indeed actually getting ready for AF. So using to me the lining to determine anything that early to me is bs....I was 7 dpo and you cannot tell the different between getting ready for pregnancy and or getting ready for a period. So how can you use that to see if the pregnancy is someplace else before then. You cant, Any scan before 6 weeks is usually for money and no reason to scare a patient. What you want to do is up to you, honestly ...but I was trying to calm this person down not get into a fact

I hope what i wrote helped and that this off track fact war didnt get her nerves riles up more :(
I do hope the facts have calmed you down hun and that you get through this week with some more ease...((hug))

Um hun I'm okay and not upset at all.....I am sorry you are taking this to heart as your typing seems a bit erratic now. I am just sharing my experience with my own ectopic and truly sorry you are taking it this way. Again tho let me clarify that the scans I am referring to that show a thickened uterine lining are women who have been confirmed pregnant....not women who may be starting af like you are using for an example. This is not a fact war sweetie and it's okay to disagree. Perhaps if you'd like to discuss it further we should pm as this poor lady's thread is getting hijacked lol. I'm sure she just wanted some reassurance not a secondary debate on ectopic diagnosis lol.

thank you

but my typing was not erratic nor was i taking anything to heart, just putting facts out there like everyone else ;)

thanks for understanding though hun,

when i had an internal sono my uterine lining was thick and the women did not know I was ttc at the time , said looks like your body is doing the right thing and getting ready for AF. Talked to my doctor and then he said something totally different, said good sign of early pregnancy, My body was indeed actually getting ready for AF. So using to me the lining to determine anything that early to me is bs....I was 7 dpo and you cannot tell the different between getting ready for pregnancy and or getting ready for a period. So how can you use that to see if the pregnancy is someplace else before then. You cant, Any scan before 6 weeks is usually for money and no reason to scare a patient. What you want to do is up to you, honestly ...but I was trying to calm this person down not get into a fact

I hope what i wrote helped and that this off track fact war didnt get her nerves riles up more :(
I do hope the facts have calmed you down hun and that you get through this week with some more ease...((hug))

Um hun I'm okay and not upset at all.....I am sorry you are taking this to heart as your typing seems a bit erratic now. I am just sharing my experience with my own ectopic and truly sorry you are taking it this way. Again tho let me clarify that the scans I am referring to that show a thickened uterine lining are women who have been confirmed pregnant....not women who may be starting af like you are using for an example. This is not a fact war sweetie and it's okay to disagree. Perhaps if you'd like to discuss it further we should pm as this poor lady's thread is getting hijacked lol. I'm sure she just wanted some reassurance not a secondary debate on ectopic diagnosis lol.

thank you

but my typing was not erratic nor was i taking anything to heart, just putting facts out there like everyone else as well as just trying to help OP as you where...;)

thanks for understanding though hun,

they should never do a sono so early, all it does is worry people...i personally think they do it for the money because u cant even tell if its ectopic at this point so there is no reason for such an early sono..

chin up hun...when the baby grows bigger u will see it..right now its smaller then a grain of rice and tucked way back (hug)

I agree. But it was done and now I am a basket case. I also had high blood pressure at 144/93 so I am trying to stay calm but Monday cant come fast enough.

144/93 is not that high more like you had something on ur mind so it elevated a sure once you calm down it will be normal. Again alot of women do not see anything until 8 weeks for so many depends where the baby implanted itself is a major one, when the baby actually implanted is another one.sac is different age most times then the baby. How ur uterus lies, is it tucked very back? Then it really might take up to 8 weeks to see anything. Again the baby at this stage is well to small to see as well as its yolk...yes some and only some people see it by 6 weeks but that is actually the minority..which is why you see so many women crying in fear when they get these early scans...
Just because someone is bleeding which is normal i dont believe everyone should get these scans...even with ectopic you really cannot tell much of much till a bit on...

its more for money that they do these early scan...unless there is a real medical reason they really shouldnt be done..


Hey justhoping most ectopics are discovered and treated before 8 weeks or they rupture. It is very rare for an ectopic to make it past 8 weeks and if they do they usually end in a ruptured tube. The other reason for early scanning with ectopics in specific is because the preferred course of treatment is methotrexate which is most effective before hcg reaches 3,000 so early scanning is a must in this situation to prevent surgery. The doctor usually look for a thickened uterine lining(apparent at 4 weeks) which is a good sign the egg implanted in the uterus, then a gestational sac (5-6 weeks usually), and finally a yolk sac to rule out an ectopic for certain.

I was an ob nurse for 10 yrs, now a ER nurse. I know what im saying. they cannot see an ectopic at 3-5 weeks gestation, yes they pick it up before 8 weeks but this early you cannot see anything 80 percent of the time so its basically for money unless there looking at something else all together...Just because the uterine line thickens doesnt really mean your pregnant either it can mean your body is getting ready to have your period. To me getting it doen so early is just an unnecessary scare for people , give it at least another week, then you can at least possibly see something either it in the uterus and or in tube...but its usually over the 6 week mark. You cannot see anything anyplace with number below 1000 so really why do it then? Why scare people for no reason? Wait a week and then see.

Thanks! I appreciate it however that didnt really tell me anything about my situation. As soon as the Dr inserted the probe she said "The pregnancy is in the uterus so its in the right place". The problem is that it is empty or she just couldnt see anything in it. It measured 5W5D so spot on. So I guess I am trying to get some reassurance that this is normal and I should not be concerned unless it is not normal and I should be concerned.

i see u did end up having a problem so im very sorry for your loss and that you are going through this

normally what the tech saw at 5 weeks 5 days is normal., that is what i was saying.......usually when they would go back a week later is when they would start to see something. That is why so many people you see on here asking if its ok not to see anything or much of anything at 4-6 ish weeks ....there is so many factors to factor in as well as when the egg actually met the sperm...when it actually implanted and where it implanted in the uterus...determines on how early you may or may not see something normally....

but normally that early you wouldnt see much of much at that stage..

again im very sorry for your loss and i hope you and ur partner find somehow to get through this :hugs:
Hi there ladies. Sorry I have not updated in a while. After numerous blood draws and ultrasounds it was time to face reality. I am going to have a miscarriage. I opted for a d&c tomorrow because Iwould like to put it behind me and try again asap. I am ok have had time to prepare. My concern now is is it going to take me 8 months to conceive again? I hope not. Good luck to the rest of you.

I am so very sorry for your loss.
Hi there ladies. Sorry I have not updated in a while. After numerous blood draws and ultrasounds it was time to face reality. I am going to have a miscarriage. I opted for a d&c tomorrow because Iwould like to put it behind me and try again asap. I am ok have had time to prepare. My concern now is is it going to take me 8 months to conceive again? I hope not. Good luck to the rest of you.

Aloha, I'm so sorry for your loss. I just wanted to reassure you that it need not take 8 months to conceive again. It took me 7 months to conceive my second pregnancy of 2013, and I lost that one too...and only had sex 3x the next month...which resulted in another pregnancy (this one). So far so good. I have heard that women are more fertile after a miscarriage also.

Again I'm sorry you are going through this. :( Be gentle to yourself and hope to see you back here with a rainbow soon! <3
Thanks for all of your kind words I am doing well, had time to prepare myself. Cant wait to ttc again.
thank you

but my typing was not erratic nor was i taking anything to heart, just putting facts out there like everyone else as well as just trying to help OP as you where...;)

thanks for understanding though hun,


Babylove12 I apologize again..sigh. I'm so sorry things turned out this way:hugs: We conceived a few months after our ectopic loss so I believe you will be pregnant again and they do say once you've been pegnant your body knows what to do and it's easier the next time around.

Dear justhoping...this disagreement was from over two weeks ago and this is quite obsessive. Please stop hijacking this poor woman's threads with your own personal issues with me. I pm'd her some time ago to discuss this to avoid having this negativity on her thread. Please pm me if you'd like to discuss this further.
Don't lose hope after the D&C! I had one after I had a MMC (suppose to be 14 weeks, baby stopped growing at 8). I conceived again 3 months later and this baby is on the right track to being healthy. I'm so sorry for your loss. Stay positive :hugs:

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