Could be over supply.. just feed on demand.
Is your LO swallowing?
Or does he pull off during a let down?
can i rudely butt in on this conversation and say that when i feed on my left breast he starts to choke and has to come off to catch his breath, does that mean my milk lets down too fast on that side?
Sounds to me like you have a lot of milk !
Does your LO sometimes choke / cough while on the breast?
Well you say your boob is always full .. Meaning you have a lot of milk in there.
And if he's still eating fine..
Why do you think reflux ?
kosh, I hope your results come back fine
with regards to the problems it does sound a bit like a oversupply issue which might be causing bubs to gulp milk down ver quickly and therefore take in lots of air too. Is he pulling his legs up to his chest as well after a feed? Might be worth trying to burp his half way through a feed too, or at least inbetween breasts. My LO used to suffer badly from wind until about 12wks and he would act like you LO sounds xxx
If you pump milk, your body still thinks it needs to make more milk .
I'd just let baby nurse, after a few days or so your body will catch up and figure out how much milk to make.
Also you can only do 1 breast at a time, or 1 breast for 2 feeds (block feeding).
This will help with oversupply .
If you pump milk, your body still thinks it needs to make more milk .
I'd just let baby nurse, after a few days or so your body will catch up and figure out how much milk to make.
Also you can only do 1 breast at a time, or 1 breast for 2 feeds (block feeding). This will help with oversupply .
If you pump milk, your body still thinks it needs to make more milk .
I'd just let baby nurse, after a few days or so your body will catch up and figure out how much milk to make.
Also you can only do 1 breast at a time, or 1 breast for 2 feeds (block feeding). This will help with oversupply .
is this what you think I should do too?
(why doea 1 breast per feed help with oversupply?)
kosh, I hope your results come back fine
with regards to the problems it does sound a bit like a oversupply issue which might be causing bubs to gulp milk down ver quickly and therefore take in lots of air too. Is he pulling his legs up to his chest as well after a feed? Might be worth trying to burp his half way through a feed too, or at least inbetween breasts. My LO used to suffer badly from wind until about 12wks and he would act like you LO sounds xxx
thanks caro
yes, i think you and lilly12 are right - it can be an oversupply.
i think i got confused because reading other similar cases, they had been diagnosed with reflux, and also becasue I thought oversupply and forceful letdown go always together (do they?) and I didn't think I had forceful let down..(he does not pull off during let down)
also,can you have an oversupply just on one breast?